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59.07% Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81 / Chapter 179: 162. Went to the Salem Museum of Witchcraft

Chapter 179: 162. Went to the Salem Museum of Witchcraft

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As they parted ways, each felt a quiet confidence in the future. The newcomers, now fully integrated into the fabric of Sanctuary's defense forces, were a sign of hope, a promise that they could not only survive the harsh realities outside their walls but could thrive and protect their sanctuary against all odds. The lights of Sanctuary glowed warmly in the encroaching darkness, a beacon of safety in the wild wasteland.

The next day, as the soft morning light filtered through the windows of the Minutemen Headquarters, Sico was deep in his routine of administrative duties. His focus was on reports and resource allocations, crucial to maintaining the newly bolstered defenses of Sanctuary. His office, filled with maps and scattered papers, reflected the ongoing efforts to stabilize and secure various parts of the Commonwealth.

His concentration was broken by a knock at the door. Piper, who had recently been appointed head of the Minutemen's intelligence department, stepped inside. Her expression was earnest, indicating she was here on official business rather than a casual visit.

Piper: "Sico, you're going to want to hear this, there's a strange rumor circulating about the Museum of Witchcraft. It seems a group of Gunners was spotted there not too long ago. They seemed pretty intent on something specific, but now there's been no word from them for days."

Sico leaned back in his chair, his mind shifting gears from paperwork to potential crisis.

Sico: "That's troubling. The Museum of Witchcraft is not a place people go without good—or bad—reason. And silence from the Gunners isn't a good sign. What's your assessment?"

Piper"Based on the last few reports, it looks like they might have been after something specific inside the museum. What, we don't know yet. I recommend we send a scout team to investigate. It's best we handle this quickly, before whatever they were up to escalates or spills over."

Sico: "Prepare a team. I'll lead them myself. If the Gunners are digging around in that place, it could be something dangerous. We need to assess the threat level first hand."

Piper: "I'll coordinate with the operations team and have them ready within the hour. Do you want me on the ground with you, or should I stay back and manage comms?"

Sico: "Join us, your insights could be valuable on the ground, especially if we uncover anything... unusual."

With their plan set, Piper quickly exited to prepare the team, while Sico started gathering his own gear. His thoughts were a mix of strategic planning and a nagging concern about what they might find. The Museum of Witchcraft had a dark reputation, steeped in tales of the supernatural and unexplained occurrences. While Sico didn't hold much stock in ghost stories, he knew better than to underestimate the very real dangers that often lurked behind such myths.

Sico then made his way to the communications room where Robert and MacCready were coordinating logistics for a separate patrol. As he entered, both men looked up, recognizing the urgency in his stride.

Sico: "Robert, MacCready, gear up. We're heading to the Museum of Witchcraft. I need eyes and experience on this one, and I want you both on my team."

Robert, ever the strategist, nodded in agreement, his mind already racing through potential scenarios they might encounter. MacCready, with his sharpshooting skills, smirked slightly, always ready for a bit of action and mystery.

MacCready: "Sounds like a real ghost hunt, boss. I'm in."

Robert: "We'll be ready. What's the sitrep?"

Sico briefed them quickly, emphasizing the unknown elements and the potential dangers. With a plan in place, the three headed to the vehicle bay where Sico had decided on the composition of their convoy.

In the vehicle bay, Sico pointed to the two trucks and one Humvee they would take. He chose the Humvee for its robustness and the trucks for their capacity to carry additional equipment and personnel. He supervised as the team loaded up communications gear, weapons, ample ammunition, and several field medical kits into the vehicles.

Sico: "Let's make sure we have everything. Extra batteries, signal flares, and make sure each vehicle has a winch and tow cable. No telling what we might need to haul out of there."

As the team worked, Sico went over to the mechanics, ensuring that all vehicles were in top condition, with full tanks and recently checked engines. The last thing they needed was a breakdown deep in potentially hostile territory.

As Sico, MacCready, and Robert finished their final checks on the vehicles, they waited for Piper to arrive with the militia team she was preparing. The air in the vehicle bay was thick with the tension of anticipation and the faint smell of diesel; each man occupied with his own thoughts about the upcoming mission.

After a few minutes, Piper arrived, briskly walking towards them with a group of four well-equipped militia members in tow. Each member carried a standard issue rifle and a backpack filled with supplies—evidence of Piper's attention to detail and preparation.

Piper: "Here's our support team. I've briefed them on the situation, and they're ready to follow your lead. Each one has been through our advanced combat training program and knows their role."

Sico nodded appreciatively, assessing the team members. Their faces were resolute, reflecting the seriousness with which they approached the mission.

Sico: "Thank you, Piper. Let's gather around for a final rundown before we head out."

The group formed a semi-circle around Sico as he stood before a map of the Commonwealth with the route to the Museum of Witchcraft marked in red. He pointed to several locations along the route where they might encounter complications, such as known raider ambush points or rough terrain.

Sico: "Our primary objective is to assess and neutralize any threat and gather intelligence on what the Gunners were after. We maintain a tight formation until we reach the museum. No heroics—we move as a unit, watch each other's backs, and keep communication lines open. Any questions?"

After addressing a few queries from the militia team about engagement rules and extraction points, Sico gave the signal to mount up. The team members dispersed to their assigned vehicles. Piper climbed into the passenger seat of the Humvee with Sico, ready to manage communications and provide logistical support.

MacCready and Robert took leadership positions in the two trucks, coordinating their positions with Sico via radio as the convoy started up. The engines roared to life, and the team pulled out of the Minutemen Headquarters, their vehicles kicking up clouds of dust as they moved toward the main gate.

The drive to Salem was expected to take a few hours, providing ample time for each team member to mentally prepare for what might await them at the museum. The silence in the Humvee was periodically broken by radio check-ins and updates on their progress.

As they approached the outskirts of Salem, the landscape grew increasingly desolate, and the dilapidated buildings of the once-bustling town cast long shadows across the road. The sense of history and foreboding that enveloped the area was palpable, adding to the gravity of their mission.

As the convoy arrived at the perimeter of the Museum of Witchcraft, the vehicles came to a slow, cautious stop. The towering, dark silhouette of the museum cast an imposing shadow over the area, the faded exterior walls telling stories of neglect and decay. The team disembarked, their boots crunching on the loose gravel and dead leaves that carpeted the ground. With a tense atmosphere closing in, they commenced their initial perimeter sweep.

Sico led the way, his experienced eyes scanning every shadow and potential hiding spot. The team, moving as a practiced unit, found the museum's surroundings eerily quiet, devoid of both animal life and the usual signs of human trespass. No tracks, no recent disturbances—the place seemed untouched by anyone since the Gunners' last known visit.

Approaching the main entrance, Sico felt a chill as they found the door not just closed but barricaded. Heavy chains wrapped around the handles, secured with a rusty padlock, and several planks of wood barred the door from the inside.

MacCready, examining the setup, muttered,

MacCready:"Looks like someone really didn't want company."

Sico: "We need another entry point. Spread out, look for a back or side entrance. Watch for structural weaknesses or anything out of place."

The team split up, carefully circling the building. Piper and two militia members headed towards the rear, while Sico, MacCready, and Robert explored the sides. It was Piper's group that discovered a partially obscured basement door on the building's north side. Covered in overgrowth and partially ajar, it seemed untouched by the barricading efforts seen at the front.

Piper: "Sico, we found a basement entrance. Looks like it's been overlooked."

Regrouping, the team approached the door cautiously. Sico pulled back the brush, revealing the entrance more clearly. The door was slightly open, creaking ominously as he pushed against it, its hinges protesting with a loud groan that broke the surrounding silence.

Descending the narrow, damp stairs into the basement, their lights pierced the darkness, revealing a large, cluttered space filled with old wooden crates and dust-covered furniture. The air was stale, heavy with the scent of mold and decay. As their eyes adjusted, a gruesome sight greeted them near the doorway—a butchered body, severely mutilated, lay sprawled across the floor. The damage was extensive, with clear marks that appeared to be animal bites and scratches, stripping flesh from bone.

Robert: "Looks like it's been here a few days. Whatever did this was savage—bigger and more brutal than any common wasteland creature."

Sico: "This changes things. We need to secure this area immediately and proceed with extreme caution. There's something down here with us, or at least there was."

The team set up a temporary base at the stairwell, ensuring they had a clear retreat path. Sico instructed two of the militia to guard the entrance while the rest began a systematic search of the basement.

As Sico and the remaining members of the team began their systematic search of the basement, their nerves were on edge, every sense heightened in anticipation of another attack. The place was a labyrinth of shadows and forgotten relics, creating an atmosphere thick with tension.

Suddenly, the silence was shattered by a loud crash from above. It was followed by a deep, guttural grunt that reverberated through the upper floors, chilling them to the bone. The team froze, their lights flickering upwards towards the ceiling where the sounds had originated.

Piper whispered anxiously,

Piper: "What was that?"

Before anyone could respond, another sound—this time of snapping wood and crumbling plaster—echoed down to them. They watched in horror as a second body, as mutilated as the first, was hurled down through a ragged hole that had just appeared in the basement ceiling. It landed with a sickening thud a few feet away from where the team stood, dust and debris cascading around it.

Sico stepped forward cautiously to examine the body. Like the first, this one bore the marks of a brutal attack, with deep lacerations and signs of being gnawed upon by something with considerable strength and ferocity.

Sico: "Secure the perimeter. We're not alone here. Whatever did this could still be close."

MacCready: "Do you think it's still up there? In the museum?"

Sico: "It's possible. It could be nesting or guarding something. We need to find out what it is and eliminate the threat."

Sico, assessing the situation with a calculating eye, made a swift decision. He spoke to Piper with a firm tone, underscoring the urgency of their mission and the danger that potentially awaited them.

Sico: "Piper, you and the two militia need to hold down the fort here. Set up a defensive perimeter and keep everyone sharp. We can't afford any surprises slipping through."

Piper nodded, understanding the gravity of her task, as she began organizing the two militia members. They started checking their weapons and positioning themselves strategically around the basement entry points, ensuring that nothing could move in or out without their notice.

Turning to MacCready and Robert, Sico signaled that it was time to move. "MacCready, Robert, you're with me. Let's head upstairs and find out what's causing this. Keep your eyes peeled and weapons ready. We don't know what we're up against."

The trio, with their weapons at the ready, cautiously approached the old staircase leading to the museum's ground floor. The building groaned ominously around them, the very air thick with the scent of decay and old secrets. Each step seemed to echo through the halls, announcing their approach to whatever awaited above.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 8,44

P: 7,44

E: 8,44

C: 8,44

I: 9,44

A: 7,45

L: 7

• Skills: advance Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, intermediate Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, Hacking, Persuasion, and Drawing Skills

• Inventory: 53.280 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, Ashmaker, Furious Power Fist, Full set combat armor blueprint, M240 7.62mm machine guns blueprint, Automatic Assault Rifle blueprint, and Humvee blueprint

• Active Quest: -

Tang12 Tang12

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