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100% Exaimistís: School of Warriors / Chapter 8: Connecting Anarchy

Chapter 8: Connecting Anarchy

"What happened here?" asked a man with a crown of gold that symbolized a fern on his head. What appeared before he was a group surrounding him in a circle, men of the high order - the senate. The man standing in the middle was the consul of the Athartian Empire - Frederick Pompey, who was second in command only of the empire, after the emperor.

Remien City was what the city was called after it was founded by one of the brothers Remus, after killing his brother - Romulus. It was located west from the city of Exai, where the academy of Exaimistís is located, in the Italian Peninsula. It was a technological marvel, a metropolis filled with advanced infrastructure, after their knowledge was boosted hundreds of years ago by the gods, they became the strongest empire in all of the world.

In the middle of the city was the Seat of the Senate, an establishment where the senators would gather and discuss the problems happening throughout the empire.

"Sir, it had seemed that a small revolt in the Egyptian province has grown into a revolution we haven't expected," said a notable politician, standing there with his pride backing him up and his reputation from his dynasty of greatest politicians of Athartha - Manfred Cicero of the Cicero Lineage.

Hearing this, the consul's face briefly frowned, he held onto his toga and looked upon the senators with his head up, "We will stop this revolution and nothing will get in our way," said the Consul. He was expecting a good response from the senators but was met with silence instead.

"But Sir, this is more than just a normal revolt, our men has just said that they were being led by a god," replied Manfred, it was as if he had already planned on what to say before the crowd for his confidence was high. "It's a name that had been heard before, though I have only seen it in the literature of the past, I haven't even seen his face in person." continued the senator, smirking, raising his hands upward with his hands open to the audience.

"Gods, huh?" said Pompey who had reminiscence of the past, the war between the Egyptian gods that his father had told him about, before. "Is this god you are talking about, one of those gods who were once obliterated by our army way back before?" asked Pompey, the senators' sights were still focused onto him, especially Cicero, who was looking at him with his mind probably in deep thinking.

"It was, as I've heard, the Egyptian god of the underworld - Anubis," replied Cicero.

"Anubis..., no it can't be...," Pompey said in a soft voice, his face showed that he was shaken, trembling in fear, his body was stiff as he was thinking. "I never thought it would come to this."

Cicero noticed the consul's fear, though he wondered what reason could have made one of the most powerful men in all of Athartha scared to death?

Giza, Egypt

Inside the Pyramid of Khufu...

"Let us now begin the ritual," it was a dark room, filled with coffins of pharaohs made of pure gold and designed perfectly according to their beliefs. Anubis was in the middle, floating while surrounded by dark magic all around.

"This form of mine will not stay forever, in that case, it is time for the other gods and me to enter a vassal," Anubis said to himself, with his power, he created a dark array of magic surrounding all of the room, and every coffin was slowly floating along with him. After a while, the coffins began to fall on the ground and Anubis began to descend while his powers slowly faded away, along with his form. His body was slowly turning to dust, and in a short span of time, the chamber was filled with dust and the coffins flew all over to the walls of the room.

Suddenly, the dust dispersed and disappeared without leaving any grain of dust on the surroundings. The coffins began to shake, and their covers were blown away. Out from one of the coffins, came out a mummy covered in all linen cloth, as he began to stand on his two feet, the linen began to fall to the ground showing flesh around all his body when he was supposed to be dead.

He looked down on his palms, out from the supposed mummy came out the body of the Atharthian rebel who helped the Egyptians back in the past, his body was still covered in Atharthian legionary armour. His name was Marcus Tunius, a notable military commander of Athartha, having won many campaigns in all of his life and was only defeated once, by the hands of the former emperor.

"Why am I here?" he asked himself. He touched his cheeks to make sure he was alive, briefly shaking his body around to remove his doubts. "I'm supposed to be dead."

Standing beside him, he was surprised to see other former Atharthian companions who joined the coup' with him, along with Egyptian pharaohs.

"You, you are my vassal," said a voice inside of him.

"Who are you? Where are you?" asked Marcus Tunius, looking all around the chamber upon hearing echoing all throughout.

"I am the god Amun-Ra, and I am your ally, we have a common enemy who is the deceiving Atharthians, use my powers to destroy them," said Amun-Ra.

"You expect me to defeat a whole army by myself?" asked Marcus, scratching his head.

"No, I don't but you're not by yourself," replied Amun-Ra. "Take a good look around," he continued.

When he did, he saw himself surrounded by a pantheon of gods who were bloodthirsty and was reading to kill the Atharthians who dare stop them. One of them was a man covered in dark magic and the ears of a cat on the top of his head.

"Greetings sir, I am the vassal of the god of the underworld - Anubis. I have always dreamed o have a free and independent nation like before the Atharthians arrived but it's just impossible by a single person. My name is Thutmose, pharaoh of Egypt," said he.

Marcus, along with the other gods, went outside of the pyramid to see hundreds of thousands standing before them, most were undead.

"This is not yet enough!" said Marcus. Without warning, the number of soldiers was suddenly multiplied. His face looked dumb, wondering what had just happened, "What was that?"

"That is my power, Marcus, it is the power of creation, though being inside this body, my abilities are limited only to a single creation per day and you can only create something which you have already seen before. If I was in my own form, I would be able to create anything but after that god stole that relic, everything went crap," replied Amun-Ra.

"We march unto Athartha!" shouted Marcus Tunius, "This will be the end of their tyranny!"

danyelled danyelled

Finally updated huh...

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