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53.06% FTWD Shattered World / Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

After leaving the cellar, Paul leads him further into the gardens, away from that building. "This is madness."

"That child spoke to the dead as if they were still alive," Daniel said, still doubting what he had seen. It was as if the walkers were pets in a cage.

"Indeed, the kid is not the only one; everyone here sees them like that," Paul remarked, briefly recounting his encounter back in the stables with the peón, Ramón Valdés. "They have a peculiar way of viewing the dead; they believe them to still be alive."

"But who started all this insane philosophy? That is something I don't know nor want to find out," Paul says as he considers his next move. They needed to leave this place where the people living here had walkers as pets in a cage. It was not safe to be around people like that or the walkers. "In any case, I don't intend for my family to stay in this place. We will leave soon."

"Daniel, are you alright?" Paul asked, doubtful, as he noticed the old man wasn't entirely listening or focused on their conversation.

"Yes, I'm fine," Daniel snaps out of his trance. "I believe I know who's responsible for all of this. It's that woman, Celia. She's the one in charge of this place while the owner is dying from a walker bite."

"We need to find where they have our weapons and equipment stored to break in, just in case they don't want to give it back to us as we leave this place," Paul says, looking into the buildings around and then back into the cellar. He noticed that, besides the gate leading to a walker-infested room, the hallway continued extending into several rooms, with stairs leading underground as well.

"I will leave tomorrow to scavenge a few places that Ramón pointed me that could be useful, also I intend to give a brief visit to the yacht and retrieve the machine gun from there." Paul comments after removing his eyes from the door leading into the cellar.

"Good, it's a start," Daniel says, beginning to walk away. "I'm going to speak with that woman and find out exactly what we're dealing with here."

"Wait, Daniel!" Paul called out, trying to tell him that it wasn't necessary, that they needed to leave regardless. But seeing him still walking, he followed him.

"I just came from the cellar." Daniel enters the kitchen where Celia is washing dishes.

"Are you responsible?" Daniel asks about the walkers trapped inside there.

"They are family," Celia answers him calmly. "The children, husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers of the people who have worked here for years."

"Over my dead body was I going to refuse them shelter," Celia continued as she kept drying a plate with a cloth. "It wasn't safe for them out there; they were being monsters."

Celia then puts on the table two sacramental bread (host) over a paten.

"The parishioners?" Daniel asks after seeing that.

"You poisoned them, you killed them all," Daniel affirms, sure of that after sniffing one.

"No. You killed them," Celia answers, convinced of what she says, that the walkers are still them in a new form of life.

"By bringing death close, you endanger us all," Daniel refutes her.

"Why do you fear death? Why are you so obsessed?" Celia instead of answering counters him, seeing how the old man is carrying something.

"You need to make peace with your dead, old man," Celia says to him before leaving the kitchen with the paten.

"What are you afraid of?" Celia says to Daniel as she stops at the door.

Paul approaches Celia outside the kitchen.

"They're not really dead for you, it seems," Paul says, already marking this woman as insane like the rest of the people here, but this one was the craziest of the lot, being the one spreading his mad beliefs into them.

"No, they are not, Nick's brother," Celia responds, looking directly into his eyes, aware now that he listened to her and Daniel.

"But you are quite a religious person, given the paten, the host, and all that talk," Paul points to the religious items she has on hand.

"Indeed I am," she nods solemnly.

"So what are they for you? Do you think they are like Our Lord, raised by God from the dead? The resurrection of the flesh? On the third day, they walked again among the living (walkers)?" Paul asks, adding a hint of sarcasm.

"They are what comes next," she answers calmly, not affected by his sarcasm.

"Alright, let's put it this way: do you believe in the soul? That our body is just the temple for it while still being alive?" Paul continues, not giving her a chance to respond. "What makes us... be us? Our brain? Our memories?"

"The soul is eternal. Our bodies are but vessels, yes. But those who return are not empty husks. They are transformed," she explains with conviction.

"The moment we die, it leaves us. They are not alive. Those rotting things moving around, killing the true living people, are just a husk of what they once were," Paul argues, a little irked by the things he was hearing.

"You see decay and death, but I see transition and continuity. They are not lost; they are in another state of existence, still part of our world," Celia insists, convinced of her beliefs.

"So you think the soul stays with them? That they're still who they were?" Paul asks with a mocking smile.

"Their essence remains. They are not to be feared but understood. They are part of our journey, our family," she replies.

"And you think it's right to keep them like this? To let them roam suffering for eternity in a putrid and decayed vessel and kill anything alive?" Paul challenges, as he raises an eyebrow.

"We do not have the right to judge their existence. We must embrace them, protect them, for they are the proof of what lies beyond," she responds firmly with a gleam in her eyes.

"Even if that means endangering the living?" Paul presses.

"Life and death are intertwined. One cannot exist without the other. We must accept the whole, not just the parts we understand," she replies, her voice unwavering.

"But what if you're wrong? What if they are just mindless corpses, and this belief of yours is just a way to cope with the horror?" Paul questions.

"Faith is not about certainty. It is about trust in the unseen, the unknown. I may not have all the answers, but I believe what I see in them is true," Celia says, her conviction unshaken. She gives Paul a final nod and walks away, leaving Paul in contemplative silence.

Daniel, who had been listening from the kitchen, steps out as Celia leaves.

"What do you think?" Daniel asks.

Now I know why this place... it's too 'normal,' too spotless for these times," Paul replies him as he looks at the corner Celia took, moving into a bedroom. "This is a madhouse."

"She's mad, Daniel. A stupid zealot woman praying nonsense," Paul replies in disgust.

Daniel nods knowingly. "What can you expect from someone who believes those walkers down there are still her family?."

"Yeah, right. Maybe once they were, now they're just walkers." Paul says finding all this absurd. "We're just supposed to accept that we're surrounded by ticking time bombs because she said so? Wait for her 'family' to tear us apart?"

"We need to be smart about this. Celia has influence. If we confront her directly, we risk everything," Daniel cautions.

"I don't want to confront her, I want to leave this place or take it killing them all, but I'm not so keen on staying in Mexico actually, I am desiring to go back to the country," Paul says frustrated.

"We can't stay here, this place is impure. For now, stay vigilant and watch over everyone. When the time comes, we'll make our move and leave. But for now, we play along," Daniel advises.

"Play along? That's your plan?" Paul questions, skepticism clear in his voice.

"Survival sometimes means compromising. We can't let our guard down, but we also can't act rashly," Daniel explains. "Now it's nighttime, we can't leave with no clear destination in the middle of the night."

"Fine," Paul agrees reluctantly. "I'm going to find where they have our weapons and equipment stored and break in. I will quietly move out our things in the darkness. Tomorrow we leave."

"Agreed. She's and everyone is dangerous, and that's something we can't forget," Daniel approves of him getting the weapons.

The two men exchange a knowing glance, both aware of the precarious situation they are in. Daniel gives Paul a reassuring pat on the shoulder before they both head in different directions.

Paul instantly started searching the buildings next to the main house in the darkness, not finding anything in them, he moved into the big building where the cellar was, passing the hallway with the walkers locked by a gate at one side, descending by the stairs into a few large underground rooms.

At the entrance of one of the rooms, he could see a big door guarded by a man who was sitting doing his watch. Well, he was trying to watch, as he was more sleep than watching over the place.

Paul approached him quietly not making a sound and stuck him into sleep, now this time for sure he would not be watching anything for a couple of hours.

Going inside, he finds all their stuff piled in a corner and a few racks with other weapons and ammunition. This brought a smile to his face, given that he would not need to go to loot urgently for more ammo.

Checking fast, he saw a pair of 12 gauge shotguns, a pistol that he took into his hands recognizing the Colt M1911A1, liking the classic pistol. Next to it was a MAC-11, a machine pistol/submachine gun. It was the first time Paul had held a gun like that, and he also saw three assault rifles in a rack that seemed to be AK-47 variants. He didn't know for sure what they truly were, but to him, they were similar to an AK-47. One of them had an under-folding stock.

Paul doesn't know about the gun laws and regulations in Mexico but he was sure that a lot of the things in here were not legal to have at least for law-abiding civilians, these Abigail's must have been in the business as their other counterparts in Mexico.

He also took note of a lever-action rifle that reminded him of the iconic guns from Wild West movies. There was also a .22 caliber semi-automatic rifle and a few other guns.

Paul promptly took the ammo boxes around and started putting them in their duffel bags piled with the weapons they brought. He saw that one M4A1 was missing from the pile.

He took everything he could on hand, still needing to do a few trips, and left the room. On his way out, he saw the missing M4A1 in the guard's hands, so he removed it from him along with an extra magazine he had on him.

Paul quietly and quickly traversed the vineyard under the cover of darkness, evading any eyes. He crossed over the wall with the things, storing them far away from the place. Before returning inside again, he cleared the storage room in no time, repeating the process. It took him four trips of the same kind, but they were done fast in less than 15 minutes, given his powers.

He needed to move them to a secure location after daybreak, but for now, that place would work, covered by night. He returned with the bayonets and his custom Beretta and an extra one, along with a few clips for protection until they left this place, hopefully by daytime.

As Paul walked back through the dimly lit hallways, he saw Celia and Nick chatting at a table outside. Nick was attentive as he listened to what she was saying, and he had a bad premonition about it.

At that moment, Chris approached him and pulled him a little away from the place.

"Paul, there is something wrong with this place. I'm telling you, dude," Chris nervously said to him.

"Yeah, you're not wrong," Paul was a little surprised that Chris had discerned that something wasn't right around here.

"These people are observing our every move. Also, I heard weird noises from one of those buildings not far from the house," Chris said, pointing to the cellar.

"Just a while ago, we found with Daniel what was in there," Paul spoke quietly to him. "They have a big group of walkers locked behind a gate like pets, they are feeding them."

"What?" Chris exclaimed, surprised and scared about it.

"Yeah, I know. This is crazy, but all the people in here see them as being alive." Paul continued. "I don't intend for my family to be here with these insane folk. Daniel shares the same mind; he kept saying that something was wrong with this place, that it was impure."

"Then, we need to go. We need to leave for somewhere safer," Chris said, a little excited and stressed about what was happening around this vineyard.

"Yes, we would leave. By daylight, and we should see where we will go. We can't go now in the middle of the night with no direction," Paul reassured him.

"Alright, but be quick where we will go. I will let my mom know about these things," Chris said, his brow creasing.

"Don't let her make trouble at this time, Chris. We need to be careful. And if she doesn't want to leave, you will need to take her by force if you still want to come with us. Given the moment, I will not wait," Paul advised and warned him.

"Hey! Don't talk about her like that. She just wants to do the right thing. But...I know what you mean. I will do what is necessary for her safety," Chris said firmly, a little upset, not intending to let his mother be in danger here. "Also, maybe you don't know, but Strand's boyfriend, Thomas Abigail, the owner of this place, was bitten by a walker. My mom took care of him since we came, but he will die at any moment."

"Good," Paul says as they move in different directions. As he heads to his bedroom, he thinks that the more Thomas's condition worsens, the less they can stay here. If Thomas dies, they won't be seen with kind eyes, given that Strand is just Thomas Abigail's boyfriend. The moment Thomas dies will be the moment they need to promptly leave, if not before.

Opening the door quietly, Paul finds Madison and his girls already settled in for the night. Everyone but his mother is asleep, while Madison looks up, giving him a tired but relieved smile.

"Everything okay?" she whispers.

"Yeah, for the moment," Paul replies softly, moving to his spot and lying down.

"Why? What happened, my love?" Madison asks her son after kissing his lips when he got comfy in her embrace as he rests his head on her soft, ample breasts.

Paul inhales her scent, enjoying the softness as he recounts what he saw and heard around the vineyard so far.

"There are walkers locked up so close to us?" Madison asks, disturbed and alarmed by the news.

"Yes. It seems they are the workers of the vineyard and their families who became walkers, locked in the cellar," Paul says as he recounts.

"We can't stay here. We need to leave," Madison says surely about it.

"Yeah, it's that woman, Celia. She's the one leading all those people, ingraining in them her beliefs, and distorting their sense of reality," Paul says with disdain.

"Oh, baby. We have a problem. I didn't like that woman from the start... I saw her talking with Nick as he listened attentively to her weird thinking." Madison was frustrated and sad. "Your brother isn't feeling good lately. Emotionally, I mean. He isn't completely stable."

"He never was, but yeah what we are going through is complicating it and stupid ideas about the walkers don't help him," Paul says with frustration talking about Nick, why couldn't he be a normal person?

"Daniel too has been going through something since we came to Baja, he is acting weird like wandering in his thoughts. Some shit worse than Nick, I for a moment thought he had Alzheimer." Paul also voiced his concerns about the old man.

"This place hasn't been any good for us since we came. It looks beautiful and calm but it hides horrors inside his walls." Madison says while feeling the warmth of her son's body that calms her.

"That's why we can't stay, we need to go somewhere during the day. I already got back the things they took from us and more outside the walls. All it rest is we move what we have here. Daniel will leave with us, as so will Chris he also noticed the weirdness of this place." Paul says as he enjoys his mother's tits and body. He took a nipple in his mouth and sucked it as he played with his hand with her little pussy that was getting wet with his touch.

Madison was starting to moan and get hot because of her son's teasing. "We need to bring you brother by force if needed. He was licking too much this place and his new friend Celia."

"We will, Mom," Paul says as he sucked hardly her tits and pushed two fingers inside her wet pussy, her walls contracting like crazy around them, giving them an alluring massage. "I also heard that Thomas Abigail was bitten. Chris told me that Liza has been taking care of him since we came."

"Yesss, Thomas will die at any moment." Madison moaned lost in his touch.

"The more the reason as to why we need to leave. It's dangerous, Strand can't make our stay safe even if we ignore the obvious problem of walkers they have." Paul says as he keeps pleasuring his mother.

"Yes, Yesss, Yess babyyyy!." Madison didn't want to talk about it anymore because she was already lost in pleasure. Not wanting to let him play for so long, she took the matter into her hands and changed their position as she straddled her son's waist and guided his already hard cock into her wet pussy, impaling herself with his cock.

Madison's pussy was absolutely drenched as she slid down her son's thick cock. Her son's dick was so big it was almost painful, but Madison couldn't get enough of it. She rocked her hips back and forth, feeling every inch of her son's cock sliding in and out of her tight pussy.

Paul moaned as he grabbed a hold of his mother's hips, thrusting up into her. His mother's pussy was so tight and wet, milking his cock with every thrust. He couldn't believe how much he loved fucking his mother, and how much his mother seemed to love it too.

"Fuck, Mom," Paul grunted as he thrust up harder and faster into his mother's pussy. "Your pussy feels so good."

Madison moaned loudly as she rode her son's cock not caring about her daughters sleeping beside them, her hips moving in a steady rhythm. "I love it when you fuck me," she said breathlessly. "I love your big, thick cock. I waited all day for this."

Paul smirked as he grabbed a hold of his mother's hips, impaling her more on his cock as she descended, leaving no gap against his pelvis. "Then take it, Mom," he growled as he thrust up harder. "Take every inch of my cock."

Madison cried out as she took her son's cock deeper, her walls clenching around him. "Oh god," she moaned. "I'm going to cum."

Paul could feel his mother's pussy tightening around his cock, and he knew she was close. He reached down and rubbed her clit as he thrust up harder, wanting to make his mother cum as hard as he could.

"Cum for me, Mom," Paul growled as he rubbed her clit and thrust up into her. "Cum on my cock."

Madison screamed as she came, her pussy clenching and milking her son's cock. Paul continued to thrust into his mother, loving how her pussy felt as she came all over his cock.

"I'm going to cum Mom," Paul said as he felt his own orgasm building. "I'm going to cum in your tight little pussy."

"Yes," Madison cried out. "Cum inside me, baby. Fill me up with your hot cum. Breed me and let me give you a daughter."

Paul groaned excitedly as he felt his cock release inside his mother's pussy hearing her naughty words, his cum filling her up. He kept thrusting until he was completely spent, and then he collapsed back onto the bed, pulling his mother with him.

Madison laid on top of her son, feeling his cock still inside her as his cum was lodged inside her trying to leak out. She nuzzled into his neck, breathing heavily. "That was amazing," she said, her voice still shaky from her orgasm.

Paul wrapped his arms around his mother, holding her close. "It was," he agreed. "I love fucking you, mom."

"I love it too," Madison said, pressing her lips against her son's. "I love you."

Paul smiled as he kissed his mother back. "I love you too, mom."

As Paul was taking a breath after fucking his mother and still delighting in his orgasm while still having his cock inside his mother's little pussy who kept sucking on him, catering more of his cum. He moved his head to his girl's side to see if they were asleep after all the loud noises and the swaying bed after the intense activity only to find Alicia eyes who was next to them looking into his eyes with desire as she bit her lips, Claire, Andrea and Amy were also looking to him as if asking to get fucked too.

"Brother... I want it," Alicia said quietly as she touched her pussy for a second and showed him her wet fingers as they did an arch with her juices as she separated them.

"We also want it." The rest of the girls also spoke about their needs as they were in heat after the show Paul and Madison gave them.

"Alright. Let me move Mom aside so she can rest and I will fuck you all." Paul was saying as he removed his cock from his mother's pussy making a plop sound like uncorking a bottle while his cum leaked out of her filled pussy.

As he was to take Alicia into his arms so she could ride his cock, a sudden, sharp gunshot rings out, echoing through the house. They all sit up, eyes wide with alarm, the sound shattering their aroused state and the fragile peace of the night.

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