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free my heart free my heart original

free my heart

Author: Agirlwithno_Job

© WebNovel

chapter 1 cold shiver Britt

"I really don't want to go to this function, Nina?" I said to my best friend as she smoothed my gown one last time.

"tch tch, we know you hate these family functions but... you have to go," she said and pushed me out of my house.

"I will leave after cleaning all the mess, go have some fun, Britt! No big deal." she winked at me and closed the door.

*Uggghhhhhh I hate her sometimes*

After an eternity... (Few hours I mean)

I stood there in the hall with my a drink in hand, in between the chaos of these wandering souls around me, enjoying my drink, lost in my own world, ignoring all the questions about my future and past.

*When are you getting married?*

*Britt, are you seeing someone?*

*Britt, you are 27! time to fall in love again..*


I wonder how these people never get bored of asking the same questions to everybody. And why is it is a matter of concern for everybody, who even didn't knew I still existed until I reach the venue?


Ignoring glare of that stupid boy Gary, who had asked me out like 15 times in the last 3 years. Why can't he understand this simple statement "Gary I am happily single and I don't like you that way" see what's hard in this that he can't understand.

*these people remind me why I prefer staying in*

Enjoying my drink slowly, sip by sip, I saw my Mom coming toward me.

*Holy cow balls*

"Britt baby, how are you?" She said and hugged me a bit tighter as if we are meeting after a decade or something.

"I am fine Mom!" I said.

Just then I saw the color of her face draining down "Britt..." Before she could say anything, I felt a tinge in the gut, it was not the first time I felt this, I knew it... I just knew it.

I knew he is here. Even after these years of moving on, I knew he was present in the same room, he was somewhere near me, Mav was there. Yes, it was him.

I sat down slowly on the nearest chair, pinned my glare to the floor, as I closed my eyes. Unwanted memories rushed in making my eyes burn, all the courage vanishing away. I need to get out of this place RIGHT NOW! Took a deep breath.

"It's been 3 years, girl! You can do better than this" I said to myself.

As I took a big sip out my drink with shaky hands, gulped it down, the familiar smell of musk filled my sense. I opened my eyes. still ignoring eyes which I know are all on me.

A flush of chills passed through my body, each and every hair follicle awoke, and my heart did an aggressive tap dance in my closed rib cage, as I let out a cold breath, which felt like someone has knocked the life out of me, And... Our eyes met.

Ever heard of saying "the world stood still" yea... The same thing happened.

Bile built in my throat and my eyes started to moisten. Like they pleaded him to free my heart. And I don't know what this universe was planning "My funny Valentine" started to play in the background.

Pretty flick fucking chick!

He smirked at my pathetic state, I felt small, so small, he wanted to see me like that, pleading and broke, and I stood there in front of him fulfilling his wishes.

"Hi.. " he said with a shudder as his hand moved to touch my shoulder "are you alright?" But before he can touch me the glass slipped out of my grip, as I took scenery of this man for the last time and closed my eyes as if to capture his face to keep safe in my heart.

And moved to my heels, and ran away.

"No more family gatherings. NOTED!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Drama? done.

As I was near my car, that very familiar voice which used to be my favorite melody called "WAIT! WAIT RIGHT THERE!"

"NO WAY Maverick! Not again" I said and rushed toward my car. Bloody gown, stupid heels and asshole him. Ruined my day. I hate this day. I really, really hate this day!

"Wait, Britt," he said again just when I reached my car.

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