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Chapter 12: Chapter 12 - The Stealth God and A Destructive Titan

[Prometheus Cuff Chains] (Legendary-grade item)

"Support armament class" "Restriction-type"

"Effects: Applies "Bind" to target"

"Bind: Restricts movement (Perfect restriction)"

"Duration: 1 hour"


Leaving the 5 people from the Ranustin Kingdom in a restriction-type spell, Feihren and Old Mendi hurriedly rushed back to the village. Panic was evident from the village chief as he was wondering what might have happened. Within minutes they arrived, and a bloody scene met their eyes.

Intruders wearing a myriad of clothes were darting left and right, attacking the villagers, burning houses, and causing destruction with different types of magic equipment. The Dwarves were not as weak as these bandits had thought. Some bitterly fought back using dwarven technology and small-scale magic spells while others were physically gifted and clashed swords with the intruders.

The ground was painted with the blood of both the intruders and dwarves. Within this village taken over by battle was a bitter figure trying to protect a group of weak, elderly dwarves and children. It was Marvin.

Without a single thought, Old Mendi rushed fourth and fought side by side with his son. Marvin forced a joyous smile even though it was obvious he was exhausted. He was happy to fight with his old man, but was still bitter because of how this suddenly happened.

Marvin felt it was quite obvious who planned all this. All of this destruction was simply petty revenge for what happened in the king's hall back then. How childish can a king be! Feihren had arrived at the same conclusion, but shoot first, ask questions later would be his policy in this situation.

'Battlefield Scan Activate'

Around 80 enemies in total. Only around 30 dwarves left capable of fighting. The dwarves were heavily outnumbered. Well in that case…

'General's Aura Activate'

Feihren summoned his custom-grade AKM. This was his favorite weapon of choice, and the only custom-grade weapon he has with perfect durability, so it doesn't matter how much he uses it, aside from the bullet consumption.

*Phsck! Phsck! Phsck!

Loud crackling noises resounded through the village.

Heads popped off or were pierced through one after another.

The louder and more frequent the noise got, the quieter the village became…

The villagers stared at how Feihren started picking off the intruders at a rate none would dare believe with another weird looking wand.

Having the fancy looking AK-9 does not suit this kind battlefield. Only raw skill and iron sights were needed in this kind of situation. The AKM he had was best-suited for this.


The intruders were slowly getting pushed back as the dwarves gained confidence and started charging forth themselves. 'It's time…'

'Ultimate skill: Battle Cry'

A resonant noise echoed throughout the city from an unknown source. The intruders were startled as they felt that this 'battle' is now starting to be 'unwinnable' as they decided to start fleeing instead. But it was too late.

The dwarves started feeling the injuries they had sustained earlier were slowly dissipating. After that resonant sound, they felt as if they were strong enough to take these bastards who attacked their peaceful village down. They were not wrong. They started charging forward, and one by one the enemy's numbers started declining once more.


A little blip of red could be seen on Feihren's 'Battlefield Scan'.

As he glanced at the location of the red dot, he was taken aback.

Old Mendi had an expression full of disbelief on his face as he stared at the dagger that was stabbed through his chest by the assassin that suddenly appeared in front of him.

He knelt down, and as he was trying to stop the bleeding, the assassin disappeared from his sight. Feihren and Marvin rushed towards the village chief.

Unlike Marvin's panicked face, Feihren calmly knelt and grabbed something [1] within his inventory.

A tiny core the size of a billiard ball appeared and he gently placed it in the hands of the village chief.

'Athena's gift (Consumable): Grants user +100 HP regeneration for 24 hrs. (Does not stack) '

"This will help him not lose too much blood. Go! Take your father and seek medical help. As for the village, I'll take care of it."


'Equip>>>Ancient Ares Stealth Sniper Armor'

It is hard to fight with things that you don't have a proper grasp of. As such, it was proper for Feihren to do the same. Fight fire with fire.


[Ancient Ares Stealth Sniper Armor] (Deity-grade)

"Description: None can hide from the sights of Ares"

"Effect: Grants bonus damage when Equipping 'Sniper Rifles'"

"Effect: Grants 'Body of Ares': 2-second perfect invulnerability (Cooldown: 30 min.)"

"Effect: Grants user 'Helm of Deity Seer' (Grants True Sight)"


Pitch-black clothing with grey patches sewn on the chest, leg, and shoulder areas detailed with a marble white outline on the seams of the back. Deep-green straps tightly bound the belt, bracers, and legs. A strong mysterious aura covered Feihren as he started scanning the village for assassins hiding amongst them.

Being in a medium range area such as a village, Feihren did not dare equip his deity-grade sniper. Instead, he used his AK-9 as a substitute. Although he would not benefit from the bonus damage, he only wanted one thing from the armor itself.

'Helm of Deity Seer'

Around 3 assassins were in the village, including the one who stabbed the village chief. Crackling sounds followed as those assassins fell without them even knowing how they were killed.

Damnable cries resounded throughout the village as the intruders, around 20 people, started retreating hastily towards the west. The dwarves started chasing, but with their short stature their running speed was never the best. They had to give up and recover from their wounds while helping the others who are badly injured or wounded. As for their fallen comrades, all they can do is pay them tribute and respect. They had avenged them to the bitter end.

But Feihren was not letting any of these bastards escape.

'Equip>>> Titan Cronus Heavy Gunner Armor'


[Titan Cronus Heavy Gunner Armor] [2]

"Description: Mortals kneel before the Titan"

"Effect: Grants bonus damage to weapons w/ more than 200 rounds/mag'"

"Effect: 'Titan Morph': User is morphed into a mad titan, 10% bonus HP"

"Effect: 'Grants user ability to sacrifice movement speed for HP (vice-versa) (1 MS <> 100 HP)"

*[Titan's Arms]: When MS is below 50% of base MS, summons Titan's Arms. Amplifies melee engagement damage*

*[Titan's Slate]: When HP is below 50% of base HP, summons Titan's Slate. Highly Improves mobility. Triggers Hovering*

"Effect: 'Helm of the Headless Titan': immune to headshot bonus damage (does not void base damage)"


It was a gigantic, slate gray mechanical armor standing 3.5 meters in height. Neon-blue outlined the entirety of its body. Incomprehensible details embroidered the entirety of the suit, as a ghastly gaze could be seen on its helm.

'Titan's Slate Mode'

The armor slowly thinned as it changed into a scary looking speed-demon of some sort. Parts of the originally large body then came together and formed a skateboard-like object. Then Feihren gave chase.


A good distance away from the Coboro village…

Several figures could be seen gasping for air. These knights and soldiers of the Wolfenstein kingdom have been acting as a group of rogue mercenaries and bandits that were bent on destroying Coboro village. They were commanded by the King himself to carry this out. This was all to lure out some guy named Feihren or something. According to a noble who lived on the eastern side, the dwarves in this village were comparatively weak due to the fact that they had been away from their mines for some time. This prevented them from making the weapons and magic equipment they were best known for, which was the source of their strength.

They hadn't underestimated their enemies, but the arrival of that guy in the brown and purple coat seemed to be the determining factor for their victory. Those flashing lights and loud noises that slowly but surely picked off everyone who was targeted could not be fought against.

The intruders were now confident that they had outrun the dwarves, so they decided to take a rest. Suddenly, a buzzing sound was heard above them. They looked towards the sound, and to their surprise, a floating figure glowing with blue light was hovering there.

"You guys still dare to rest after all you did? Wow, talk about guts."

The figure atop the floating board-like object jumped off of it as he slowly descended. The board-like object then shattered to pieces that assimilated into the figure's body. They sharply inhaled as the figure steadily grew in size.


A god-like white giant made of metal appeared in front of them! Every one of his steps made a slight tremor that could be felt even from a distance.

The intruders were now scared sh*tless!

A few of the intruders who were weak-willed made a run for it, but within mere seconds a blue flash appeared and a gigantic arm extended to grab and crush anyone who dared escape!

Witnessing how ruthless this giant was, they were now frozen in fear…

The white giant then spoke…

"Who commanded you to do all this?"

Contrary to the scary image of the giant, the voice that spoke the question seemed… normal, empathetic even. But it seemed none were willing to throw up the white flag just yet as none of them spoke.

With a casual grab, Feihren took one of the intruders and repeated the question.

"Who commanded you to do all this? Answer me or you know what will happen."

Feihren slightly squeezed as the man started squealing in pain and shouted "It was King Louie the 3rd! He commanded us to draw out that Feihren guy! Please spare me, god!"

"That's all I wanted to know." Removing the helmet and revealing himself, Feihren said to the man,

"Tell your king that he does not need to look for me, I'll be the one coming for him"

Feihren released his grip on the man that immediately started running. Feihren closed the helm again and muttered to himself 'Indeed that guy is just pitiful, both of them, calling themselves "kings", being angry for pathetic reasons, willing to kill an entire village for a pathetic goal'.

'Bugs indeed need to be squished'

As he proceeded to kill all the people around him aside from the one he told to return, squished like the soldier ants they were…


Within the bushes nearby, the 5 remaining people from the Ranustin Kingdom witnessed the scene as it unfolded.

Their bindings had released a while ago, but they happened to bump into a group of 'bandits' so they decided to stay hidden. Then that gigantic god-like figure appeared…

It just so happened that it was the same guy they were planning to kill just a moment ago! What a pathetic goal that was.

A voice fearfully muttered, "I am so glad that I'm still alive."

[1] Grabbing something virtually (Picture out how people seemingly grab items that are virtual i.e. Like the people in the Ready Player One movie do

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