In 2020, a Zombie Apocalypse breaks out in Southern Michigan and destroys the lives of the human race. Leon Weiss is a young survivor who is thrown into the Apocalypse with his humanity intact, which proves to be the biggest mistake he could ever make...
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Write a reviewI think we need more novels like this one; it's exceptionally well-written! The way it is crafted sets it apart from other novels, offering a fresh and unique experience. If you're looking for something new, I must say this novel is excellent. I'm genuinely thrilled to have discovered it, and I highly recommend it as a must-read.
Author Twitchy_
I've been following Twitchy_ since about Chapter 100 in their other book, Survival Evolved: Incarnation, and let me say, Twitchy doesn't disappoint. Flesh Corrupted is a brilliant story so far, only being 32 chapters since I started to read, about a young boy who slowly adjusts to the zombified world and has his own problems. Sure, there might be a few clichés, but that doesn't make it bad. I love it so far, and you should read it too.