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41.66% Fairy Tail: My Magic Bathroom / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Pranks and Short Spar

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Pranks and Short Spar

After crushing the glass into tiny, specked fragments with my foot, I was finally able to dispose of it by flushing it down the toilet.

With Juvia having left to be alone, I walked out of the bathroom and arrived back in the guild hall where I saw the tiny Makarov berating Natsu, who returned from a mission with Lucy and Happy, for destroying another town.

"Haaa..." Makarov sighed heavily, his blood pressure getting high as veins were about to pop. Fortunately, Mira came to Natsu's aid, calming the master down as he turned around and took notice of me, "Ah, Solis!" He ran up to me with his stubby legs, his running form resembling Saitama's which I found quite hilarious.

"Tell me, have you been given a tour of the guild yet, my boy?" He asked me, rubbing his chin with closed eyes and a smile on his face as he awaited my answer.

"No, master" The split-second after I responded, Makarov jumped up and spun his body round to face the guild members, "Oi, Natsu! As punishment, you can show the new member around the guild!" He shouted, the guild members snickering at Natsu who's face dropped

"B-But master! That's bo~ring!" He cried, his face dried, "I'd rather ride a train that give a tour..." I saw him look up at the ceiling, picturing the image of him being on a train which caused him to go purple as he held his sick stomach, "N-Nevermind... Urgh~" He shook his head, swallowing his throw up back down

With Natsu, and his buddy Happy flying behind him, coming up to me and Makarov, the master decided to leave after informing me he had some stuff to do, "But, after Natsu and Happy give you the tour... please, call me down from my office, will you?" He said, a mischievous grin on his wrinkled face as he walked away.

"My man, Solis!" Natsu jumped energetically, wrapping his arm around my shoulder - which people seemed to be doing quite a lot lately - as he began to laugh, "Let's make this boring tour fun, shall we?" He cackled, fire coming out of his mouth which resembled a demon

"Aye... Natsu's gonna break something" The high-pitched voice of Happy entered my ears, I looked down to see him munching on a whole, raw fish, "Well... it's not my problem, aye!" 

"What've you got in mind?" I asked Natsu, who turned his head towards me with a smile, whispering, "You like pranking people?" He questioned, my mouth curling upwards into a smile resembling his

"Hell yeah"


. (A/N: P.s. Fairy Tail are currently back in their actual guild and not the small tavern - for conveniency, the plotline goes: After Makarov and the fairy tail members returned, they were able to pay for their guild building and got it back)


"Okay, so this is the second floor~...!" Natsu said boringly, his hands resting on the back of his head as he strut along the place. As I looked at the quest board, I heard Natsu, "Psst, Solis!" He whispered loudly, calling me over as I saw him and Happy leaning against the railing looking down at the people chatting in the main area.

I stood beside them, Natsu pointing his finger directly below us. I looked over the railing and could see the shirtless, shorts-wearing Gray sitting on the table beside the drinking Cana, having a normal conversation with her about whatever they were talking about.

"Pfft!" Natsu and Happy could barely hold back their laughter, covering their mouths to prevent it, "Watch this...!" Natsu said, raising his index finger and making a very small fire. He then released it, throwing the baby flame at Gray's flammable shorts

"*Sniff Sniff*..." We could see Gray sniffing the air, "Do you smell that...? It kinda smells like..." His shorts began to light on fire, burning his ass as he jumped up and took his shorts off, "FIRE!" He began waving it about and hitting the floor, attempting to fan out the flame whilst ignoring the screams from his guild members telling him to put his shorts back on

"How indecent!" The three of us saw Carla covering Wendy's innocent, scarred eyes, causing us to roll on the floor and die in laughter.

"AHAHA!" We snickered, occasionally taking deep breathes as some of us forgot to breathe while laughing, "Ahh... that was too good" I said, the three of us standing up slowly as we wiped away the tears in the corner of our eyes.

"Well? It's your turn, Solis!" Natsu said, placing his hands on his hips with a grin on his face, "Try beat mine, betcha can't!

"Hmm..." I rested my chin on my hand, pondering what to do and how to prank a guild member of my choosing, "Ooo" An idea popped up in my head, but I was unsure if I could pull it off, "Hold up..." I informed Natsu and Happy, telling them to be patient as I decided on what I would do

Using inspiration from Natsu's prank, I decided to do that but at a bigger, better scale. Though, that would only work if my magic was at a good enough level of control to do so - which I hoped it was.

To begin with, I started thinking about two properties of stars. Or, to be particular, the sun: Heat/Temperature and Light/Luminosity/Brightness.

The heat department is where I would copy Natsu's prank, holding out my finger and, in a similar fashion to [Stella Trabem], I released my magic which revealed a yellow-orange colour, different to last time. However, I decided to ignore it for now as this time I decided to condense the big beam into a very thin one, controlling the heat of the so as to not permanently burn people.

After a few minutes, I controlled it enough to make the large-scale prank successful. Because I wasn't attempting to make a spell, neither I or the system deemed it a spell. The next and final step of my prank was a move inspired by the strongest bald human: Krillin

With the brightness property of stars, I held my hands up to my forehead and looked down at everyone in the main hall, "Watch this, Natsu, Happy! I recommend closing your eyes for a few seconds" I smirked, using my star magic to create a blinding light which filled the guild hall.

"AH! WHAT THE FUCK!?" Someone screamed

"I CAN'T SEE!" Another shouted in complaint

After performing the move, I had a pop-up from the system which informed me of my new spell which I, unsurprisingly, named Solar Flare: [Solar Flare: Mana is used to create and project a white light to fire out and blind everything watching except the user] There wasn't any indicated level, so I figured that there weren't any point-paid upgrades for this spell.

"You can open them now" I informed them. The two opened their eyes to see the guild members rubbing their blinded eyes, "Now watch this!" I held out my finger, a thin, hot beam aimed at everybody's clothes one-by-one.



"..." Natsu and Happy had their mouths dropped. They turned to me, "You're a demon..." They laughed, finding everybody's confused and shocked state hilarious, "IS IT AN ENEMY GUILD?!" They heard someone shout.

With a snap of my fingers, I thought the flames would go out, but, uh... "Um, Natsu...?" The flames hadn't gone out, "On it!" Natsu was fortunately fast enough to react as he jumped from the second floor, running past everyone in a flash and eating the flames whilst they were still blinded before jumping back to the second floor

"Phew...! Did I make it?" He asked, turning around to see everyone finally unblinded, asking others if they knew what happened, "Cold prank, bro... Or rather, HOT prank, haha!" Natsu raised his hand, to which I high-fived.

"What about me, aye?!" Happy pouted, to which me and Natsu high-fived him on either hand, "Yay!"

"Alright, tour's over!" Natsu announced, giving up on finishing the rest of the tour which I was fine with as we jumped down from the railing. He simply jumped off and landed perfectly. I, on the other hand, not wanting to risk it, I swiftly jumped over and caught myself on the bottom of the railing before swinging and doing an acrobatic flip, "Voila-!" When landing on my feet, however, I misinterpreted the strength of my swing which caused me to slip and hit my hand on the table, "Ow!" I ignored the loud laughter of Natsu, Happy, and even Gray and a few of the other members.

"Oh, right..." I mumbled to myself, picking myself up as I remembered that Makarov told me to tell him and get him once the tour was over, which I did. I went to Makarov's office on the second floor and knocked, where he told me to wait outside before coming out of his office and closing the door behind him

"Let's go downstairs, my boy" Makarov said, his arms crossed behind his back and he walked in front of me, walking in silence as we trotted down the stairs, "Tell me, how do you feel about fighting a guild member?" He asked, causing me to raise my brows which he somehow noticed even though he had the back of his head facing me, "Don't worry, I don't mean it in terms of an actual fight... I mean a friendly spar, hohoho" He laughed.

"I don't know, I've never fought someone... and I only recently unlocked my magic" I answered honestly. Solis had some martial arts experience due to him being bored and rich enough to buy people to train him, but he had never actually fought someone properly.

"Really now? Interesting" Makarov's voice was pitched up as he said so, the two of us walking into the centre of the hall as he enlarged his hands and clapped them together loudly, the noise reverberating throughout the guild, "Listen up, you lively brats! Solis here, as you obviously know, is a new member of our guild! Now, this is the first time we're doing this, but... I'm going to have one of you test his skills! Anyone up for it?" He asked, turning his head to me as he, thankfully, clarified with a smile, "Don't worry, this friendly spar means nothing for your place in the guild... I'm just interested in getting to see your unknown magic in action. Plus, there's a first time for everything"

"Me me me!" I heard Natsu shouted, jumping up and down with his hand raised, "Lemme spar with him, Old man Maka!"

"Huph" Gajeel beside him hmphed, his arms crossed, "Picking on the newbie? I thought that was something I did, salamander... if you wanna fight someone, I'm right here!" He challenged loudly, the two indulging in another fight between dragon slayers which caused the guild members to sigh as they pushed the two out of the crowd.

I looked around and saw over half the guild raise their hand, including Gray, Max (Sand man), Elfman, Macao, and a few other dudes. None of the girls present, which were Lucy, Laki, Kinana, Bisca, Lisanna, Mirajane, Wendy (And Carla, I guess), Levy, and Cana raised their hand. 

"Hoh... quite a few people, ay?" Makarov smirked, liking his new idea he put in motion as he rubbed his facial hair, "Hmmm..." He scanned the room, looking at the people with raised hands until his gaze landed on my decided opponent: "Macao, you're up"

The previous guild leader, ay? From what I remember, he was pretty weak... but I shouldn't underestimate him or anyone else in the guild.

Makarov told everyone to head outside the guild so that the two of us could spar with plenty space. We ended up outside, a nice, flat field for us to stand on as we stood opposite each other, with the present Fairy Tail members spectating our soon-to-start spar from the sidelines.

"Good luck, kid" Macao said with a smile on his face, "Thanks, you too" I replied, giving him a smile matching his as we heard Makarov shout, "Begin!-"

"Purple Flare!" Before I could even move, Macao had already swiped his arm and shot out purple flames in the shape of bullets towards me. The flames were fast, and I was slow to react as the flames already appeared a metre in front of me without me moving an inch.

"Shit...!" I grit my teeth, trying my best to avoid the flames by jumping to the side, narrowly missing the attack luckily. However, a singular bullet skimmed me which burnt my hip a little - and in turn, a bit of my shirt - "Fuck!" I winced, trying my best to ignore the stinging pain as I stood up straight.

"Not bad" Macao praised with a smile, his hands in his pockets, and his posture nice and laidback. Though, I knew he was going easy on me, which made me unsure if I should be glad or pissed that he was underestimating me... then again, I seem to be weak as shit, so I can't blame him for thinking like that - now THAT thought triggered me, but I could simply kiss my teeth in spite of myself.

However, I decided to use this to my advantage. With Macao so relaxed, I decided to exaggerate the pain by kneeling and grabbing the hip, my face intense as I began to sweat profusely (Little did they know, I could do that thanks to using my magic to heat my body up).

"Ah, crap!" Macao panicked, showing a concerned face as he walked up to me, "You okay, ki-" Once he got close enough, with his hands still in his pocket, I pointed my finger from the ground which was out of his sight and casted [Stella Trabem], causing a thick yellow-orange beam to shoot towards Macao.

Now that I think about it, the spell really looked like a Cero from Bleach... awesome!

Macao's eyes widened, the fast beam approaching him at a quick speed. Fortunately for him, he noticed my mana levels rise which made him realise I was using a spell. Once he saw the beam, he knew it was too late to dodge (Or he was unable to due to his old, out-of-shape age and body) so he raised his arms into an X-shape, blocking the beam which burnt his shirt and a bit of his skin similar to my injury.

"Sneaky and deceptive... You're an intelligent one, kid... not like most people in the guild" Macao laughed, shrugging off the second-degree (or third, I don't remember which one's which) burn, "Ahsss~..." Or rather, he attempted to but he couldn't help but wince and wave his arms about in an attempt to stop the pain, "Seriously, how hot was your attack?!" He even had some tears forming in his eyes.

"Uhh..." I was hoping my system could answer me, which it did, informing me that I could heat up my spells to up to, "Around 4,700 degrees celsius... at full power, though, so I can't really say how hot that attack was..." Honestly, now I was really thankful my prank hadn't burnt someone or lit them aflame, the heat was close to that of the surface of the sun.

Ooo... sun, ay? An idea for spells just came into my mind, but that's for later.

"Damn..." Macao winced once more, causing Makarov to call the match as he called Wendy to go over and heal both Macao and me of our burns. She ran to Macao to begin with, using her magic to heal his burn after a few seconds before jogging over to me,

"Hello, Solis" She greeted, holding her arms out over my hip as a green light appeared, healing me and sending a soothe feeling throughout my body, "There, all done!" She gave a bright smile, wiping off the singular small sweat on her forehead.

"Thank you, Wendy" I thanked, smiling at her with a nod as I resisted the strong urge to pet her head. Must... resist... the cuteness! I repeated to myself internally like a mantra.

"No problem, Solis! If you ever need me to heal you, I'll be there... if possible, of course, eheheh..." She chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head with a flushed face. It appeared she still had some trouble talking to me.

"Say, Solis, my boy" Makarov and the guild members approached me, Macao and Wendy with various expressions, though, they were all positive, "If you don't mind saying, what IS your magic, exactly? I don't think I've seen it before" He asked, the guild members perking their ears awaiting my answer

"I call it Star Magic. The name kinda gives it away, but it lets me generate and manipulate stars" I answered, watching as the guild members looked at me with stars in their eyes... heh, 'stars', funny.

"Awesomeeee!" Natsu shouted, jumping over the heads of everyone like stepping stones and landing in front of me, "Spar me next, Solis!- Ow!" Natsu held the back of his head, which had been smacked by the enlarged hand of Makarov who scolded him.

After that, I spent the rest of the day going around the guild and chatting to everyone. Well, except for Laki who ran away after finding any excuse to avoid me - how cute. It was already pretty late, the sun had gone down a few hours ago which marked night time. As I left the guild, I felt myself being dragged by someone around the side of the guild.

With my back against the wall, in front of me stood Lucy who had her finger playing with her hair, twirling a long strand, "H-Hello, Solis... again" She stuttered, her face red as she looked up at me for a second before looking away shyly.

"Hey, Lucy. Something wrong?" I asked, looking down at her adorable figure with a smile.

"W-Well... you know how we both agreed to w-wanting to get to k-know each other...?" She started, still twirling her hair and avoiding eye contact as she swayed back and forth, standing on her tip-toes when swaying forward.

"Of course..." I replied, patiently waiting for her to carry on. I watched as she cleared her throat, looking up at me with her cheeks flushed, releasing her stand of hair as she pushed the tips of her fingers playfully

"S-So..." Lucy was unable to hold the eye contact, her lips trembling as she looked to the side, her heart pounding loudly, loud enough for me to hear thanks to the silent atmosphere, "I-I was wondering... if you'd like to start..." She mumbled something, urging me to ask her what she said, "Start at your house..."

My eyes widened. Then again, we DID both agree to get to know each other, so I don't actually know why I was so shocked initially. Then again, usually it's girls coming to my house and asking to use my bathroom. This time, however, Lucy was asking to enter my house directly - which likely meant we wouldn't enter the bathroom unless I initiated it, or she decided to later.

I looked at her embarrassed, flushed face, smiling warmly as I brought my hand up and placed my finger on her chin, lifted her head up as I replied, "Whatever you'd like..." I brought my arm back down and walked ahead of her, halting my steps as I looked over my shoulder and stretched my arm out toward her, "M'lady, if you may..." She looked at my outstretched hand for a second before grabbing it, causing me to pull her forward as she squealed a cute, "Kya!" I caught her, raised her hand and kissed the back of it, interlocking our hands as we began to walk back to my place.


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