For a spontaneous date like this one and especially with Katherine, Damien could safely say it topped off all the dates that he had been in the past. They had just gotten started but he couldn't be more pleased to spend time with her… even if it was a Monday night.
With this beautiful woman next to him, he couldn't wait to unravel what else about her would surprise him.
"So, Damien… What usually happens on dates?" Katherine brought him out of his trance and he drank his wine to buy some time.
"You know… One is supposed to get to know the other better during dates. But I've always found it boring especially when they keep talking nonstop about the same stuff."
"Hmmm… Why? Were all your dates in the past groupies?" she teased.
♥ Hearts are flying everywhere.
Do listen to Hannah Trigwell's version of "Counting Stars".