/ 现代言情 / Fire and Ice: Entangled with the Mafia Twins

Fire and Ice: Entangled with the Mafia Twins Original

Fire and Ice: Entangled with the Mafia Twins

现代言情 25 Chapters 13.5K Views
Author: Winteryuri

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Laura moves into a new apartment and immediately gets close to her new neighbor Ezra. Things begin to get odd when Ezra tells her he is going back to his hometown, but Laura meets him again at an infamous, criminal l neighborhood in their city. They hook up and Laura finds out he is a gangster.
But nothing is as it seems and one day She finally learns that Ezra has a twin brother Elias and he is the gangster she got involved with. Things start to get even more complicated when Laura’s dark past she had been running from catches up to her and dangerous people start coming after her if it wasn’t enough, she gets stuck between the twin brothers who have been on bad terms for years. It becomes a dilemma when Laura realizes that she is unable to choose between the brothers and she is slowly falling for both of them.

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Author Winteryuri