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19.44% Finding My Way Back / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Floral Beauty

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Floral Beauty

Dear Diary

Last night was interesting to say the least.

After Brian dropped me off at home, he kissed me goodnight and told me he had to get home because his mother was blowing up his phone.

We didn't get much of a chance to talk about what happened at the restaurant and we certainly didn't get a chance to talk about what his father was insinuating.

I had always known the Davis' came from money. One thing about high school is, even if you are considered scum of the Earth of the barren halls of academia, rumors and gossip still get around like a fungus.

Brian Davis and his family came from Pittsburgh, where Brian was not only known as one of the best basketball players in his city, but in the state. His father was a famous lawyer and his mother had hundreds of clients as an agent. When Brian first moved here, he never told me why they moved from Pennsylvania to Wyoming. In fact, he never really mentioned his past to me at all.

Last night was a confirmation that although Brian and I care for each other deeply, his father has a problem with him dating someone that could potentially need his money. He said that he didn't want Brian bringing the whole family down again over some girl.

Does that mean it happened before?

What else is Brian keeping form me?

- - - - -

"When was the last time you went and helped out your mom?" Mona asks me as I circle my room for my phone.

"It's been a couple of years. She's always busy around the time I either have finals or midterms. With Chrissy being old enough to know how to help her, she is usually the one to go and help." I look under my bed and see the flashing of my cell phone go off and on.

"Did you find it?"

"Yes, looks like I have a few missed calls and messages from Brian." I say as I stare at the device in front of me.

Brian and I haven't spoken yet today but it's completely my fault. I've been ignoring his calls. Not because I'm mad at him, but because I'm afraid of what he may have to tell me. Then I had the dumb luck to lose my cell phone shortly after deciding I should talk to him.

"That's my cue. So, I'll see you on Monday?" I nod my head at my best friend and watch her leave my room and head downstairs. Once I hear the goodbye's to my parents, and the front door open and close, I stroll over to my desk and sit down.

My cell phone vibrates in my hand a few times before I reluctantly give in and answer.


"Jolie? Jesus, where are you? Are you home? Why aren't you answering your phone?" Guilt hits me hard at the fact that I had Brian worried.

"Yes, I'm home. Sorry I worried you. Mona came over and we hung out for a bit. Then I couldn't find my phone."

"I'm so sorry about last night. I can't believe my dad was such a jackass. Had I known that was the reason he wanted to have you come to dinner with us, I would have never taken you. We got into a huge fight last night, which is the reason I didn't call you."

"What did he mean Brian? What did he mean about your past? About you not dragging your family down for a girl again?"

I don't want him to assume I am jealous. Jealousy is surprisingly the last thing I feel. I'm worried Brian has a past that might indicate why he was so interested in me. For nearly months I pondered over and over again in my mind why someone like Brian Davis could want me so badly. He always said that something in me drew him to me, but what if that something was whatever happened in his past? Was he trying to fix the poor sad girl that everyone bullied?

"Babe, it was nothing. He was just trying to be a dick."

"Please Brian. I don't ask for much in our relationship. I only ask that you always be honest with me. Our family is right when they worry we may be moving too fast. What if we are? You have to tell me what happened in your past. You have to talk to me about what others might assume of me."

"You can't be with me and worry about other people Jolie."

"You're missing the point Brian."

"Fine. I'll talk to you. Tell you everything, but not now. Not on the phone. Just, trust me, it's something I need to speak to you about face to face." I nod my head, then realize he can't see me.

"Okay. I'm going to my mom's work tonight to help her on a large order, so I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay babe. I love you."

I pause for a few seconds then respond. "I love you too Brian."

- - - - -

"So, I thought he told me to come in, except he didn't, and boom, all the naked glory that is John Stewart." I hear mom laughing at Dorotha's dirty story.

I've been here at my mother's floral shop for over an hour and feel as though I have gotten nothing done. Mom bought this shop when I was a little over two years old. Mom had always wanted to own her own floral shop, so she applied for a loan and got this place. It's not large and she only has two other employees but because of its location, it does well.

"Mija, you alright? You've been twisting that fabric around for five minutes." I look over to my mother then down at my hands at the withered purple ribbon wrapped tightly around my finger and I immediately release it.

"Yes. Sorry mom. Just tired." I explain.

The truth is the conversation with Brian has been weighing heavily on my mind. He said his past was something he needed to talk to me about face to face. It worries me that Brian could tell me something that can possibly alter our future. If this is something I cannot live with, then how can we be together the next four years at college and beyond that? How can our relationship survive?

"I could call your father to come and get you if you want." I shake my head at mom then continue with my station of tying the ribbon onto the stem of the white pearled rose.

Mom had asked me if I could help out for a couple of days since they were so backed up with all the floral arrangements from prom it put her behind on a few other orders. One of them being a large order that came from the city, which is the one I am currently working on. It's for a banquet hall that will be host for the 'Injured Athletes Foundation'.

"No, mom. This is a really important charity and the hall needs to look perfect. I'm here to work." I give her a smile and continue working.

Three hours later, mom walks into the back area and asks if I want something to eat. My stomach grumbles at the thought of food so I walk out front with her and notice we are the only ones still in the shop besides Dorotha. I had no idea the place was already near closing time, and it was dark outside.

"Whoa, what time is it?" I ask looking around the abandoned parking lot.

"Eight thirty mija. You've been back there working hard." I pull my cell phone out of my back pocket and see a few new text messages from Brian and Mona.

Brian: Miss you babe. I love you.

Mona: Oh my God. I got a job this afternoon!!

Mona: We need to celebrate!!

Mona: Not that kind of celebration. The movie binging kind. Preferably with popcorn and chocolate.

Mona: Lots of chocolate.

I laugh when I read Mona's last text. I respond back to her letting her know I will call her tomorrow and cannot wait to hear all about the new job. I stare at Brian's text for a few moments, wondering what I should respond back. I do love him, and I do miss him, but I'm also petrified of what he could possibly have to say to me.

"Jolie?" I look up from my phone and see mom staring at me from the open door of the shop. I had forgotten all about getting a bite to eat with her.

"Sorry mom, getting sidetracked."

"I understand mija. Men troubles." We both laugh at her joke. "I tell you what, why don't I go on and get us some dinner and you stay here and make gaga faces at your boyfriends text messages." I roll my eyes at her dramatics but nod my head and go back into my confined space to work.

A few moments after mom leaves, a knock at the sounds and I walk over and answer it. It's Dorotha, letting me know she is leaving for the day. I thank her and walk her to the giant bronze front door that has glass in the middle with my mother's shop's name, Floral Beauty, stained in yellow with pink daisy's.

"You tell your mother to take a vacation after this, you hear me girl? Lord knows she needs one."

"Yes ma'am." I smile and wave when she gets into her car and takes off. Dorotha has been with mom since the very beginning. She is now a seventy-year-old woman that enjoys working. She will tell anyone she meets that she works to get away from her husband Gerry, but I've seen them together. Love doesn't quite come close to what those two have.

After shutting and locking the door, I check the time on my cell phone. It's near closing time for the shop, so I begin closing the registers up and putting the flowers for sale as of tomorrow in the back area where the fridge is. Just as I'm heading to lock the door and flip the sign to closing, a dark figure stands on the outside and begins walking inside.

I nearly gasp when none other than Derek walks into the shop. He has his head down and is looking at his phone in his hand, so he doesn't see me, not even when he collides right into me, causing me to knock onto the ground.

"Oh shit, sorry about that, wasn't looking where I was-. Jolie?"

"Yeah, yep, it's me. Sorry, I shouldn't have been standing there like a manikin." I light chuckle comes from his chest as he helps me onto my feet.

"Didn't know you worked here."

I look down in embarrassment. I don't hate where my mother works, quite the opposite actually. I love what she sells, but there is something about one of my peers coming in here when I'm here causes me to feel awkward. Derek doesn't seem like the kind of guy to really care but it still causes a heat to reach up to my neck and around my cheeks.

"I don't. My mother owns the shop and she's been pretty busy with everything going on from the five schools around here doing their proms, so she asked me to come help with a large order."

"That's cool. I help my aunt and uncle out from time to time with their business too."

"Oh yeah? What do they do?"

"Car dealership. So as much as you may be embarrassed about having someone come in that you go to school with, imagine what I have to deal with when I have to clean their brand-new car." I laugh at him and lean against the counter.

There is an ease that comes with talking to Derek. I noticed it the first time he spoke to me. He has a sort of simplistic way of thinking and speaking that I don't get from anyone else except Mona and Brian.

"So, what brings you in?"

"My aunt needs to send one of her customers an arrangement of flowers. She says she has an account here, and you all should know her order. She just gave me the address and information to the customer she is sending to."

"Okay, I can do that. Why not call though. If your aunt has an account here already, then she could have called and saved you the time and gas." I walk over to the corner computer with Derek trailing behind me.

"That's what she said, but I needed to get out of there anyways. Being around my whole family has a way of making me feel like I need a shot, or three." Another laugh bubbles out of my chest. He really is a funny person, and I normally have a dry sense of humor.

"Your whole family works there?" I pull up the customer accounts logs and grab the piece of paper form his hand to input his aunt's phone number.

"Sort of, my grandparents owned it originally, then my uncle got the deed when they passed. He and my aunt have been running it ever since. I have a few cousins that do the same as me, come in, help out. That sort of thing."

"And you don't want to join the family business?"

"Naw, my goal and passions are in basketball. I have a weekend job as a youth coach down at the rec center. Don't pay well, but the experience is nice, plus it's what I love. My aunt and uncle aren't necessarily happy I want to go to college far away and play basketball for a living, but it makes me happy. So, they respect it.

I nod my head in appreciation. I notice he hasn't mention his parents but I don't want to push him for more. I remember Brian mentioning something about how closed off Derek is with everyone, so the fact that he is speaking freely to me means something.

"So which school you going to?"

"Boise State. Just got my acceptance letter in the other day."

"Really?" Okay I said that way too loud.

"Uh yeah, why?"

"Oh, nothing I just-. I'm going to Boise State too. Brian is as well."

"I knew Davis was, and know you two are together but I didn't know you wanted to go there too."

His eyes narrow and I instantly assume he thinks of me the same way others do and will, each and every time I tell them that I will be going to Boise State with my high school boyfriend.

That I followed him there.

"Yes, I'm going too. Majoring in premed." His eyes light up when I tell him this and it causes a surge of pride to course through my body.

"That's-. that's incredible Jolie."

"Thanks. So, is this your aunt's account information?" He leans in closer and I casually lean in to smell him. His cologne is strong and masculine, and I'm immediately reminded of Brian. I have to remind myself to ask him which cologne he wears.

"Yep, that's her."

"Good. Looks like the customer she wants to send to is local, so there is a discount that will be applied. I just need, you to sign here and your mothers account will be charged automatically." I smile and hand him over the keypad.

Two years ago, Chrissy, dad and I gave mom an intervention about having some higher technology in her shop. Before then, she had a single cash register, no credit card machine and no computer. Chrissy introduced everything to her and her business became popular.

After signing the keypad and authorizing he payment, Derek thanks me and heads to the front door. Before he makes it to the door, he turns back to me looking unsure of himself.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why are you so positive?"


"What I mean is, I've had class with you all year and you've always been bullied. Amy and Miranda have always made your life a living hell. Yet, the one time you are able to get them into trouble, you choose not to. You smile every day, you laugh all the time, and you want to do good things with your life." He shrugs as if that is supposed to finish the rest of the question for me.

"I don't know Derek. I just am. I guess it's because I know Amy. The real Amy, and she's pretty insecure. You may never see it, and she is great at acting like it doesn't exist, but her and I used to be friends when we were little. She didn't have the best life at home and I'm guessing she still doesn't. Don't get me wrong it doesn't excuse the things she has done to me, and it's not right to bully anyone, but I guess it gives me more of an understanding."

Derek nods his head, then heads out the door. I smile at is back as he gets into his mustang and drives off. I head back to the office and continue my ribbon for the thousand roses and await my mother with dinner.

I didn't think it was possible, but after talking with Derek, I am more excited about college now.

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