/ Anime & Komik / Fate: Forging my legend

Fate: Forging my legend Original

Fate: Forging my legend

Anime & Komik 0 Chapters 13.7K Views
Author: Sayes_OfDragons

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Warning, this fanfic is not exclusively from the fate universe, but it is going to be a fanfic, crossed with several universes, as well as not exactly following the timeline of the fate universe.

Cold is the only thing I feel.

Cold that I gave my entire life for a cause.

Cold knowing that I was deceived, for half my life, and that now I will die like this.

Cold for knowing that I was betrayed, by the person I trusted the most.

Some last words crimson sword.

The truth is I didn't want to talk, even if I did talk no one would really make an effort to listen to me, but still a part of me wants to say some last words, for the people who still consider me a true hero.

So I took courage and spoke.

Just when I finished speaking several attacks were directed towards me, but instead of getting scared I simply looked them in the eyes, and put on the most sincere smile I could, happy to know that I could finally reunite with my companions.

If reincarnation exists, I wish to be able to live that life however I want.


Loud was that sound and because I'm seeing everything slower.

[Charge 1%, Charge 5%, Charge 9%, Charge 15%, Charge 29%, Charge 38%, Charge 54%, Charge 72%, Charge 92%, Charge 100%, Charge Finished]

At that final sound something appeared in front of him, a blue screen.

What I got myself into this time, was the last thing he said before he was murdered.

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. Daoist89yPri
    Daoist89yPri Contributed 2
  2. DaoistitfcjR
    DaoistitfcjR Contributed 1
  3. Sayes_OfDragons
    Sayes_OfDragons Contributed 1

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Até agora a história está boa foi bem construído não sei ,o que aconteceu quando botar os outros animes eueueuueeuue quero mais $$$$$$$##$#¢$#$#@$##@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##@#@##@#@#@#@#@#####@@@#@#@######@@@

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