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14.97% Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81 / Chapter 50: 48. Monitoring Progress On Each Department

Chapter 50: 48. Monitoring Progress On Each Department

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Sico, satisfied with the strategic distribution of his newly acquired S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats, felt the enhanced capabilities settling in. Content with the progress made with the teleportation device and the improvements to his own abilities, he decided it was time to rest.

The next day, Sico woke up refreshed and ready for the challenges that lay ahead. After preparing for the day, he decided to check in on Cait to see how she was settling into the vault.

Making his way through the familiar corridors, Sico reached Cait's quarters. He knocked on the door and, upon receiving a response, entered to find Cait organizing her belongings.

Sico: "Morning, Cait. How are you finding everything so far?"

Cait, looking up with a smile, responded.

Cait: "Not too shabby. Thanks for asking. This place sure beats the chaos out there."

Sico nodded in agreement, appreciating the sense of stability the vault provided.

Sico, intrigued by Cait's potential contributions, continued the conversation.

Sico: "That's good to hear. What would you say is your specialty? I want to make sure you have a role that suits your skills. For instance, MacCready is my mercenary bodyguard, but I've also placed him as one of the militia higher-ups. What about you?"

Cait, considering the question, replied.

Cait: "I'm a damn good melee fighter, and I can handle a gun fight pretty well."

Sico nodded, recognizing Cait's valuable skills.

Sico: "Great to know. We could use someone with your expertise. Let's discuss potential roles or missions for you within the Minutemen. What do you think?"

Cait, agreeing with Sico's suggestion, asked him what role she would take on.

Sico, considering the Minutemen's needs, replied,

Sico: "I think you'd be perfect as the melee instructor for our militia training. The group has become proficient in gunfights, but we could use some expertise in close combat. What do you think?"

Cait, intrigued by the idea, grinned.

Cait: "Teaching these folks a thing or two about getting up close and personal? I'm all in, boss. When do we start?"

Sico, pleased with Cait's enthusiasm, nodded.

Sico: "That's the spirit, Cait. You can start tomorrow. Report to Robert, the leader of the instructors, and coordinate the training schedule with him. I'm confident you'll make a significant impact. In the meantime, feel free to get to know the place better. If there's anything you need, just let me know.

Cait saluted playfully.

Cait: "Consider it done, boss. I'll whip these folks into shape."

With plans in motion, Sico told Cait to prepared the plans for the upcoming training sessions tomorrow, aiming to enhance the Minutemen's combat skills further.

Cait: "Consider it done, boss. I'll whip these folks into shape."

With Cait on board and busy preparing the training plan, Sico left her quarters. He ascended to the surface using the vault elevator, heading to see Robert, the leader of the militia training. Sico informed Robert about Cait becoming the new melee combat instructor, ensuring the smooth integration of her expertise into the Minutemen's training regimen.

Sico approached Robert, the leader of the militia training, to discuss the introduction of Cait as the new melee combat instructor.

Sico: "Robert, we've got a new addition to the training team. Cait, she's a skilled melee fighter and will be taking on the role of our melee combat instructor. I believe her expertise will add a valuable dimension to our training regimen."

Robert, intrigued, responded,

Robert: "Sounds like a solid plan. We can always use more variety in our training. I'll coordinate with Cait to integrate her sessions into the schedule. Thanks for the heads up, Sico."

Sico nodded in agreement, pleased with the positive reception, and left Robert to make the necessary arrangements for the upcoming training sessions.

Sico, after discussing Cait's role with Robert, remembered the T-51 power armor blueprint he had obtained from the system. Eager to enhance the Minutemen's strength, he made his way to Mel's lab.

Sico: "Mel, I've got something that might interest you. A blueprint for the T-51 power armor. I want you and your team to build five sets of these. It's time to upgrade our militia's firepower. Let me know if you need any additional resources for this."

Mel, excited about the prospect, responded,

Mel: "You got it, Sico. This will give our militia a serious boost. We'll get started right away."

As preparations for both melee combat training and power armor production were underway, Sico felt a sense of anticipation for the strengthened Minutemen force that would soon emerge.

After leaving Mel's lab, Sico headed to the construction area where Sturges was overseeing the development of the new infirmary building.

Sico: "Sturges, how's the progress on the infirmary?"

Sturges, glancing up from the blueprints, replied,

Sturges: "Coming along nicely, Sico. We're making sure it's well-equipped to handle any medical needs. Should be up and running soon."

Sico, pleased with the updates, nodded.

Sico: "Great to hear. Once it's ready, we'll have a more comprehensive support system for the Minutemen. Keep up the good work."

As preparations continued on multiple fronts, Sico was optimistic about the Minutemen's growth and the resources being put in place to ensure their success.

After checking the progress with Sturges, Sico made his way to the radio room where Preston was overseeing operations for the day.

Sico: "Preston, any updates for today? How are things on the communication front?"

Preston, organizing the maps and communication equipment, responded, "Everything's running smoothly, Sico. We've been receiving positive responses from settlements we've helped, and our influence is growing. The Minutemen are becoming a beacon of hope in the wasteland."

Sico, pleased with the news, acknowledged Preston's efforts.

Sico: "Good to hear, Preston. Keep the lines of communication open. If any settlements need our help, we'll be there."

With communications in order and the Minutemen's reputation on the rise, Sico felt a sense of accomplishment in the progress being made.

After his conversation with Preston, Sico bid him farewell and made his way to the farm where Jenny was overseeing operations.

Sico: "Jenny, how's everything going with the farm? Any notable changes since we added the robot to the team?"

Jenny, tending to the crops, replied, "The robot's been a tremendous help, Sico. With its efficiency, we've managed to increase our food production. The crops are thriving, and we're even thinking about expanding the farming area."

Sico, pleased with the positive impact, commended Jenny's efforts.

Sico: "Fantastic news, Jenny. Your hard work is paying off. Let me know if there's anything else you need for the farm."

Jenny, expressing gratitude, continued her work, and Sico moved on, confident in the continued success and growth of the Minutemen.

Sico, after bidding farewell to Jenny and the thriving farm, made his way to Piper to inquire about the latest intelligence gathered.

Sico: "Piper, any updates from the intelligence department? Have we found any new information from the various factions in the Commonwealth?"

Piper, surrounded by maps and reports, responded, "We've been getting some interesting tidbits, Sico. The intel team is working hard, and we're piecing together a clearer picture of the situation."

Sico, appreciating the efforts of the intelligence team, encouraged Piper to keep him informed.

Sico: "Keep digging, Piper. The more we know, the better we can navigate the challenges. If anything significant comes up, don't hesitate to bring it to my attention."

Piper then leaned in and shared a piece of intriguing information.

Piper: "By the way, we found evidence that the Institute might be using crows as spies in the Commonwealth. They've got eyes everywhere."

Sico, surprised by the revelation, asked Piper if the information was reliable.

Sico, intrigued by Piper's revelation, questioned her about the source of this information.

Sico: "Piper, where did this intel about the Institute using crows come from? How reliable is it?"

Piper, looking thoughtful, responded: "It's still a bit shaky, Sico. We've picked up bits and pieces, and while it's not a confirmed fact, there's a chance it might be credible. We're dealing with the Institute here, after all. Their surveillance capabilities are a cause for concern."

Sico, recognizing the potential threat, nodded.

Sico: "We can't ignore this. Keep a close eye on any further developments. If there's a pattern or confirmation, we need to act accordingly. Thanks for the heads up, Piper."

With the uncertain situation involving the Institute, Sico headed to the command center to assess the paperworks for the Minutemen's.

Sico, aware of the need for administrative tasks, settled into the command center to handle paperwork. Amidst maps, reports, and various documents, he meticulously reviewed and organized information related to the Minutemen's operations, resources, and ongoing initiatives.

Having completed the necessary paperwork and organized the various aspects of the Minutemen's operations, Sico decided it was time to step away from the command center. The vault, with its familiar surroundings and the sense of community within, beckoned him.

Leaving the paperwork behind, Sico made his way to the vault elevator. As the doors closed, he reflected on the progress made and the challenges ahead. The responsibilities of leading the Minutemen in this changed Commonwealth were significant, but the support of his team and the improvements made to their infrastructure were promising signs.

Arriving at the vault, Sico decided to head to the mess hall to grab some dinner. As he entered, he found Cait already there, focused on her meal and deep in thought as she worked on the training plans for the next day.

Sico joined Cait at the table, taking a moment to appreciate the camaraderie developing within the Minutemen. With a smile, he greeted her.

Sico: "Planning for tomorrow's training already, Cait?"

Cait looked up, a grin on her face.

Cait: "Sure am, boss. Gotta make sure these folks are ready for anything."

They both continued their dinner, discussing the plans for the upcoming training sessions and the growth of the Minutemen.

After finishing their dinner and discussing the plans for the upcoming training, Sico noticed Cait's determination and dedication.

Sico: "Good work, Cait. Get some rest tonight; tomorrow's going to be a busy day."

Cait saluted playfully.

Cait: "You got it, boss. Wouldn't want to be slacking when training day comes."

With a nod, Sico left the mess hall, confident in the progress and teamwork among the Minutemen. Sico, leaving the mess hall with confidence in the Minutemen's progress, made his way back to his quarters. After a refreshing shower, he settled into bed, feeling a mix of satisfaction and anticipation for the future. As he closed his eyes, the challenges and victories of the day echoed in his thoughts, and soon, he drifted off to sleep.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 7,44

P: 5,44

E: 6,44

C: 7,44

I: 9,44

A: 3,45

L: 5

• Skills: intermediate Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, Beginner Medical, and Hand to Hand Combat skills

• Inventory: 16.540 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, and Ashmaker.

• Active Quest: None.

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