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89.31% Fate/Ultimate Antagonist / Chapter 117: [117] Good Man

Chapter 117: [117] Good Man

"So, why haven't you been accepted as a disciple, Sima Yi? Could it be because you look too much like a woman?"

After Sima Hui finished his morning lecture on the art of morale, the young strategists sprawled across their desks, some forming small groups to study formations, techniques, and explosive spells.

A lean young man sat with his hands folded in his sleeves, holding a large, warm, white-furred fox with gold-tipped ears, who was enjoying his master's affectionate strokes.

Yu Mei-ren knelt beside Reinhard, holding a fan and blushing with shame and anger as she fanned the boy with both the moonlight and the breeze.

"Fan harder, Senior Sister. Haven't you eaten?"


The voice assistant activated Yu Mei-ren's handheld fan mode. The black-haired woman bit her lower lip and began fanning furiously.

"Lady, don't tire yourself out... ahh..." Xu Fu, panting and flushed, watched Yu Mei-ren's frustration with a strange excitement. "Young Master Zhang Jue, how about I fan you instead?"

"Senior sister is my maid. Not you, Miss Xu Fu."

So, Yu Mei-ren fanned Reinhard, while Xu Fu fanned Yu Mei-ren, forming an oddly hierarchical service chain.

Damn you, Zhang Jue! Damn it! How dare you!

Yu Mei-ren's sharp teeth clenched in her red lips as she gazed at the boy's pale neck, her eyes slowly filling with a blood-red gleam, feeling the urge to bite.

Even Xiang Yu had never received such servitude from her!

Yu Mei-ren felt like a woman whose husband had incurred a huge debt, and she had been sold to a wealthy household to repay it.

Damn it! Who decided to portray my friendship with Xiang Yu as a tragic love story? After all, robots don't have genders!

It was mutual appreciation, not a romantic farewell.

Do androids dream of electric succubi?

Of course not.

As an Incarnated Elemental with planetary perception, Yu Mei-ren's rationality and self-awareness were acquired, leaving her unaware of her origins.

With no race or organization to belong to, she was not human and utterly alone, hating and fearing humanity.

Thus, she struggled to understand human emotions.

Until that strange machine reached out to her, speaking of traversing the world together, forging a bond between two non-human beings.

Yet, watching Xiang Yu initiate self-destruction, she couldn't even reveal the truth.

The immortal Yu Mei-ren detested the world.

As for Zhang Jue, he was the epitome of loathsomeness!

Vile! Filthy! Shameless! At only nine years old, he boasted about visiting brothels and had the audacity to make her, a noble Incarnated Elemental, his maid! Despicable!

Yu Mei-ren fanned even harder.

Sima Yi, sitting gracefully on a bamboo chair, played the harp, finding this master-maid pair amusing.

His long black hair cascaded like a waterfall, his delicate features exuding a feminine elegance despite being a boy.

Reinhard marveled, thinking that Sima Yi could easily pass as a beautiful woman if he didn't speak or softened his voice.

"You might look good in women's clothes."

"Heh..." Sima Yi wasn't offended. He lowered his eyes and chuckled softly. "You're not the first to say that, Brother Zhang Jue. Do I look too delicate? Yet, a skilled hunter often appears like his prey."

"Oh, so you present yourself as weak?" Reinhard found this guy interesting.

"Humans instinctively fear the strong and pity the weak. Seeing me as feminine, most people let down their guard, giving me a chance to communicate."

Sima Yi plucked a harp string and smiled mysteriously.

"Just like you, Brother Zhang Jue. You approached me out of curiosity."

I see, you're fishing, and I'm the bait!

"Heh, I believe you have a promising future. You won't be overshadowed by the other seven prodigies. Why hasn't that man taken you as a disciple?"

"Master values one's nature." Sima Yi said softly.

Hearing this, Reinhard understood.

In history, Sima Yi swore not to harm a certain general, promising him lifelong prosperity, only to betray and execute him later.

Perhaps in this alternate history, things were similar. Sima Hui must have seen this potential treachery in Sima Yi, recognizing a character flaw incompatible with his teachings.

Reinhard didn't want to judge historical figures as good or bad. After all, living, breathing people are too complex to be summarized in a few words.

"That man thinks your nature is flawed, but I believe your determination is profound." Reinhard mused.

Denying Sima Yi's character didn't negate his potential. Sitting before Reinhard was just a boy, and Reinhard had no interest in criticizing him. After all, Reinhard considered himself far from a good person.

He was merely a person in the moonlit world pushed into action. If he could run away with his wives, he'd let future generations deal with the aftermath, believing in their wisdom.

"Master thinks I'm too extreme." Sima Yi said with a faint smile.

"He doesn't accept me as a disciple but allows me to audit classes, hoping to temper my excessive nature."

"Pfft." Reinhard almost sprayed his tea.

What kind of nature would make even Sima Hui, a relative, think Sima Yi was too extreme? 

"If it's convenient, do elaborate."

The young scholars in the hall turned their curious gazes towards Sima Yi, already familiar with his circumstances. Sima Hui, sitting in his rocking chair, sighed but didn't stop the discussion among his students.

Debate was good... any topic could be discussed. What couldn't be discussed?

Enlightened Sima Hui would never use the Comments section closed tactic to avoid issues.

Yu Mei-ren, fanning the breeze, felt the conversation veering into something beyond her comprehension.


With a gentle smile, as elegant as a woman, Sima Yi plucked a harp string, producing a resonant sound.

"There are three kinds of geniuses in this world, Brother Zhang Jue.

"The first kind are fools who think they're geniuses.

"The second kind are those who think they're geniuses.

"The last kind are those acknowledged as geniuses by everyone.

"Everyone in Water Mirror Manor, except for me, is a genius recognized by other geniuses."

"Come on, I'm just a loafer." Zhuge Liang yawned lazily. Thinking about geniuses all day wasn't as good as getting two more hours of sleep.

"Ah, Liang's talent is beyond my reach." Sima Yi conceded. "But being born into a merchant family, I've seen more of the world, understanding human nature better.

"As for this dynasty, it's a dying giant. No matter how much it tries to survive, collapse is inevitable in two or three decades.

"Even the emperor knows this, indulging in debauchery because efforts are futile.

"By then, warlords will vie for power, marking the beginning of chaos."

Sima Yi played a melancholy tune, the mournful notes drifting through the manor.

"Master teaches us to govern the world, Brother Zhang Jue. Everyone here has their own vision of statecraft."

"Master hasn't asked you about this, right? We all know your deeds and can infer your character from your acts of healing and charity. Master greatly appreciates you.

"Unfortunately, my ideas differ greatly from everyone else's. Master finds me extreme."

"How extreme?" Reinhard asked with interest.

"I want to fight poison with poison."


"Brother Zhang Jue, you must be distressed by the suffering of the people, right? When this dynasty collapses, villains will rise everywhere. Resisting them head-on is like hitting a rock with an egg.

"Years of war will only bring more suffering. So I think... why not choose the strongest among them, support their tyranny, and quickly unify the land, then usurp and reform.

"This way, the suffering is short-lived, and happiness comes faster than through prolonged wars. It's a greater good for the people."

Sima Yi finished speaking.

Sima Hui sighed deeply.

Sima Yi's approach was indeed extreme... using violence to end violence, killing swiftly to minimize suffering.

Like the difference between decapitation and death by a thousand cuts, quicker is less painful.

The young strategists fell silent.

Apart from Zhuge Liang, most were scions sent to Water Mirror Manor by influential families, aiming to either support the dynasty or prepare for the coming chaos.

Everyone dreamed of establishing peace, but none as radically as Sima Yi.


"...That's it?" Reinhard scratched his head in boredom.

"I thought you'd be more extreme."

Not extreme enough?

The students stared at Reinhard, wondering if their junior brother thought Sima Yi's plan didn't kill enough people.

"To be truly extreme, one should overthrow the decaying dynasty, round up the corrupt eunuchs and imperial relatives, and use them to enrich the land, channeling their energy into agriculture. The leylines of this dynasty should be severed, allowing prosperity to spread.

"Ingenious mechanical techniques should be applied not just to build palaces but also to till the land.

"Generals who can cleave mountains and redirect rivers should be digging canals for easier transportation of supplies.

"And why can't they build weather-controlling devices? They should be vigorously excavating the remnants of the first empire..."

Reinhard began counting on his fingers.

"Population control, propaganda, suppression of foreign tribes, chemical euphoria, and most importantly, a thorough purge. You haven't even touched these methods, so how can you call yourself extreme?

"How do you guarantee your chosen lord is a wise ruler? How can you be sure your subordinates will be absolutely loyal?

"The first empire lasted two generations, this dynasty only a few centuries before it became a walking corpse. How can you expect a new dynasty to break the cycle of rise and fall?"

Sima Hui's face twitched uncontrollably. He had thought Zhang Jue was a compassionate soul, but now he realized he had underestimated him.

Compassionate? More like revolutionary!

What kind of person could say such things? This wasn't just a nine-year-old child. A reincarnated immortal? More like a demon!

Reinhard actually wanted to say that the aristocracy should have been abolished long ago. The common scholars should have a path to rise, ensuring a constant flow of talent.

However, considering the identities of his fellow students, he decided to keep that to himself for now.

Speak to people in their own terms, speak to ghosts in theirs. That was the mark of a true master of the art of forgetfulness.

"Brother Zhang Jue, your vision is truly captivating..." Sima Yi's hand trembled as he strummed the zither, so absorbed that he didn't notice his fingers bleeding from the strings.

"But...I can't achieve that."

Can't achieve it? Then why try! Maybe I should get you a set of women's clothing someday.

"Ahem... Brother Zhang Jue, where did you hear all these ideas?"

Guo Jia was intrigued by the mention of a thorough purge, as his own beliefs leaned towards a dark and radical approach to warfare.

"The cycle of dynastic rise and fall, taking from the less to serve the more, this is human nature." Xun Yu said slowly. "We understand that eternal peace is an illusion. Brother, do you have a solution?"

"Of course I have a solution."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"With Sima Yi's explanation, I can almost guess what everyone believes in."

Reinhard enjoyed the puzzled look on Yu Mei-ren's face as she fanned the air, then turned to the curious gaze of Sima Hui.

Sima Hui's eyes were not those of a teacher, but of someone admiring a rare treasure.

"You, old man, want these eight talents to each support a chosen lord, seeking peace in the future chaos."

"Exactly." Sima Hui clapped and laughed, "I favor several clans and a certain general. When this dynasty collapsed, they are the forces capable of shaping the world. But I won't interfere with your choices."

"I'm expecting that." Reinhard nodded.

"If not allying with powerful families, then who?" Sima Yi murmured, "One person's power can't shake an empire."

"So, you're not actually concerned about the people, Sima Yi. The common people are just your excuse."

Reinhard's eyes were piercing as he looked at Sima Yi.

"You emphasize seizing power because you care about your familiy's interests first."

"Indeed." Sima Yi smiled slowly, "None of us here are saints. Naturally, we prioritize our family's interests."

"Take yourself, Brother Zhang Jue. You're from a wealthy family, raised in luxury and wealth."

Blood stained the zither strings, and Sima Yi smiled faintly as he noticed.

"Your grand vision is touching, but you can't achieve it either. We've heard of your charitable deeds, yet compared to the disaster victims in your county, what about the entire province? What about the entire dynasty?

"You may save thousands, but in the face of the vast disasters across the dynasty, it's just a drop in the ocean.

"When a country is in decline, there will always be monsters. As the court weakens, our families must conserve our strength to bring peace in the future chaos.

"Your visible acts of charity expose your talents, putting both you and your family at risk.

"Your talents should be better utilized elsewhere. Saving a thousand commoners, who cares?"

Sima Yi's words hung in the air.

The young strategists, except Zhuge Liang, remained silent.

It was cruel, but true.

They were all geniuses from prestigious families, raised in privilege, understanding worldly principles despite their youth.

People are inherently selfish, only varying in degree.

Even geniuses prioritize their family over the common people.

Family first, then friends, then the world.

Priorities are clearly defined. Helping the people is a noble excuse, and if it doesn't harm the family and even benefits it, geniuses wouldn't mind saving the world.

But truly acting on it? That's another matter. Even if families have excess resources, using them to help disaster victims might save countless lives.

But again, it boils down to...

"Why should we give away the hard-earned possessions of our noble families to others, Brother Zhang Jue?"

Sima Yi, as a son of a wealthy merchant family, had always been exceptionally sensitive to capital accumulation.

Unlike the more harmonious aristocratic clans, his family's rise through commerce was fraught with internal struggles and power plays, shaping Sima Yi's rather radical disposition.

"The grain, cotton, and cloth we have are the fruits of our labor. They come from our fields, estates, and forests, bought with our silver, and passed down through generations of my family.

"We can help the common people out of goodwill and moral duty, but it is not our obligation.

"With the impending chaos, natural disasters, and human strife, the land will fall into ruin, and market prices will soar. Every bit of our reserves will be essential for stabilizing the world. Therefore, noble families will not exhaust their resources for disaster relief. And besides..."

Sima Yi's voice trailed off, and he shook his head gently.

In times of chaos, the heroes will emerge, each noble family vying for their share of power.

What difference does it make to save thousands? Who really cares?

"The people who are saved care." Reinhard said.

Silence followed.

Sima Hui's eyes were filled with complex emotions.

Zhuge Liang gave a thumbs-up. As a commoner, he couldn't align himself with his fellow disciples' aristocratic perspectives. This friend, he thought, was someone worth keeping.

The other youths remained silent, shaking their heads slightly.

Their stance was the same as Sima Yi's.

Sima Yi sighed bitterly and closed his eyes.

"Brother Zhang Jue, you are truly a saint."

"A saint? No, I just act because I feel uncomfortable and want to do something about it." Reinhard laughed heartily.

"I do it to satisfy my own desires, to change this situation simply because I am unhappy, not out of any benevolence."

"Brother Zhang Jue, what can you change alone?"

"Perhaps not much alone, but if all the disciples join forces, we might achieve something monumental." Reinhard said, looking around at his fellow disciples with a smile.

"Isn't Water Mirror Manor known for being a force capable of shaking the world? I could use the wisdom of my senior brothers."


The young men chuckled, their laughter turning into sighs.

"Brother Zhang Jue, you must be joking."

They indeed respected his insight and acknowledged his exceptional talent, even among the eight talents, but... he was still so naive.

Who came to Water Mirror Manor to study for the sake of the common people?

"Old man, may I teach a class?" Reinhard slowly began to smile.

"Since words alone can't persuade my fellow disciples, I'll show my sincerity."

"I'll tell you, senior brothers, that aligning with me is more meaningful than ingratiating yourselves with the various noble families."

The thin young man, stroking a fox, looked around the room, speaking each word clearly and forcefully.

"Because I, Zhang Jue, am worth more than all the noble families in this world combined."

Yu Mei-ren's eyes flickered with amusement.

How arrogant, Zhang Jue, so incredibly arrogant!

Yet, such bold words also intrigued everyone present.

"Young man, do you want to give me a lesson?"

Sima Hui snapped his folding fan shut and made a gesture of invitation, his expression full of anticipation.

"A disciple need not be inferior to his master. Please, Zhang Jue, enlighten us with your celestial knowledge. Let me open my eyes and hear what you have to say."

Reinhard chuckled, standing slowly and walking to the podium. "I shall teach you about the Dao of Dialectical Materialism!"

"What Dao?"

"The Dao of Dialectical Materialism!"

He traced his fingers through the air, writing luminous characters in the void.

The onlookers squinted to read: Heavenly Cartography, Classical Mechanics, Cellular Composition, Evolution and Competition, Visual Diffraction, Conservation of Energy...

Each word was familiar, but strung together, they were incomprehensible.

Soon, as Reinhard began to expound on this so-called Dao of Dialectical Materialism, he transformed the knowledge of astronomy, geography, physics, mechanics, optics, and even thermodynamics into a language that his audience could understand...

"Our land is a sphere? And the brilliant sun is as well? The moon revolves around our earth, which is ten thousand times larger than the moon? The sun, in turn, is millions of times larger than the earth? And the stars beyond are countless?"

"Our bodies are made of cells? Cells are the basic units of life, and the culprits spreading plagues are tiny pathogens the size of mustard seeds? A single cup of water contains 480 million of these invisible pathogens?"

"Everything we see and feel, all the splendid phenomena, are the result of different light diffractions? When energy is used, it doesn't disappear, it simply transforms from one form to another?"

As Reinhard continued his lecture, he meticulously demonstrated the logic behind these various disciplines.

The brilliant young strategists of the manor listened with rapt attention, incessantly posing questions and engaging in discussions with Reinhard.

Sima Hui grabbed several sheets of paper, continuously drawing sharp breaths as he began calculating.

Xu Fu thoughtfully rubbed his chin, a trigram swirling on his fingertips as he seemed to derive inspiration and insights into necromancy from the cell theory.

The golden-edged fox sat obediently at Reinhard's seat, nodding its head as it listened. The golden edges of its tail seemed to spread with peculiar patterns as the lecture continued.

Beside Reinhard, Yu Mei-ren's head was spinning.

Damn... even a fox can understand?

Why does it feel like I'm the only one who doesn't get it?

Dao? What kind of Dao is this?!

That old man never mentioned this kid could teach this Dao of Dialectical Materialism!

Zhuge Liang didn't even have time to nap. The young man sat upright, listening intently.

It seemed like he was the only one out of place?

Yu Mei-ren hesitantly moved closer, holding a delicate silk fan.

"It's been two or three hours, Junior Brother... Your mouth must be dry. Shall I pour some water and fan you?"

"Don't block the board, Senior Sister... move, move! You're in the way!"

The young strategists' complaints rose one after another.


Yu Mei-ren's face turned crimson, feeling utterly redundant and on the verge of imploding from embarrassment.

Reinhard raised his hand and gently patted Yu Mei-ren's face.

"Be good, Senior Sister. Go cool off somewhere else. We'll discuss how to repair Xiang Yu tonight."

"Oh... Junior Brother, you're... How can I... I won't disturb you anymore..."

Yu Mei-ren swiftly retreated.

"Xu Fu, Xu Fu... this is so boring. Let's take a walk outside."

The black-haired woman grabbed her maid's hand, swaying it back and forth.

"Tsk... no time now, lady. Let me finish listening to Master Zhang Jue's lecture first. Cancer cells? Don't talk to me right now..."

"Guh... even you...?"

Yu Mei-ren collapsed on the classroom floor like a deflated creature, her scattered gaze resembling a lazy, listless fish.

Absorbed in their learning, time passed unnoticed as the day turned to dusk.

Reinhard, feeling somewhat exhausted from the extended lecture, glanced at the dimming light outside and set his teacup on the desk.

Damn, no bell to signal the end.

"The second law of mechanics, we'll stop here for today."


The young strategists' faces displayed the pain of being interrupted.

"Brother Zhang Jue, it's still early..."

"Brother Zhang Jue? Master Zhang Jue! You can't call him Brother anymore!"

"Right, right, Master Zhang Jue! We've deposed Sima Hui! Please continue!"

"Master Zhang Jue!" Sima Hui joined the clamor. "Tell us more about quantum mechanics!"

The thirst for knowledge and desire for deeper understanding were evident on the faces of these brilliant young minds.

For the intelligent, precious knowledge is the most irresistible temptation in the world.

Looking at the eager young talents below, Reinhard smiled gently.

"Sorry, but I'm not planning to continue."


A chorus of wails erupted, and Zhuge Liang, ever perceptive, quickly understood Reinhard's intentions, a small smile forming on his lips.

The wails lasted only a moment.

Everyone quickly grasped Reinhard's meaning.

"What do you want, Brother Zhang Jue? My family can offer any rare treasures in exchange for your Theory of Geocentric Energy."

Zhou Yu, having heard of the energy theory, was as if he had found a treasure. So that's how it is, the principles of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning. Such knowledge could greatly enhance his techniques of summoning weather.

"Brother Zhang Jue..." Xun Yu spoke earnestly. "Whatever you need, just say the word. I'll have my father send it to Water Mirror Manor immediately."

The other senior brothers also made their offers, all willing to exchange wealth and resources, except for Zhuge Liang, who looked troubled.

At the age of eight, Zhuge Liang lost his father and sought refuge with his uncle. However, his uncle lost his position as governor, leaving Zhuge Liang dependent on Sima Hui's support.

"If you want to attend the lecture, you must pay tuition."

"I would like to ask all of you, my senior brothers, to write a letter to your families." Reinhard smiled, bowing respectfully. "Please ask your fathers to help the common people, however much they can."

Silence fell.

The young strategists sighed, moved by the noble request and ashamed of their own selfish thoughts.

"Brother Zhang Jue, your knowledge, if compiled into books, would be coveted by countless aristocratic families." Jia Xu said sincerely. "The glory and wealth of your family could rise overnight, and the position of the governor would be within reach."

"The value of knowledge lies in its sharing." Reinhard said, pointing to Sima Hui with a smile. "He is a true master, yet he doesn't charge tuition."

Sima Hui laughed heartily.

Zhuge Liang shook his head with a wry smile. "This is something I cannot promise, Brother Zhang Jue, as I..."

"Remember the heart to save the people." Reinhard patted the shoulder of this young crouching dragon. "Your intention is enough for me, senior brother."

Sima Yi, listening nearby, closed his eyes with a subtle smile on his lips. As expected... Zhang Jue, you truly awaken us all. You are a monster who brings endless surprises to every genius here.

He wasn't wrong.

Indeed, he is a person whose value exceeds that of all the noble families in this dynasty combined.

To win him over is to win over... the entire Water Mirror Manor.

"I will write to my family, asking my father to help the people with all his might."

With a serene smile, Sima Yi was the first to voice his opinion. He always understood the essence of benefit.

Wealth and riches cannot compare to earning Zhang Jue's goodwill... gaining his favor is more important than anything.

"When I take charge of my family, aiding the people will be one of my duties."

"I'll write home to my family right away!" Zhou Yu declared.

"I will also contribute to the world!" Pang Tong added enthusiastically.

The vibrant atmosphere spread throughout the manor, devoid of intrigue and deception. This was the most spirited and hopeful time for the young strategists.

Sima Hui closed his eyes with a smile. Though blind, he could feel the fervor in the air.

Who is the master, and who is the disciple?

Zhang Jue, Zhang Jue, you have truly given the master a good lesson.

As Reinhard had said, he showed his sincerity.

For the first time, the geniuses gathered from all over the world felt their hearts united by one man's sincerity, converging towards a common goal.

Xu Fu stood by with a smile, the sight of the young strategists reminding her of her master words.

"With the dynasty unified, do I still need to descend the mountain, Master? I see that all your disciples have the talent to save the world and have the capacity to lead armies to end the chaos of the various states. As for me, I am just an alchemist."

"It is meaningless to dwell on this. Walk through cities, Xu Fu. If the people are starving, even a thousand years of imperial reign will crumble in an instant."

"I do not understand, Master. The First Emperor is a brilliant ruler. Is he not the true dragon emperor destined to create a long-lasting dynasty?"

"Whoever can feed the people is the true dragon."

Yu Mei-ren watched the harmonious scene, somewhat dazed.

Why are you working so hard, Junior Brother?

You are saving people who have nothing to do with you. They do not even know of your noble deeds... they will not be grateful, they will not know your name, nor understand your sacrifices. One day, they might even curse you loudly.

Yu Mei-ren hugged her knees, sitting curled up in the manor, having seen too many such cases over the past four hundred years.

Good people... what good are they?


She let out a self-mocking chuckle.

Good people often die the fastest.

Being good is the least valuable.

"To save one person is still to save a person. I am fully aware that tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, might not matter to the court, but those who survive will care."

The black-haired boy, extended a hand to the black-haired woman curled up in front of him.

Yu Mei-ren lifted her gaze, staring at him in a daze.

"Senior sister, you don't want Xiang Yu to remain unhealed, do you?" Reinhard smiled.

"Then help me. Try to fix this world with me. You help me, and I will help you. A simple exchange of interests."


The large fox nuzzled its master's cheek.

The black-haired boy's hair swayed slightly before his eyes, his deep, ink-like pupils as mesmerizing as deep oceans.

Somehow... this kid doesn't seem so annoying anymore.

Yu Mei-ren sniffed slightly, discreetly wiping a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth.

"Alright, I agree. So, junior brother, when will you accompany your sister back to her mountain? Xiang Yu's broken core is there."

"Hmm, I will spend some time here with my senior brothers, and then I will travel between provinces."

"Huh? Aren't you supposed to cultivate immortality with that old man? Sima Hui's arts aren't worth learning, they focus on illusions, which conflict with your lightning techniques."

"If I want to learn, I can learn."

These words sounded incredibly arrogant, but... he was not joking. After all, he has the Pure Heart in this simulation.


Reinhard pressed his chest, feeling the Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan hidden there, thinking that old man's arts might not necessarily be more profound than this.

"Between your mountain and this manor. Both forms of training are equally important to me, neither is superior to the other."

Well, it seems you want to take advantage of everything... Although, it looks like it's me who is begging him to accept me. So, that's settled.

"Moreover, I have one more important lesson I haven't taught my senior brothers yet."

"What is it?"

"The People's Historical Perspective and the Great Path."

Reinhard whispered softly.

"The Azure Sky is already dead, the Yellow Sky will soon rise."

In this world, there seemed to be no Zhang Jiao. However, there still appeared a great virtuous teacher and the more advanced ideology of the Great Path.

Wait for three or four decades until this dynasty rots away?

Reinhard could wait, and so could the noble families, but the common people, truly rotting in the fields, couldn't.

No one dared to raise a flag against this dynasty, so he would declare war on this dynasty himself.

Nurgle pollution?

Fuck with that! I'm here to cure the disease and save lives! I'll even strap you to an electric chair if necessary!

These geniuses from Water Mirror Manor would be the first force Reinhard would use to overthrow this dynasty. The young strategists were still impressionable, making it the perfect time to instill the People's Historical Perspective in them.

These brilliant military strategists of this era would become his force to shake the entire dynasty.

With the most famous strategists of this era under his command. How will you fight me, Nurgle?

Whether this manor or her mountain, Reinhard would utilize anyone he could.

"I initially wanted to continue explaining about other materials a little more..." Reinhard smiled. "But it seems that the senior brothers have been immersed in the previous material, it seems like it's time to introduce that cursed gameboard."

"What is a gameboard?" Yu Mei-ren asked, a bit confused. She barely understood some sentences her junior brother said and started doubting her own intelligence.

At this time, the gameboard hadn't been invented yet.

"Heh... Senior sister, if you say so, I won't feel sleepy anymore!"

While the young strategists and master discussed dialectical materialism enthusiastically, Reinhard grabbed Zhuge Liang by the collar and, along with Yu Mei-ren and Xu Fu, walked to his room.

"Hey, hey, hey... what are you doing?" Zhuge Liang scratched his head. "I was calculating the Earth-Moon trajectory."

"We need a fourth player, and you're it."

"A fourth player for what?"

"To teach you newbies how to play gameboard. The best way to spread the ideas of the great path!"

Reinhard plucked two bamboo stalks, Sima Hui's favorites, and swiftly carved a crude set of gameboard tiles by hand, setting up a gameboard table in the room.

"Heh, I'll win your pants off, senior sister!"




Under the caress of the moonlight and the chirping of cicadas...

"Damn it, I'm done! Fuck with this cursed game!"

In Yu Mei-ren's muffled laughter, Reinhard tossed his last silver ingot onto the table, hugged the large, soft fox, and fell asleep.

"Hey? Weren't you going to win my pants off?" Yu Mei-ren's taunt made Reinhard pull the blanket over his head.

Zhuge Liang looked at the pile of silver in front of him, understanding that his brother was trying to help him save his ego by losing on purpose.

Ah... Brother Zhang Jue is truly a good person!

Sima Hui shook his fan, looking at the two gameboard tables in the manor.

This is bad... Zhang Jue, you little rascal, you're truly a troublemaker.

There was no choice, with one participant gone, he had to fill in himself, right?

As night deepened and sounds gradually faded, under the hazy moonlight, Reinhard felt something wet and sticky licking him.

"You little fox, stop it..."

He tried to pinch the fox's snout but, raising his hand, he only felt something soft and warm in the bed.

That all-too-familiar, soft, warm sensation made him open his eyes, staring in a daze at the figure before him... nearly two meters tall, curvaceous to an extreme... a voluptuous fox.

Three fluffy tails with golden tips swayed behind her hips, and she was covered only by the thin blanket, her soft flesh nearly pushing Reinhard off the bed.

"Master, may I taste you? I can transform for one hour a day now..." The fox-eared girl's golden eyes blinked.

Reinhard hugged her, realizing she was too large to sleep comfortably.

"Change back!"


The black-haired boy's head was buried in her ample breast.

XElenea XElenea

If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my pa treon : treon. com/XElenea

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