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11.11% FALLEN DEMON PRINCE / Chapter 2: Act 1

Chapter 2: Act 1

Two hundred years later 

Present year(777-aug-1)

After the great war, all races lived in peace and harmony. They traded goods, laughed, ate, and slept with each other; it was peaceful, but only from the outside.

(Human Kingdom Capital)

In the castle, 10 supreme beings are having a meeting; they are the "demigods."

"Our ancestors are fools who thought after the war ended all races would live in peace and harmony and there wouldn't be any bloodshed." "What bullshit, such morons!" A handsome man with green hair and green eyes explodes his intense aura in anger. He is none other than the "demigod Isaac" chosen by the "God of greed"

"Watch your mouth; they aren't fools; they are your and our family." Don't forget that your power comes from them. If you are not from their bloodline, then you don't have that power. "So behave yourself." A beautiful lady with blonde hair and yellow eyes said in an angry tone. She's none other than "demigod Maria", chosen by the "God of Death."

Every demigod present in this room is the son or daughter of previous demigods. Only the demigod's child is chosen to be the demigod; not every child of a demigod can be chosen as a demigod; only one who has the potential can be chosen. Like Isaac, he has two siblings, including him, but he's the only one chosen to be a demigod. It does not mean his other siblings is weaker than him; they can even put up a good fight with him even if he uses his full strength. It's just that Isaac has a lot more potential than his other sibling. Children of demigods are stronger than other humans, except for the chosen ones. So you can say that they are the second strongest people after demigods, and they are known as "pseudo demigods."

'I know...I know you don't have to lecture me, Maira. Don't be so mad; we are good buddies, aren't we? issac teased.

'tsk..."I hope you watch your mouth next time when you speak about them," Maira said in an angry tone.

"You two stop it." "Do you know why this meeting is being held right now?" A muscular man with a scar on his face said in an annoying voice. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He is "demigod Max," chosen by the "God of War."

"Yeah, we know," Isaac and Maria said with serious looks on their faces.

"So are we going to do it?" A lady asked in a playful tone. She has white hair and a shining purple eye. She's a "demigod valentine" chosen by the "god of love."

"Yeah, we're going to do it tonight." "We're going to kill demon king "Satan," son "Armaros," and his wife and child; we're going to kill all of them so we can make the demon kingdom our kingdom, and it is also our god's wish," Max said.

All demigods have grim looks on their faces and light smiles. They are planning to kill the current demon king, "Armros," and his family. The demigods and all other races feared him because he was the strongest being in this world, just like his father, Satan.

"But keep this in mind: We will only kill the demon king and his family and not harm demon civilians." Valentine said, "If we kill all demon kinds, then who will we rule over?" ~hehe'.Valentine giggled.

"But will we be enough to kill him? "I mean, he is the stronger person right now, just like that cold-hearted Satan," Maria asked curiously.

"You guys don't have to worry about that because there is someone who is stronger than the demon king, and he's going to help us in this mission." Max said with a smile on his face.

'oh.  I like your smile. whenever you smile like that, something big is going to happen. "So, can you tell us who the strongest person is?" Isaac asked.

"You guys know him very well; he is none other than #####."


"What!?".Everyone was shocked when they heard that.

"Now that's interesting."


a thousand miles away from the human kingdom. There lies another kingdom. 

(Demon kingdom)

(Demon Castle) 8:00 p.m.

In a room, a 5 year old boy is playing with his little sister, who just turned 2 months old. He is kissing all over her face and making his little sister laugh.

"Mommy, isn't my sister cute when she smiles?" the boy asks.

"Yeah, she is cuter than you, my boy." The boy's mother teases, making the boy pout.


The door to the room suddenly opened. and a handsome man in his late 30s enters the room with a devastating aura and a grim face; he is none other than the current "demon king." He looks at the boy and his mother, and then turns his head into the boy's mother's hand. He sees a tiny little girl on her arm looking at him innocently.

"Hey, you damn demon!" "Stop releasing that demonic aura off of you. You're scaring my babies." The man walks toward her without saying anything. and stops in front of her and says

"Oh, did I scare my little demon," the man said to the little girl after controlling his aura with the funny-looking face. "Please forgive me, my baby." "Daddy is just mad."

"You son of a bitch, if you do that again in front of my baby, I'm going to kill you, motherfucker," the lady said in anger.

"Oh, my honey, don't use these vulgar words in front of our child." They're going to learn those words from you. man says while carrying his son on his shoulder.

"Tsk, tsk, and whose fault was that making me say those words, huh?"

I'm sorry, Lilith. I just heard from our spies that those filthy humans are planning to attack our kingdom.

"Hehe, let them try," Lilith said with a smile, but her eyes were not smiling.

"Let's not think about that right now. I just want to play with my daughter and son."


At the border of the demon kingdom, there was an army of humans, and they were marching toward the demon castle.

"Everyone are you ready for the blast?? Tonight gonna be the demon king last night ....he won't gonna see tomorrow morning ."

"Yeah, we're damn ready."Isaac was excited. 

"Okay, then let's go. Soldiers march forward. We're going to kill the demon king tonight. Don't be afraid. We have to erase his existence for the sake of humankind, for the sake of justice, and for the sake of the world. We have to kill the demon king."

"Yes, my lord, we're going to kill the demon king," soldiers yell in the union.

After that, everyone marched toward the demon castle.

"Damn it!! I did not expect them to come tonight. "I have to inform the king fast; otherwise, there's going to be a lot of casualties today." A young man wearing a robe rushes toward the demon castle.

"Where do you think you're going?"



(30 minutes later)

"Oh, your brother didn't return yet from his small trip? "

"Nah!! "He didn't return."

"Didn't he say he was going to come today along with his children?"

"Yes, he did."

"So why has he not arrived yet?"

"I think because of..."



"Wh...what was that sound just now?"

"It's an explosion."

" under.... attack."A soldier rushed toward the demon king's chamber.

"What are we under attack by who?"


"By us, Demon King." "Demigod Max," he said while removing his hand from the soldier's chest.

"You damn human, how dare you kill my people?"

"Demon King Armaros, it's not time to worry about your soldier; worry about yourself first."

"Mommy, daddy, who are they, and what was that sound just now?" A boy who was sleeping quietly just a few minutes ago woke up because of the chaos that is currently going on.

"Leo?? "Oh my son, it's nothing; they are just scoundrels who are seeking to die."

"You don't have to worry, my son. Go and stay right by your sister's side; she is crying, so go and give her a lot of kisses and hugs. Soon it will be over. "...Lilith gives a lovely smile to Leo.

"What a lovely family you have, demon king, but I'm sorry to say that I have to stop your sweet family moment."

"So without wasting time, shall we start?"

After saying that without wasting any time, demigod Max dashed toward the demon king, unsheathed his sword from his waist, and swung it at the demon king. 


But the sword was blocked by the barrier that was created by the demon king.

"Huh!! "Do you think with this strength you can kill me, the demon king?"

"I know I can't kill you with my strength alone." "And do you think I came here without preparing?"


"Come forth, Durandal." Max summoned a long, pitch-black sword in his hand. and once the aging swordsman swung his sword. This time, the sword went straight through the barrier and cut the demon king's chest.


*Argh*.The demon king cried in pain.

"Huff... a holy sword?"

"This is not your typical holy sword; it's a legendary holy sword, and its name is Durandal." "The God of War himself gave it to me."

"What a legendary sword?"

"And I'm not the only one who received this kind of gift from God... we all chosen one demigod... received the gifts from gods... And we receive these gifts for only one reason, which is to kill you, the current demon king. God wants to erase your existence from this world.

"Damn you, humans, how dare you hurt him? I'm going to kill you all, fuckers." Lilith exploded her aura, and two horns grew on Lillith's head.

And a small ball filled with black magic gathered on Lilith's hand, and little by little it grew bigger and bigger until it was the size of a person's head, and then Lilith threw it toward the demigod Max.

* Boom* 


The magic ball was so powerful and fast that Max didn't even have time to react, and its impact threw Max into the wall.

Max vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Max!?". All the demigods were shocked. when they see Max flying toward the wall.

"Damn, I underestimated her." Max mutter.

"Now that it has come to this, we have to go all out."

"Everyone listen up; don't underestimate her. She is too strong." "We have to attack them together." After listening to Max, all the demigods looked at each other and nodded.

And all the demigods started to summon their weapons and started to enchant magic, and lots of magic circles appeared, covering up the whole room.

After seeing that, Lilith hurriedly ran toward Leo and his sister to protect them.

From the magic circles, lots of powerful magical elements came and went straight toward Lilith and her children.


A loud explosion echoed in the room, destroying the floor and wall.

"What!?". All the demigods were shocked again when they saw Lilith and her children didn't even have a single injury.

"Huh!! "Do you think I will let you hurt my family, huh?"

The Demon King single-handedly stopped all the magical elements.

"What?? How is he standing...? He was badly hurt until a few seconds ago..he was in bad shape, so how is he standing?" Valentine can't believe what she's seeing.

"And look at his wound; it's all healed now."

"Fools I was only hurt by that so-called legendary sword of yours because I let my guard down... "I have to admit that your sword was strong, but it was not strong enough to kill me."

"We really underestimated them," Isaac said.

"So what now? If legendary weapons like Durandal do not work against him, then how can we win?"

"Yeah, you are right." "Durandal was the most powerful weapon we have right now. Even though gods gave us gifts, they were not as strong as Durandal."

"I never thought that legendary sword wouldn't work against him... but oh well, you guys don't have to worry because he has finally arrived now."

"It took you long enough."

"Looks like you guys are having a hard time, huh?"


Suddenly, a silhouetted figure appeared in front of everyone. He was wearing a black robe that covered all of his body and face.

"I know you guys can't win against him, that's why I told you to go for his weak point, and that is"

*Swooped * 

Suddenly, the silhouetted finger disappears and reappears in front of Lilith. and snatch Leo and his sister from Lilith's embrace.

"That weak point is his children's."

"Damn you, how dare you take my child from me... and your voice, I think I've heard that voice before."

"No, it can't be your brother, is that you?" The demon king can't believe what he is seeing.

"Oh, it looks like my little brother recognizes me." After saying that, he reveals his angelic face: he has white hair and deep blue eyes; he really looks more like an angel than a demon.

"So it was you, brother, but why...why are you with these filthy humans? You hate humans more than anyone, so why?"

"As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend." 

"What do you mean by that?... enemy? We are not enemies. We are brothers."

"Huh!! "You think you are my brother... you took everything from me, my happiness, my love, and my throne, and you still think I'm your brother."

"But brother, you know that I... argh!" The demon king Armaros can't complete his sentence because a sword pierces through his chest.

"Shut up, don't you dare call me brother."

"Armaros ".lillths yall and ran toward Araros.

"Why are you doing this, Eligor?"

"Damn you, Lilith, knowing that I loved you for all this year, you still chose him instead of me." 

"I'm going to kill all of you today, including your precious children's."

"Mom, dad... I'm scared ". Leo, who was carrying his sister on his arm, cried.

"Don't worry, Leo, mommy's going to save you. Don't be scared," Lilith says with a loving smile, trying to comfort her son.

"Huh, you think you can save your children? First, save yourself. Look up. My Lilith."


A big magic circle appeared on the ceiling.

"Oh, and that's not your simple magic circle; it was a lost magic spell that I obtained on my small trip. Even you, Lilith, and stupid, my brother demon king, can't handle it." "Haha, now die, you all. "

"Eligor You can kill us, but please don't hurt my son and daughter. They are still children.

"Sorry, Lilith. I can't do that. Eligor garbed Leo's head from the back and stabbed the sword on his chest, piercing both Leo and his sister. and then throw them into the wall.

"No, Leo, luna." Lilith cried out loud. At that same time, the magic circle was active and ran down where Lilith and Araros were covering the whole room with bright light.


"Oh my, you both are still fine.... What are you fools doing? Kill them! They are heavenly injured right now! Kill them with your legendary weapons! I'm sure this time they're going to die by legendary weapons!" After saying that, all the demigods dashed toward Lilith and Armaros... and stabbed Lillith and Armaros with swords, spears, axes, and arrows—every weapon that exited in a word piercing through them both.

*Arghhhh* A loud scream escaped from Lilith and Armaros' mouths.

"Oh, you both are still moving. Why don't you die already?" Eligor kicked both Lilith and Araros, making them fly toward the wall.

*blrgh* Both Lilith and Armaros vomited mouths full of blood, and even though they were on the edge of dying, they started to slowly crawl toward where Leo and Luna were.

"What a bond you guys have. Even though you are dying, you still want to see your children, huh?"

"Oh well, go on, we have enough time to see your family drama."

After crawling for a few minutes, both Lilith and Armaros reached where Leo and Luna were. They both held their children in their arms dearly.

"I'm sorry, Leo, Luna. Because of us, you both have to suffer. Please forgive us." I am really sorry, my child, and thank you for making me and armor your father and mother. We were really happy that you were both born as our son and daughter. If there is really the next life, then please be reborn as our son and daughter again.


"Even though my eyes are closed and I can't feel anything, I can still hear my mother's every single word clearly."

"Mother, Father, please don't cry... Not you two, I was also happy that I was born as your son... not only me, I think even Luna feels the same way, even though she can't talk... and we also want to be reborn as your son and daughter in the next life... So please don't cry. I can't see you both crying like that; it's not your fault that our happy family life ends up like this; it's all their fault, those bastard humans, and that damn uncle of ours. Because of them, we end up like this. So please don't blame yourself. "I'm losing consciousness; it looks like I'm going to first see you guys on the other side, mother, father, and my precious little sister Luna... I love you guys so much..." A tear fell from Leo's eye.

Lilith and Araros both looked at each other for the last time and nodded their heads. Armaros did not say a single last word for his children; he just took his necklace and put it on Leo's neck. Lilith and Armaros kiss both Leo and Luna's foreheads, and after that, they both slowly close their eyes.

"Finally, this damn couple die."

"Let's burn this whole demon castle."

After that, the demigods and eligor burn the whole castle.

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