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55.17% Fate's Rewrite / Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Escalation

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Escalation

It was an interesting experience to walk through the streets of London with a woman as enchanting as Fleur beside me. Her beauty was unparalleled even without her allure. And the tight white dress she was wearing, short enough to make every man around to pray for a gust of wind, tight enough to reveal the excellent lines of her body, carried things to whole new level. Every eye was on her, most with arousal, though jealousy was almost as common.

Even more interestingly, she was enjoying the attention. I couldn't say that she was comfortable, she usually fidgeted whenever someone strayed too close. Unsurprising, since the only thing between her and nakedness was the thin white fabric of her dress. But, still, she enjoyed enough for her nipples to turn rock hard, clearly visible through her dress. It was nice to see all my efforts to change her personality was not in waste.

And it was even nicer to watch her, squeezed in the conflict between her desires and her sense of propriety as she walked through the streets of London, unsure whether to bask in attention or shy away. I smiled, trying to keep my desire to tease her under control. Not because I had suddenly started to pity her, of course. No, I didn't want to distract her from her awareness of the surroundings.

Our walk in silence until we were at the restaurant's entrance, a top rated Asian restaurant that had a six-month waiting list. Only by using magic I was able to get a seat. We passed through the entrance, and found ourselves in a sparsely decorated entry hall which nevertheless gave the sense of an elite superiority. And a short but sexy Japanese lady was waiting for us at the door, wearing a dress resembling a kimono, but strategically altered to look sexier for Western sensibilities.

I waited for her to greet us, but she was stuck looking at Fleur instead. I could have acted like an asshole, of course, but decided otherwise. I understood the sudden challenge she was facing. Not every day she met with a beauty that would make supermodels consider suicide. "Hi," I said to her, trying to get her attention. "We had a reservation for two, for Mr. Munroe."

She shook her head, the blush spreading her face as she realized the blunder she made. "Right this way," she stuttered, realizing the situation she forced herself in with that delay. Her manager wouldn't be happy if he learned that she chose to ogle a customer rather than greeting us in the proper way.

The greeter walked in front of us, her hips moving side to side in an attractive manner, but it failed to get more than a passing glance with Fleur next to me. Fleur also missed it, preferring to face me with a confused expression. "It's the name, right?" I asked, and received a nod in return. "I didn't want my name on the record, just in case," I explained. I could have gone into detail about possible Death Eater raids or whatnot, but I chose to leave them out for now, not wanting to ruin the mood. As we walked through the restaurant, all eyes were on Fleur.

Then, we arrived at our table, a large, corner table already populated with a generous display of sushi and other assorted dishes, but most importantly, the sight of the other tables partially blocked by the semi-transparent screens. A sigh escaped Fleur's mouth as she took her seat, unaware that this limited privacy was at my request.

I grabbed my chopsticks and helped myself with a few cuts of sushi. "You should try this," I said as pushed a plate towards her. "These are my favorite."

"Do you eat Japanese food often?" Fleur murmured. She tried to keep it as an off-hand comment, but her nervousness betrayed her. What she was trying to ask was the source of my casual familiarity with the details of the non-magical world. A knowledge that was impressive even for a muggle-friendly family like Weasleys, and downright miraculous in a family like Malfoys.

"Occasionally," I answered. "Most of the time, I limit myself to takeout, but I thought it would be a good change of pace for you as well. You like sushi, right?'

"I do," she whispered as she tried to suppress her blush. "It's just that…"

"You don't expect a supremacist like me to be aware of Japan, let alone enjoying Japanese food," I said. Her gaze jumped to my face in an instant, painted with fear, ready to claim that she wasn't thinking that. However, instead of finding anger on my face, she only found amusement, which puzzled her more. "You seem confused?" I quipped.

"I don't…" she murmured for a second before changing her statement. "I'm confused," she admitted. "Why are you supporting that monster if you are enjoying the non-magical side this much."

"There is an answer for that," I said. "But you need to win a little bet if you want to learn the answer for it. Is that something you might be interested in?" She bit her bottom lip as she thought about it, but soon, she was nodding in approval. She didn't ask what the bet was, which normally I would deem as stupidity, but she was aware that I had power over her from both personal and business sides, and rejecting anything was not an option. "You just need to keep yourself contained for the duration of the dinner," I explained.

She looked confused for a moment, which gave me enough time to slip my foot off my shoe. Her eyes grew in shock when my toe brushed her ankle, but its significances, she realized only after the second time my toe brushed against the same spot. "You're going to-" she tried to say with an obvious display of panic.

"Exactly," I answered. "It's just a simple game, you're going to ignore my touches without any mishap, and voila, you can ask three questions for me. You just need to control yourself for the duration of our lunch. Simple, right?"

Fleur's expression shouted that it was not simple, not even close, but that didn't keep her from nodding. And I might even think that it was only foreboding that she was feeling, if it wasn't for her allure, flaring with excitement. She had been longing my touch, and now she was getting it.

"Perfect," I murmured. I could feel my mouth watering, and it had nothing to do with the delicious spread in front of me. My gaze was on the food, but my attention was on the small glide of my foot, climbing upwards on her leg, reaching to her knee in a few seconds, which then I passed on my way to her inner thighs. At that point, her eyes jumped to mine in panic, realizing I had no intention of limiting myself to safer spots.

But before she could say anything, a waitress appeared next to our table. Like the greeter, she was a dark-haired, petite Japanese woman, wearing a sexy interpretation of her traditional clothing. "Is there anything else I can bring," she murmured, but with her each word, her face was getting redder. A side effect of receiving Fleur's allure from point-blank range while she was trying to contain her own arousal. "Maybe something to… drink," she continued, one of her hands gently gliding over her own leg, the side effect of her sudden arousal.

Luckily for her, the rest of the restaurant was in a similar state, so they failed to notice her action. "Some warm sake would be nice," I added even as my foot climbed to the inside of Fleur's leg, caressing the soft texture of her inner thighs. "How about you, honey," I added, forcing her to do something else than trying to suppress her feelings. "Warm or chilled?"

"Chilled," she managed to say, but her voice resembled a moan more than anything else. Luckily, our waitress was far to gone to be offended by something that simple. After one last lingering glance towards Fleur, she walked away, her hips dancing quite a bit more than what was strictly necessary.

I quirked my eyebrow when I felt her hand on my ankle. "Are you sure you want to do that," I said, my voice deceptively light. But after the long nights we spent together, Fleur was smart enough to catch the implied threat, and pulled her hand back right in that instant. "Good girl," I added, which managed to put a smile on her face despite the ridiculousness of the situation.

Another lull followed my last statement, soon after broken by the return of our waitress. But I felt my eyes widen appreciatively when I caught sight of the changes in her dress. The same kimono-inspired coat was on, but it was widened considerably, enough to create a spectacular cleavage for my viewing pleasure, enough to reveal that she wasn't wearing anything underneath. And since I doubted it was the usual dress code, she must have changed it just for us. Fleur's allure was working amazingly.

Pity, I thought as I turned my gaze towards Fleur, trying to ignore the tantalizing display. Today was about sealing Fleur's conquest, and adding a third person to the balance wouldn't be helpful. It would be delicious, of course, but it wouldn't be helpful. My decision was challenged quite a bit when the waitress leaned forward to put our drinks to the table, and revealing her small, but beautiful breasts for my attention. It was pure luck that Fleur's gaze was firmly on the table, trying to hide her own aroused expression.

"Thanks, honey," I said as I slid my hand into her clothes, checking whether she was wearing panties, which stayed hidden from the rest of the guests thanks to the panels around our table. The answer was positive, and when I pulled back, my wallet was a hundred pounds lighter. In my opinion, such a dedicated service deserved a reward.

As the waitress fixed her clothing and walked away, her hips were shaking harder than a stripper desperate for tips. I turned my attention back to Fleur, who was biting her lips desperately in an attempt to keep her voice low, a challenge that was getting harder by each passing second. I made a point of avoiding her lower lips, but that was a nascent hope for her. During our encounters, I had learned quite a bit about her sensitive spots, and I had no problems employing them to get what I wanted.

"Are you enjoying the… food?" I asked after a minute of silence, my foot still dancing over her thighs. The question made her raise her head for the first time for a while, allowing me to see her barely restrained arousal, dancing behind her eyes. She was biting her lips in an attempt to keep her moans inside, successfully even, but that only made sexier. "I'm waiting," I said, stretching my words in amusement.

"It's good-" she managed to say until it was interrupted by a moan, as I pushed my foot further the exact moment she started speaking, tickling her most sensitive spot. Her skirt was a barrier between her skin and my touch, but its silky fabric wasn't the best barrier. She had to raise her hand, pressing on her mouth, to prevent more moans from following it, a task that took her whole attention.

And with that, the last piece of control she was having on her allure was lost, suffocating the surrounding area with the all subtlety of a battering ram. With my foot still on its task, I glanced around, curious how the other customers were faring under the assault of allure. It turned out that they were looking at the table, trying to process the unfamiliar rush of emotions, their faces turned towards our table.

I cast an aversion ward on the table, obscuring it from everyone's sight. With that, the occupants lost the focus on their desires, but the arousal was still there. Naturally, their attention started to turn against the others in the room. The people with dates started to flirt in a much more heated manner, and several men dressed in business suits started to pay undue attention to the waitresses, becoming handsier than a sailor in a strip club, but the waitresses had to problem accommodating their sudden desire. And a few people were already on their feet, dragging their partners towards the nearest available closed spaces.

But Fleur was unaware of all that, the attempts to control her reactions blinding her to the surroundings. I decided to push things even more. Another wave of my wand, and an ice cube floated up, gently gliding towards her neck. She missed it until it touched her neck, at that point she flinched, her hand deserting its post to catch the offending object. Her fingers met around the ice cube, confusion thick enough to overwhelm her arousal for a moment.

"Is there something wrong, Fleur," I said even as I started rubbing her knob even harder. "You seem a bit tense."

"N-no," she managed to stammer before moans threatened to overwhelm her, forcing her to bring both of her hands over her lips once more. She was on the edge of defeat. I pulled my leg back, sliding it into my shoe once again. Fleur looked at me with a grateful expression before letting her eyes fall on the table, breathing deep to gain a semblance of control.

In her priority to contain her arousal, she missed a very important detail. I had stood up with the intention of changing seats. She didn't even notice as I plopped herself to the seat next to her. She did notice when I put my hands on the naked part of her leg. "Draco!" she exclaimed in panic, correctly reading my intention. But it was too late for her to stop me. She grabbed my wrist in an attempt to slow down the inevitable climb of my fingers, but she was shaking under the strain of an unmet orgasm, and her own muscles betrayed her, refusing to put their power behind her move. Her trembling grip didn't even slow me down.

"Yes, Fleur," I said, amused by the point she shifted calling me by my first name. "How can I help you?" I added mockingly as my hand tried to disappear under her skirt, but with her fingers still around my wrist, the movement pushed her to skirt up, revealing her nether lips to my sight instead. My shaft started throbbing with excitement at the inviting sight of her wet entrance, begging for me to slide inside her.

"Please-" she begged, trying to ask for a reprieve, but once again, I didn't let her finish her sentence, this time by pressing my lips against her neck, delightfully forcing her to convert her words to another moan.

"Please, what?" I said as my fingers slid into her wetness, her walls squeezing them like her life depended on their presence. I stayed motionless inside her, my eyes on hers, waiting for her words to continue. Her shining blue eyes stayed in contact with mine for a few seconds as she tried to maintain the last scraps of her frayed self-control, but her instincts, which was trained to perfection during our extended barter, dominated her rationality. She nodded demurely, her expression telling a tale of surrender, and she leaned to capture my lips. A soft moan escaped from my lips, mixing with hers, as our lips locked into a tender kiss, with great contrast to the rest of the situation.

I took that as an invitation to finish the second act of today's little game, and my fingers started to pump inside her mercilessly. She started trembling as the climax hit, her breathing getting harsher and harsher, but interestingly, her lips patiently stayed locked with mine, teasing them with a lingering kiss.

"You lose," I said teasingly as I pulled back from the kiss after her trembles subsided.

"I did," she said with a sigh as she put her hands over my chest, gently caressing my muscles as my fingers continued to slid inside her, trying to bring things to a point of upheaval. Another surprisingly tender action that showed my growing power over her.

"It's good that you accept your position," I said. "Because now, it's time for the punishment game," I said. I pushed the food off the table with a swipe of my arm, and before Fleur could react, I pushed her on the table, her soft chest pressing against the hardwood.

"Wait-" she tried to say fearfully as my sudden movement was enough to remind her that we were still in a public place. I hadn't listened to her, not that I needed to, as she was frozen the moment she saw the current state of the restaurant. I used the opportunity to cast a spell to weaken her dress. Another tug, and she was completely naked, but with her eyes stuck on the orgy that was being conducted by the rest of the occupants, she failed to react her rough undressing, giving me enough time to slide inside her.

A moan escaped my mouth as her warmth enveloped my shaft. Her tightness was delicious, but I pushed deep inside mercilessly. We had been playing for a while, I needed the relief. "That's your fault, you know," I commented offhandedly as I pumped inside her mercilessly.

"What," she managed to stammer, with her attention split between trying to keep herself from crying in pleasure, and covering her body with her hands from the rest, unaware of the spell that prevented the others from seeing us. Otherwise, they would be charging us in an attempt to touch Fleur. Their mind was completely dominated by the allure, which was why there was a bona fide orgy that was going on. A few couples were rutting on the corners, isolating themselves from the larger group, while several others were collected in a pile in the middle of the room. The waitress that served us earlier was squeezed between two businessmen, one taking her from the backdoor while the other ravaged her pussy, the greeter that showed us our table being spit-roasted next to her, both showing utmost dedication to customer satisfaction.

I turned my attention back to Fleur, whose attention turned more inward with each time our flesh slapped together. I could feel my own climax drawing closer, but I had a different ending in mind. I pulled back without a warning, and sat on my seat. Fleur turned towards me, her expression between hunger and betrayal, everything else forgotten in favor of her climax.

"Hop on," I said as I pointed at my lap. She didn't lose any time, threw herself on her feet with the grace of a ballerina and plopped herself on my lap with the same grace. A loud cry escaped her mouth as my shaft slid inside her, and she started jumping on my lap, each jump driving my thickness even further, which also brought her to a deeper point of arousal. My arms were around her waist, but instead of my usual iron grip, they were a soft coil around her, a barrier she could cut through negligently.

The reason, I wanted to see the extent of her loss of control. "I'm almost there," I whispered into her ear. Her eyes burned with comprehension, but the desire she was feeling didn't allow her to break our connection. I tried to push her off my lap, softly of course, just enough to be able to claim that I tried to push her off, but with no possibility of succeeding. And her own mind, shackled by her own instincts, didn't give her a chance either.

"I'm here," I whispered, and her only response was to wrap her leg around my waist as she pushed herself even lower, swallowing the full length of my shaft, locking herself in place. And that finally broke through my resistance, and I started spraying her insides with my seed, her expression brightening with each pump. It wasn't the first time I cum inside her, but it was the first time she accepted it in her own volition.

She came to the same realization as the seconds ticked, a horror growing on her face. She jumped off my lap, my seed sliding down her thighs, mixed with her own juices… "I… I need to go," she murmured in panic as she fumbled for her wand.

"Sure," I said as I passed her wand to her, which was lying on the side, forgotten during the action. "Also, take the afternoon off, I'll handle the things with the goblins," I said. She blinked away before bothering to find something to wear, still completely naked. I apparated away to my own home a second later, leaving the muggles alone for their pleasure…

Maegor_Potter Maegor_Potter

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