A few weeks later.
More deliveries were coming into the Southern Vale castle. Lots of things were hired. From carts, games, and other entertainment. It was Eve's first birthday and everyone in town was invited, no matter what their status in the community.
Eve was currently sitting by the highchair, receiving princessly treatment. Baby makeup, hair, nail art, and massage. It was Eve's first-ever birthday party. Although every year is a milestone, this one was special.
"Papa!" Eve squirmed upon seeing his father who smiled at her and waved while he was on the phone.
"We just need an art station. The kids love it. We need it now."
"Papa!" Eve called again.
"Yes, right now." He hung up and turned around. "Hello, Princess. You are so beautiful," he said as he watched his daughter giggle. "It's your big day, baby. Sorry for waking you up early."
Eve woke up with a homemade cake and sang for her. She loves the attention.
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