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57.14% FTWD Shattered World / Chapter 27: Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Chapter 27

Warning: This chapter contains bestiality.

Today I woke up and thought: the MC is a werewolf from TVD, different from other shows or movies that depict partial wolf transformations. He transforms into a wolf completely. So I thought: why not?

This scene is near the end. You will know when to skip it if you wish as you read the chapter.

This chapter gave me headaches, I lost the saves of it several times, having to redo several key conversations. In the end, I did it as best I could and brought it to you readers, so we can continue the adventure. Before there were more details, but well, it is what it is.


"Good, let's wait until Strand finishes with what he needs to do, and let's grab Nick and go," Paul says smiling, he knew Strand would leave with them, he just was playing hard to get.

Paul took his liberties with his mother, enjoying her body as she sat on him. As he did so, Liza and Ofelia came to their side hurriedly.

"There's a problem with Daniel. They've detained him after he supposedly attacked one of the workers," Liza said hurriedly.

"That's not what happened," Ofelia exclaimed, worried about her father. "Papa... Papa tried to take me away from this place... He said Mom was waiting for us outside the gates..."

"Shit, it seems it's getting worse. Whatever this thing is that Daniel has." Paul cursed in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Liza questioned in doubt.

"There's a problem with his brain, just that we don't know if it's psychological or neuronal. He started acting weird since we came to Baja," Paul commented on what he had found so far.

"Has something like this happened before with your father, Ofelia?" Madison asked her thoughtfully.

"No! Papa never had anything like this," Ofelia said, really worried.

"Does someone in your family have similar antecedents?" Liza questioned her, trying to find out what Daniel's problem could be.

"I don't know, I never had contact with someone from our family. Papa said that all our relatives are dead in the Salvador" Ofelia said in worry.

"That's a problem. It could be anything. Given the recent situation, he was hallucinating. It could be something worrisome like Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's," Liza said a few truly nasty things to have. "Or maybe it's something like stress, anxiety, depression, or it could be bereavement - his brain trying to cope with the loss of your mother."

"Papa..." Ofelia was distressed about what her father could have and anxious because she didn't know where they had taken him.

"We need to do something. We can't leave him alone with these people," Madison quietly said to Paul.

"We will, Mom," Paul reassured her. He also wanted to help the old man. "Don't worry, Ofelia. We'll see what happened to him and try to help him with whatever he has."

"This is what we'll do," Paul then instructed them on a few things before they left. He also reassured Ofelia that they would take her father by force if needed when they were about to depart this place.


A few hours later, Strand had finished digging Thomas's grave. Thomas inside the casket was already in the ground waiting to be covered. Celia, Strand, and the other family workers were giving their final goodbyes to Thomas Abigail.

Celia was giving a eulogy for him as the others listened. Paul, Madison, and the rest were observing and listening from a distance beside the house.

Hace 40 años que trabajamos para la familia Abigail. (Forty years we worked for these Abigails.)

Les hicimos de comer. Les lavamos las sabanas. (Made their food. Cleaned their linens.)

Les crie el hijo que ignoraron, como si hubiera sido de mi propio cuerpo. (I raised the son they ignored, as if I bore him from my own body.)

Que no quede duda, Thomas era mi hijo. (Make no mistake, Thomas was my son.)

Hoy, entierro a mi propio hijo. (Today, I bury my son.)

Ya no soy sirvienta. Hoy todos somos nuevos. (I'm not a housekeeper anymore. All of us are new again.)

Y cualquier pecado que hayamos cometido, cualquier mentira que hayamos dicho, cualquier corazon que hayamos traicionado. Hoy se olvidan, el mundo renace. Ahora comienza nuestra labor y lo haremos en honor a su memoria. (And whatever sins we committed, whatever lies we told, hearts we betrayed. Today, they are forgotten, the world is reborn. Now the work begins, and we shall do it in the honor of his memory.)

"When are we leaving this place?" Alicia asks as she rests on her brother's chest as he embraces her, looking at the burial.

Soon, after Strand is done and we get Daniel," Madison says quietly to her daughter and the other girls.

"It's a relief, I wasn't liking this place too much. These workers are always looking at us." Amy says, slightly worried and disgusted.

"They are like creeps, always watching us. It's clear they don't want us here." Andrea also comments.

"I will not leave. I will stay in this place," Nick suddenly says, contrary to the popular opinion of the rest about this place. "I find myself good here."

"Nick. This is not the moment to be stupid with your theatrics." Claire strongly reproaches him.

"Are you doing drugs again, brother?" Paul asks, really confused about what he is thinking, to believe all the shit they are throwing at him and be convinced by them.

"No! I'm not taking anything. I feel fine here." Nick exclaims.

"Nick, baby, please. You need to stop doing this, you need to come with us. This place, these people, they are no good for you, please," Madison begs him.

"No, you don't see it, do you? Here we don't need to continue doing the killing we do outside, we can be safe and have everything we need," Nick says, angrily before leaving amidst his family calling for him.

"Well fuck, it is by force then. I will knock him out so we leave with him if needed," Paul angrily exclaims.

Madison was thinking about what to do with her son and that woman who was poisoning his mind. She found that she couldn't leave this to rest and needed to act about it.

As they were discussing in family, the burial continued until everyone paid their respect.

"It's time for you to leave," Celia tells Strand. She doesn't want him to be here any longer than necessary.

"I'm not done," Strand simply says.

"It's time for you to leave. (Ayudenlo.) Help him." Celia says again as she orders a few grunts to move Strand out of the vineyard.

Seeing this, Strand grabbed the shovel in hand, as if he would use it to defend himself, not intending to move until he was done.

"I won't have violence here. Fine, let him punish himself." Celia says letting him finish burying Thomas. "You should hurry, it's a long way back in the dark."

"Where's my father?" Ofelia with concern asks Celia as she intercepts her. 

Paul made a sarcastic face seeing her say that to Ofelia; that bitch doesn't want to let anyone see him. She wanted to play with Daniel because he poked her buttons, with the things she did, and she was bitter about it. She made similar excuses to him when he asked for Daniel. She also took the chance to question him to find out if he knew anything about their armory that was stolen. They checked the group but didn't find anything in them, so they left us alone for the moment, but Daniel's situation gave them a way to try to find answers about it.

"I want to see him." Ofelia insists.

"I can't allow that. The man he cut almost lost his eye." Celia says to make her desist.

"That wasn't his fault," Ofelia hurriedly explains while worried about her father.

"He's a danger to himself, Ofelia." Celia says, not caring about what she says. "He's a danger to you. How long has he been unwell?"

"I can't help him if you don't talk to me," Celia says, as if she were genuinely worried about it.

"He's not a bad man." Ofelia's face changes to neutral, seeing that she would not allow her to see her father, whatever she said.

"Of course not," Celia says almost spilling her insincere words, as she moves away.

Madison gives her an almost disgusting look, as if seeing her is not worth her time, and moves her eyes away from her.

Celia just scoffs and keeps moving.

"Alright, Strand is almost done and night is about to descend at any time. Let's move all the things into the cars." Paul said to his girls.

Two hours later, they were already done.

"Alright, you girls, wait in the car or beside it. Liza, Chris, you too." Paul says.

"We will go for Daniel and Nick," Paul says as he leaves with Madison who wants to do something too.

"What do you want to do, Mom?" Paul asks her quietly as they move inside the house to look for Nick.

"I will make that bitch reunite with her son if she so much loves the walkers," Madison says already having made up her mind.

"Alright, but I will follow you, just to make sure you are safe all the time," Paul says to her as he embraces and kisses her lips trying to relax her about what is to come.

Not long after, Paul was listening from the hallway as his mother entered the room that was of Thomas, as Celia was inside.

"You're making a mistake," Madison criticized her.

"It happens every day, and as you get older, you learn to forgive yourself." Celia didn't care about her words as she was removing the pillow cover with Thomas blood on it.

"I owe him. He brought us out of hell, he got us here. I'm alive because of Victor, my children are alive because of Victor." Madison still doing her act, was trying to make her reconsider.

"He killed my son. That man killed my son, what more is there to say? I would think you of all people would understand." Celia says leaving no room to discuss for Strand.

"What about my son?" Madison seeing it then changes the topic.

"Do you think I am filling his head with false faith?" Celia asks with a smile.

"Yes," Madison replies with a neutral face.

"He is a remarkable soul. Open-hearted, Fearless. The only reason you are here is because I see the light inside him." Celia instead answers as if talking about someone close to her. "I know how rare it is, he understands. The changed ones are our responsibility."

"He's my responsibility," Madison says clearly to her.

"If you remain here, you will have to accept them as Nicholas does. As we accept them." Celia remarks, but actually, she would like them to leave. "It is a new world. I hope you can see it with new eyes."

"What if I can't do that?" Madison questioned her, seeing how she wanted to impose their twisted way.

"Then your son will choose between his family and the truth that they don't want to understand." Celia simply states.

"I want to understand. I do. I need to understand." Madison seeing her that she had her where she wanted says.

"Come with me," Celia says with a smile, satisfied that maybe she could make her change because of her son.

After a while of Celia leading Madison and Paul following them quietly behind without anyone noticing they entered the cellar. "If your child was hungry, would you not feed him? If your child couldn't speak, would you not speak for him anyway? Even if your child could not love, would you not love him anyway?" Celia says as she opens the gate into the room where the walkers are feasting on something next to the wall in the distance.

"I would," Madison says not showing emotions on her face as she is two steps behind Celia as she walks inside the room.

"What wouldn't you do for your children?" Celia asks again as she looks with love in her eyes at what once was Luis.

"Nothing," Madison says decisively as she steps back from the room and closes the gates with the keys, leaving trapped Celia in there with the walkers.

"You," Celia says seeing Paul and Madison behind the gate, but then turns to look at the incoming walkers upon her, waiting for her impending death.

"Come, Mom. Let's find Daniel, he must be here." Paul says as he takes his mother's hand leading her down the stairs while they hear the painful screams of Celia on their back for a few seconds until it goes quiet. He was moving with his mother where he thought they should be keeping Daniel tied.

Entering one of the large rooms, they see Daniel releasing himself from a chair where he is tied as he knocks out with a headbutt the man called Jorge who looks like a guard.

"Daniel, we came for you," Madison says as she helps him to untie from the ropes.

"Come on. We need to leave now, everyone is waiting for us." Paul says as he helps him to get up.

"No, not yet. There is something I need to do." Daniel says with fervor as he takes a lighter and keys from Jorge's body.

"Quickly my love, you know what you must do, for Ofelia, for me, for your soul. I'm waiting for you, set me free." Griselda Salazar was saying beside them to Daniel as only he could see his own hallucination.

Then as he leaves the room he also takes a fuel can he sees in a corner.

"Paul," Madison says as she takes her son's hand.

"It's okay, let's see what he wants to do," Paul says as he grabs her hand and walks after Daniel. "He must be delirious."

Daniel opened the gate and slowly entered the room where the walkers were eating a body with relish. Not bothering with him, until he was close to them as he spread on the ground the fuel from the can, intending to burn all the walkers and the place to the ground.

"Daniel, come on. Do it and let's go." Paul says as he sees the smile of relief on his face as he prepares to burn it.

Daniel not hearing anything or actually, being conscious of his surroundings, lights the lighter and drops it onto the ground, making a massive fire that quickly spreads with the help of all the stored wine all over the place.

"Paul, babe, we need to leave this place. It's all burning down." Madison says as she takes his hand urging him to leave.

"Wait outside, I will pull him out," Paul quickly says to his mother to leave through the door to outside the building then he moves into the room and grabs Daniel intending to move him out but he stays there not budging. "Come on, Daniel. This place is all burning down! We need to leave, now."

But Daniel didn't respond.

"Do you want to leave Ofelia orphaned of her father and mother? She is waiting for you outside." Paul yells to him. "Ofelia still needs her father to survive out there."

Daniel snaps from the state he was in becoming lucid at the mention of his daughter.

"We need to move. Move, move," Daniel says as he moves out of the room. Seeing the walkers and the building already burning and spreading like wildfire.

Exiting, Paul takes his anxious mother's hand and they leave. As they move, Paul sees the full moon in the dark sky, making his eyes abruptly change to a glowing yellow color and his body starts to squirm in pain as it tries to make him shift. 'Fuck' he cursed inside him while trying to suppress the change and calm himself.

"Let's go to the cars," Paul says with a ragged breath as he tries to control himself while also enduring the pain.

"What's the problem, babe?" Madison quickly asked him seeing that he wasn't feeling good. Seeing his face she saw his eyes a glowing yellow making her surprised. "Your eyes, Paul. They changed, what's happening to you?"

"What's wrong with you?" Daniel asks uncertain and afraid of what he saw.

"I don't know, but we can't wait here to try to find out what the problem is. Let's move to the cars, and when we leave this place we can see." Paul says as he calms and suppresses for the moment the inevitable change with his eyes coming back to normal.

"Wait, we need to find Nick," Madison says suddenly. Getting stressed out with the problems that were piling up one after another, she was really worried about Paul's situation and also distressed with Nick.

"Fuck," Paul cursed, almost forgetting they needed to look for his stupid brother. "Alright, quickly, let's go to the house."

On the way, they saw how Nick was at the door leading to the gardens looking at how the cellar was burning out like a candle illuminating the dark sky of the night.

"Thank God, Nick." Madison sighed, seeing her son at the door. She quickly took his hand. "We need to move!"

"Where's Celia?" Nick asked instead.

"We have to go. We have to leave this place, Nick." Madison said urgently to him, her voice filled with worry. "We have to leave, baby. All this place is burning."

"Come on, Nick! Stop making trouble at this time." Paul yelled to him, his eyes were changing to a glowing yellow again as he was getting angry after trying so hard on the way to make himself be calm. "Don't be stupid."

"Who did this?" Nick questioned, realizing they must have done something to her. He didn't see Paul's glowing eyes, as he wasn't looking at them but into the distance where the fire was spreading everywhere.

"Does it matter? We need to move out of here." Paul was getting irritated with his brother.

"She was right about us," Nick said, a sad, mocking smile on his lips.

"What?" Madison said, not understanding her son's behavior.

"Celia. She knew what we are," Nick said, almost convinced of what he was saying.

"What are you talking about? Let's go to the truck, Nick." Madison said, urging him to walk as she pulled from his hand.

"We destroy everything," Nick wasn't listening; instead, he was releasing how he felt.

"They're coming. We've got to go!" Strand suddenly appeared from the other side of the hallways, leading into the parking lot where the cars were. "Madison, we need to move now."

"Alright. It's enough of your nonsense, brother. Go to sleep for a few hours so you can calm down," Paul said and knocked him out in a blur, carrying him on his shoulders.

"Careful," Daniel said, seeing a few armed workers appearing from another side.

Paul drew his pistol and shot them dead as Madison also pulled hers from her back. They quickly left the house and saw, in the distance, more workers moving towards them as the house burned. More walkers appeared suddenly from other places.

"Get in! We need to go, now!" Claire yelled, sitting in the driver's seat of the car.

"Mom, you sit with them. As I carry Nick in the back of the truck," Paul instructed her, as he got in the cargo bed along with Nick and Daniel. There was Ofelia too, who brightened seeing her father.

"Papa. Are you okay?" Ofelia quickly asked Daniel, as he got in the box.

"I'm fine, just a flesh wound," Daniel said, as Ofelia touched the cut on his head.

"Strand, move out!" Paul yells to him as he sees Claire already driving out along the road.

The workers started shooting at us with their rifles and shotguns while Strand followed behind them, and Paul supported their escape by returning fire, killing those with guns, until he ran out of bullets. Luckily, these people didn't have good aim and didn't hurt anyone in the process.

As they were leaving along the road, Paul couldn't take it anymore as he saw the full moon. His body started squirming all over and his bones were breaking, making him look hideous as he screamed in pain.

"What is happening back there?" Strand says with worry in his voice as he keeps driving and tries to look at the cargo bed.

"Oh, my god," Liza exclaims.

"What's happening to him?" Ofelia says with fear.

"I don't know; don't be near him," Daniel also says with a tilt in his voice, not knowing what to think of what his eyes are showing him, he previously saw how his eyes changed and now this.

"Don't be scared of what you will see," Paul says with difficulty as veins bulge on his face and his eyes change into a yellow color. "Aaaghhh. Fuck!..."

After a moment, he relaxes his body as he embraces the pain, remembering that not fighting the transformation will accelerate the process, making it quick even in the first change

"Something is coming from inside me!" Paul says to them, and then with a few crackling sounds as his body reconfigures into something different, he transforms into a big wolf, completely different from those in the wild in size by a good margin. He is now a big white one with gold/yellowish eyes.

Paul felt weird in his new body form, but contrary to what was supposed to happen - like losing control or being an angry blur of teeth wanting to bite anything in front of him - he was under control, not making any angry sounds or moves, but feeling really weird. He didn't know what to think as he looked at his dog legs - or in this case, white wolf legs. He also felt really horny than any other emotion, wondering if this was because he was actually a horny wolf at soul, or if Hope also felt like this.

While sitting on his hind legs, he looked at Daniel and Ofelia, who had big eyes as they looked at him, the same as Chris' open mouth and Liza beside him in the front as they looked back. Feeling like teasing them, Paul howled at the moon, waking them from their stupor. He did a gesture raising his front leg, waving his paw at Daniel and Ofelia, showing that he was still himself and not to be so cautious.

"What is happening?" Ofelia marveled with stars in her eyes as she saw Paul in his wolf form.

"This is something impossible," Daniel couldn't make sense of what was happening in front of him.

"Papa, look how cute Paul is now; he doesn't look aggressive," Ofelia says as she tries to pet him.

"Ofelia! Don't!" Daniel tries to stop her, not knowing if what was 'Paul' was something dangerous, even if he didn't try to attack them yet.

Ofelia nonetheless extended her hand and touched his white fur. Paul exhaled a breath of air, as if sighing, and let her touch for a moment to satisfy her emotions, before pushing her with his paw. He was feeling horny, and the touch didn't help. Ofelia wasn't to his liking, so he didn't want to do something wrong, like fucking her suddenly in his wolf form in front of Daniel.

"What happened to you, Paul?" Ofelia asked after catching his meaning of stop touching him.

Paul shook his wolf head from side to side, as if telling he didn't know. Then, he looked at the moon as if trying to convey something.

"The moon?" Daniel said after seeing that.

Paul showed an ugly smile on his wolf head as he tried to smirk at Daniel, understanding. He showed razor-sharp teeth that promised destruction and death if anyone were on the other side of them, scaring them both, more than being amused. They saw him move his head up and down as if nodding.

They exited the vineyard and moved along a road where there was nothing for miles around until they could only see, far in the distance, the Abigail estate burning, making bright red the dark sky.

As the cars stopped beside the road and everyone exited them, the topic of conversation was the new big wolf beside them rather than their escape from the vineyard. The girls nearly had a heart attack when Daniel explained to them, as he could, that the wolf was Paul. They threw themselves at the wolf, caressing his fur and petting him. They kissed him all over his wolf head and body, making him have a wolf hard-on that did not go unnoticed by them, as it was so big - how would they not notice it?

Paul licked all over their faces with his long tongue, wetting them with his saliva as his only means to calm them down because he couldn't speak at the moment. He didn't know how to reverse his current form to human and would need to wait for daybreak before returning to normal automatically and feeling the reverse process to learn from it.

Being a little rough at first, he extended a claw on the ground, trying to write on it to try to communicate with them. After a moment, he could make words so they knew he was fine and not in pain, also telling them he didn't know what happened - that seeing the moon made him transform into what he was currently.

With no other choice and needing a place to stay for the moment, they postponed his current situation for the time being as he was not in danger aside from being a wolf now. The girls still were touching or resting against him, as he was a big wolf with plenty of places for them to grab. Paul noted that Alicia and Claire were being naughty, tugging his wolf cock from time to time and making him whimper at their touch. Andrea was very bold also, touching him more than his sisters, even his balls, while Amy timidly petted the tip of his wolf cock.

After a moment of relaxing at their caresses, he came in Alicia's hand who licked it clean, relishing it. But Claire also took her hand and grabbed some of it, loving the taste, by seeing how she extended her hand to grab what was left on his cock and trying to milk him for more. After the post-nut clarity, he remembered the pickup with the weapons. So, he wrote on the dirt that he left a truck filled with weapons and they needed to recover it now, in case it gets taken by someone else.

Not having a way to direct them to where to drive, he moved beside his mother and wrote that she would ride him as they went to the pickup with her mounted on his back. The girls also wanted to ride him, causing all kinds of trouble, he appeased them for a while until they stopped when he promised to let them ride him after coming back.

Madison a little weirded out 'mounting' her wolf son, locking her legs at his sides trying to find stability as he moved too fast along the terrain, but not long after she dropped along his body embracing his neck to not be dropped from him. Wanting to tease him in his new peculiar form she nuzzled against his neck and started kissing him all over while her hands also roamed along his body, making it hard for Paul as he was getting a hard-on while he ran along the fields.

At their current speed in no time they came to a stop beside a pickup. Paul sat on his hind legs and signaled her the truck. Madison checked the cargo bed and the seats filled with weapons and bags. There was the stuff they had when entering into the Vineyard and more.

"Good, son. There are a lot of guns and equipment in here. You even took the machine gun from the yacht." Madison says as she checks the weapons.

Paul howls at that. Then he gets in two legs and 'mounts' her from behind as she had her ass pushing out into him while she was looking into the cargo bed. He pushed his big wolf cock against her ass while he tried to grab her hips with his paws and not hurt her in the process, making Madison moan at it, it was weird and hot at the same time for her, knowing that the wolf pushing his extraordinary large cock was her son. The scene was out of a little girl's kinky fantasy novel, making her really horny at what was happening, at this 'bestiality'.

Paul moved relentlessly, his hips pushing his wolf cock against her ass. He whimpered in frustration because there were her trousers in between, wanting to feel her soft and smooth big ass instead of the cloth. So, he licked her neck and cheeks as he covered completely her body while standing, as if releasing his frustrations.

Madison noted her son's excitement and extended a hand, starting to give him a handjob on his wolf cock. This made him more horny than he already was. Not long after starting to touch him, he pushed her into the ground with his weight and positioned himself above her face. He pushed his wolf cock against her lips. Madison parted her full lips as she looked with clouded eyes in love at what was in front of her. She sniffed around it, taking in his smell.

Paul saw her part her lips and wasted no time, pushing his wolf cock like a piston inside her waiting lips. He howled at the touch as she sucked and licked around him. His hind legs almost gave way, making him almost drop on her because of the enhanced pleasure he was feeling at the moment. Madison was delighting in her son's wolf cock as she savored his taste on her lips. She loved it and sucked and licked like crazy his shaft, wanting to milk him from his enhanced wolf milk, desiring to taste it too. She saw how Claire and Alicia had an obsessed look on their faces when they licked it. She wanted the same.

Not long after, Paul rewarded his mother, cumming gallons of cum inside her waiting throat. She gulped it down as she could, but it was too much for her. It spilled from the corners of her mouth. She climaxed as she drank, moaning loudly on his cock while cumming a river out of her pussy, wetting her trousers. She was lost already, her eyes unfocused with heart eyes.

Paul was satisfied after cumming on her beautiful throat as it constricted and massaged his wolf cock, he could smell her climax and arousal as he removed his cock from her wet mouth so she could breathe more easily as his cum still filled her mouth as she tried to drink it all and let out a little burp at being filled with so much. 

Not letting her rest he moved his head between her legs and started sniffing and licking around her pussy, giving her signs that he wanted to have access to her little pussy.

Madison moaned still a little dazed after deepthroating her son's cock and drinking too much of his cum. She moved her hands to her trousers intending to remove them as she was past her lucid state, only wanting to keep finding release at his touch. It was the end of the world and she don't care anymore if this was normal or not anymore, she wanted to fuck her wolf son she wanted his big wolf cock inside her.

Paul's large canine cock throbbed with arousal, the musky scent of his mother's slick pussy driving him wild with desire. He nuzzled his wet muzzle against her inner thighs, his warm breath caressing her delicate flesh as he prepared to claim what was his.

Madison whimpered softly as Paul's rough tongue lapped at her dripping folds, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. She reached down, tangling her fingers in his thick fur and guiding him closer to her aching pussy.

With a deep growl, Paul pressed his snout against Madison's entrance, his long pink tongue snaking out to taste her sweet nectar. He thrust his tongue deep inside her, exploring every inch of her velvet walls as she moaned loudly in ecstasy.

"Oh fuck, Paul...your's incredible," Madison panted, her hips bucking against his snout as he lapped at her dripping slit.

Paul's wolf eyes glinted with lust as he gazed up at his mother, his hot breath fanning over her sensitive skin. He could see the desire written across her face and the smell of arousal emanating from her dripping pussy, the need for him to take her, to claim her as his own in his current wolf form.

With a low growl, Paul positioned himself between Madison's thighs, his throbbing wolf cock resting against her entrance. He leaned in, his warm breath caressing her face as he nuzzled her cheek and then licked her face wetting her in his saliva.

Paul's howl rumbled through the air, sending shivers down Madison's spine.

"Son...take me!" she moaned loudly, wrapping her arms around his furry neck and pulling him closer while moving her hips catering his cock to go inside her.

Paul thrust his hips forward, his thick wolf cock sliding into Madison's tight, wet hole in one swift motion. She cried out in pleasure, her walls stretching to accommodate his massive size.

"Fuck,'re so big," Madison gasped, her nails digging into his fur as he began to move inside her.

Paul grunted in satisfaction as he slowly rocked his hips, his thick cock sliding in and out of her dripping pussy. He could feel her muscles contracting around him, drawing him in deeper with each thrust.

Paul growled, his hot breath fanning over her face as he picked up the pace.

Madison's hands roamed over Paul's furry body, feeling the powerful muscles flexing beneath her touch. She could see the hunger in his glowing yellow wolf eyes, the primal need to claim her and mark her as his.

"Take me, son...cum inside, make me yours," Madison moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him deeper inside her.

Paul let out a guttural howl as he quickened his pace, his big heavy balls slapping against his mother's big ass as he pounded into her. She cried out in pleasure, her eyes rolling back and saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth as intense waves of ecstasy crashed over her.

As Madison's orgasm approached, Paul reached down with his nuzzle and bit her nipple softly without hurting her as he took her breast on his jaw sucking and lapping at it.

That action of his sent Madison over the edge, her pussy clenching around Paul's thick wolf cock as she came undone in his paws. Paul continued to thrust into her, riding out her orgasm as she screamed his name lost in ecstasy.

With a final, powerful thrust, Paul emptied himself inside Madison, his hot seed flooding her womb as he marked her as his own, visibly bulging her stomach with how much he was filling her. They collapsed together in a sweaty, furry heap, panting heavily as the aftershocks of their pleasure subsided.

Madison nuzzled into her son's furry neck, inhaling his musky scent as she basked in the afterglow. "That was incredible, son...I never knew sex could be like this."

Paul nuzzled back, his tongue licking at the sweat on her skin, his mother extended her hand and touched her protruding belly filled with his cum and then moved her hands down until she cupped his balls in her hands massaging them, loving the feeling of how it made his wolf cock twitch inside her.

After an unknown amount of time of being like that, a walker suddenly appeared shattering their peace, annoyed Paul removed his wolf cock from his mother's pussy as his cum left from inside her as if opening a dam, then he quickly killed it as he ripped it apart with his paws not wanting to have walker shit on his mouth.

After Madison pulled herself together from her thoroughly fucked state, she got dressed as her son's cum leaked from her puffy and ravaged pussy. Then she sat in the driver's seat. She started the truck the moment she saw Paul get into the cargo bed, then they left the place where she had just experienced the kink of bestiality as her son in wolf form had devastated her pussy and brought her so much satisfaction. She loved her son, even if he stayed as a wolf.

Bobainox Bobainox

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