As soon as the two health workers were out of sight, June went over to where Grandma was to give her a tight hug.
It had only been a few weeks, but it felt like June hadn't seen her in forever.
"Grandma," he muttered into their hug.
Despite her clothes smelling strangely of hospital disinfectant, June could still feel the warmth and hominess of her scent.
"Oh, my grandson," she smiled. "How I've missed you."
June broke away from their hug and looked at her with bright eyes.
"Are you feeling okay?" he softly asked.
"Well, I'll be honest and say that I'm pretty tired and bored, but seeing you now has gotten me all fired up," she happily said.
June chuckled in amusement. "Well, I'll be sure to visit more often then. I've already finished filming Untouched Souls, so I'll have more free time now."
"That's great!" she exclaimed. "When is the movie going to be aired?"
"I think at the end of the year?" he responded.
Honestly, seeing cancer patients in the hospital tugs on my heartstrings. I can't imagine the pain they're in! Hugs to all.