{Gallagher house}
(General POV)
Yash, Fiona, Veronica, and steve made it to the house and sat down.
Yash sat on the sofa with V on his right, Steve sat on the 'seat?' near the window with his head bowed so that V could take out the glass shards and check for whatever she was checking for.
The rest of the seating arrangement was same for now.
"So where are you boys from?"-V
"Chicago, lake forest"-S
"Don't really have a hometown or a home per say, so the latest place I am from is the south side"-Y
"Really nowww ghetto boy huh"-V
"Steve you are dead if he ever lays eyes on you"Fion enters the living room with the wet 'cloth/t-shirt?'.
Steve tries to look toward Fiona but V slaps his head, "Stop moving your damn head."
V had started treating Yash much more favourably but Fiona was still leaning toward Steve even if a little.
The kids start descending down the stairs, Yash looks at Debbie and gives her a charming smile, "Hi"
*You wanna win the head woman of the house.... first win the little ones.*-Yash did this little internal advice session with a villain laugh in his head and then got embarrassed all in his head....
Debbie didn't reply but blushed a little and briskly walked to sit next to Fiona, Lip sat where Carl would have sat and Carl sat next to Yash.
While this seating arrangement was happening talks where still going on.
"I nearly peed myself when you hit him steve.... then Yash went into action and I did....
V looks at Yash,"you, that was not necessary.... but was well deserved HAHAHA"
"I thought so too"Yash chuckles as he high fives Veronica.
"V! stop encouraging him, he might have forgotten that sucker punch bu-"-F
"Heyyy that was not a sucker punch..... it was a surprise punch"-S
"Yeah as I was saying a sucker punch.... but he will not forget what you did",Fiona looks accusingly at Yash.
"But it was Veronica who kicked him?", Yash chuckles saying this.
"You throwing me under the bus!" V jokingly slaps Yash's hand.
"No no just stating facts"-Y
At this point, the kids had descended the stairs.
V sees the kids,"Hey"
There were no comments from the guy sitting with his head facing the floor..... after a few slaps from V he stopped trying to move.
"So you all live here?",Yash looked at Fiona.
"Not me I live one down but since the old guy next door died in March which I guess technically makes us next-door neighbors."-V
"If all neighbors are like you, this would be a good neighborhood to live in"-Y
all the residents of the Gallagher household present there plus V burst out laughing.
"Yeah hahaha it would be haha..... but unfortunately it is not", Fiona said as she wiped her tears from laughing so hard.
Due to laughing V accidentally pushed a very very small glass shard into Steve's skin.
"OUCH! Veronica? Do you know what you are doing??", Steve said in a little aggrieved tone.
"Yeah I do, I used to be a nurse"-V
"Lying bitch", Fiona looks in the other direction and speaks a little lower.
"She worked housekeeping at Cook County, Bedpans and Shit sheets."-Lip
"FFiiiinne, but I was offered a place in a nursing school"-V
"FFiine, but it never happened. They fired her for selling medical supplies on eBay."-F
"Will you shut up we don't even know him"-V
"As I see it she is the closest to being a nurse and a medical supplies-selling entrepreneur here."Yash says and V's face lights up as she high-fives Yash.
"Hell yeah, at least one man here is on my side."-V
Yash then looks to his left at the little kid and makes a fist for a fist bump with his right hand"Yash"
"Carl", Carl completes the fist bump.
"Debbie", Debbie says looking at Yash.
"Plus Ian" Fiona points to the boy sitting on the stairs and Yash and Steve ways at him.
Lip points at Steve and asks Fiona an obvious question, "What's up with him?"
"Idiotic Heroism"-V
"Lay off the guy V he tried at least he tried"-F
"Yo, Veronica. You got my keys?"-Kevin
"What's going on he-.... Hey Yaashh, what are you doing here?"-K
Yash looks at Kevin, a little surprised, "Hey man I think I got picked up from the club."
Yash and Kevin laugh a little.
"You both know each other?? how"-V
Kevin then explained about the morning they met but did not mention the building.
"Who is the other guy"-K
By this time V has stopped and Steve is sitting upright.
"Kevin", they both shook hands.
"These two fought the bouncer at Purgatory to defend my honor"-V
"My honor"-F
"Yeah? Which bouncer?"-K
"Jimmy Clifton"-F
"Well Jesus man, respect put it there.", Kevin shakes Yash's hands and sits down next to Steve.
"Well, It was Steve who decked the guy."-V
"Whoa man", Kevin gives a surprised expression looking at Steve's wellll.... average body but shakes his hand nonetheless.
"Guy just stands there, doesn't really do anything."-S
"Yeah you will be his third conviction"-K
"Eh I wouldn't worry much about Steve, he just decked the guy.... Yash over here got V to kick his nuts."-F
"What?! V! really?"-K
"Hell yeah"-V
V in great detail told everyone what happened there.
"And then he told me to come and kick his nuts so that's what he did.... I am pretty sure I got both of em"-V
Every male there instinctively just did what one does to defend one's honored parts.
"Well then you better be careful man you would be his third or fourth conviction."-K
"He can hold his own, we saw that."-F
"Is that praise I hear"-Y
Fiona looks away and refuses to answer with a slight blush which was hidden due to makeup and lighting.
"Well Yash might survive but what about you Steve, his last conviction was a fuck up with his dad..... the man left his dad breathing."
"His dad?"
While Kevin was putting the fear of Clifton into Steve Fiona got up and went toward the kitchen and Yash also got up and went behind her.
"So I see someone is impressed."-Y
"Don't flatter yourself too much...."Fiona says as she stands next to the sink away from the viewpoint of the rest of the family.
Yash closes the distance at a comfortable pace giving enough time for Fiona to show any discomfort.
Which she does not.
Yash puts his arms on the counter next to her while standing in front of her, he is a little taller than Fiona so she looks up at him.
Yash only takes his face halfway while Fiona covers the other half to initiate a pretty chaste kiss..
you know, only lips.
which then evolves into a French kiss
both lost in the moment, Yash's tongue playing with Fiona's. Her hands slowly go around his neck pulling him closer while his hands go.... nowhere, he restricts his hands to her ass.
this goes on for a good couple of minutes as they kiss and Yash picks her up and places her on the counter.....
"We need to stop!! they are right there!" Fiona between heavy breaths says this in a husky voice.
Yash kisses her neck as his hand moves to her push aside her panties.
"Yaashh.. ~anhhhh", Fiona moans as she slowly becomes putty in his hands.
And then Yash suddenly moves backward with a teasing smile on his face, "If you want the full package..... you have to work for it as well Miss Gallagher."
Fiona for a second stunned looks at Yash retreat as her face becomes a tomato and helpful juices pool down south.
Yash goes back and sits down, after a few more minutes a little disheveled Fiona comes out of the kitchen.
what does a little disheveled mean? it means that only someone paying attention to minute details of Fiona's outer appearance can spot that something happened.
"Alright kids bedtime, move move move move" Fiona takes her herd upstairs as kev looks at Steve.
"Let me look at you one last time, you know while you are still alive HA-HA"-K
"He did much worse why is no one after him?", Steve looks at Yash a little aggrieved.
"Well he can take care of himself, he is ghetto material."-K
"And he would have kicked his ass left and right if that bouncer did come for revenge"-V
"You damn right Veronica", Yash high-fives both kev and V.
"Call me V.... you have earned it my hero"-V
"Yes yes you are my hero too let's go nowww this heroine needs her hero to satisfy some needs"-V
and just like this, the inappropriate yet loving couple leaves the house.
*Well I might as well leave..... I never wanted to get with Fiona tonight... I will not become a club nightstand.... let's see about that house first... moving next door would be a godsend.* Yash thinks as he moves out of the house.
Of course he looks at Steve giving him a triumphant smile..... as if that sucker won anything today.
Yash gives him a smile of his own and goes out.
(Fiona's Pov)
What the fuck was that in his pants?????? that..... was big..... bigger than most.... well biggest for me.
these where the thoughts that were going on in fiona's mind as she descended the stairs.....
then she saw steve standing in the living room alone
"Where is Yash?"-F
"He left with Kev and V"-S
*This bastard turned me on and then left!!!!!! fuck you YASHHH*
Fiona cursed Yash in her mind for a few seconds and then looked back at Steve.
"Steve you should go home.... I am too tired after all that.
"Ah I see, Well good night Fiona"-S
Fiona just smiles at him and then escorts him out..... slamming the door in his face.
She wasn't being rude..... she was just too irritated by what Yash did.
After 10 mins something clicks in her mind...*Why didn't I just fuck steve??*
(A/N: Because your stupidity is not maxed out yet)
Here again, on time this time.
Hope you all like the chapter.
Fiona is not the first love interest but she is the easiest soooo just go with the flow I have no plan but I am hoping for the best XD
Got any problems? just comment them.... I am not making a discord since.... well we are not big enough yet.
and the poll has ended and 2 heroines were chosen....
Fiona is the second love interest.... but remember our boy is not running after Fiona and neither does he expect anything or any kind of loyalty form her.... this is real like world so if she does do someone else stop getting your panties in a bunch.... our boy will have to hentai reshape then XD such degeneracy.
And those beta cucks who think this is NTR.... go learn.... she is nothing to our boy and it is not happening anytime soon either.
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