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Chapter 928: 19

Chapter Eighteen – Auld Lang Syne


Naruto crossed the threshold of the torii gate that loomed above him.

This new seal was definitely different. For whatever reason, boundless white canvases were a running theme now. Go figure. It didn't take him long to reach the short plateau situated near the entrance—it barely reached up to his shin. He then regarded his prisoner.

"Uh, yo," he said, waving a hand.

Naruto stared at the back of it, both distracted and amazed at how the shroud of fire clung onto his form. It was hard to come to grips with how he looked using this new-found power. Weird black markings dotted the front of his person. What were most distinguishable were the spiralling seal now prominently featured on his navel, and the magatama marks that rested on his collar-bone.

All in all, his new chakra mode was... nice.

A loud clatter of clinking chains drew his attention forward.

Naruto looked up to see a massive claw straining out to him. It was almost within reach of his face, so much so that he could see his fiery reflection staring back. Yet, it was not quite there, lying outside the boundary of the plateau he was standing on. That was the biggest change about his new seal. There were no gates separating him from the Kyuubi. If he wanted to, he could walk right up to the great beast. The Kyuubi was subdued by a mass of chakra chains that bound its being to the watery surface.

He wasn't sure this new design was out of some weird reflection of his new-found self or simply a necessity of improvisation, given that Kushina had mentioned the existence of a key, which he did not use.

He was grateful at least that a seal remained.

"Ossu! Watch where you poke those claws, mister," his mother chided, announcing her arrival beside him. With an elaborate twitch of her fingers, the chakra chains shackling his prisoner drew taut, and its paw slammed down on the surface. "I won't stand for you hurting my baby boy."

The Kyuubi snorted in derision, but didn't deign to speak. Instead, it slunk down, limbs tucked beneath its body, and pressed itself flat on the surface, like a predator lying in wait. It seemed content with staring at them. Not quite glaring, but just...


"You know, my seal was different than this. For one thing, the Kyuubi was crucified to this gigantic rock and was just suspended it there in place. There were times then when I actually felt bad for it. But that was before it tried to kill me, your father, and my precious little guy," she said pointedly. "Now though, it just looks like a mean old cat."

"Even in death, you find means to annoy me, Kushina."

"Aww, I knew you could still talk. Did you miss me, you big-old cranky face?"

"Cease your prattling!"

Kushina turned back to him. "Sweetie, channel a bit of chakra into the seal and just picture what you want to happen."

"You mean like this?"

The effects were instantaneous. A transparent dome separated them from the Kyuubi. It looked nigh impregnable. Despite the fox standing on its haunches, batting, clawing and snarling away at the other side of the divide, it held strong. Hell, it even filtered out noise.

"Cute. You gave it a scratching post."

"Yeah," Naruto said, shrugging. "I figured it could let out some steam after everything that happened today. It still seemed pretty m—" The shroud of his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode flickered, then died. "What gives?!"

Kushina looked sheepish. "That key that your father made was pretty important, Naruto. You know when it comes to Fūinjutsu, I'm like, the best there ever was, but even that has limits. As it is now, this seal of yours is actually incomplete. You have a lot of power here, but the Kyuubi has some as well. So you guys are kinda in a flux? Like what you just saw, it is capable of calling its chakra back if you're too lax. Some way or another, you're going to have to work together."

Naruto looked up sharply. The pounding was getting louder. He could see paper-thin cracks forming on the transparent dome that separated them.

"You mean it could still get out?!"

"Give mama bear some credit, honey. I'm not a seal master for nothing."

Kushina locked her fingers into a half-seal once more. The chakra chains binding the Kyuubi retracted, forcing the great mass of malevolent chakra to sit on its haunches, like an obedient dog.

The Kyuubi tilted his head back and presumably roared obscenities.

His mother smiled, her eyes crinkling upwards as she did. "If I could do anything to help you in any way, Naruto, I would." She reached out and pulled him into a hug. He then felt her fingers press onto his navel, her chakra soon flowing into him and swirling around his seal. "I hope just this little bit of what I have to give is enough."

"W-Wait! What's going to happen to you?"

She didn't let go and held on tighter, refusing to let him turn to look at her. "I'm a chakra imprint, Naruto. You knew this was all temporary. Let's not make it any harder than it has to be. Okay, sweetie?" He heard her sniffle. "Ug—Ugh! M-My lousy allergies are acting up again. I hope you didn't get that from me too," she added breathlessly.

"I—uh..." He swallowed thickly. "What are you allergic to?"


"One of my teammates is a cat, mom."

Kushina swatted his back. "Great big ones then. With orange fur."

"Is t-that so?"

She let go and took a step back. Their eyes met. Hers were red and puffy. She smiled despite it, through the tears. "Ah, well, looks like you really did get my allergies. Strike one more for your mother!"

He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, grinning.

"Naruto, sweetie. Listen, it's okay to be scared once in a while. I know you're stressing yourself out trying to find a way home, and whatever is waiting out there for you now—after all this—probably won't help things, but I want you to know something." She took hold of his hand, rubbing the ridge of his knuckles. "I'm so proud of you. I'm so, so proud of the man you've become, and whatever you'll do from now, that will never change. Your father will obviously think the same because I tell him what to think!"

They shared a laugh.

Kushina coughed primly, clearing her throat. "Listen up! I'm only ever going to say these words to two men in my life, so you better perk up those ears of yours, Naruto."


"I love you. I love you so much, son."

His lips quivered, then he returned her earnest smile. "I love you too, mom."

When he tried to reach out to her next, Kushina vanished.

So, Naruto smiled thinly.

And wept.


His first breath of air, in what felt like forever, was not how Naruto imagined it to be.

Thick, acrid smoke filled his lungs.

He coughed harshly.

It was pitch-black and sweltering hot, almost like he was being slow-roasted alive in a furnace. His fingers shot out, clawing at muscle and sinew as it tore apart at his touch. Then, his head finally broke free. His first real breath of fresh air was no better, for the suffocating haze that lingered in the surroundings, now lined the walls of his throat.

Naruto scrambled out of his meat bun-like prison. Only to falter when he noticed what it was.


A fully-matured Kyuubi, whose size was comparable to that of a mountain. He had emerged from its chest, where he could see up close its wide milky-white eyes and gaping maw. It was still twitching. Its pale pink carcass was slowly decomposing into this disgusting mush of thick, viscous sludge; the steam being a by-product of the reaction. It was the very same sludge that had drenched him to the bone.

As he staggered to a rest on his knees, he could feel his sandals squishing underneath his weight.

Naruto cursed lowly again.

Exhaustion threatened to consume him, his eyelids falling heavy at the thought, but he couldn't rest just yet. Locking his fingers into a half-seal, he summoned a dozen clones.

"All right, two of you stay here and try to get rid of this thing. One of you get into Sage Mode. Just try. I know we're all spent, but we need to find Wendy and Carla. The others too. The rest of you—" he shook his head, "—we're gonna have to search the old-fashioned way. Let's not waste time."

Their shouts of affirmation varied in intensity.

"Let's go—"

Something dropped from out of the sky, and he snatched it out of pure reflex. The moment he caught the orb, the very same one that he knew Stange's shadowy organisation employed, it played a message.

[A friendly word of caution: power rarely escapes attention. In this world. Or the next. Be wary, Traveller.]

The video proceeded to show the start of his fight against Midnight. Naruto could only imagine what else it captured.

"Fuck me..."


Silent footsteps trekked through the leafy undergrowth of the Worth Woodsea forest. The aftermath of the battle was... staggering. The entire section of the forest he was in was dead. Nothing was left alive; neither flora nor fauna remained. Still, more than five minutes in, his clone had yet been able to gather natural energy.

Now he knew why.

There was a dearth.

It was not totally gone. He was minutely aware that the surrounding natural energy was equalising, but the experience of drawing upon what remained would be comparable to raising a grain of sand with a pair of chopsticks.

Naruto pressed onwards.

This area was familiar to him, so he set the destination to mind, careful to pick out any signs of activity along the way.

It wasn't long before Naruto reached her.

The silvery-white of her hair glistened from the streaks of moonlight streaming in. It was strange. Despite the debilitating curse that had wrought her body, her hair remained ever-pristine. When his eyes tracked downwards, Naruto unconsciously shivered when he took in the sight of the unmoving, shrivelled husk that they had left behind, like yesterday's garbage.

Angel didn't deserve that.

Her eyes, unfocused with regret and resignation, brightened upon meeting his.

Naruto knelt by her side, clasping the small, frail gloved hand in his. She looked so fragile—that he was scared that any measure of force would snap her brittle bones in two.

"You... came."

Naruto nodded.


He thought long and hard before answering, "There was someone like you before—when I was young. I was naïve then, but I think... I knew deep down that he was a good person, despite everything that he may have done. You—maybe you're the same."

Naruto exhaled deeply.

"In the end, I didn't kill him. He died instead, protecting someone precious to him. You could say that I was hoping for something similar to happen here—just waiting for something or someone to take it off my hands. It's childish of me now to want to pawn off the responsibility a second time.

"So I'll keep my word, if you still wish for it. Because... if you can't show mercy to your enemies, who else are you supposed to show it to?"

Angel tried to nod. Then, she pointed to herself.


Naruto gave her a soft smile and nodded. He relieved his kunai from his holster and positioned it over her heart. "It will only hurt a bit, Sorano. At least, that was what Iruka-sensei told us. It will be quick too—quicker than falling asleep."

Sorano looked so sad that for a second that his resolve wavered, but he steeled himself, gripping the hilt tight.

"Thank you."

He stabbed down.

His touch lingered. Then, he pulled back sharply.

Blood didn't spurt out from her wound. Instead, it was ash. It originated from the small, deep gash and spread throughout her body, as if petrifying her into stone. Sorano remained like a statue until the weight of her being collapsed into itself, and her body was claimed by ashes and bone dust.

Naruto righted himself to his feet, pressing a hand against his mouth. A bizarre breeze swept away her remains into the air, as if reaching up to the heavens.

It was only then that a presence decided to make himself known behind him.

"Quite the enlightening story," Roubaul said.

Their Guild Master was translucent, more spirit than flesh at this point.

"You look well, Naruto." Roubaul held up a hand to forestall his reply. "Perhaps we should make ourselves scarce here. I have directed the Light Alliance to reconvene with the Mermaid's Cove mages. Ho! I believe one of them is your friend. Minori, if I am not mistaken?"

"Minori's here?"

"Oh, yes. Arrived on that odd hammer of hers. It was as if the devil itself was nipping at her heels. Wendy and Carla are with them," Roubaul said quietly. "Ah, ah... Carla is fine, and Wendy is as well as we could have hoped. She remains unconscious but stable."

Naruto released a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Thank the Fourth... All right, where are we headed?"

"Home, Naruto. I, myself, will be there to receive all of you."

"Okay. Can you guide me back?" With a single leap, he took to the trees. "Think you can keep up, old man?"

Roubaul appeared on a branch to his left, his form flickering. "Perhaps. If you could take it easy on an old man? If you can't tell from your surroundings, Nirvana has sucked the area dry of magic. It will take me longer to materialise my projection."

"Eh, sure."

A comfortable silence reigned as they started their trek back to Cait Shelter. Naruto kept his pace at a slow trot, mindful that this was probably one of the last conversations he would have with the wizened Guild Master.

"So... are we gonna talk about what happened back there?"

Roubaul sighed. "You freed her, Naruto. What you did for that woman is no different than what you're doing for me. I would be nothing more than a hypocrite should I berate you for your actions. However, times have changed, Naruto. The current climate of this land frowns upon killing, even ones borne out of mercy. I would advise you to be cautious about broaching this taboo with anyone, especially with your new guildmates."

"What makes you think"

"No need to fool me. I'm sure your mind has already been made up."

Naruto shook his head, weary. "Probably, but I can't be sure that they'll want to accept us after everything that happened."

"Oh? Do you remember then?"

Naruto took out the lacrima orb and showed it to his Guild Master. "Well, either my friends or my enemies know what went down. They even left me a cryptic message. Apparently, they were kind enough to tape everything. I couldn't even get past watching more than half of it. I just—Fuck!" He grabbed the orb tight. "wish I could take everything back. If I had just known that"

"Hindsight is a terrible thing to have because you are never wrong."


"Once you start blaming yourself for things outside of your control, there is no coming back. If you honestly intend to start attributing blame, then perhaps I deserve the lion's share of it? It was I who sent your team on that mission. It was I who tasked my people with Nirvana's creation.

"Then, why not blame the one who forced my hand as well? The white-haired Guild Master? Had it not been for his twisted lust for power, none of this would have happened. Our guild would still remain, our existence floating from one day to the next until such a time that"

Naruto groaned, slapping his hand over his face. "Okay, fine! I get it. Don't be... too mopey."

"Do not sulk either, Naruto. It is unbecoming."

"I don't sulk. Man..." Naruto cast a suspicious glare at Roubaul. "Why do I feel like I'm not the first one being told all this?"

"Carla. Peas and pods."


"It's true, Naruto," Roubaul said. Then, his eyes grew serious. "You cannot continue second-guessing yourself for much longer. Others will do that for you soon enough, so be prepared."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked, hesitant.

"That power that dwells inside you terrifies me, Naruto. It has been centuries on end since I have felt true fear, and I have walked in the age where dragons roamed and ruled these lands. You, you were..." he tried to say. "You alone pushed my people's greatest accomplishment—a generational feat of magic that remains unchallenged until today—and my then greatest fear, to its brink.

"Yet, you were not finished, not even close. It was only by a sheer stroke of luck that you yourself intervened. I was glad that you did. Because I feared, Naruto. I feared what would have happened if the power that lies within you were thrust in the hands of a lesser man, and not you."

Naruto chuckled weakly. "Laying it on a bit thick, don't you think?"

"I excel at motivational speeches. It is a gift!"

"Right..." he began, nodding. "So you're not even going to ask me anything? Like what that thing was? Or where it came from? And how the heck it ended up inside me?"

Roubaul made a show of looking indecisive.

"I don't know, Naruto. Wasn't trust an issue for us? Do you really trust me all that much? Hmm?"

"Yeah, I was an ass back then. So, I guess... I should tell you everything?"

"Ho! I am an old man, and I am not long for this world, Naruto. So, please spare me your life story. Could you just kindly summarise it for me?"

Naruto scoffed, then furrowed his brow in contemplation.

"Well, I suppose I should start by saying that I came from a place called Konoha..."


"—suspicious, don't you think?" Lyon asked.

In the midst of the heated conversation, Lucy could only stand to one side and listen. Her words amounted to very little—which reflected her actions aboard Nirvana. Unlike the others, she didn't go toe-to-toe with Naruto, or even Zero, for that matter.

She ducked her head down and gnawed at her lips.

"Suspicion doesn't equal to an actual wrong-doing," Erza said, narrowing her eyes. "There isn't a point to speculate how or why his... transformation was so severe unless we hear it from Naruto himself." She glanced at Chief Roubaul, saying, "That is, if you wouldn't happen to know?"

The Guild Master of Cait Shelter remained quiet.

"It all boils down to his presence on this mission. If it was known that he was susceptible to a Take-Over—"

"Enough, Lyon," Jura said firmly. "I've said my piece. We will speak no more of this."

The resultant silence wasn't any better. The simmering tension seemed to be bubbling just under the surface with the news from Roubaul informing them of Naruto's impending return. She wasn't sure how he came across this information, given he had stayed with them ever since he guided them from Nirvana's remains to the guild tent of Cait Shelter.

Sarah-san's voice broke through her musing:

"—fetch some water."

Lucy stood up hastily. "I think I saw a well when we came into the village. I could get it for you."

Sarah-san nodded, muttering a quick 'thanks' before retreating behind the privacy sheet that doubled as their temporary triage, and resumed her care of the two patients resting beyond—Sherry and Ichiya.

Directing a few nods on the way out, Lucy was accosted by Natsu and Happy at the entrance. "Oi, Lucy. Where are you going?"

"They need me to get some water."

Even mentioning such a simple chore made him brighten. "Can we come with? Sitting here all night's boring; it's making me restless. And it sucks that there's no food at all."

"Aye!" Happy concurred. "Can we come with?"

Lucy tried to smile. "It won't take me a few minutes, guys. Besides, I kind of need to clear my head, you know—alone?"


"Natsu, please. This is probably for Sherry. I need to go."

Lucy left the dejected duo behind in her wake, briskly brushing past them. Being cooped up in that stifling guild tent wasn't going to do her any favours. Some time alone in this... strangely quiet hamlet would do her some good.

Was it always this empty? Where was everyone?

Creeping closer to a nearby home, Lucy tried to peer into the window, but couldn't pierce through the penetrating darkness. She rubbed her arms unconsciously. This was beyond creepy. Even the backdrop chorus of cricket chirps have fallen silent. Maybe having Natsu around wouldn't be so—

A sudden blur of yellow and orange appeared before her.


Not for the first time in her life, Naruto Uzumaki managed to frighten her silly by appearing out of nowhere. He could probably make a decent living as a ninja if he wanted to, given how stealthy he was. Lucy almost jumped out of her skin, and that was precisely the reason why she couldn't stop shivering when his blue eyes peered down at her.

That was the only reason.

Nothing else!

He had the decency to look apologetic. "Sorry... It's just that you uh, really know how to pick your spots," he told her, pointing at the clumps of trees, which she presumed he had just vacated from. "You should really watch out for that."

"Er—yeah," the blonde said, keeping her head bowed.

She made no mention of the fact that she was headed to the nearby well to fetch a pail of water, when he had somehow, inexplicably, appeared in front of her again.

"Thanks," she added.

Lucy squeezed her eyes shut at how awkward it sounded.

"You all right? You're not hurt, are you?"

"Fine! I-I'm fine..." When Lucy smiled, her eyes crinkled upwards, still squeezed shut. "You know, just... I'm really tired."

Goaway! Goawaygoawaygoaway!

Naruto blew out a breath. "Yeah..." he said, sounding resigned? Sad? "Get some rest, okay?"

Her hand trembled. She all but snapped it with the other, cursing its sudden betrayal.


Lucy dared a peek.

Then, she let herself breathe when she saw the back of him leave.

Naruto was a nice guy.

He was, she kept telling herself. So, why couldn't she stop herself from shaking so much when she was around him?


Naruto rubbed his forehead.

It had been a while since someone looked at him like that, with such naked apprehension. It really had. If he was being honest, he'd admit that it stung, even if he couldn't necessarily blame her.

"Oi, Naruto!"

The Fire Dragon Slayer waved him over. For whatever reason, Natsu and Happy were puttering around near the front of the guild tent, looking bored as they rummaged through the pots his guild members used to ferment their especially noxious vegetable appetisers. It was an acquired taste, which he had been forced to cultivate given their team's financial limitations.

Wendy had it the worst though. She hated it something fierce.

That thought gave him pause.

"What the heck is this supposed to be?" Natsu asked.

His reaction was a sharp contrast to Lucy's. Natsu genuinely seemed to be interested in the vegetables. Not him, or the Kyuubi, or the fact that Nirvana had caused him to turn against and nearly kill his allies.


"They're fermented sour pickles."

Natsu reared his head back from the pot, grimacing. "That shit is gross!"

"Aye! Super smelly!"

"Oh, yeah!" Natsu perked up. "We should fight! Right here! Right now! You're pretty strong. No wonder Gajeel lost. I thought he was just being a wimp, but that fire of yours was something else!" He patted his stomach with something akin to contentment. "It made me super restless. Got me all fired up again just thinking about it! C'mon, whadd'ya say?!"

"Er—maybe some other time, Natsu. I gotta go check on the others first."

"Eh, I guess. Some time soon, yeah? Before I head back to Fairy Tail. I wanna see how I stack up against you for real and not whatever Take-Over bullshit you pulled just now. Erza said you were—"

"—s-scary strong!" Happy said, shivering.

Naruto nodded, still hesitant. "Definitely... Maybe? Once everyone's patched up and everything. How is everyone?"

Natsu shrugged, but he looked serious for once. "Some of them copped it pretty bad, like that girl, Sherry, and Ichiya. I guess, Wendy too. Jura lost his arm, but he's still walking around and stuff. Baldie's a tough bastard," he said appreciatively, almost begrudgingly too. "Failed Take-Overs really are something else, huh?" His voice was quiet, pensive. His gaze, unfocused. "No wonder Mira lost."


The Dragon Slayer shook his head roughly. Then, he smiled, exposing his sharp canines. "C'mon, Happy! I'm bored. Let's go mess with Lucy!"


Both rushed past him.

"I think I saw her headed for the well!" Naruto shouted at their retreating backs. "It's near the edge of the village, closer to the forest path!" He paused. "Don't go into the forest! It's evil! Seriously!"

Natsu laughed, loud and heartily.

"Thanks, Naruto!"

He looked back at the entrance to their guild tent. If the others didn't know he was here then, they certainly did now.

Out of the frying pan.

Into the fire.


When Naruto entered the guild tent, the conversations ceased. He could hear a pin drop in the ensuing silence, as he was subjected to the stares of its occupants. The air, already hanging heavy with apprehension and languor, only worsened upon his arrival.

In that moment, he tried to speak, but couldn't find the words—not for an apology, an excuse, or even a greeting. He stood rooted to the spot at the entrance, until Minori broke off from the large group and made her way towards him.


Minori reached forward and hugged him, their hands briefly catching each other. She gave Naruto a slow pat on the back, and smiled when they broke apart.

"I can't believe you came," Naruto said.

Minori rolled her eyes, laughing. "Well, when Mistress Agatha told us what happened, and all but inferred that it totally had 'judgement day-esque' repercussions, you kind of don't have a choice. Besides, the Magic Council started getting all up in our business back at the guild. I wasn't going to stick around for that, and well... I was worried about you and your team."


"Your 'Guild Master'..." She made a face, continuing, "Yeah, he kind of told me and Sarah-san to make off with Wendy and Carla and flee off into the night at first, but you know, Carla totally had other ideas. In the end, it just didn't feel right to leave all of you behind.

"We ended up hunkering down here throughout all the—" Minori made a series of odd noises and growls with her throat, her petite hands gesticulating wildly. "All that stuff was something else," she said, rubbing her arms. "Oh! I can't believe I didn't ask you! How are you doing? I mean, forgoing all that out there, I'm talking about you, like just you?"

Naruto nodded once.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said. He was greeted with a less-than-sceptical look. "Like really." He held back a playful snort. "Totally."

"Ugh, shut up."

Minori made the move to swat his arm, but that was when Erza called out to them:

"Naruto-san. Minori-san."

She motioned them over to the big group that had just started to assembled loosely around her and Chief Roubaul. Most of the Light Alliance were there, together with the outsiders, Hoteye and Jellal, barring the current wounded duo in Sherry and Ichiya. The two were currently being tended to by the hulking she-man, Sarah-san, off to the side of the large guild tent, partially hidden behind a modest privacy sheet.

Naruto caught a glimpse of Sherry.

Dread and shame filled the pit of his stomach when he saw the extent of her burns. Unconsciously, he gripped his fists tight and gnawed at the inside of his cheek. Try as he might, he couldn't look away, and that only made it worse.

He could see Ren, Gray, and Eve work in tandem with the accomplished healer from Mermaid's Cove. The dark-skinned host was using his Air Magic to recycle her oxygen intake, as Gray eased the burns and lesions all over her person with his magic. For reasons unknown, Lyon was not the one administering it despite them being under the same guild. He was surprised, given how intimate the act was, but it was possible that they were taking turns to avoid burning out.

Eve stood over them, his eyes closed. Naruto could sense the unnaturally comfortable chill in the air. The former Rune Knight was no doubt controlling the temperature.

His effect was subtle. The air was cooling, sterile.

Sarah-san, meanwhile, had her palms pressed flat against Ichiya's temples, frowning. There were occasional minute sparks of magic flaring intermittently. Her patient was unconscious, that much Naruto could tell, but debilitating tremors wracked his small frame. He wasn't sure if that was the side-effect from the treatment, or more likely...

His eyes sought for his team.

"Hey, come on." Minori was tugging him along.

He looked to her questioningly. His scrutiny must have been so plain, so obvious.

"There's a cot in the back office," she explained. "We put her there. She's fine. Sarah-san did the best she could to stabilise her, and she's like totally the best healer in our guild. Carla's with her now."

Naruto exhaled deeply, nodding. "Thanks... Thanks for taking care of them, and the others—all of this. I don't know where we'd be if it weren't for you and your guild."

Minori coloured at the praise. "Well, it's not like I did anything, and you guys weren't sitting on your butts. That Nirvana thing is gone for good, right? So it's all over. It's a happy ending."

It certainly didn't feel like one.

They came within distance of the group. Some avoided looking at him outright, while others offered him polite nods. A mixed bag. At least, they weren't immediately clamouring for his head, so that was a good sign.

"Naruto-dono," Jura said. "I believe I share everyone's sentiments when I say that it is good to see you back and well."

Natsu was right.

The Wizard Saint was sans his right forearm, but he made it seem more like an inconvenience rather than a grave injury. Looking pale, his normally-bronzed skin was swathed in bandages to the point that he was more cloth than man. In fact, most of them were. To his left, Erza was dressed in a dirtied and worn blouse that cut off at her shoulders. Dried tracks of blood smeared the front of it. It was the first time he had seen the redhead without her armour. To be honest, without it, she kinda looked like...


Everyone blinked.

So did he.

Just like that, the oppressive tension shattered.

"Eh? What was that?" Roubaul supplied helpfully, cupping a hand behind his ear. "Speak up, kiddo!"

"I said, your arm," he clarified, pointing to Jura's stump. "Was that because of me too?"

"No," Jura said, standing. "This was because of Nirvana. All of our injuries are because of Oración Seis, and by extension, Nirvana." There was weight behind his words, and he placated Naruto with a nod. His gravelly voice rumbled deeply, "Do not give my injury any further consideration. For you see, it was merely... holding me back."

A small spattering of forced laughter accompanied his statement.

Sidling beside Naruto, Erza nudged his ribs with her elbow. The S-Class mage from Fairy Tail was applauding, her features frozen in a stiff smile as she let out this weird sound that barely resembled laughter. She looked too well-versed in the act for Naruto to believe that this was the first incident.

"Nya ha!"

He followed her's and everyone's lead. In the midst of the applause and laughter, he heard Minori mutter:

"That was totally dark..."

Jura looked proud—so proud that the obvious simulation went over his shiny, bald head.

"I have more," he said.

Hibiki stopped him, thankfully. "Everyone, I just received word from the Magic Council. Their command centre in Dilligeon has sent over a convoy to escort us back. They're expected to arrive some time soon."

"Ah, so you were the one in communication with them," Roubaul asked Hibiki, regarding him coolly. "One wonders how deep in bed you are with them."

Roubaul received a disarming smile in turn.

"I'm not even in the same bedroom, much less the same house," the Archive mage said. "You and Naruto are too alike. So suspicious... I'm not here to reveal all those cards you two hold so close to your chests. Our mission here is done. For some of us, at a significant cost. I don't need to remind you that. Do give me and my comrades some respect. Please."

His Guild Master bowed his head, suitably chastised.

"I have misjudged then. Forgive me. Perhaps it would be better for me to tell you the truth," he told them, sighing softly. "You see, it was I who created Nirvana, along with those of the Nirvit tribe, so many centuries ago. Yes, the form you see before you is nothing more than a projection. I am, for a lack of a better word, a shade bound to this world to see out a duty and a terrible legacy."

Naruto could see the wizened man relax his hold over his magic, his form shimmering until it settled in that silvery, translucent shade he had seen previously. Without the anchor of the Nirvana tying him to this plane, Naruto could tell that his time was nearly up. He was surprised enough that his Guild Master remained after the battle.

"You really are four hundred years old?" Jura asked, his odd pea-shaped brows coming together in bewilderment.

"And more," Roubaul said. "Understandably, my existence would be of great interest to the Magic Council, as would Cait Shelter. This guild has, for a long while, managed to operate quietly without unscrupulous eyes bearing down upon us. The projections that I've passed off as the members of this guild have added to the pretence that we were merely an average mages' guild. However, the fallout from this resultant knowledge being widespread... Well, I fear for the members who remain when I pass."

"Uhm, wait," Minori spoke up beside him. "Naruto's real, right? He's not a thought projection or whatever?"

She poked him.

"You've known me for three years," Naruto said, his tone accusing.

"Just totally checking n' stuff."

"Yes, Naruto has been a very able and dependable ally. That was why I tasked him with destroying my people's greatest weapon, and why I felt that a layer of subterfuge was necessary. For that, no amount of apologies on my part is enough to right the wrongs that have befallen all of you."

"And how does that explain what happened to Naruto-san?"

Surprisingly, it was Jellal who asked. When Roubaul made the move to answer the blue-haired fugitive, Naruto beat him to it, saying, "It doesn't. What happened to me was because of... a gift... and a burden. By birthright."

"I... see," Jellal said.

His Guild Master cleared his throat. "Please, as difficult as it is, do not place blame on his shoulders. Naruto is—"

"—a dear comrade, we understand," Erza said.

"—with plenty of secrets," Lyon followed up.

Hibiki smiled that disarming smile of his. This time at Naruto. "Now, now. Let's not misconstrue what Lyon said. I'm sure he's just curious. I don't think I've ever met a mage who knows so many sub-branches of magical disciplines as you do, Naruto-san. Especially someone who could wield them all so well."

"I have a lot of enemies growing up," Naruto said.

"An answer that explains so much," the Hyuuga-impersonator droned evenly. "Yet, tells us so little."

Erza folded her arms together and levelled a disappointed look at the mage from Lamia Scale. "There isn't a point to be so needlessly antagonistic, Lyon-san."

"That is an easy observation to make when you and your comrades escaped relatively unharmed," Lyon told her. "Come down from your high horse, Erza Scarlet. Imagine what it would be like if Heartfilia-san was the one in there." The Ice-Make mage pointed to the duo lying beyond the privacy sheets. "Would you be able to swallow your anger so well and smile at the one that did this?"

Jura clapped his younger subordinate on the shoulder. "We have discussed this, Lyon. Naruto-dono is no more responsible for his actions than Sherry was for hers. If we were to start blaming one another, there would be no end to this argument. We all knew the risks going into this mission."

Lyon didn't say anything. He just stared stonily at Naruto.

Naruto tried so very hard to keep his bearings in check. He licked his lips, saying, "What happened to all of you, and those that got hurt, it's... it's not fair. I wish so much that I could take it all back—so, so much. But that isn't ever going to happen. So however which way you want your pound of flesh, say it. Whatever it is you want, just say it."

Lyon looked like he was about to, then hesitated. Instead, he brushed past Naruto—towards the impromptu triage.

Jura sighed upon his exit.

"My apologies, Naruto-dono. Our guild will not seek reparations, if that is what your concern."

"No, no, that was..." Naruto let out a tired breath. "I wasn't lying. I owe you guys—each and everyone single one of you. Whatever it is you need, you can ask me. Now, in the future, whenever," he said, then looked around. "Is there anything more I can do to help? Materials? Supplies? Anything?"

Erza looked down, frowning at the state of her attire. "If it's not too much trouble. We could use a fresh change of clothes." Her stomach grumbled faintly and she coloured. "N-Natsu did mention he was famished earlier."

He ignored that for her benefit.

"Right. There should be some spare clothes in storage... and food in the pantry. Let me—"

Minori interrupted him, patting him on his arm. "It's okay, Naruto. I got it. I'm sure you want to check on Wendy and Carla, right? It's the room at the back. Second door to your left."

"Ho! Then, allow me to guide you there, Minori."

Roubaul shoved him along towards the back office and started to lead Minori out of the guild tent. The towering frame of Hoteye trailed after them.

"Nya ha! I shall lend you my aid as well, strange witch person!"

Naruto gave those still milling around a polite nod as he excused himself. The rest had absconded into little groups of their own, the ones most obvious being Erza and Jellal, as she all but dragged him into a private corner of the tent. The former Wizard Saint seemed helpless to stop her and he shot Naruto a pleading look.

Naruto shook his head.

His team was waiting for him.


"—murglefurgle! Purglemurglemuggle!"

"Cobra..." Naruto looked back at the hallway, perplexed. "Huh? She gave me the wrong room."

He promptly closed the door behind him. He found the right room eventually, when Chief Roubaul phased his head through the door, and gestured for him to come inside.

"Is that what it's like with my clones? It is that annoying to just see me pop up everywhere?"

"As I am now, Naruto, my form is akin to omnipotence. I am everywhere, and I am aware of everything and everyone in the immediate area. I merely project an image of myself for convenience's sake," Roubaul explained. "Know that I don't intend to listen in to your conversation with Carla. I would give you the privacy you deserve, alas I am unable to do so. However, I will do my best to not intrude."

True to his word, Roubaul disappeared.


Naruto entered to a quiet room. The silence was eerily stifling. At the corner furthest from the door, he could see Wendy laid out on a cot. Carla was hovering close by, her back to him. Effort had been made to make the Sky Dragon Slayer more comfortable, but it did little to hide his unease and anxiety at seeing her hurt; he doubted he had ever seen her like this before.

It pained him.

Naruto took a seat by the cot, asking:

"How is she?"

Carla's eyes were red; a sign that she had been crying a lot. Although, it was the look of hollow exhaustion that dominated her features. Her shoulders were hunched when she turned to him.


He hummed in understanding, and reached out to brush the stray strands of hair that stuck to Wendy's cheeks. Unbidden memories of their time together surfaced. One memory in particular was the strongest.

Wendy offering him her bare neck.

A kunai.


So much blood.

Naruto crushed the memory, swiping a hand over his face and scrunching his short hair back. "What about you, Carla?" he asked, if anything, to get rid of this unbearable silence.

Her tiny body quivered. "Terrible. I f-feel terrible, Naruto."

"Ah, join the club." He leaned forward to stroke the Exceed's back gently. "I thought the old man gave you the same speech as I did. You know? Stop being mopey and all that stuff."

"I-I'm so sorry."

Her apology was quiet, but the rawness behind her words showed the vulnerable mess lying underneath. If he was irrational, Naruto could have pressed her, screamed at her for tearing Wendy away from him, and condemn her for starting the tumultuous chain of events that led them here.

Jura was right.

Was there still a point in doing that?

Naruto pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her loosely. She didn't resist, but he did feel her stiffen, before relaxing into his hold.

"She's precious to you, just like she is to me. You both are. I can't say I understand why you did what you did, but I guess you wanted to protect her. From me?" He smiled, chagrin. "Yeah, I can see how it is now on the receiving side; not knowing these things can be pretty maddening. I suppose that's on me, huh?

"We're not really communicating, are we? As a team? The funny thing is that my old team used to be the same way, and it was just a mess. Now, I'm just repeating the same mistakes all over again." His sigh was forlorn. "I know I kept a lot of stuff close to my chest, but I want to change that. I'm going to be more honest with you guys from now on, starting right now.

"The truth is that I'm—"


Roubaul's ghostly disembodied voice called out to him.

Naruto looked around the empty room, glaring at nothing in particular. "Aww, come on! Check your timing! I was right in the middle of something here!"

"He does that a lot now," Carla mumbled.

She hopped out of his lap.

"W-Well, yes. I did say I wasn't going to intrude," their Guild Master said. "However, I felt that it would be prudent to tell you that that convoy from the Magic Council has arrived. They are raising quite the stink."

"Ah, damn. Listen, Carla. Let's pick this up when Wendy wakes up. It wouldn't be fair to her if she had to listen to what I say after you did. She'd probably get all mad and huffy again," he grumbled affectionately, standing. "Are you going to stay?"

Carla nodded.

"All right. I gotta go play nice. Watch her for me?"

As he made his way to the door, Carla spoke, her eyes downcast:

"Naruto. Thank you... for trying to understand. I didn't mean for things to turn out the way it did. I know how much Wendy means to you. More so now," she whispered the last part, but he heard it all the same.

Naruto smiled sadly.

"Hold up your hand—paws, fingers—Ah, just hold it like this." He held up the seal of confrontation—two fingers splayed out over a half-closed fist. "Then, do th—just try and! You! Come, on! Your weird little nubby fingers are too small!"

"Just what are you trying to do?!"

"Ugh! Yeah! Latch onto just that one finger then! Just try holding it like that!" Their fingers were locked awkwardly. "Look, it's the intent that matters, I think. I remember Iruka-sensei saying something like that" he explained.

"Is this symbolic of something?" Carla asked, frowning.

"Of course! The first part means that we've fought, and when our hands come together, as weird as our fingers are right now, it's supposed to represent reconciliation." He acted out the meaning with his free hand. Somehow all that came to him was to mimic an explosion. "L-Look, okay, Carla? Just—It's super deep and meaningful to me. Could you just go with it?"


He left the room, flustered and red-faced, to the quiet peals of laughter courtesy of his ghostly, disembodied Guild Master.

"Stuff it, old man."


Naruto showed up to a tense confrontation between the recently-arrived Rune Knights contingent and the Light Alliance. Thankfully, his and his captive's appearance had broken the spellbound hostility.

Because the guy would not shut up...

"—super, deep and meaningful, mm'kay?! Carla, mm'kay?!" Cobra hissed at Naruto. Then, he rounded on Erza and Jellal, snarling. "And the two of you! God! Fuck your cheesy melodrama! Oh, I have fuckin' amnesia~ I can't remember anything but your name, Erza Scarlet~ Woe is me~ And you, blondie!"

Lucy shirked back.


"Yeah, you! O-Oh, Natsu~ Wah! I was so scared~ Hold me~ God! Just fuck already and get it over with! Ow!"

Naruto stepped on Cobra's head, pressing him down flat on the ground. He didn't ease up the pressure. "I regret letting you talk. I don't know what made me think that you actually had something important to say. But hey, you do really have a pair of sharp ears, don't you? I bet that comes in handy."

Erza sighed. "You removed his gag? It took me forever to put it on him." She stared at Naruto, her eyes half-lidded. "He was a biter..."

Cobra spat at her feet.

"You loved it, you cun—"

Naruto reached down and pinched the pressure point on his neck. The Poison Dragon Slayer spasmed into his touch before lolling into unconsciousness. "Or you could have done just that," he said blandly. "You would have saved yourself so much trouble."

A pair of subordinates broke rank from the Rune Knights contingent crowding the entrance to their guild tent. Mechanically, he lifted his foot up to allow them to retrieve their captive, slapping restraints over Cobra's wrists and hauling the dead weight to his feet. Nearby, he could see Hoteye and Jellal afforded the same treatment. He knew that they were fugitives wanted by the Magic Council, but it didn't feel right, given how much the duo had helped them in this venture and their efforts in trying to stop him.

That must have been the reason for the commotion earlier. Naruto would have raised his objection had it not been for Erza giving him a subtle look to ward him off.

"Uzumaki-san," the ranking officer said.

Oh, nuts.

The guy looked familiar, but for the life of him, Naruto couldn't put a name to his glasses—face. A name to his face.

"U-Uh, yo."

The officer's bearing remained professional, but Naruto could see the faintest twitch of annoyance in his eyes. "Captain Lahar," he stressed, pressing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Where is Guild Master Roubaul? Apart from the sanctions he and Cait Shelter faces for non-compliance of council orders, there are a number of things we urgently need to clarify before we are able to depart for Dilligeon."


"—dead," Jellal interrupted Naruto, almost to the point of nonchalance. "The whole guild, Cait Shelter. Almost all of its members are dead. Your words do him harm, Captain. Naruto-san is obviously wrought with grief."

Naruto blanked his confusion appropriately, thinning his lips.

He wasn't sure what the former Wizard Saint was playing at, but he allowed it to play out since Chief Roubaul similarly didn't make a move to stop him.

"I-Impossible! I was with him via communications lacrima not more than two hours ago," Lahar said. "And how do you expect me to believe that Uzumaki-san is 'wrought with grief'?"

Naruto shrugged. "I'm compartmentalising."

"Lahar-dono," Jura said. "It is as Jellal-dono says."

"Saint Neekis?! Surely—"

"I can vouch for this as well," Erza added quietly. "Only Naruto-san and his team remains."

Jellal raised his cuffed hands slightly, explaining, "Brain was able to activate a hidden stage to Nirvana that none knew of. Unfortunately, its activation required a sacrifice, and he turned it against this very guild. It was a loss of life is tragic... That accounted for the large, foreign presence that your magical detectors picked up. Fortunately, the resolute members of the Light Alliance, as sanctioned by the Magic Council, were heroically able to destroy Nirvana, saving the kingdom from untold peril."

Lahar was quiet as he digested the... information.

"How convenient it is, that its perpetrator is dead, and Oración Seis is all but disbanded with three of its members killed, one presumed to be dead, and two in custody," Lahar said. "So... the Magic Council is absolved of reproach, his Excellency, King Toma, doesn't lose face in the eyes of the public, and the masses can be adequately assuaged."

"C-Captain?" one of subordinates questioned.

Lahar took a hand to his chin, shaking his head. "Everything has been wrapped up in a neat, little bow, hasn't it? You make it seem so easy, Jellal Fernandes," he said curtly.

Jellal smiled, chagrin. "I was a former Wizard Saint, or so I was told."

"Saint Neekis?"

"I would be more than willing to corroborate these events to our esteemed council," Jura said with a cautious nod.

"Very well. We can proceed to Dilligeon. We have a team on stand-by waiting to receive all of you, especially the wounded. Please head out to the transport vehicles awaiting at the edge of the village. There should be more than enough room for—"

"T-T-Transport?!" Natsu shouted. "Oh, hell no!"

There was a sudden commotion among the mages of Fairy Tail, but Naruto paid the resultant melee little heed. In his mind, the staggering implications of these sudden turn of events churned wildly. Restlessness seeped into his conscious mind.

Another conspiracy.

A new faction.

Another one peering over his shoulder.


The pink-haired girl took to a knee, bowing her head so low that her knee touched the tip of her nose. She remained in that position for what felt like minutes before his Majesty deigned to afford her with his attention.

"At ease, Malady."

"You are most gracious, your Majesty."

She quickly rose to her feet. Her green eyes sought his.

The frazzled, wizened royal wasn't even looking at her, his bloodshot eyes were staring instead in awe at the advanced magical apparatus that overshadowed them. It gulfed them on the narrow stone walkway in which they stood. They were at the invisible boundary, standing at the edge that completed the circle of the five towering statues, with arms held aloft and features chiselled in solemn rumination. The statues were posed with their heads raised, beckoning to the inter-dimensional gate, Anima. They were in the presence of the Infinitum Magus, heralds of magic in an age long past.

It was the former Chief of Staff, Byro, that stumbled upon their research and built the foundations of the chamber that housed the Anima, but it had been her who completed and refined its terrifying potential.

Finally, its fruit would soon come to bear.

"Your findings?" Faust asked, his tone clipped.

"No further readings in Earthland since an hour ago—not since the last flare-out. We've confirmed that it is the same source that escaped us three years ago. Our technicians have pinpointed it down to the individual. We are tracking him as we speak."

"How long until it is done?"

"No more than a week. It will be shorter if everything proceeds as planned. We will not lose it again, your Majesty."

Faust stroked his beard. "Good, good. You would do well to remember the spectre that hangs over your head should you fail me. However, I do not wish to make comparisons with you and that bumbling fool. You have served me well these past years. Our stranglehold over Edolas has tightened ever deeper, much in part to your new... toys."

"You honour me with your words, your Majesty. I do not deserve such kindness."

"Perhaps," Faust mused aloud. "This undertaking was only made possible by the will and strength of our people. Tell me, how are the preparations for Code STE progressing?"

She bit her lip, unsure of how to respond. Just hours ago, they went through a detailed briefing with him and his council of special advisors on this very same topic. It had lasted hours.

"Y-Your... Your Majesty..."

"Well? Spit it out, girl."

She swallowed thickly. "We've already went through this not hours ago. Had you by chance forgotten?"

The royal blinked for a long, hard second. He looked at her sharply, before biting out, "Do not presume to think that I have lapsed. I had merely asked to be refreshed of the pertinent facts."

"I humbly beg your forgiveness, your Majesty." She kept her head bowed, not daring to peer up into the furious black eyes of her king. "With your blessing, Captain Knightwalker has been given permission to lead the Second Magic War Division into Extalia tonight under the cover of darkness. She will personally lead a small contingent to the palace under your direct orders to capture Queen Shagotte.

"Alongside her, Captain Hughes and Captain Sugarboy will be on standby with the Legion Corps in support. Combined, our assault forces total fifteen thousand against Extalia's standing army of five thousand. We expect no more than fifteen percent of their population to be culled, and another five to escape.

"Captain Patherlily—" she stopped, hastily correcting herself. "Patherlily, as per your instructions, has been transferred to our magical foundry. With our latest round of testing, our technicians have concluded that there are no adverse effects to be had on Exceeds."

Faust nodded, frowning. "Very well. I will not keep you from your work any longer, Malady. All of this... What lies before us truly is the advent of a perfect storm. At long last, the final puzzle snaps into place, and with it, I will usher in a new age for the Kingdom of Edolas. A golden age. An age that man will rule for eternity."

"Glory. Glory be to our Immortal King."

Meredy Malady hastily took a knee, and recited the often-used phrase tonelessly; she doubted the Mad King was even listening to her now, lost as he was in his ruminations. He exited the Anima Chamber on uneven steps, relying heavily on his bejewelled sceptre.

"There is no Queen. There is no God," Malady heard Faust mutter. "There is only us, and we are our own makers..."


With a final glance at their now empty living room, the clone closed the door to the only home he had known since arriving to Earthland. Once outside, Naruto stole a glimpse at the stars above, unable to help himself from rubbing his arms. It was strange, seeing their once-lively hamlet look so desolate; the illusion of life lent more to the atmosphere than the reality ever could. He could see why—clear as day—Roubaul had done what he had.

No child deserved to be raised in something like this.

Roubaul's voice called out to him:


He perked up, turning. Roubaul's translucent projection materialised beside him.

"Uh, no. I'm just a clone. The boss already left with the convoy, remember?" Naruto propped the scrolls in his hands. "I'm the one he pushed into packing up all the stuff we had back at the house. So... what's up?"

Roubaul sighed.

"I had hoped that I wouldn't leave you in such a messy conundrum, but it appears that such hopes were premature."

"The boss understands. Couldn't be helped, I guess. Whatever new things come our way, we'll deal with it. Always have," Naruto said, shrugging. "We're gonna owe quite a few favours. It wasn't right—what they did with Jellal."

"Yes, I remember him as the one who brought Wendy here all those years ago. However, he was... different. I can't quite put my finger on it, but he was weaker then; his magic was almost non-existent. Perhaps it is merely a sign of magical maturity that he became so powerful. Beyond that, his mannerisms were different as well. When he was a young boy, I remembered him being distinctly formal—almost as if he was raised as a noble."

Naruto could only shrug. "He did have amnesia. Give the guy a break."

"Yes, yes. Just... curious, you see."

The clone nodded, frowning. "Is everything all right, Chief? Why are you still uh, sticking around? Not that that's bad or anything, but is there still something you have to do before you... float up there?"

Roubaul's smile was rueful. "You think too highly of me, Naruto. I think Nabura would rather have me float down there."

"You're not a bad person, Roubaul," Naruto said softly.

"Naruto, You've known me for three years. While you may think that it is not a snap judgement, if you compared the last three years against my four-hundred year long existence, well... it can be a bit skewed. I appreciate the sentiment, but I know myself more than you do, and I know what awaits me on the other side."

"Maybe you think you do, but you don't," the clone said. "Is there something we can do to help? Just tell me. I'll let the boss know."

Roubaul clasped his hands behind his back, his features wistful. "Remember what you said in my office? Before you left for this mission? I need you to tell Wendy for me, Naruto. Tell her how this old man lied and manipulated her. I couldn't do it. No matter how much I feared when I had to, I yearned to see her just once more before I depart this world. Alas, Nabura had one more cruel twist waiting for me at the end."

Naruto shook his head.

"I'll tell her that you love her, then."

Roubaul laughed, deep and heartily. "Goodness, Naruto. You are kind, far too kind." Then, he sobered, his gaze solemn. "Help them, Naruto. That is the last thing I will ask of you. Help them and allow them to help you. You are not alone in this foreign world. I hope you know that.

"When the time comes, and you will know when that is, I pray to Nabura that you won't make the decision that you may come to regret and haunt you for the rest of your life. Do not repeat my mistakes."

"I-I... I won't."

His Guild Master smiled.

"In my long, long existence, I was glad to have met someone like you, Naruto Uzumaki. Nabura bless you—in this world and hopefully yours as well."

Just like a soft breeze, his presence came and went, and Naruto couldn't feel him any longer. When he looked at his arm, at where his guild crest once rested, he found pale, unblemished skin.

"I hope," he said softly, his voice carried by the breeze. "I hope you find that peace you were looking for, old man."


"Ah, can't thank you enough for wanting to cover for me, Biggs." The guard yawned widely. "Can't believe I got stuck with night detail for the second time in a row. Sarge must be angry with me or sum'thing. Well, whatever... Don't fuck up, all right? I'd say I'm kidding, but Cap's got himself a ex-Saint in there. I don't want to be the one that fucks with him getting his wings."

"Maa... you say it like I'm not the one doing you a favour, Wedge." Naruto, disguised under a Henge, snapped a salute. "Go grab some shut-eye. Can't even deal, man. Can't even deal."

He got a sloppy one in turn.

"Thanks, bro..."

"Later, brah."

As the guard slunk off to his bunk, Naruto had to commend himself for making the best use of his insomnia towards something productive, like sneaking around an official Magic Council-sanctioned vessel to rescue someone. He felt that it was an appropriate favour to return, given how the former Wizard Saint had stuck his neck out for him.

Just hours ago, their party had arrived in Dilligeon in the wee hours of the morning, where the night was dark and looming. True to his word, Lahar had a team of healers awaiting them the moment they arrived, shuffling their wounded and weary to the local infirmary. It became the Light Alliance's temporary base as they recuperated from their lengthy skirmish. The two mages from Mermaid's Cove didn't stick around and returned to their guild, only after he promised to meet up with Minori the following day.

Lahar had then absconded to parts unknown with his three prisoners in tow, but Naruto had ordered a clone to secretly tail the officer and his small contingent of Rune Knights back to their garrison; a modest ship with the official bearings of the Magic Council. It was reasonably fortified and was docked in an isolated stretch of the harbour, far from human traffic.

The clone had remained behind to perform basic reconnaissance, memorising faces, interactions and placements, for the better of an hour. However, what prompted him to act was learning that the Rune Knights had planned to transport their prisoners back to Era effectively immediately.

That had really forced his hand.

At least, his quarry was within reach of him now. Shuffling past a gagged and unconscious Cobra, he found Jellal shackled to the wall of a small holding cell with his arms held aloft.

"Jellal, we're bailing. Come on, we still need to get Hoteye."

The blue-haired man looked at him oddly. "You really do possess a strange skill-set, Naruto-san. I just never imagined a daring prison-break to be one of them. Oh, and Hoteye really prefers to be called Richard-san now."

"Okay, cool, whatever. Just wanted to return the favour, you know?"

Naruto moved to unlock his restraints, but Jellal held his feet out to stop him.

"I would advise against that, Naruto-san. There are runes inscribed to my restraints. Should anyone else but Captain Lahar unlock them, it would send an alarm to the Captain—"

"Well, we just gotta be quick!"

"—and send fifty-thousand jolts of electricity at myself and my daring rescuer," he continued, smiling. "Lahar, while not the strongest, has always had a sharp mind. It is a trait that I remember him best for."

Naruto frowned. "Is that a not-so-subtle way of telling me that you don't really have amnesia?"

"I did have amnesia, Naruto-san. Fortunately, I was able to recover my memories shortly after the battle ended," Jellal said, wincing. "I understand how terribly flimsy of an excuse that sounds, but it is the truth."

"No, no. Definitely. I gotta remember that one though. People seem to eat that shit up."

Jellal shook his head, saying, "Think what you will, but I ask that you do not free me, Naruto-san. It is my wish to be imprisoned."

"That so?" Naruto raised a sceptical brow. "What's your game plan?"

"This is no game. By allowing myself to be captured, I merely provide the Magic Council with a reliable scapegoat for past and future misdeeds. Should you release me or any of the other prisoners now, I have little doubt that the council would turn their attention to Fairy Tail and its allies, and you yourself, Naruto-san. You are obviously aware that Captain Lahar seems particularly interested in you. He may not know the truth just yet, but that may not hold true for long. He is very well-regarded by his superiors, and his concerns hold weight among the power players in our esteemed council."

"This can't be your only angle... That now implies that you just want me to bail you guys out later."

The former Wizard Saint laughed softly. "You are very sharp, Naruto-san. I shall take your Guild Master's words as the truth. If you are as dependable and able as he says, I ask that you return this favour at a later date. You are correct though. This plan of mine is entirely self-serving." His voice lowered to a dull whisper, "It is because I wish to atone for my past sins. It is the same reason why I still carry the mark you inflicted on my person."

Naruto could see the reddish-pink burns that marred his right arm, from just above his wrist and all the way to his shoulder. He had little doubt that the corrosive energy of the Kyuubi's chakra extended to the man's body.

"Do not be alarmed. It but merely stings now... a bit," Jellal told him, fidgeting against his restraints. Naruto could see that the man was favouring his left side. "Sarah-san was kind enough to cede to my request while healing me."

"What's the point of all this? Why the hell did you help me?"

"It is because, Naruto-san, out of everyone present then, I understand you the most. I understood what it was like to not be in control, and to be twisted and manipulated. You may have turned on your allies for but an hour, but I have betrayed the people I care most in this world for almost a decade. I have killed, I have tortured and I have made them suffer agony beyond reproach. My actions haunt me, Naruto-san. But I cannot hide from this guilt, for it has branded me with its mark."

Jellal gestured to the tattoo that stretched across the right-side of his face.

"That is why I must live to atone for these crimes. That is why I have made a promise to do everything in my power to help, and I cannot turn away from that promise. Ever."

Naruto exhaled deeply. "Damn... You actually made me feel bad for feeling sorry for myself," he muttered. "Putting that aside, how am I supposed to communicate with you when you're behind bars?"

"I shall take that as a compliment." Jellal smiled and added, "You needn't worry. Word will reach you. Even the prison walls of the Magic Council have mouths and ears. One of my aims for returning to Era is to understand the depths of Ultear's treachery."

"That woman you were in cahoots with?"

"Be wary of Ultear Milkovich, Naruto-san. She is a mystery wrapped around an enigma, and has unduly influenced many events in Fiore since her appointment as a Wizard Saint, and even more before that. She may, in fact, have a hand in pushing Oración Seis towards Nirvana. That is why I must return. I need to see how far her web of deceit and sedition has spread."

"Ultear, huh? I'll try to keep my ears to the ground."

"Thank you, Naruto-san." Jellal looked hesitant. "And I... also understand that Erza wishes for you and your team to join Fairy Tail."


"She hasn't broached the subject to you, then? Then, it seems I was a little premature. Never mind."

"No, no. That actually makes things a lot easier. I was going to ask her later, but I was kinda iffy that we'd be able to join. Not like I'll be receiving offers from Blue Pegasus or Lamia Scale any time soon."

"That is good. She was quite adamant about having the three of you join," Jellal said. "Then could I bother you for another favour? Would... Would it be possible for you to look out for Erza?"

"Oh, you mean, like, keep other guys away and stuff?"

"N-No, I meant in general."

Naruto nodded slowly. "Sure... I'll see what I can do. I could use another favour from a Wizard Saint—former or not. The next one might be a little out of your league though, but I'm still going to hold you to it."

"I'll do everything in my power to help you." Jellal looked hesitant still. "But I would ask that you do not disclose the recovery of my memories to Erza."

"Why?" Naruto said, making a face. "Sounds shady."

Jellal bowed his head. "I've wronged Erza Scarlet many times, Naruto-san. Mentioning this to her might only cause her undue pain. I do not wish for that to happen."

"Well, if I feel that it's important that she knows, I might just tell her anyway. I don't just owe you a favour, you know? She gets one too. Still, I think we're a little past formalities, Jellal—being in cahoots and all." He gave the restrained mage a lazy salute. "Right, gotta bail before Biggs finds himself waking up in a puddle of his own drool," he said hurriedly, standing. "Don't spend too long in prison. No girl is going to wait forever. Trust me, I once got dumped into prison myself."

"It's not—"

"Whatever! See you!"


The first rays of the sun washed over Naruto, bathing him in its warm embrace.

It only made him yawn widely. Not for once in his life, the blond longed for sleep. Unfortunately, upon reaching the infirmary in which the Light Alliance was housed, a familiar figure stepped out. She had found herself a clean blouse, while still wearing her customary blue skirt. From what he could see, the exposed parts of her skin were still swaddled in bandages.

Erza Scarlet smiled at him.

"I was looking for you, but you weren't in your ward. Is everything all right?"

"Couldn't sleep," Naruto said. "I didn't want to wake up everyone else, so I decided to take a walk to clear my head."

"May I join you?"

Naruto shrugged, motioning her along as he walked ahead. The silence between them was comfortable, despite him feeling mindful of Jellal's request.

"So, why are you up so early?" Naruto asked.

"A force of habit. Although, I admit that restlessness did play a part. The rest of the team were sleeping when I left, and much like yourself, I didn't have the heart to wake them from their well-deserved rest. For some reason, I found myself walking towards your ward. A part of me knew that you'd be awake."

"Strange," he concurred. "Hey, you hungry?"

"Quite. Do you have a place in mind?"

"There's a—" Naruto sighed uneasily, "—café in town where I work occasionally. It should be open by now. The owner had this brilliant idea last month about a pre-breakfast hour for sailors and dock workers. The turnout is about as amazing as you can imagine..."

He frowned as his ears picked up the faintest jingle of a bell.

It was getting closer too.

"That sounds reasonable. Lead the—"

"Nyaa! Found you!"

Naruto stuck a foot out as a blur of brown and pink dashed past him. Predictably, the interloper tripped, falling to the ground with arms akimbo. Pushing herself up, she turned and hissed at him, her back arching unnaturally, much like a distressed feline.

The thing was Naruto had history with the girl.


"Crazy cat girl."

"I have a name, you cat-faker!"

"Millianna?" Erza interjected, partly in confusion. Although, he could see that she looked happy as she knelt next to the downed... cat-enthusiast? Yes, Naruto decided. That sounded fairly polite.

"Wah~ Er-chan! Help me!" The girl inched closer and clung onto Erza's leg, hiding behind it to peer up at him. Her glare was smoulderingly hateful. "This guy just straight-up attacked me! You have to help!" She perked up. "Oh~ It's so great to meet you again! Uwah-nyaa!" Millianna squealed into her leg, rubbing her face against it affectionately.

"It's good to see you as well, Millianna," Erza said. "But I don't understand, how are the two of you acquainted?"

"It was after the Harvest Festival at Magnolia," Naruto said, frowning. "We were... fortunate enough to board the same train. Then, we got on the same boat, and for some reason, she left her friends and started following my team around Dilligeon—mostly just to heckle me. I hate to admit it, but it would have made Carla's week if this one hadn't gotten so touchy-feely with her."

"Nyaa? Carla's here too? Where?"

"I'd die before I tell you."

Millianna hissed at him again, teeth bared and hand raised as if to bat at him. Erza shook Millianna to bring the girl's attention—definitely a short one—back to her.

"Millianna, what about Shô and Wally?"

The cat-girl scratched at her temples, cheeks colouring. "Uhm, they're still exploring and adventuring and stuff, I think? It's already been like a couple of weeks since I got duped by this guy into coming to Dilligeon."

"You jumped down from the deck of the ship, shouting to everyone that I was escaping. I didn't dupe you into anything."

"Semantics, cat-faker!" Millianna said. Then, she turned back to Erza, her big brown eyes pleading. "So yeah, I'm guessing they went ahead, and I just ended up staying here... Oh! Oh! I joined a really cool guild too! Look!" She hopped to her feet, the bell accessory on her choker jingling as she did. She turned and lifted up the back of her—

"Come on, crazy cat girl! I'm standing right here!"

"Well, I didn't ask you to look, nyaa!"

Erza came between them, holding her long-time acquaintance back by her waist. "Please, Millianna... Naruto-san is a comrade of mine." She paused, regarding him. "Actually, that is something that I wished to talk to you about over breakfast."

Naruto nodded once, then bowed. "Ah, well... I graciously accept then, on behalf of my team too."

The redhead gave him a queer look.

"How did you know?"

He scratched his head, saying, "That walk I took just now brought me a little further than I expected. It just so happened that I came across a bird in a cage. When I tried to set it free, it didn't want to leave out of some weird sense of justice or repentance—something about doing everything in its power to help? Uh, did you get any of that?"

Erza was quiet.

"Yes," she said softly.

But in place was a genuine smile. She didn't tear up or sniffle, she just smiled, like she had been proven right and the world was as it should be.

"I think I do."

Sadly, Millianna had to ruin the moment. Granted, his words probably didn't make much sense to an outsider.

"Weirdo... Duh! That bird probably belonged to someone," Millianna muttered. "C'mon, Er-chan! Let's talk. Just the two of us. We got a lot of stuff to catch up on. You know?" she asked pointedly, tugging Erza by her arm. Her narrowed eyes sought his. "Stuff! Like old stuff from back then. Catch the drift, whiskers-guy?"

"M-Millianna," Erza tried to say.

Thankfully, they were interrupted once more.

"I totally knew I'd find you here, Naruto," Minori said, announcing her arrival. "I figured all I had to do was follow the noise and you'd be there... right in the middle of it."

Minori had changed out of her witch's persona, now garbed in a loose-fitting sweatshirt and tights. Her purple hair was in disarray, held up messily by a helpful assortment of colourful hair clips.

"Minori-san?" Erza said. "You look... different."

"Well, you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. It helps to keep your private life separate from your work, right?" Minori levelled a finger at Millianna, shaking it in her face. It elicited a small eep from the girl. "And you, missy... I knew you were mad that Mistress Agatha didn't let you come last night, but did you have to make all that racket in the morning?"

"B-But—nyaa! I was totally sneaky! Like a pretty kitty!"

Minori scoffed, crossing her arms to form an 'X'. "Totally not at all!" She then sighed. "That's fine, I guess. I know how important it was to you to find Erza-san. Go ahead, I just need Naruto. Just don't make too much trouble. Erza-san is still recovering from last night. Okay?"

"Kay~ You're so cool, big sis!"

Minori's anger visibly deflated. She closed her eyes closed in contentment as Millianna scampered off with Erza. Naruto could only offer the helpless S-Class mage a small wave goodbye.

"You are just so easy," he told Minori.

"Whatever... Seniority has its perks, and I fully intend to use it." She suddenly swatted him on his arm, pulling him along with her. "Come on, you are needed elsewhere."


"Wendy's awake, Naruto."



"Could you not feel it, Silver-sama? That power~? The malice~? It harkens back to the days of old, when we—"

Silver, tall and imposing, dwarfed over the humanoid demon as he passed it by. Casually, he lifted a hand to stop its idle chatter. "Franmalth, my man," he said, cutting through the demon's reedy voice. "Not to sound rude, but I can't find it in myself to care."

Franmalth's mouth was left frozen in mid-smile, his large, alien eye blinking. Silver could see beads of sweat trail down its jowly chin from beneath the highly-burnished armour Franmalth wore; it extended from the top of its head, and down to its orbicular frame and long, wiry limbs.

The cane Franmalth was using as support shook.


Silver ignored him. Plopping down on the empty seat, he propped his feet on the desk, resting his hands over his own bulky armour. The silvery shine had dulled, the aged metal worn down by the elements and the countless battles he had faced since his revival. He smiled genially at the woman that stood over him.

"Kyouka," he said, drawling. "Always lovely to see you again, but what could be so important that you would call me back?"

"You know why."

Her tone was sharp, yet her expression bore little to her obvious frustration; hidden as it was behind a full-faced winged helmet. Her eyes shifted, and Silver could only assume that her brows were furrowed as she stared at him.

"Where's Mard?"

"Lord Tartaros is tending to the Garden. However, there is little need for you to see him personally, Silver. I shall suffice," Kyouka said. "No doubt you felt that... pulse of magical energy last night as Franmalth had mention. Its power was unfathomable—enough to eclipse a Demon Gate several-fold. Lord Tartaros would like you to abandon your current mission. He believes this could be a worthwhile avenue to pursue, especially given your skill-set."

"Not gonna lie, I was right in the middle of something when you guys summoned me."

"This is an official mission handed down to you by our Guild Master. I believe that supercedes everything else."

Silver raised his hands up in mock surrender. "Well, not like switching targets is any skin off my back," he said, grinning. "But how exactly do you expect me to track this demon down? Its signature is completely gone. That demonic burst everyone felt, that only gives me a general direction—everywhere south of Fiore."

"We received reports regarding the destruction of Oración Seis last night. Prior to that, they were able to activate an ancient magic called Nirvana. The last confirmed sighting was at the southern tip of the kingdom."

"Not to look down on all these ancient doodads, but didn't Mard say that Nirvana was a human magic targeting human mages? That's not my bag, sweetheart. I only take care of demons, and demons only."

Kyouka's eyes were half-lidded. "Regardless, it is a good place as any to start. There were four guilds that participated in the fight; Lamia Scale, Fairy Tail—"


Only when he could freeze hell twice over.

Silver cut in, standing, "You want me skulking these guilds and sniff around for information? C'mon, Kyouka. You know that's not how I operate. Hell, Mard knows that's not how I operate. I'm a simple guy. You guys point and I destroy it."

Which really does beg the question: strong as it maybe, why the hell did they want him specifically to go searching for this demon?

Was it another test of allegiance? How many did that make already?

"What about RieseRiese would know~ Our retarded brother sees all and knows all. Maybe he's watching us right now~" Franmalth cackled, his laughter harsh and throaty. "It's been so long—so, so long. I wonder how much that big, empty head of his is worth now~?"

Ah, fuck... Not Riese.

He still needed that big bastard.

"Strange... I thought those two had an arrangement?" Silver asked.

Kyouka shook her head, saying, "Lord Tartaros does not make arrangements with anyone." She folded her arms around herself, apparently having come to a decision. "Fine... Your mission will be two-fold. Find Riese and needle what you can from him about any information regarding this new demon. Then, eliminate him and that little outfit of his. I think he calls it the Ninth Circle," she practically spat.

"It's almost sad in a way! Imitation isn't the best form of flattery~"

Silver ignored Franmalth. "How do you expect me to find a rat who has the whole of Earthland to hide in?"

"Make do, Silver." Her lips twitched. "If not, you could simply do as I ask you before. You're the one who wanted to make this needlessly complicated."

Silver gave her a less-than-impressed look. At least, with nothing on his plate, he could take his time. Without needing a prompt, he turned on his heel, not sparing the two a glance as he exited the room.

"Whatever you say, Kyouka." He gave her a lazy wave over his shoulder. "Whatever you say..."


"Wendy," Naruto said softly.

He inched towards the bed to kneel by it. He returned Carla's distressed look with a reassuring one. Taking the Dragon Slayer's hand in his, he tried to pull the her attention away from the window.

As if lost in a daze, Wendy turned to him. She had been crying, but it had been her eyes, so lost and so dispirited, that for a moment, he couldn't fathom that the patient seated upright on the bed was a young girl. Those had been the eyes of someone who had lost everything, her unfocused gaze speaking of sorrow that belied her young age.

"A-Are you real?" she asked, quiet. "Carla said that everyone at the guild was gone; that they left... and Chief Roubaul and everyone were just illusions that he created."

"Of course, I'm real. I'm here now, aren't I?" Naruto squeezed her hand, using his thumb to massage the ridge of her knuckles. "Doesn't that feel real?" He sat down on the bed and pulled her close. "And that? How can I not be real?"

She stifled a hiccup and tried to pull away. "Chief Roubaul felt real. And Magna. Pel. And Naoki. Grognak. Ba'al. Busk. Tomaha—"

"Wendy," he said. "I'm flesh and blood. Just like you, just like Carla, and just like everyone out there."

Wendy looked away from him, her fists bunching up her comforter.

"B-But then... you always... you always—"


It seemed that was what Wendy wanted to say. It was obvious, really. And she was right. He did lie. If Naruto was honest with himself, and none of this had ever happened, he'd probably continue lying to her.

Naruto sighed.

He was doing that a lot these past twenty-four hours.

"You want the truth?"

She didn't say anything, but her grip on the comforter tightened.

"Yeah, I knew," Naruto said. "I knew what the Chief was—kinda. After I joined the guild, I found out about it like a few weeks later. Got really mad about it at first. Who wouldn't, right? It was... messed up. I wanted to confront him; I wanted to quit."

"Then, why didn't you?" Carla asked.

Naruto shrugged, saying, "I thought long and hard, trying to figure why anyone would do something like this. The only thing that came to mind was you, Wendy, and you, Carla, and what these projections meant to the two of you. You know, a family. I knew then I couldn't tear you away from that.

"But that didn't necessarily mean that I agreed with what he was doing, you know? I guess the two of you could already tell that things between us got all weird and frosty. I tried my best to keep up with the charade with the other members, but it was always difficult knowing what I know. That was why I preferred taking the longer requests. It was so much easier when it was just the three of us. I kept telling myself that I was doing it for your sake, but that may have been a crutch...

"In the end, we had our differences, but we patched it up. I wished that you could have seen him one last time, Wendy. Not just for the sake of closure. Don't you ever think that he didn't care for you. He may not have said it, but he loved you."

I love you so much, son.

Naruto blinked at the memory and added softly, "He loved you so much, Wendy."

Wendy slipped her hand from his, and both found purchase on the front of his shirt, bunching the material tight. She leaned her head into his chest, and Naruto could hear her faint mournful sobs.

"D-Don't leave. Don't leave..."

Naruto wanted to reassure her. To promise her that he wouldn't, but he could not. A small part of him was telling him to put it off; that the truth could wait another day. Maybe when there was a better time, to tell them of his overwhelming longing to return home, that just wasn't this terribly shitty and miserable day.

But was there ever going to be a good time?

He pulled out the lacrima orb, the very same one that Stange and his shadowy organisation had gifted him, and placed it on the bed.

"W-What is that?" Wendy asked in between breaths.

Naruto rubbed his temples, frowning at the orb. "It's what happened to me while we were on Nirvana, after the two of you fought Midnight," he told them.

Carla gasped quietly, her eyes widening.

"Why do you have that?"

"It's complicated... and long-winded, but everything in due time. If not, everything just becomes more confusing," Naruto said. "Now, it's going to be scary to watch this. Even for me, it was bad. Really bad. I... killed someone yesterday."

He swallowed that uncomfortable lump lodged in his throat, digesting their looks of horror and muted disgust respectively. He would weather through it for their sake.

"W-What?" Wendy asked.

"That guy, Midnight, well, I lost control after what he did. There was another one, a woman, she called herself Angel—Sorano. She... She was different. I gave her my word that I would end her suffering. I went back after the battle to see it through."

"That woman," Carla said. "That's the woman who was cursed."

Wendy kept her head bowed. "I remember her. She looked so scared, so angry. Her Guild Master tried to kill her b-because she was weak." She looked up at him, her big brown eyes strained in disbelief. "Why would someone do that?"

"I don't know, Wendy. People are what they are. Even for me, killing isn't something I condone. I'm not ashamed of it, but I do regret having to do it. Sometimes, it's unavoidable, and you can't keep hoping for something to happen and stop it."

Naruto sighed.

"I can tell you more; stuff that happened to me when I was younger. That's why if you still want to know everything, this is where it starts." He pointed to the lacrima orb. "You're both going to look at me differently after this, so be... prepared. I'm going to leave it up to you.

"We can do this another day when you're feeling better, or I could not show you this like at all, because really, this stuff isn't meant for kids. Not that I see you as just a kid, you know? You're more than that... Ah, I'm rambling, aren't I?" he rambled. "Look, the point I'm trying to make is that I don't want to lie to you two any more, and what you see inside that lacrima... Well, for better or worse, it's a part of me."

Naruto gave them both a long, hard stare. "There is no going back from this."

Wendy and Carla shared a brief look, before the young girl said:

"We want to see it."

After-Action Summary Report CB-546 [Amending Classification]



1. General

A. The NIRVANA INCIDENT was a day-long skirmish involving members of the LIGHT ALLIANCE and dark guild ORACIÓN SEIS (please see attached for individual profiles). In addition, please refer to on-going reports by the Magical Detection and Analysis team sent down to the Worth Woodsea for a technical breakdown of NIRVANA.

Dated 1 NOV X784, the Provisional Guild Masters' League [Southern Bloc] ordered a termination request to eradicate a member of the BALAM ALLIANCE. No motion was passed to the Magic Council. Dated 2 NOV X784, the selected representatives from the four guilds convened in the Worth Woodsea, in accordance with last reported sightings.

B. Abridged summary (approximated timeline):

1730 - Stage One NIRVANA activated. Scale: suspected conversion of allegiance. Former Wizard Saint FERNANDES, JELLAL; SIEGRAIN (please refer to TOWER OF HEAVEN INCIDENT dated 16 AUG X784 for brief) was sighted, assumed to have enabled activation; confirmation required.

2000 - Stage Two NIRVANA activated. Scale: main body (MB) raised. Magical particle accelerator; tentative classification: Shaker-9. MB tried to exit Worth Woodsea, encountering CAIT SHELTER community, possibly targeting larger human settlements; Camoa, Dilligeon - intending for shoreline.

2045 - Stage Three NIRVANA activated. [REDACTED]

2115 - NIRVANA destroyed. [REDACTED]

2. Outcome

A. ORACIÓN SEIS eliminated. Please refer to detailed report signed and sworn by Saint NEEKIS, JURA for twelve instances of enemy engagement. Lethal force was used in accordance with standard operating procedure [DARK G.; Verse 5]. See also statement given by SCARLET, ERZA and LATES, HIBIKI.

BRAIN - Deceased. Suspected cause of death: FALL. Body retrieved. Posthumous report on the way.

RACER - Deceased. Suspected cause of death: DETONATION. Remains recovered. Posthumous report on the way.

MIDNIGHT - Presumed Deceased. Suspected cause of death: [REDACTED].

ANGEL - Presumed Deceased. Suspected cause of death: UNKNOWN. (Amended) RE: KLODOA. Darkness Magic. Possibly fatal curse. Effects remain unknown.

HOTEYE - Captured. Prisoner #10425 Richard Buchanan.

COBRA - Captured. Prisoner #35346 Erik Everhart.

CUBEROS - Sentient Captured.

KLODOA - Sentient Captured. (Amended) Prisoner has extensive knowledge of Stage Three NIRVANA; a separate report has been compiled of the full transcript with prisoner. Please refer to RE: UZUMAKI, NARUTO (URGENT, 4G-O).

B. Former Wizard Saint FERNANDES, JELLAL; SIEGRAIN captured. Currently held in isolation ward: Phantom Zone. Interrogation postponed.


[COMMENT: Sloppy. Get one of the scribes to go through this again. Redact any possible mention of Naruto Uzumaki and all links tracing him back to the actual events of Stage Three. Limit copies of full report to the 4GI. Their eyes only.

Pull Gryder from his other detail and sign off on his next infiltration effective immediately. Target is joining FT. Get Gryder settled in. It'll be two birds with one stone. Then, prepare a council meeting to discuss possible counter-measures for target. - GD]

Side Note: As always, please don't expect regular updates, especially another one so soon. Also, I'm in the market for an irregular beta/sounding board because I've lost contact with the nice folks that used to help me.

I'm starting to hate writing such large chapters.

Zero/Brain: Pre-empting this, dude's dead. How I handled it was incredibly sloppy, given how I pushed his death off-screen. I know. Then again, he was never meant to be the focal point of this arc, and I couldn't bring myself to waste days and months trying to craft and cram in his death scene. Ignoring this, everything else was fairly entertaining, no?

Next Chapter: A Place to Call Home…

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