After lunch, the two stayed on the sofa to relax for a bit before going back to work. Damien laid his head on Katherine's lap with his eyes closed as per the latter's suggestion to take a nap and rest, even if it was for a while. Katherine looked lovingly at Damien as he napped, her fingers softly caressed through his hair while her other hand rested on top of his chest.
She gazed at his face, taking in the sharpness of his nose and his slightly parted lips as he slept. And because she couldn't help it, her eyes wandered from his chest down to his stomach… and a little bit lower. She wondered if he would finally give in if she took advantage of his current vulnerability. He was asleep, wasn't he? Lifting her hand ever so carefully, she moved it down south of his body until it hovered over the waistband of his pants. If she could just…
Thanks for reading ♥