Damien brought Katherine to the restaurant where he had reserved the best seating with an unobstructed view of the mountain ranges and stars from the window.
"Onyx…" she mumbled, catching Damien's attention.
He looked at her and wondered what she was thinking about as she stared at the view outside. He took a sip of his red wine and asked, "Do you know what that is?"
"Isn't that like a black stone?"
Nodding, Damien set his glass down. "Actually there are other colors. However, onyx is the most traditional black gemstone."
"I like black… but doesn't it look kind of—"
"Sad?" he finished her thought, smiling when he remembered a certain memory. "Someone told me that black onyx means sadness and that in ancient China, nobody dared to touch this precious gemstone because they fear to have bad dreams, bad luck, or bad energy."
"So why did they choose this name for this hotel?"
Thank you for reading.
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This might be the only chapter today.
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