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51.61% Fairy Tail: The Dark Swordsman / Chapter 13: Makarov's Grandson

Chapter 13: Makarov's Grandson

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I also posted an auxiliary chapter regarding some additional information. Make sure to check it out.



— Laxus Dreyar —

He loved Fairy Tail.

To Laxus Dreyar, Fairy Tail was home.

It had always been that way. He had friends, he had family, he had his whole life ahead of him.

However during his 16 years of life, only one could be said to be a true turning point in his life.

For some reason, his father was excommunicated from the guild.

The sudden departure of his father from the guild left Laxus bewildered and brimming with unanswered questions. He doesn't know why, he doesn't understand why. All he has in his head are 'whys' and nobody is willing to explain. Not even gramps. His pleas for understanding fell on deaf ears.

He begged his father not to go. He begged his grandfather to tell him the truth. But none of them listened and kept brushing him off, fueling a growing anger and frustration within him.

At this point in time, Laxus's fame grew to ridiculous levels. His skills and potential as a mage was something that had spread far and wide across the country. However, as Laxus's reputation as a formidable mage soared, whispers and doubts followed. People questioned his abilities, attributing his success solely to his lineage as Makarov's grandson. 

"Of course he can do that! He's Makarov's grandson!"

"I'd expect nothing else from the grandson of Fairy Tail's guildmaster."

"Bah! I bet the only reason he got that far was because of Makarov."

Those words irked him so much. Dannis had told him to not listen to these people since they're just jealous of his rise to power, the rise he made from his own effort and hard work. 

Dannis had told him to ignore them. That the best thing he can do is to just continue doing his best and strive to be the strongest like he always had. The idiots will eventually stop talking when he can prove he is the indisputable number one and the fact that his grandfather had nothing to do with it. He's basically doing the same thing after all. Laxus isn't blind to the criticism that his friend is facing on a daily basis.

Laxus had done his best to follow his best friend's advice, and it helped for some time. Yet, the stress of being Makarov's grandson and his father leaving the guild continued to affect him.

He had tried talking to his grandfather, believing he would understand. After all, Makarov himself was the son of Yuri Makarov, a very famous lightning mage from back in the day and one of the four founders of Fairy Tail. Surely he knows what Laxus is going through right?

Laxus attempted to confide in his grandfather, telling him about everything he feels, only to find that his grandfather doesn't understand a single thing he's going through. 

'Of course not.' Laxus realized. They had lived through completely different eras. Back then, not many people cared for mages. It was only now where Magic Guilds had been established and widely accepted by the populace did ordinary folk really get into the going ons of mages.

So he got angry. He lashed out at his grandfather, and their disagreement led to a bitter argument. It didn't help that Makarov continued to keep him in the dark as to his father's departure.

From then on, his relationship with Makarov quickly soured. Laxus could only feel bitter and determined to prove himself as a mage in his own right, free from the shadow of being Makarov's grandson. He believed someway somehow, that his father would come back for him once he's strong enough. 

He pushed himself to the limits, training relentlessly with Dannis as his only confidant and friend.

Dannis obliged to each and every one of his demands and trained with him until they could no longer move. At this point, only Dannis could keep up with him and could understand him. He would always provide a listening ear when he needs one.

He's also the only one who is brave enough to tell him the words he really needed to hear.

"Talk to him again. Work things out between you two." Dannis said out of the blue one day. They had just finished another bout of training and were lounging around in his room.

"Fuck that! I know what he's gonna say! He doesn't understand a thing and I have no words to share with him."

Dannis was quiet after hearing his reply. He looked at Laxus with a sad frown, eyes furrowed in annoyance and frustration. But there was also something there that Laxus had never seen in the face of his best friend before. 


"You're lucky you know?" He started with a low voice, one strained with a sadness that rooted Laxus to the spot. "You still have a grandfather, Laxus. Despite everything that happened with Ivan, you at least know your dad is alive. Some of us don't get to have that luxury. Please, I beg you. Don't let your anger and pride ruin it."

Laxus couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at Dannis's words. He had known off Dannis's past, that he had lost his family and had been left with no one. But hearing his friend's plea, Laxus realized just how fortunate he was to still have family, even if his relationship with his grandfather was strained.

Silence hung heavily in the room as Laxus contemplated his best friend's words. 

Dannis, sensing Laxus's inner turmoil, reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's not easy, Laxus, but nothing ever is."

Laxus sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. "It's just...hard dammit. So fucking frustrating."

Dannis gave a reassuring smile. "I get it. But trust me, it's worth it. And if you need someone by your side when you talk to him, I'll be right there with you."

Laxus nodded, a sense of gratitude welling up inside him. Dannis had always been there for him, a really good friend.

"Thanks," Laxus said sincerely. "I appreciate it, really. But I think I need to do this alone." While grateful for Dannis's presence, Laxus felt he needed to talk to his grandfather alone. He sensed that the conversation was a step he needed to take by himself.

Dannis smiled. "Sure. It's getting late, so maybe tomorrow could be the day to mend things with the master."

The two friends then settled into a comfortable silence. Laxus felt a glimmer of hope that perhaps, he could finally bridge the gap between himself and his grandfather and find the understanding and acceptance he longed for in his family.

Unfortunately, that was not to be.

The next day, Laxus faced his grandfather once more, and their argument escalated even more. It ended up being the biggest argument the two of them ever had. His gramps yet again refuse to divulge his reasons for excommunicating Ivan.

He still doesn't understand the stress from being Makarov's grandson, still doesn't understand that he really doesn't like having his skills doubted simply because he is the grandson of a Wizard Saint. 

His grandfather still doesn't understand that above all, Laxus craved recognition, not as a result of his lineage, but due to his hard work and effort. 

He wanted to surpass his grandfather's legacy, to become known as the strongest mage and make both Makarov and Fairy Tail swell with pride in his achievements. But only if he does so with his own strength, not because he had help because he is Makarov's grandson.

He hates those words with a passion, Makarov's grandson. 

So, he stormed out of the guild and demolished the unlucky training field that had caught his eye. The Thunder God Tribe stood by him, his team.

It was also that moment that Laxus had made a vow.

To prove his grandfather wrong and to elevate Fairy Tail to unparalleled heights, not by riding on Makarov's coattails, but through his sheer strength and indomitable will.

He would make Fairy Tail the strongest guild in Fiore, the strongest guild in the whole world. If his grandfather cannot understand him and his desire to become stronger through his own power, then he would force him to understand.

Using any means necessary.

To force his grandfather to acknowledge him and to show the world his true strength. Strength he gained by himself, not from other people. Then…then he would take his grandfather's place as the Guild Master of Fairy Tail and shape the guild in his image. 

Fairy Tail will be the strongest guild in the world, consisting of only the best and strongest. The weak will be weeded out, and when he finally proves to his grandfather that he is right through making Fairy Tail the strongest guild using his methods, only then will he understand and accept his view. 

He knows he can do it because he has the Thunder God Tribe by his side. He has his best friend by his side.

That's why it came as such a shock when Dannis tried to persuade him otherwise. Why? Why is Dannis disagreeing with him?

"Are you mad?! That is not how you run a guild! I support you in running for Guildmaster Laxus, but the way you plan on doing things will only bring the guild to ruin!"

Laxus clenched his fists, his eyes sparking with lightning. "I'm tired of everyone undermining all my efforts! I'll prove myself and make Fairy Tail the strongest guild in the world! I'll make gramps understand through strength and power!"

Dannis shook his head, his expression a mix of disappointment and worry. "Fairy Tail is about more than just strength! It's about family, camaraderie. If you go down this path of power and dominance, you'll lose what makes this guild so special."

Laxus's temper flared. "You don't get it. No one gets it." He let out a hollow laughter. "You'll see, once I'm the strongest, everyone will understand."

Dannis's eyes narrowed. "You're being naive. Strength was never everything. And I won't stand by and watch you destroy everything we've built."

"destroyed it?!"

Tensions peaked as Laxus and Dannis locked eyes, their magical auras crackling around them. The rest of the Thunder God Tribe watched the heated exchange by the side in fear, unsure of how it had escalated so quickly as they braced themselves, torn between loyalty to both their leaders.

Then, Laxus reached his breaking point.

Laxus threw the first punch, packed with his full power. It was a punch that Dannis should have been capable of blocking. He's done so hundreds of times before. But this time, he didn't.

Laxus didn't understand. He had subconsciously pulled his punch back a little at the last second, but whatever the case Dannis could've blocked it. He should've blocked it.

So why didn't he?

His punch sent Dannis flying across the room, his back hit the wall with a resounding smack and coughed up a little bit of blood. But despite that, he stood back up and looked back at Laxus with a defiant expression.

Laxus's anger flared once again at the look on his face. "If you don't want to help, then get the fuck out of my way! Get lost! I don't need you!"

Dannis's face remained expressionless throughout that declaration. 

"Is that what you really feel?"

Laxus scowled as he answered through gritted teeth.


"I see." Dannis whispered softly as his eyes narrowed, his gaze locked on Laxus.

"No matter what I say, you won't change your mind. Fine then, I give up. What you want for the guild is not what the guild needs. Go ahead, walk on this path of self destruction. See where it takes you, don't come crying back to me when you find yourself deep in despair."

"Dannis-sama!" Freed exclaimed in worry when they heard all this. Everyone understood the hidden meaning behind it. What Dannis implied.

Dannis wiped the blood on the edge of his mouth as he grabbed the black coat that Laxus had gotten him for Christmas before making his way out the door.

"From today onwards, I will no longer be a part of the Thunder God Tribe. The guild means the world to me, Laxus. You know this. I can't go against them. Not even for you."

Laxus just stood there, rooted in place. "So you're just gonna leave like a fucking coward?" He seethed, fists clenched. The Thunder God Tribe was theirs, they built it together ever since that mission. He knows how much it means to Dannis. It was part of him, part of his identity as the Dark Swordsman of Fairy Tail.

And he's gonna throw it all away, just like that? To leave and give it all up, just like that?



"I'm not the traitor here, Laxus. Because between the two of us, you're the one that forgot our promise." Dannis shook his head as he walked out, closing the door behind him completely.

Dannis's last words didn't register in Laxus's state of mind. All he remembered was that Dannis, his best friend, had left him.

As Laxus watched him depart, he was consumed by a maelstrom of emotions. The emptiness left in Dannis's wake served as a stark reminder of the consequences of his unyielding pride and anger, a wound that would fester and haunt him in the days to come.

Had he been in the right state of mind. Had his anger not clouded his judgment, Laxus would've noticed the scent of tears from Dannis's direction.


— End of Black Dawn arc —


AN: I hope I did Laxus's emotions right. Laxus falling into madness will be a major part of character development for both him and Dannis. 

This chapter marks the end of the Black Dawn arc. It encompassed everything from Dannis's waking, joining Fairy Tail, first missions, and the forming of the Thunder God Tribe.

Thus ends the 'prologue'. Next chapter is where Dannis's journey in the world of Fairy Tail really kicks off.

I've been having great fun writing this fic, I hope you've enjoyed it just as much.

Cheers lads.

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