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100% Fatso In Zombie Apocalypse / Chapter 1: 1st Days
Fatso In Zombie Apocalypse Fatso In Zombie Apocalypse original

Fatso In Zombie Apocalypse

Author: RokuN

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1st Days

"OH MY GOD!!! ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS JUST PUSH THE DAMN MEKANS!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!! " A loud salty yell can be heard at one of the rooms in the boarding house at a Rosemary streets.

Insides, you can see a fat guy in his 19 sulking like a childs in front of his laptop. He put his head at his desk as he rub his hair in frustations.

His name is Ari. He is currently the only tenant who rented the boarding house.

He is losing his mind as he get stomped at his online game and losing badly. He thought that today is one of his bad days just like yesterday and every other days before.

"2 win in 10 games. What a joke man... this suck...!!!" He mumbling to himself.

"WTF was that even? 3 of my teammates just afk and abandoning the game without a reasons. They should has a system to punish those kind of players." He continues talking to himself.

Suddenly he hear his stomach rumbling. The clock already at 7.40 when he look at it. He's been playing the games since 10 last night.

"Screw it, let's made the special triple Indonie with 2 eggs to made my day better." He said as he grabs 3 pack of fried instant noodles and eggs in his room.

Yeah, his boarding house has a communal kitchen and fridges.

That's way he is used to store his privately owned instant noodles and eggs since those two items are the one that usually get stolen.

Even after all the other tenant move out because the pandemic, storing it that way still become his habbit.

The house feels quiet like always as he cooks in the kitchen. He then enjoy his meals and goes to sleeps after.

"BANG!!! BANG,BANG!!!" A vague firework-like noises wake him up. He slowly opening his eyes as he gather his consciousness.

'Fireworks? Is there festivals nearby? Well thanks to that, i can wake up and grinds earlier.' He thought as he sees the clock showing at 3 p.m.

He walk downstair to grab a glass of water in the kitchen. He can hear some clanking noises from outsides.

'Those rowdy 5 years old with his little bro playing with their gate again.' He thought as he headed to the kitchen.

"CLANG,CLANG,CLANG..!!! CLANG,CLANG,CLANG,CLANG...!!!" He heard the clanking noises more noisier than it used to be after he get his water.

Curious about it, he decides to peek from the living room windows to take a looks.

He get surprised when he opens his curtain a little bit and take a looks outsides. The noises of the metal gates wasnt made by the usual sibling toodlers.

Instead, what he see is a horror scenes. there is 2 grown man, all bloodied up shaking his neighbour metal fences.

Those bloody mans continues to shakes his neighbour fences furiously But there is not a single sounds or words coming from their mouth.

He fastly closing the curtains in his shock. He tried to calm down a little bit and opening it again slightly.

He for the second times, can still see them as clear as the days.

'WTF? Is that the famous zombie pranks? That scares me a little bit.' He thought.

'But just be sure, i'll observes a little bit. Somehow they'll get tired and stopped right?' He ask questions to himself. Ari is a real coward after all.

But he never thought that his cautions and cowardness save him.

A minutes after he observes, suddenly a man sprinting passes on the streets right in front of his house. He can clearly see how terrified that man was.

The two bloodied man that possibly hear the man running past them turn their back and started chasing after him.

He can see that they stumble a bit but starting to charges toward the man at a fast paced jogging speeds.

Those 2 mans faces looks gruesomes like what Ari expected. He can see them opening and closing it's jaw like trying to bite something.

One of them has a hole in his cheeks just like a zombie and the other looks pretty much humans.

Not long after that he can hear many loud trampling that sounds like a bunch of running peoples from the distances.

And just like he heard, a bunch of bloodied humans being running at a jogging speeds with weirds and out of sync postures, chasing the running man.

He witness the horror from his windows until there are none other that passes again.

A fears, confusions and disbelieves about what he saw filling up his minds. He can feel his feets getting numb and his whole body trembling.

'What was that? It's just too quite for a zombie pranks...!! Are you forgetting to rehearse the growl..!? Dont Joke Around With Me..!!!!' He thought as he still froze in front of the closed curtains.

He want to deny the truth about what he sees and passes it as just a pranks, but he cant.

He remembers the stupid talks that he had with his colleges friends last month. It's all started with what if zombie apocalypse happens.

Everybody started to talk about it and comes up with many stupid conspiracy and theory. Of course, what they mostly utters are a jokes and dumb shit that times.

But he remember about one theory that stated by one of his friends.


His friends words that he remembered, suddenly filling his minds and make him lose all of the strength on his feets.

He slowly dragging his body away from the living rooms, leaning on the wall and quietly climb upstair toward his room.

He sits on his beds after he get insides. His feets and hand are still shaking from the fears.

He then try to calm himself down as he begin to starts thinking straightly with his logics.

'A smart guy like him can possibly think something useful.' He thought to calm himself.

'It still 3 p.m right now, so i can still has some daylight left to looks for some helps. Wait! It's 3 p.m? And i thought that there are some firework going on at 3 p.m? Waarggh...!!!' His mind are all over the places, even thought he try his best to think.

'Sob....sob....' He put a pillow on his face and started crying as he gave up thinking.

"What am i gonna do now..? sob..sob..." He said to himself.

He is alone at this houses and too scared to even opening the curtains again, let alone wanders of to seeks for helps.

Not long after that he remember that he has a phones.

'calling 112 sounds cliches,but here goes nothing.' He said as he grabs his phones. He still in denial that everything that he sees are just some pranks.

He notices that there are many missed calls both from his father and mother as he turn it on. He almost tried to calls back but decides not to and send a messeges instead.

*I am alive, call me anytimes if both of you are safe. I've silenced my phone.*

He tried to call 112 after sending his messages but nobody answered his calls. His unanswered calls confirms everything and made him depressed again.

But he decides not to give up yet, after all his phone still has the wifi signals. Wich means the internets are still on.

He opened his laptop and decides to browse what's trending on youtube. Not long after that his worst fears cant be denied anymores.

There is a lot of videos showing a chaos and peoples attack one anothers. America,China,Malaysia and the capital city of his country Jakarta. All of them showing the same thing.

He sits on his usual gaming chair. His overweight body are almost motionless if not for his breathing but his eyes glued at his laptop monitors.

He is there but also not there. The shock that he receives are too much to process with his brains.

After an hours of watching youtube, Ari lift his body from his gaming chair. Then calmly headed downstairs.

He made sure that any light on the house are turned off.

Then he grabbed a hose in the kitchen and headed to the rooftop at the third floors wich is used to manually wash and drying clothes.

He knows that there are a 1000 litres capacity water tank up there, so he check and made sure it full.

He connect the hose to the tap at the rooftop and connect it to the tank to fill it up.

Without him realizing it, his mind are entering survival mode after it get overwhelm with too much shock at one times.

Ari minds are mostly blank while doing it.

Most humans are surprisingly durable and can force themshelves to try to survives while faced with a dire and dangerous situations.

But he didn't realize yet, about how the worlds just outsides his boarding house look like.

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