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100% Fairies and Ninja / Chapter 2: Joining the Guild

Chapter 2: Joining the Guild

"What do you mean you can't" Naruto screamed!

"It's like what you told me before there is something blocking me I can't quite get lock on any of nearby dimensions" Sasuke shrugged.

"Why are you taking this so well we're trapped here!"

"True but, for me that's preferable after all if we were still in the Elemental Nations I would probably be on trial for war crimes by now."

"What about our friends!"

"Naruto calm down! It's not like their dead besides we're still injured and know nothing about this world so why are you already assuming there's no way back?"

Naruto took a deep breath "Your right it's just all of the crazy things that have been happening lately got to me for a second."

"Good" Sasuke looked over to Porlyusica " The first thing we need to figure out is what this strange energy covering the world is? And I get the feeling you might know a thing or two about that."

Porlyusica nodded "Indeed you are correct I believe I know what the energy you speak of is." She held out her hand and it lit up with specks of multicolored lights that began to dance around in her palm. "It is called Ethernano and it is the source off all magics in this world."

Naruto stared wide eyed at the dancing lights as a giant smile formed on his face and he began shaking in excitement "Magic!"

While Naruto was geeking out at the magic Sasuke was carefully analyzing it "Hm? It feels somewhat similar to chakra."

Porlyusica closed her fist extinguishing the lights "I know you both must have many questions but, you are still extremely injured and need to rest for now, tomorrow I will bring you to someone who will answer all your questions."

Naruto was a bit unwilling and wanted to know more about this magic and Sasuke merely shrugged.

Seeing their reactions Porlyusica smiled "Now let me get the two of you something to eat you must be starving."

Later that night Sasuke was already sleeping but, Naruto was wide awake he couldn't stop worrying about his friends back home. He knew Sasuke was right they were completely fine and the two of them would probably find a way back home soon. However he had a strange feeling that things wouldn't be that simple."

While Naruto was spacing out he heard a grumbling noise inside his head.

"Damn I have a splitting headache" Kurama groaned "how long was I out anyway."

"About a day or two" Naruto answered

"That's the last time I am ever giving you all of my chakra, so you have any idea what that does to a person who is literally made of energy?"

"Are you alright" Naruto asked concerned?

"Yeah I'm fine I just need a couple more hours rest to get back to 100%."

"That's great! Maybe then you can do something to help me with this" Naruto motioned to his severed arm.

"Seriously! I leave you alone for a couple days and you go and lose an arm."

"Do you think it can grow back?"

Kurama hesitated a moment "maybe you still have a bit of Six Path's chakra inside you just like Sasuke still has his Rinnegan. Let me rest a bit and we can give it a shot."

Next morning as the sun was just peaking above the horizon Naruto was already up and adam. Now that Kurama was awake he could completely focus on healing and managed to fix up all his injuries in only a couple hours.

He was standing stretching out his body getting his body ready again after staying in bed for several days straight.

"Hey, Sasuke your up right?"

"How can I not be with you making all that noise" he grumbled rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I see your all better."

"Yep, never better" Naruto flexed showing off his new arm.

"Well good for you" Sasuke said sarcastically.

Naruto stopped his stretching "I can grow your arm back too you know so you might want to be a bit nicer to me."

Sasuke was oddly quiet causing Naruto to worry before he finally spoke "No thank I think I'll keep it" he grabbed at his bandaged shoulder.

"What are you crazy" Naruto had to hold himself back from giving Sasuke a beating right then and there.

"I don't want a new arm" Sasuke shook his head "I've done too many terrible things hurt too many people. I want to stay this way to remind myself what happens when I give into my darkness."

Naruto stared at him with a blank look "wow you are really a downer you know that."

A vein popped in Sasuke's forehead "Shut the hell up idiot I'm trying to be deep here!"

Naruto sighed "fine keep the stump but, at least let me heal the rest of your injuries ok."

"I don't have any problems with that."

"Of course you don't" Kurama sneered "your not the one who has to waste his new chakra healing an Uchiha bastard."

"Whoa, someones a bit touchy today" Naruto gapped.

"Yeah, I still have a bit of a headache."

Naruto walked over and placed his hand on Sasuke's uninjured shoulder and began funneling chakra into him. I seconds all of his wounds sealed themselves and he was completely healed.

Sasuke jumped out of bed and rolled his shoulder banishing the last bits of pain from his body.

"What are you two yammering about at this time of day? You know some of us actually like to sleep in the morning" Porlyusica burst in ready to knock some heads. But, she froze in shock when she caught sight of the two troublemakers.

"Y-y-yo-your arm" Porlyusica pointed at Naruto with a shaking hand.

"Oh that" Naruto nodded understanding her surprise "I'm really a really fast healer."

Porlyusica spent the next hour giving the two of them a complete physical and was astonished by the results. The two of them were completely healthy there wasn't even a single injury between them.

"Explain" Porlyusica demanded?!

"Well" Naruto scratched the back of his head "It's kind of a long story."

"I have time."

"It's kind of a really long story."

"Tch, fine whatever we have stuff to do anyway."

"Like what" Sasuke asked?

"Like going into town today to talk to the Master."

"Who" Naruto questioned?

"Must be pretty conceited to go around calling himself The Master" Sasuke added.

Porlyusica tried to snack Sasuke in the head but, he easily dodged "Don't insult the Master! And that isn't his name it's his title his name is Makarov Dreyar and he is one of the Ten Wizard Saints the ten strongest people in the country, and as well as the guild master of Fairytail the strongest guild in the country!"

"Okay okay I get it he's amazing can you please stop trying to hit me now" Sasuke pleaded.

"Hmpf, don't let me catch you bad mouthing Makarov or Fairytail ever again" Porlyusica threatened.

"So when are we going to go meet this Makarov person" Naruto asked?

"Right now" Porlyusica answered.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Half an hour later the three of the approached the entrance of Fairytail's guildhall. On the trip there Naruto and even Sasuke to a certain extent were in awe of Magnolia's beautiful architecture.

"I know Magnolia is a beautiful city but, aren't you overreacting a little bit" Porlyusica asked noticing their expressions?

"Well" Naruto said "buildings in our world are a bit more . . . practical."

"There is has been constant war in our world for the past thousand years, so it would be pointless to make buildings like this. They are destroyed and rebuilt far too often."

"I see" Porlyusica answer secretly glad she wasn't born in their world.

Porlyusica reached to open the door but, stopped seeming to sense something. She stepped to the side as Natsu came crashing through the door and into the street.

Naruto and Sasuke also sensed it and moved out of the way and were wondering exactly what kind of place they were taken to that people are just randomly thrown through the doors.

"Damn it gray that was a cheap shot" Natsu stood up his head still spinning. He was pissed off and ready to return the favor and the first person he saw happened to be a raven haired ninja who resembled a certain Fairytail wizard.

"Bastard" Natsu screamed when sending punch at Sasuke's face.

Sasuke completely unfazed casually dodged his attack and gave him a swift chop to the back of the neck knocking him out. Natsu slammed into the ground cracking the cement.

Naruto had no idea how to react while Porlyusica was holding the bridge of her nose thinking everyone around her was an idiot.

Not long later Grey came running out the door looking for Natsu to continue their fight. But, when he saw Natsu lying on the floor unconscious he panicked.

"Ahh, I didn't mean to hit you that hard. Hey, Hey Natsu wake up" Grey furiously shook Natsu trying to wake him up.

"Yep, idiots" Porlyusica thought.

Naruto just sighed and bent down to wake up the unconscious wizard while Sasuke completely ignored everything that was happening.

"Uhg, what happened" Natsu groaned?

"You got knocked out like a whimp during our fight" Gray spoke as he dropped Natsu back on the ground not wanting to hold him any longer.

"What" Natsu rage intending to wipe the smug grin off Grey's face.

"Bang Bang"

But, before he could two loud smacks were heard.


"Why" Grey pleaded?

"Two reasons" Porlyusica answered "first I already told you to stop fighting yesterday but, you still had the gull to do it right in front of me. And second we have guests today and I don't want you making Fairytail look bad."

For the first time Grey and Natsu seemed to notice the two ninja standing behind Porlyusica.

Grey was completely confused as to who they were while on the other hand Natsu gasped and pointed.

"It's you guys!"

"Who" Grey asked?

"They're the two I found at the explosion two days ago."

"I see" Grey nodded looking the two over.

"Right" Porlyusica added "I'm here to take them to master."

"Are they here to join the guild" Natsu jumped around in excitement?

"That has yet to be determined" Porlyusica shot him down "now can you kindly move out of the way."

Natsu and Grey moved allowing them to pass and followed them in curious about what they were here to talk to the Master about.

The inside of the guild was fairly empty because it was still early morning but, there were still some people peacefully eating breakfast and another gathered around the request board looking for a good job.

Porlyusica led them to the counter at the back where Mirajane had just given the Master his morning coffee and Cana her second beer of the day.

"Good morning Mirajane and Cana" Porlyusica smiled at the girls. "Makarov" she emotionlessly spat.

"Your, breaking my heart Porlyusica why the cold shoulder" Makarov pretended to cry?

"Because every time I come here you guild members just seem to get dumber and dumber."

Makarov shrugged "weren't we the exact same at their age?"

Porlyusica rolled her eyes "Regardless I brought you some guests today."

"Ah, yes our two otherworldly visitors" Makarov smiled.

"Oh, so these are the two mystery men" Cana bit her lip while looking them over "they're pretty cute."

"Cana" Mira scolded her! "That's not the kind of first impression you want to make is it?"

"Oh, relax Mira you prude you don't mind do you boys" Cana seductively smiled and pressed her breasts together.

Naruto blushed and did his best not to look while Sasuke was completely unfazed. Makarov on the other hand was staring right at them with a massive nose bleed.

"Cana" Mira screamed "if you don't stop it right now, I'm cutting you off for the rest of the day and Master shame on you."

"Buzzkill" Cana mumbled going back to her beer but, not before shooting a wink at Naruto who blushed even harder.

"Ahem, anyway" Makarov cleared his throat "We need to talk about your futures here in this world."

"What do you mean in this world" Cana asked not sure of what's was going on?

"They're from another world" Mira answered her "so Master wants to talk to them about what they're going to do until they find a way home."

"What another world" Cana screamed getting the entire guilds attention!

"And how exactly do you know all this" Porlyusica glared at Mira?

"I-I might have overheard you talking with Master the last time you came."

"So you were eavesdropping?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself I was just too curious" Mira confessed.

"We're getting off topic" Makarov interrupted "now boys before we go any further I want to be absolutely sure you are who you say you are."

"And how are you going to do that" Sasuke asked?

"With this" Makarov took out a small clear green marble.

"That's" Mirajane gasped!

"Correct, Mira this is a Memory Lacrima I had to pull quite a few strings to get this" Makarov handed the crystal to Naruto all you have to do is hold it to your forehead and remember anything that can prove you are truly from another world."

Naruto carefully took the Lacrima from his hand "so I just put it on my head?"

"Correct just put it to your head and think about your home."

Naruto hesitated a moment looking at the crowd of people who had gathered around them and took a breath. He put the crystal to his forehead and started thinking of the Leaf Village.

A large spherical screen appeared above his head and began showing his thoughts. Everyone was silent as a series of images flashed on the screen. It showed the old apartment building where Naruto used to live as well as Ichiraku Ramen and then changed to the Ninja Academy where all kinds of young shinobi were training. It continued to change to all kinds of different locations around the Leaf Village.

Naruto took the marble off his head figuring that, that should be enough.

"Well Makarov" Porlyusica asked?

"In my life I have traveled all throughout Earthland and I have never been anywhere that resembles the places we have just seen. So all things considered I am inclined to agree with you Porlyusica they are more than likely truly from another world."

At his admission all of the guild members went into an uproar those two strangers were really from another world! They started looking at Naruto and Sasuke like they were aliens.

"Here you can have this back" Naruto motioned to hand the Memory Lacrima back to Makarov but, was stopped by a strange feeling in his arm.

Naruto looked down and saw Natsu and Happy repeatedly poking him.

"What are you doing?"

Natsu still engrossed in poking his arm answered "I'm just checking to see if it's real or not."

"What" Naruto backed away from the pink haired weirdo!?

He hadn't noticed it before but, with Natsu bringing it up Makarov also noticed that Naruto now had two arms! He clearly remembered that when he brought him to Porlyusica he only had one.

"These two just keep getting stranger" Makarov thought to himself.

"Natsu that was very rude! Leave him alone" Mira lectured him.

"Sorry" Natsu apologized "I was just curious."

"Anyway" Makarov continued "now that I have confirmed you truly are from another world I have proposition for you."

"Oh? And what would that be" Sasuke asked?

"Simple seeing as you are stuck in our world for the time being you will need a way to earn money to provide for your selves until you find a way home."

"And so you are going to ask us to join this . . . guild? Do I have that right" Sasuke questioned?

"That's correct, um what was your name again?"

"Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha."

"And I'm Naruto Uzamaki!"

"Well, Naruto, Sasuke I believe the Fairytail guild would be an excellent place for you live during your stay in our world."

"What exactly is a guild" Naruto asked?

"A guild is a place where various wizards from around the country gather for work. Clients send us requests and our members pick out the missions that suit them best and complete them to earn a reward."

"That sounds a lot like the Leaf Village huh, Sasuke."

"If we join you "guild" are there any requirements or responsibilities we need to fulfill?"

Makarov shook his head "No if you join the only thing I ask of you is to protect the guild and its members to the best of your ability. You see more than anything all of us here at Fairytail are a family. ISN'T THAT RIGHT EVERYONE" he shouted.

The whole guild shouted in reply pointing to the sky with their thumbs out letting out a massive cheer.

"Yep" Naruto thought definitely like the Leaf Village.

"So" Makarov grinned "How about it?"

Naruto stood quiet and watched Sasuke curious about what choice he would make considering everything that had happened.

Sasuke's answer was only a single word.


Half an hour later.

Makarov had explained to them all of the basic rules they needed to follow and some basic information about the world.

"Now that we've covered all the boring stuff it's time for the fun part" Makarov laughed

"Fun part" Naruto asked?

"Yes it is time for you to choose you guild mark."

"What's that" Naruto asked again?

"I can answer that" Cana spoke up. "The guild mark is a tattoo of our guild logo that we get stamped onto ourselves it can be any color and anywhere on our bodies. See, Naruto I have mine right here on my stomach come on look at it" Cana made a sexy pose.

Naruto blushed again and turned away.

"That's it Cana your cut off for the rest of the day" Mira screamed.

"Awe, come on Mira I'm only teasing him a little" Cana pleaded.

"Nope, if you want anymore beer today your going to have to go somewhere else."

"It's not fair! I couldn't help my self all the other boys I know are either oblivious idiots, stoic bastards, or complete perverts. He's just so innocent I had to mess with him!"

Mira sighed agreeing what she said about the boys in the guild "Fine I'll let you off this time but, please try to control yourself."

"Yay" Cana cheered and proceeded to chug down an entire beer.

"Anyway" Makarov continued "where do you want you guild marks?"

"Are they permanent" Naruto wondered?

"No they are magical and can be easily removed if you leave the guild."

"I want mine black and on the back of my right shoulder" Sasuke said.

"Excellent choice" Makarov smiled "Mira chan could you please?"

"On it Master" Mira grabbed the stamp and headed around the counter."

While Mira was stamping Sasuke's back Naruto was holding his chin as if thinking over a difficult problem.

"I want mine to be orange and in the same place but, on the opposite shoulder."

"Alright" Mira smiled after stamping Sasuke's back "please take off your shirt."

Naruto nodded and took off his orange jacket and chainmail shirt. He had just placed them to his side when he felt a chill down he spine. He didn't even need to look to know that the same brown haired woman who had been messing with him the entire time was currently staring him down.

"Hahaha" Kurama laughed "looks like you have an admirer. Maybe if your lucky you wi have the chance to get with her."

"Shut it you stupid fox! What do you even know about girls in the first place, you don't even have a gender!"

"I might not have a gender but, I do know a thing or two about pleasing women after all I used to be seal inside you mother. She and your father used to-"


"Okay, okay calm down I'm just messing with you."

"Kurama, if you ever try and talk about that again I will seal you so fast!"



"Huh, what" Naruto snapped out of it?

"You, zoned out for a second there" Mira told him.

Naruto blushed "sorry about that I was having a bit of an internal monologue."

"I really did not need to hear any of that Sasuke" spoke.

Naruto's eyebrow twitched "were you spying on me you bastard!"

"All I did was look in your direction it's not my fault if you can't keep your thoughts to yourself."


"I'm confused" Mira asked "can you read minds?"

"Not exactly" Sasuke said "but, I can overhear conversations that people are having right next to me."

"What's that supposed to mean" Cana grumbled?

"It's kind of complicated" Naruto scratched his head."

"We have time" Cana said.

"Actually you don't" Makarov walked over to them "I just realized something. You two are in dire need of new clothes. Mira can you take them into town and help them buy some new clothes."

"Of course Master."

Naruto and Sasuke looked down and checked their clothes they really did need new ones. Their clothes were practically ripped to shreds from the war.

"We do need new clothes" Sasuke said.

"Yeah, now that it's been brought up I'll feel uncomfortable if I walk around in these any longer" Naruto added.

"Alright, let's go now" Mira said I know all the best clothes shops in town."

She led Naruto and Sasuke to the front door but, turn around at the last second "Your, not going to come Cana? That's suprising."

"Sigh, I really want to go it sounds fun but, I can't I have to go out on a job."

"Oh? That's too bad then see you around."

Mira then left with the two ninja not far behind.

"Hey Master" Levy ran up to Makarov "I have a question about one of the jobs on the request board."

"Oh, which job?"

"The one about finding a book for the Duke of Evaroo I saw it there yesterday and I had my heart set on it."

"I'm sorry to say this Levy but, your too late Natsu snagged it after you left last night. He ran off not to long ago while I was explaining the guild rules to Naruto and Sasuke, he even said something about making a team with Lucy."

"Awe, that stinks" Levy stamped her foot "that request paid so well to 200,000(2,000 USD) jewel just to find a book."

Makarov laughed "actually you might want to count your blessings you didn't get that job it was actually updated this morning the reward was changed from 200,000 jewel to 2,000,000(20,000 USD) jewel. It seems that the job might be a little more complicated than was described."

"And you didn't tell Natsu about it!?"

Makarov shrugged "we had visitors from another world, I got distracted."

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