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Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Suit Up!

'It has been a really tiring day, carrying this supposed commander on my back while listening to some heavy exposition story I didn't ask for. Like damn! I just wanted to know why 11 continents and not 7 or 6 or whatever' Feihren sighed as he gently placed the injured man on grassy looking plain beside a dirt road.

It was now late in the evening. Lights can be seen off in the distance. According to Marvin, it was the Wolfenstein Kingdom.

But Feihren was definitely drained right now. It has been 4 hours straight! Carrying the guy all the way here from the woodlands!

A few minutes passed as Feihren glanced at the unmoving figure of Marvin whom was lying down.

'Is he dead? Well, I hope not. All my effort would be a waste… wait a minute'

'Already asleep? Asleep? Shouldn't I be the one who's dead tired right now? Shame on this kid, shame'. Feihren shook his head a few times before letting out a faint smile.

"Well, it's time for me to check my inventory I guess." He stated in a low voice.

'Inventory Open'

The General Exp he obtained back then could only be seen on the tabs under his own status page, but he had no idea on how to use it. So for now, he was planning to check out the skill book he obtained and to decide what he is going to place in his 3 vacant skills slots.

'Kings Aura Skill book'

A window popped up.


[Kings Aura]

"Effect: Slows enemies in an area around the user"

"Duration: 5 seconds"

"Slow: 3% enemy base movement speed"

"Area of effect: 15-meter radius"


Feihren keenly stared and re-read the details of the skill…

'This… is useless!?' Damn, what scam is this?'

'Is this some sort of parlor trick? Well, it does live up to its name one way or another right? Who would even run around in front of a king? An idiot?'

Annoyed as he was, he can't do anything about this skill. He closed the tab for the skill book, putting it in an alternate tab labeled 'Extras'.

Feihren sighed as he opened a particularly familiar tab for him.

'Skills' >>> 'Unequipped'>>>'Passive-effect skills'

Without hesitation, Feihren opened the tab for passive skills. He had no idea which active skills he would require for now because it has just been a day and a half since he got here? And he believes that the 4 skills within a class are enough for him in battle situations.

'[Great Bulls Heart] – Increase user's physical stamina, reduces stamina consumption'

'[Artemis Sense] – Improves user's physical senses, warns of minor dangers'

'[Pallas skin] – Immunity to piercing and blunt weapons on or below uncommon grade'

The choices he made had the reasons that follow,

His thought process went something like this, 'I'll still be carrying this guy in the morning. I'm gonna need the boost in stamina.', 'I might not die from the random dangers scattered about, but this guy would... Wow, am I caring or what?', and lastly 'My skin is not metallic, it's close to norm for people to not die after being stabbed, but for someone like me with this much HP? Will I ever bleed to death? Wouldn't that look crazy gory? A thousand bloody stabs and me not dying? Horrifying! Simply horrifying!' So he took the initiative of taking the most "normal" route in his picks.

"Now I'd better suit up I guess?"

Inventory >>> 'Armors' >>> 'Deity-Grade'

'Equipping non-deity armors? That would just be lame'

• Ancient Ares Stealth Sniper Armor

• Titan Cronus Heavy Gunner Armor

• Supreme Generals (Default Armor)

• Hermes Assault Rogue Armor

• Hades Armor

'The Stealth Sniper Armor? Hmm, unless I'm planning to assassinate someone then nope'.

'Titan's armor huh? I'd just be a walking giant wouldn't I? No matter how people look at me I would look hostile'.

'My class-default armor then? Eh, too flashy for my taste'. The armor itself is gold and silver plated so…

'Equip' >>> 'Hermes Assault Rogue Armor'

[Hermes Assault Rogue Armor]

"Description: Swift and Precise like Hermes"

"Effect: Grants bonus damage when equipping weapons in the 'Assault Rifle' class."

"Effect: Grants 30 'reactive armor' activations per 24 hrs. (Does not stack)"

"Effect: Grants user bonus movement speed (10%)"

"Effect: Grants user 'Helmet Tortoise of Hermes' (Reduce headshot damage received by 20%)"

Helmets are part of the set equipment. The proof of it being deity-grade armor was distinguished by the fact that it either has many good effects or a few effects of ridiculous power. The Assault Rogue was Feihren's choice as it fit his current circumstances best. Its usefulness is apparent in these kinds of situations.

The [Hades Armor] was out of the question, you'd be a walking red target!

A simple yet elegant looking brown leather coat covered Feihren from his shoulders to the sides of his knees, with trims of pitch black with a hint of purple stitching. The outline of the clothes was embroidered with a neon-purple color that faintly glows in the darkness of night.

The chest piece of the body was covered with a seemingly thin, non-lustrous metal plate that covered the left shoulder. As for the right side, it was beautifully strapped with a matte-black holster. This holds the entire chest piece together, running through the back of the coat and connecting to the waist belt, which was made of similar material.

A satisfied look appeared on Feihren's face as he slowly nods. Feihren kept the Five-Seven as his secondary weapon of choice, but now he has to choose his main weapon, and with the same mindset as he was choosing the armor, He was not planning to go low-key!

Inventory >>> 'Main Weapons' >>> 'Deity-Grade'

• Aloadae DP-12 Barreled Shotgun

• Azrael Kalashnikov AK-47

• Dionysus AK-9

• Samuel's SC-76 Thunderbolt

Sadly, he has fewer deity-grade weapons compared to the amount of armor and other things he has in that category. He has even fewer mythical-grade weapons. But in exchange, he has a few arsenals of Custom-grade weapons [1]. If not for the lack of durability on some of those custom-grade weapons, and also the lack of knowledge in regards to repairing them in this world, he would have preferred them more than the Deity-grade ones.

Feihren was confident in his gaming abilities, but he'd prefer comfort over benefits anytime, in regards to weapon choices at least…

'Equip' >>> 'Dionysus AK-9'

It was simply that… it was a lot quieter than the Azrael AK-47.

'It is not that big of a deal to prefer one over the other just for my self-justification right?' A smug grin appeared on Feihren's face.


[Dionysus AK-9]

"Description: Best metal works meet precise destruction"

"Base Damage: 180 per round" "Rate of fire: 600-800 RPM"

"Effective firing range: 440 Meters"

"Maximum firing range:500 Meters

"Feed system: 20-round detachable box magazine (9x39mm)" "Inv. (+2,000 rounds)"

"Effect: Grants Armor piercing damage for every burst (3rd round)"

"Effect: Compensated mode: Damage increased to 200 (Removes Suppressor)"

"Effect: Suppressed mode: Deals 180 damage, but firing is below the standard hearing decibel (Removes Compensator) (Default)"


Feihren inspected the pitch black weapon with neon blue outlines that appeared.

'This looks simple enough, right? But just to be sure…' Feihren also spawned the simple looking gun case that comes with the rifle. Strapping it on as he stood up and stretched, he felt satisfied as he was now fully equipped!

'Ah, this brings back so many memories'.

As for the other classes he has access to, it would be better not to mess with it yet. He was tired after all.

Slowly closing his eyes, Feihren began to sleep…

'Seemingly, it has not even been a few minutes yet but…'

Feihren slowly opened his eyes again, seeing a faint orange glow on the horizon.

'Eh? It's morning already?! Wow, talk about being so tired that you don't remember sleeping!'

'System warning: Artemis sense activated: Minor danger ahead'

Feihren keenly sensed what the system has told him as he saw an abnormally huge boar charging towards them!

'Dionysus AK-9!'

*Trkk! Trkk! Trkk!

'It was quiet… er… I guess? It did serve a purpose as an alarm clock so that good?'

A startled-looking Marvin stared at the seemingly different looking Feihren, as he took a glance at the huge dead boar. 'Instantly killed again? And what was that noise?' A blank expression was evident on his questioning face.

"I guess it's a fried boar breakfast for us then?" Feihren jokingly replied.

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