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99.35% Fairy Tail: Shinigami / Chapter 307: Chapter 262

Chapter 307: Chapter 262

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[Adam C. POV.]

I had subdued Ikomikidomoe to my will in our short encounter, and restored my power back to full strength, yet I didn't feel any stronger. Though I suppose that statement wasn't fair, I was stronger... but considering the enemy I was about to face, I didn't feel all the amount of power I had gained was nearly enough, I seriously doubted the Hollow would give me the edge I needed to win this fight, but at this point, I was willing to try anything.

Maybe I would find a way to change the very obvious outcome. 

Until then, however, all that was left... was to wait for dear old Dad, to come and kill us... what a healthy family tree I was reborn into. And on that note, how does me being the son of that thing makes any sense at all? My reincarnated parents died, and were pretty much as human as possible.

I suppose it would be a waste of time to question the logic of my life, I don't want to go crazy before I die, I mean, before the fight.

I had to be honest... I still had some hope in me, hope that we would win, I mean, if I wasn't on the picture, Ichigo would've had to deal with this, right? Meaning that by the logic of Shonen plot, he would've found a way to win.

MEANING, winning was possible.

Then again, this wasn't a manga, or an anime, it was real life, at least for me... so I wasn't sure how much of my hope was just me being a delusional little bitch trying to avoid the truth.

"He's coming," Yhwach announced, his voice snapping me out of my musings.

"Finally," I said, grabbing both of my weapons, Ikomikidomoe and Zanryuzuki. I still wasn't completely used to the feeling of having two blades, but I suppose I would get the hand of it on the flight. "Bankai, Muryokusho!"

With an enemy like the Soul King, it was best to go all out from the get go. 

Now onto the other blade. "Bankai: Ikomikidomoe Hōraku Hakkei!"

Learning Ikomikidomoe's real name hadn't been hard, in fact, it had been quite easy, and it was all thanks to how Hollows deal with things, the ancient Hollow, like all Hollows followed a very basic set of rules... or guidelines if you may, those being: The strong rule, and The weak are consumed. After our battle in my inner world, the Hollow had accepted me as his wielder, begrudgingly, so... here I was, wielding him... but make no mistake, this wasn't like the usual connection between a Zanpakuto and a Shinigami.

Ikomikidomoe didn't want to help me, he wanted to kill me, to devour me, and he would, if I ever became too weak to control him.

"You look like a Hollow," Yhwach commented, looking at me. "Wise of you to go all out from the start. On that note, aren't you going to use that... void form of yours?"

He had a point, but the reason I wasn't in that state right now, was simple. I was planning on using it, but once I was face to face with him... I only had a minute on that form, a minute I intended to use, to the fullest. Using it now, would only burn precious time, leaving me exhausted without a purpose.

Taking a deep breath, I focused my attention ahead. I couldn't feel him approach, or see him, which made the entire ordeal a bit more... nerve-wracking. I could, however, sense the minute shifts in the reishi around us, the merest hint that something cataclysmic was approaching. The very air seemed to thicken with anticipation, and I tightened my grip on my blades.

It was becoming hard to breath, not only for me, but Yhwach too. Both of us, were sweating bullets, and the battle hadn't even started.

"Things are not looking good for us," I chuckled humorlessly. "The fight hasn't started, and we are 

already being pushed to our limits." 

Yhwach didn't so much as smile. "True," he acknowledged. "This is not a fight we can win, but is a fight we have to face."

Together apparently.

I was still wrapping my head around the fact that just a few hours ago, we were enemies, trying to kill each other, and now... we were begrudging allies; facing a bigger threat together. Just so that we could survive, only to try and kill each other again, after that.  

Just thinking about it was giving me a headache. 

Anywho... as we stood there, the tension in the air almost tangible, with a thick, oppressive feeling that weighed heavily on both of us. We felt something, there was a shift in the atmosphere, a ripple that sent a shiver down our spines. It was as if the very world was holding its breath. 

And then, he appeared. 

The Soul King.

He emerged from the void, a human looking thing, with slicked-back dark hair, oval eyes and very thin eyebrows, each eye having four black irises. His appearance was unsettling, unlike anything I had ever seen, his form was both disturbing and terrifying, befitting om entity that transcended the boundaries of Shinigami, Hollow, or any creature in this reality. 

His aura was overwhelming, a swirling vortex of power that seemed to draw in the light around him. And this was with us, not being able to feel his power. I couldn't even imagine what I would be feeling if I could feel his power... the thought terrified me. 

"Father," Yhwach's voice was a mixture of reverence and defiance.

"I guess this is it..." I muttered, taking a step forward. But... despite my newfound strength and resolve, I couldn't help but feel like a speck of dust in the presence of a storm. The battle hadn't started, and I was already shaking... he truly was a being that existed on a different plane, a deity among mortals. 


The Soul King's gaze fell upon us, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. His eyes, deep and endless, seemed to peer into the very core of my being. I felt exposed, vulnerable, yet strangely invigorated, my fear being replaced by something else, hunger and excitement. 

No... I was still scared.

But I was also excited.

And how could I not?

This was the ultimate challenge, a battle against a force that was beyond comprehension. Perhaps being so close to... total annihilation was breaking my mind, but I suppose I rather be excited for the fight, than scared.

Grinning, I tightened my grip on Ikomikidomoe and Zanryuzuki.


Yhwach nodded at me, a silent agreement passing between us.

The Soul King began to move, each step resonating with the power of the ages, until he paused for a moment, surveying us with a gaze once more. "Children of my realm," he began, his tone neither cruel nor kind, but carrying an undeniable authority. "You stand here, defiant, clinging to your existence, your beliefs, your struggles. But you must understand, the end of all you know, all you hold dear, is not merely an inevitability, it is a necessity." 

"Let's agree to disagree," I replied.

"The cycle of this cosmos has run its course," The Soul King continued, ignoring my comment. "Your end, the end of this reality, paves the way for a new order, a fresh genesis. It is in this ultimate conclusion that a new beginning finds its opportunity to blossom. All that exists must one day cease, only to give birth to new life, new possibilities." 

"You had thousands of years to come to that conclusion," Yhwach replied, bitterly. "Thousands of years... eons of inaction, you could've unraveled creation any time, yet... you didn't. You made me, you made him... and now, that we are no longer a part of you, you seek to destroy us? I can't allow that... not by your hand, you wasted your time... it's now our turn to shape this realm into a better one, while you cease to exist."

Our turn?

I just want to retire, and live a life of comfort. If I survive this, I am sooooo fucking done with fighting, I will open a bakery or something, maybe a restaurant, or a cat cafe, I don't know, just anything but this. I can't recall the last time I just... enjoyed life.


"This is the way of the universe, a cycle of endless renewal. In your end is the seed of a new world, unburdened by the past, free to grow and evolve in ways you cannot fathom," The Soul King continued, ignoring Yhwach's words.

I felt a chill run down my spine. His words were not just a proclamation of our doom, but a declaration of a cosmic truth that was far beyond any single entity's control. It was as if we were standing at the edge of a great precipice, peering into the unknown depths of creation itself.

Yhwach, ever the warrior, raised his head, his voice steady. "And yet, we choose to stand against this foolish fate. Not out of ignorance, but from the very essence of our being. We fight because it is our nature, our duty, and our only path forward, we might kill each other if we get the chance... but right now, you are our only enemy, father." 


I chuckled, my chuckles turning into a full on maniacal laughter. "Alright then, you creepy ominous fuck, let's get this party started!" At this, I focused on the weight of my Zanpakuto in my hands, then with a swift movement, I raised it above my head and plunged it into my chest. 

It was time for the final stage once more, The True Void.

One minute, at full power... 


As my transformation ended, all my senses being consumed by the void, leaving me with nothing but... the nothingness itself, I moved forward, swinging both of my blades down at The Soul King, the air around them humming with dark energy, as everything between me and my target was being consumed. The Soul King merely tilted his head, and in that simple motion, I was no longer near him, but laying on the ground of a massive crater.

'What the... fuck?'

He had pushed me hundreds of miles away, with a... simple flick of his hands?

Not only that, but he had touched the void without repercussions.

A cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

I knew he was stronger than me, than Yhwach, than both of us combined, but... not even I had anticipated such raw, unfathomable power. I pushed myself up, disregarding the pain that raged through every fiber of my being, massive pain just from... a flick. 

I could feel Yhwach not far from here, meaning he had been probably swatted just like me.

"There's no point is struggling, children of chaos," the Soul King's voice resonated within the crater, a sound that seemed to emerge from every direction, "Your defiance is but a candle's flame in the tempest of the cosmos."

Children of chaos... that's a new one.

Pushing through the pain, I moved forward once more, trying to attack him, but like before, before I could process what had happened, I was once again back on the ground, somewhere else, bleeding. 

This time I hadn't even been able to see his attack.

I lay there, heaving, the taste of iron filling my mouth as blood seeped between my lips. If I was bleeding, it meant he had dealt enough damage to kick me out of the True Void Form. I could feel pain in that form, but bleeding? No. Bleeding could only happen if I was back in my normal state.

I chuckled weakly, two attacks, and I was already down for the count. I don't think I can take anymore hits, and for that matter, I don't think the old Quicy King can either... he isn't faring any better, I managed to caught a glimpse of him trying to sneak behind him, only to be thrown across the Seireitei just like me. 

This was utterly ridiculous.

I had faced strong opponents, some stronger than me.

But this was on a whole other level. The difference between us was not a river to be crossed with effort and will alone, but a chasm that stretched into infinity. Every attempt I made to bridge that gap only served to demonstrate how futile my efforts were.

"Will you let those outside this realm, live?" I asked, gasping for breath while feeling the blood soaking into the dirt beneath me.

The Soul King, who by now was standing a few feet away from me, seemed to consider for a moment. "Your concern for others is admirable and foolish. But I will answer... be at ease, son, their existence is not mine to unravel."

I smiled, pushing myself up, despite the agony that lanced through every nerve fiber. "Admirable or foolish, I'll take it as a compliment," I rasped, using my swords as a crutches to stand.

I guess this was it... the end of me, not the one I expected, but as good as any I suppose.

That being said, I would go out swinging, Fairy Tail style. 

Grinning at the thought, I moved forward once more, putting everything I had into my blades, only for darkness to welcome me.


We never stood a chance.

Here in my deathbed, I understood that, and I felt an eerie calm wash over me. It was done. I could feel the life fleeting from my body, half of it torn away in that final clash with the Soul King. The pain was distant, a mere echo compared to the weight of my thoughts. 

So, this is how it ends, I mused silently. 

Not with a triumphant fanfare, but in quiet defeat. The Soul King... he was power incarnate, a force beyond my wildest dreams.

My mind wandered, drifting through memories like a leaf caught in a gentle stream. I thought of my friends, their faces flashing before my eyes. Erza with her unwavering resolve, Laxus' steadfast spirit, Cana's loud determination. Each of them, so full of life, so fiercely devoted to their paths. 

At least, their lives... were safe. 


A pang of sorrow gripped my heart. I had wanted to protect them, to shield them from the horrors of this world. But here I was, broken, defeated, unable to rise again. 

In these final moments, my life didn't flash before my eyes. Instead, there was a profound sense of loss, of all the things left unsaid and undone. I had so many dreams, so many hopes for the future. Now, they would drift away, unfulfilled, like smoke in the wind, I wanted to live with them, to just... enjoy my life, but I suppose I was already living in borrowed time, seeing this was my second life.

But amidst the regret, there was a flicker of something else. Pride, perhaps. We had stood against a god. We had defied the inevitable, if only for a moment. In that, there was a measure of victory, however small.

My thoughts began to fade, the world growing dim around the edges. Is this what death feels like? A quiet slipping away into darkness?

But then, something stirred in the haze. A voice? A presence?

"How pathetic," The voice said, the tone sounding familiar, "Is this the man that defeated me?"

That... voice... Aizen?

"The one and only," Aizen's voice echoed, his presence somehow feeling both distant and overwhelmingly close.

Was it a hallucination? My mind grasping at straws at this point.

I had killed him.

Beyond that... if I was hallucinating, wouldn't somehow I love fit the bill better than him? I had no emotional connection to him, at all.

"That much is true," Aizen replied, reading my thoughts. "You killed me, bested me... but I'm not an hallucination, I'm a part of you now."

A part of me?

"You have soo much power you never bothered to truly grasp its depth," Aizen continued. "Your... void, didn't erase me, it consumed me, my power, my essence, my soul, it made me a part of it, a part of you." 

So what?

"I refuse to be bested by the second best," Aizen said, his voice tinged with the same arrogance that had always defined him. "And as such, I refuse to let you die like a whimpering dog. Stand up. Fight."

Fight? Ha! I wish, can't you see I am no match for that monster?

"That much is true," Aizen conceded, a chuckle escaping him, "But I didn't say fight alone. Normally, I would fight against the notion, but for now... Harness my strength."

That won't be enough, and you know it.

"I do," Aizen replied. "I can't believe someone so... dumb, defeated me. So allow me to spell out the solution for you, Adam. To defeat the Soul King, you must become an existence comparable to him, and in order to do that... you must absorb Yhwach, and Ikomikidomoe."


Would that really give me the power I needed?

I didn't even know how to harness the power my void had consumed...

"You don't know, but I do, in this... nothingness, I had nothing but time to think," Aizen said, with a hint of amusement in his voice. "It's quite simple, really. The power is already within you, you simply need to accept it. Embrace it fully, allow it to merge with your own soul. Let go of your reluctance, your fear, and your doubts. Only through acceptance can you command the nothingness."

With an effort that seemed to take everything I had left, I forced my eyes open. The world swam into focus, a blur of colors and shapes that gradually coalesced into reality. I was lying on the ground. And there, in front of me, was Yhwach. He was in a similar state, half of his body gone, both of us... swimming in a pool of our own blood. 

"You're awake..." Yhwach's voice was weak. "Just in time to see reality... unravel."

Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself up, my limbs feeling like they were made of water. "About that..." seeing no lost in trying, I grabbed Zanryuzuki, and began expanding my void towards Yhwach and Ikomikidomoe.

"I see," Yhwach murmured, a faint glimmer of respect, or was it amusement? Flickering across his tired face. "You've chose that path... can't say I didn't think of it..."

So he knew what I was trying to to do.

Yhwach's chuckled. "Adam," he rasped, the air around us growing thinner, reality itself warping at the fringes. "To merge with me is to merge with every future I've ever touched... you won't be you, as you are, anymore, are you willing to sacrifice that?"

I was.

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