/ Urban / Farsi

Farsi Original


Urban 2 Chapters 1.3K Views
Author: Blake_Farsi

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Beware of all these crypto investment plans and if you must participate, please do proper research lest you fall victim. My big bro met a woman calling herself “Jiang Yingying” on social media and they communicated on WhatsApp, Telegram, and through text messaging. At some point, Jiang convinced him to open a crypto account, so he transferred $15,000 from his debit card, then transferred the cryptocurrency to a Chinese exchange at first calledrbhoodc.com, but later it changed its name to rbhoodz.com, then changed again to rbhoodd . xyz. He even got a loan for $100,000 which he also deposited intorbhoodc.com through his Crypto.com account. Jiang kept saying he was making money and should add more capital, so he got another $150,500 loan and wired it to Coinbase. At some point, he tried to withdraw some of the money, but Jiang told him he had to pay taxes. At this point, we figured we were being scammed so we had to look for another means. We got hold of the famous GearHeadEngineers who took our case and after 6 hours, he got back everything. If you know someone in such a situation, below are ways to reach them.
Email: gearhead at engineer dot com
Website: gearheadengineers dot org
WhatsApp: +1 (705) 304-4474

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Author Blake_Farsi