Without warning, heavy rain poured down from the dark sky followed by a flash of lightning and a growl of thunder.
Damien and Jeffrey each took an arm and put it around their neck as they tried to carry Chris under the harsh condition. The latter was bloody and lifeless, his feet being dragged against the already muddy ground and leaving a track of blood. Katherine was muddle-headed as she watched the scene in front of her. Today was supposed to be a really good day for her and Damien. How did it suddenly turn out like this?
"Fûck he's heavy," Jeffrey muttered under gritted teeth.
Katherine overtook the men, hurriedly grabbed the wheelchair near the entrance, and brought it over to them. Almost instantly, the men dropped Chris's body into the wheelchair.
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote.
P.S. some changes were made in CH 463 to clarify katherine when she started to doubt. I only noticed that I missed writing the points despite having it on the outline. anyway, I hope it's understandable. I only added her thoughts before they went back to Golden Phoenix Residences. No change in plot, just additional information.
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