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3.5% Fire and Ice (GOT) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 History

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 History

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Boros pov

"It seems like you all are not slacking off I am very happy with all of you but I am going to ask more difficult questions now"

He pointed to a student"who is known as the strongest fire bender and why?"

"Aegon Targaryen the first or Aegon the conqueror is known as the strongest fire bender because of his talent in fire bending, he became a fire bending master before his 20 nameday and he was already a Dragon king before his conquest of the seven kingdoms, aside from his dragon Balerion he himself burned many top level benders who were considered unbeatable in their time, the most important feat that showed his prowess as fire bender was when he lit the dorne on fire after Queen Rhaenys death, his dragon rained fire from the skies while Aegon himself led the charge on the ground against dorne burning castles,benders, armies anything that came in his way until dorne finally surrendered and bent down to the dragons thus completing his conquest"

"What does the the title the dragon king mean ?" He said pointing to other student

"There is one more level of mastery in bending above the master rank, the bender who can achieve this level are given the title of king to show how powerful they are, these benders have complete control over their energy and their bending is so strong that they alone are equivalent to a small army, for example if a fire bender is able to achieve this level of mastery he will be given the title of King of fire, but Aegon the first was a Targaryen with Valyrian decent therefore he was called as The dragon king"

"How do Valyrian fire benders differ from normal fire benders ?"

"Valyrian fire benders are often called as Dragonfire benders because of their dragon blood and their connection with dragons, this means their fire is multiple times stronger than normal fire and when a valyrian fire bender achieves a king level bending their fire merges with their dragon, during the conquest Aegon bended black fire just like Balerion the dread, during the rebellion prince Rhaegar suddenly displayed his powers as fire Bending master before that he was only know as Sword Master but when he defeated Robert Baratheon who is known as the strongest earth bender and hammer master, with this he quickly became the strongest fire bender in the seven kingdoms but during the Ironborn rebellion King Rhaegar displayed king level fire bending with his armour covered in fire and a flaming crown on his head, he alone destoryed many iron born ships during the rebellion with his blue fire, the king was given the title of King of fire instead of the dragon king because he doesn't have a dragon, when a valyria fire bender doesn't have a dragon their flames become blue"

As this student finished his answer another raised his hand, "yes what is your question ?" Boros asked him

"Teacher few days ago you told us about the dothraki,the horselords who ride into battle without armour but use earth bending to cover themselves and their horse in earth armour instead, how is this different from the armour that forms when a person achieves a king level bending"

Boros smiled at his students" that is good question, let me tell you with a king level bender you all know, King Rhaegar Targaryen, he is only king level bender in the seven kingdoms after more than 200 years, you are right a bender a can make armour or shield or a wall with their bending but aside for king Rhaegar's flames becoming blue one more thing that clearly showed he became a king level bender was the crown made of solid fire on his head, no bender can bend very close to the head, so earth benders can't make helmet for themselves, water benders can't take their water too close to their head etc, this is because bending is a art of both mind and body,both spiritual and physical,so when you take your bending close to the your mind the spiritual center it becomes unstable and falls apart, so the crowns that automatically forms on a king level bender shows that they are in complete and perfect control of their bending, that why benders still wear helmets even if they don't wear a armour"

His student nodded understanding the difference, so he continued and pointed to another student "when was the last time two king level benders fought in the seven kingdoms"

"The last time two king level benders fought was when Aegon the first fought against Torrhen Stark, during the conquest Aegon defeated many top level masters with the most notable being Harren the black the most powerful water bender of the time and a blood bender but Aegon easily defeated him just like the others and when Harren ran away to hide in his castle Aegon burned the castle of Harrenhal with his dragon Balerion,during this time no bender could even close to Aegon let alone defeat him, but when Aegon came face to face with the north and its armies,king Torrhen Stark came to Aegon and asked for a duel with the condition that if Torrhen lost he and the north will bend the knee to Aegon but if Aegon lost he leave the north alone, their fight is still considered legendary to this day, when they fought Aegon realised that his opponent was a king level ice bender, their fight lasted an entire day and then Aegon finally defeated the king of winter and Torrhen Stark bent the knee to Aegon Targaryen"

Satisfied with the answer he turned to another student "How did this fight affect the seven kingdoms"

"Even though Aegon the first defeated Torrhen Stark he was the only person who challenged Aegon and he had to give his all to finally defeat the king of the North, even after defeating Torrhen Stark Aegon respected him a lot and the northern culture, so house Targaryen accepted the old gods as their gods leaving the valyrian gods behind, that with the old gods being the gods of nature and it was easier for benders to connect with their elements around Weirdwood tree the old gods sweapt throughout the seven kingdoms, now after nearly three hundred years only the west and the reach still keep the faith of the seven, and majority of dorne still believes in the Rhyonish gods,every other kingdoms follow the old gods, Aegon himself planted the Weirdwood tree in now what became the godswoods in the red keep, that with the dragons flying around for more than 150 years the Weirdwood tree grew faster than others and is now the is the second most biggest Weirdwood tree in the seven kingdoms after the the heart tree in winterfell"

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