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49.12% Fire and Ice (GOT) / Chapter 28: Chapter 28 Wolves

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 Wolves

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Lyanna stark pov

Lyanna,Rhaegar and Elia made their through the godswoods following Ned,her brother is leading them to the direwolves she has been hearing about for years now

As they got near the heart tree she saw three huge direwolves playing with four wolves

Ned went forward and one of fully grown direwolves came to him,he has grey fur with streaks of brown and has big brown eyes,"This is Frost,this big lad is mine"Ned said while petting the wolf

Seeing this the other two also came forward,"That is shadow,he is benjen's" Ned said pointing to the all black direwolf with grey eyes,and the only one remaining is a all grey wolf in front her with blood red eyes,lyanna can't help feel a connection to this grey wolf as soon as she saw her

"That's she-wolf is your's lya,we didn't name her because she was always meant for you"Ned said to her but lyanna was already in front of grey wolf,"Winter,your name is winter" Lyanna said to her wolf as she slowly petted her giant head,all three of them were huge,easily bigger than horses but even as winter towered over her all Lyanna felt was warmth from her direwolf

"These three direwolves came south of the wall five years ago and somehow settled inside the godswoods of Moat Cailin,when they came Winter and Frost came with a pup each,Ghost and Greywind became Jon's and Robb's direwolves,according to the books in the old keep we Starks have a bloodoath with the direwolves but somehow that was broken and our direwolves went beyond the wall,it took me 2 years but I was able to bond with frost and reaffirm our oaths in front of the heart tree but Benjen was able bond with shadow in just a few moons,I am sure you can beat that lya"Ned explained

"What do these oaths mean?" Rhaegar asked

"Aside from lifelong commitment to protect and help eachother,this oath also helps us better connect with the direwolves and that connection is not something I can describe in words,aside from that we can warg multiple animals especially wolves through our direwolves and while other wargs essentially lose control of their body when they skinchange we don't,and a few other things I can't really explain,you can only understand that after connecting with a direwolf"Ned replied

Lyanna is shocked,even though she knew her ancestors were close with direwolves but she didn't understand how important the direwolves were to us Starks until she finally met winter,elia also seemed surprised at what Ned said but Rhaegar was still the same,Lyanna felt like her husband somehow already knew these things

"So good brother you can actually warg these wolves running around in winterfell,"Rhaegar asked while looking at the wild wolves running around in godswoods

"No your grace,I am not good at warging,I am able do that just with frost here, Benjen also only wargs shadow but the boys are good at that,I am sure Jon and Robb can warg into every wolf here"Ned said with pride

"Where are the little pups that you were talking about Ned"Lyanna asked as she didn't see any small pups here

"There already here,look the four of them playing under the heart tree" Ned said pointing to four wolves under the heart tree

By gods they are already the size of normal wolves already,and Ned said it has only been two moons, pretty soon these four will also tower over her like the others

"According to the books,when we Starks have children our direwolves go out in the wild and mate with other direwolves and bring back the pups that our supposed to bond with our children,five years ago frost and winter brought back pups for Jon and Robb and now frost brought back these four for my other children, shadow hasn't brought any pups back for Benjen's two children but I think it's because they are not old enough"Ned said looking at the little direwolves

"It seems the old gods have blessed your house good brother,the sigil of your house has returned after hundreds of years"Rhaegar said patting Ned on the back

"I just hope we do right by our direwolves this time,stark children are wild enough on their own with the wolf's blood running through their veins,now with the direwolves they are going to raise all kinds of trouble"Ned said,he sounded a little tired but he had a light in his eyes and a smile on his face


Arianne Martell pov

Since the royal family was traveling to Winterfell that meant the Rhaenys is going to Winterfell,and Arianne wasn't going to stay in the red keep without her beautiful cousin so she too joined the royal family in their travel north

But it seems others also had the same idea, because Cersie and idiot son also joined the royal retinue for some reason, Joffrey tried to hover around Rhaenys the entire travels till the neck,the stupid son and mother don't even realize that this is only annoying Rhaenys and if they don't back out the only thing remaining of Joffrey would be his ashes

But after crossing north Rhaenys went ahead to get her little brother while they stayed in Winterhall,there Margaery and willas Tyrell and the imp Tyrion Lannister also joined us

The Targaryens,tyrells,lannisters and Baratheons walk into winterfell,sounds like start of bad joke rather than something that is actually happening

But Arianne doesn't care about all of this because aside from being with Rhaenys she came here to destroy her competition,the only reason Rhaenys doesn't love her back is because of her brother Aegon

But she will show Rhaenys that no man can every be worthy of her beautiful and perfect cousin

Now Arianne is here in the great hall of Winterfell waiting to see this Aegon Targaryen,the royal family is sitting at the main table with the Starks while the Northern lords have filled the hall as they came here to greet the king

She was sitting at her table with Margaery when the herald announced the prince and princess are here,then the doors opened and her cousin walked in with her brother, Rhaenys looked a dornish goddess beautiful and perfect as ever,then she turned to see the crown prince

As soon as he saw him she was shocked,he looks so much like his father the king,the lords in the court will shit themselves after they see Aegon,while they were making up rumours about him being a bastard he looks like Rhaegar with black hair and grey eyes,but there are some differences she noticed,while the king has more of haunting melancholy beauty about him the prince has more wildness and danger about him,like he is the only wolf and rest are just sheeps

And like sheep everyone everyone seems to bend to him,while these lords also bowed to the king it was more about obligation and duty but they were bowing to the white wolf with respect and admiration,it is clear the north bows to king due to the white wolf and not the other way around

This is not good,this Aegon is most beautiful man she has ever seen,it's been years since Arianne was attracted to man, after being with Rhaenys men no longer interested her but the crown prince is making her doubt herself,then how is she supposed to convince Rhaenys

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