The picture that Katherine saw of Amelia Silva didn't do justice — Amelia looked so much better in person. The woman looked like she was still in her late twenties or early thirties. She could easily pass as Damien's big sister instead of being his mother.
"I can see why my son is so enamored by you. You are very beautiful, Katherine," Amelia started. "And very smart too."
"Um… Thanks?" Katherine started feeling slightly uncomfortable. All because she mentioned his son. Subconsciously, she tugged the onyx ring on the necklace that was resting on her chest and waited for Amelia to continue. Katherine didn't know how to talk to her so she could only wait.
"You're mad at him, aren't you? He's a good person, Katherine. Despite everything that his family did and what they stood for, he is a good person. And I think you believe that too. So… why—"
Thanks for reading! ♥
It's a Sunday and I need to do chores outside today which is why I published the two chapters at this hour.
But because we remained in the top 50s, I will release another chapter later at 6pm GMT +8.
Just like the previous week, a mass release will be given when I reach top 30s. So keep voting :)
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