/ Teen / from beast to beauty

from beast to beauty Original

from beast to beauty

Teen 1 Chapters 1.6K Views
Author: KissCosmos

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Soojin loves Reading manhwa and everything related to that. After all the guys are so perfect inside, They have the looks and personality which real life guys don't.

one day during a meteor shower she wished just for fun that she could give guys the manhwa perfection, so that she could be able to rinse her eyes with beauty everyday. what she didn't know was that her wish has been granted and now she is eternally linked to a wish granter.

such a shame that real life guys aren't as perfect, she thought while looking at one of her classmates. If he was a little bit taller with long hair he would look so much better ! she said while sighing. The next day just by magic he came back exactly like she imagined, more handsome, taller with long hair.

Everybody was flabbergasted by his sudden glow up and he suddenly attracted a lot of girls ( and guys). His life was turned around for the worst to the best. Soojin didn't understand how she was able to do that. Did she got this new power? What does the future reserve for her ?

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Author KissCosmos