/ Urban / First_Love

First_Love Original


Urban 3 Chapters 7.3K Views
Author: DayDreamer_08

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I'm Meagan, a quiet, respectful, considerate, and uncomplicated youngster who is also depressed.
My life is very monotonous!
Because they think I'm weird, many people bully me.
Perhaps it's because I seem pitiful!
They always confine me to a room that is too dark and that I fear.
They like to harass me.
How irritating!
I am the way that I am.
I believed that everything would remain the same if I changed schools.
Though it didn't.
When I met Lee, everything changed.
He noticed me first, which I don't understand.
He was grinning at me, and I was delighted.
I imagined him as my friend.
Yet he was exactly like them.
He likes to make me laugh!
He never gives me a glance, which makes me sad because I like him.
I consequently consented to accompany him as his companion on the dates of his best buddy Frank and my new friend Janice.
Lee, however, favors Charmaine, my best friend, to me as his girlfriend.
It breaks my heart!
Thank goodness I ran across Kean and his band.
Being around them is enjoyable.
I like to play music with them.
I become close to Kean.
To make Mylene, his cousin Carlo's girlfriend envious, he pretended to flirt with me.
But Lee appears to me out of nowhere.
And he doesn't just approach me!
All of a sudden, he admits that he likes me.
I was bewildered!
What does he require of me?
I'm not sure, though.
Thus, I hope you'll enjoy reading about my tumultuous first romance.

Parental Guidance Suggested
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Author DayDreamer_08