/ History / Faraway Wanderers

Faraway Wanderers Original

Faraway Wanderers

History 83 Chapters 2.1M Views
Author: 3eakinou1

4.76 (17 ratings)

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A tale about the former leader of a special organization served under royalty, now leaving his past life behind and unintentionally getting involved with the martial world.

This is not my creation
I only liked the story and want to share it

  1. Kiryuusama
    Kiryuusama Contributed 334
  2. Arria_reads
    Arria_reads Contributed 208
  3. Keettee
    Keettee Contributed 147

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Thank you so much for the translation !!!! I hope you know people are reading this andthat you are able to keep translating . i have just begun to watch word of honor and am loVing the novel just as much ❤️

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My gahd I can't believe there's a translation here. I love this novel so much, this already has a live-action series which is great, but I loved the novel more. Thank you for this please do continue translating thank you for your dedication and hard work <3

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I genuinely loved the show version of this and was glad to see that someone had gone ahead and added an English copy of this online. Wen Kexing is one of my favorite characters across all Wuxia books.

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Just discovered this through Netflix's series Word of Honor, but I like the novel much better! Thanks for the translation!

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Faraway Wanderers was a very fulfilling read. It's a story of two loners and their deepening bond as they travel together in a world of wuxia, romance, political plots, and perceived 'good' and 'evil'. The character development is wonderful and complex, making it easy to get carried away in their emotions. As with many wuxia novels, there are countless side characters, which you can easily loose track of, so a character sheet may come in useful! Some sections can be a little long-winded, but it's still a heart-warming and well-rounded novel.

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the novel and the live action is so different but I will say watch the live action and read the novel too.. it too good. even it have dissimilarity but STILL both are gems.. i will miss my WENZHOU couple... I hope they will continue to wander faraway together in a hundreds or thousands years...

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I first saw the live action, Word of Honor and fell for the characters. And I was so happy to find this translated . I fell even more. I have laughed, cried and been blushing like a teenager during my reading. The only thing that I can complain about is that it ended , I wanted more. I wish I could never leave this harsh yet beautiful world. To the one who translated it, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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I really love the story and even the life action was superb

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Ke Xing and Zhou Zi Shu's story will forever be in my heart. If you're still considering whether to read it or not, please give it a try. It will be one of the best stories you'll ever read.

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Usually priest's novels are heavily political or have more action so I really loved this book. It balanced action with romance and maybe romance a tad more than the action, and I'm here for it. WKX and ZZS are a serious power couple XD my favorite after WangXian and HuaLian. Somehow the theme was sad yet beautiful- bittersweet, maybe? I've never read anything like it. Ah, and the humor. I've seriously never laughed so much while reading a chinese danmei. Perfect balance of humor, romance, and action. AND ZZS IS A TSUNDERE. THATS SO CUTE I CANT- All I can say, Priest was hiding her talent in romcom all this time 🤭

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I really loved this book! I started watching the show WOH, about 6 episodes, but then I decided I wanted to read the book first. I am glad I did because I liked it! But the ending killed me, it made me so sad and happy at the same time. I definitely recommend reading it, even if you watched the show, because they are really different.

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A great novel and I have enjoyed a lot. But if wasn't for translation I wouldn't get a chance. 💞✨Thank you

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Thank you for translating it. Fantastic story to read. the character interaction is so tender and sweet. I dont like how the TV drama end, thanks to you am able to read the original book ending.

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I came here after watching word of honor, but this novel is soo good just like the drama❤the characters are amazing, yeah some parts of the novel are not in the drama which makes reading this novel more fun and interesting 💜❤

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I like this novel sm, I'm so glad there's an eng-translation, will start to read when i'm bored and don't have any school works to do so thanks!

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Thank you so much for translating this! I truly hope you continue the translations I just got into Cdramas and fell in love with the stories. I love seeing the differences between the live action and the book!

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This novel has it all from the character development to the character relationship to the bad guys to their actions, the comedy is a plus the huge amount of flirting , the happiness the style of writing the beautiful romance between the male leads the novel keeps you hooked

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Author 3eakinou1