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Everyday lust! Everyday lust! original

Everyday lust!

Author: Levaaa

© WebNovel

Chapter - 1

Hello everyone, welcome to this one fanfiction. Indeed, this novel will contain lots of romantic scenes between Oc and characters from various Hentai Mangas that I have read.

As for what Hentai Manga characters that I will include? That will be a secret until you reach the end of each chapter. Later I will include the original name of the Hentai Manga that I use too.

As for what the genre of fanfiction this is. The genre will be set like this; Romance, Fantasy, Harem. As well as some comedy that I will try to include in several chapters.

So, without much further ado. Please enjoy your reading, and don't forget to R&R to keep the author motivation! :D


Chapter 1: My beautiful girlfriend!



A loud noise from a bell rang throughout the school. This indicates that today's lessons have ended and students are welcome to go home or just attend the club they are willing to.

On a warm afternoon, a male student is busy tidying the books on his desk. A look of relief appeared on his face, school lessons from morning to the evening were very tiring. The ringing sound of the school bell sounds very sweet in every student's ear, especially when they are sleepy while the lesson is taking place, and this certainly applies to our main character.

"Jack, do you want to attend the soccer club today?" A male student's voice came from the door of the classroom. The talking male student is Jack's friend.

"No, I'm a little tired this time. Maybe tomorrow?" Jack said to his friend. Jack began to hang the bag he carried on his back, he was ready to walk back to his house.

"Ah, too bad, without you we will lose some numbers. Then see you tomorrow! " Jack's friend answered with a disappointed expression, he immediately ran after his friends who were now in the school field.

Jack who saw this could only sigh, immediately went out of the classroom with a noiseless step, neither fast nor slow. As he walked down the aisle of the school, Jack murmured in his heart with a faint smile.


Immediately, a transparent screen appeared in front of Jack. On the transparent screen, there was an inscription that included some numbers and specific information that only Jack could see. Wherever Jack goes, the transparent screen will always follow him, the transparent screen is about one-foot range from him.


[Name: Jack Beyond]

[Status: Reincarnator]

[Points: 100]

[/Physical Ability/]

[Strength: 15]

[Speed: 15]

[Endurance: 15]

[Agility: 15]


[Drawing: Lv.5 / Lv.9

[Soccer: Lv.5 / Lv.9

[Cooking: Lv.5 / Lv.9

[Street Fighting: Lv.2 / Lv.9

[Language: Lv.9 / Lv.9 (Automatic Max Level)]

[/Special Skill/]

[World Jumping (Locked)]

Jack looked at the transparent screen that appeared in front of him with satisfaction. His physical abilities have reached a stage where only very few people are able to achieve it, no doubt that he now has the strength, speed, endurance, and agility that is extraordinary. Maybe in this whole world, there are only a few people who are able to achieve the same achievements as him.

However, the number 15 is the number where you have crossed the limits of normal human physical abilities. As for how strong is he right now? Let's say that there is a 1.5-ton barbell worth of weight, Jack can easily lift it with his physical condition right now.

If he wants, of course, he can break the world record in the field of weightlifting, marathon running, and various other types of sports competitions too. But he doesn't want it, maybe becoming famous is a dream of almost everyone in the world, but for Jack? He just wants to live modestly with his wife and a few cute little children, of course, becoming famous is not his choice.

Speaking of which, he was now in the schoolyard. He continued to step toward the gate, but when he was focused on the status of the system, suddenly a white ball drove very fast towards him.

Some students who saw this felt very worried, they shouted at Jack, who currently seemed unaware that a ball was speeding toward his head.

"Hey! Be careful, there is a ball pointing towards you!" A student shouted in a worried voice.

But it was too late, the ball was very close to the head of the student he was trying to tell earlier, he closed his eyes while turning his gaze to the poor student.

He waited for the scream of pain from the poor student, but the scream did not come. He was a little confused, what he heard was only the sound of muffled collisions. 'What happened?' he muttered as he opened his eyes and turned his face to the poor man earlier.

But what he saw greatly surprised him, the ball that was going really fast was captured by the man's right hand, and he caught the ball in a very cool position!

"Impossible!" He was very sure that the white ball was very impossible to catch or avoid because the distance was so close. But what he was seeing right now seemed to say different from what he had thought.

On the other hand, Jack who had caught the ball just sighed lightly while wiping the fake sweat from his forehead. Actually, without being told by other students, he knew that there was a ball that was heading towards him. With his inhuman physical abilities and strength, of course, this ball won't give him any damage even if he lets it hit his head.

But hey, it turns out the owner of the ball has run towards him. The owner of the ball that he currently holds turns out to be a female student from 12 grade, namely from his senpai.

"I'm really sorry, I hope you forgive me." Said the girl who was currently wearing an official uniform from the handball club. Both palms met each other as the girl said the word apologize while also closed her eyes.

Jack who saw this could only shake his head. He handed the ball to the girl as he said.

"Be careful next time, if it's someone else. It's certain that that person will get hurt, fortunately, this time is me." Jack said with a smile as he handed the ball over. He forgives a beautiful girl who tries to apologize to him.

"Really? Thank you, this, if there is anything you want to ask, ask this one senpai. I'll be happy to help you. :D" The girl said with a happy smile, she immediately grabbed Jack's smartphone and started typing a few numbers quickly, after that he handed Jack's smartphone back. If her juniors want to ask about lessons or something else. After that, she ran to the gymnasium while carrying the ball Jack had handed to her.


On the other hand, Jack who saw the girl's behavior could only be silent. He looked at the Smartphone screen that had been added with that girl's number. "What actually going on?" Jack said with a strange expression.

"Meh, I have to go home soon." Shrugging, Jack walked out of the school gate. As for the girl's telephone number, for now, he would keep it. After all who would not want to save the telephone number of a beautiful girl?

After that Jack walked toward his house while whistling casually.


Two months have passed, and now Jack is in the middle of a soccer field wearing loose clothes and soccer shoes.

Currently, he is playing soccer with his classmates, and his opponents are students from class 2-A, the class which has scored a lot of numbers and got an unbeatable score (in a school environment, of course). So far his opponent is very agile, but it's a shame that Jack is their opponent, they don't have the chance to score on the goal that he is currently guarding.

After struggling for a long time, the match finally ended with the sound of the whistle signaling the end of the game. And Jack's team won with a score of 2-0.

"Good job, Jack. Damn, you are amazing at keeping a goalpost, the opponents put on a funny expression when they failed to score on you. Hahaha!" Said his friend as he patted Jack on the back while laughing loudly. He handed the bottle of water to Jack.

"Thanks" Jack grabbed the bottle and immediately drank it.

"You're welcome. By the way, look over there, your girlfriend has been waiting for you, you know? Go immediately and greet her." Said the friend as team captain to Jack with a big smile. His hand pointed at the beautiful brown-skinned female student who was sitting on the audience bench.

"Haha, how could you, captain. Calm down, I'll see her soon." Jack answered while giving his captain a thumbs up. The captain who saw Jack's answer immediately raise his thumbs as well.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow Monday. Take care of yourself, Jack!" The captain said as he walked away.

"Of course!" Nod Jack.

After that Jack immediately went to see a girl who always pays attention to him when he playing soccer. Naturally, he would try to clean his sweat and take a shower first in the club room, but because Jack didn't sweat at all while playing being a goalkeeper, this was not needed by him.

He ran lightly towards the girl while waving his hand.

Seeing this, the girl stood up and a smile appeared on her face.

"I thought I'd told you to meet in the city park tonight. But you are still waiting for me here. Haih ..." Jack said while shaking his head. Now he was in front of the girl.

"Is it wrong to wait for you? I just want to see you play, that's all." Answer the brown-skinned girl to the man she is falling in love with.

"No, there is nothing wrong about that. Then I'll take you home. Let's Go." Jack said after making a decision.

"Hmm..." Nod the girl.

Maybe you are wondering who that girl is, of course, that girl is the same girl who gave Jack her phone number. At that time Jack had a lot of free time. So he tried to contact his senpai idly, but that only led to deeper relationships.

For now, Jack has noticed that his Senpai has a crush on her, and of course, he also has a crush on his cute Senpai. Jack thought about expressing his feelings right away to her beautiful Senpai, but for now, he needed the right time, and surely his date tonight would be the perfect time for him to express his love for her.

By the way, the girl's name is Marika Osaka. She has beautiful brown skin and beautiful eyes, his eyebrows are very tapering and his lips are very cute. She has a typical Japanese haircut, often she changes her hair to a ponytail style. As for her physical appearance, well, let's say she's a Thick girl, even so, she still looks very pretty. And these past few weeks she has been diligently exercising with Jack when they have free time.

Marika is on the women's Handball team. Sometimes her friends call her 'Fattie' but that is just a joke from her friends.

Speaking of which, Jack had drop Marika in front of her house. After that, he drives away to his own house. Tonight is a very important night, of course, he will try to find some good clothes to wear.


19:00 pm.

In a park located in the middle of the city. Lots of small lights that light up beautifully on each tree. On a wooden chair, there are couples sitting close together.

The two couples are Jack and a beautiful girl named Marika Osaka.

"Marika Senpai, is there something you want?" Jack asked, staring at the girl named Marika.

On the other hand, Marika, who was on a date with Jack, could only feel her heart beating fast, and the warmth she felt from her cheeks. She is very nervous and happy right now, however, this is her first time dating a man.

"No, honestly I am very happy to be with you tonight. And it's enough for me" Said Marika with a bowed face in blush.

Jack who heard his Senpai's answer could only smile while shaking his head. If she said that, then he must make her happy. Jack immediately planned the action he had to take.

After thinking well enough, Jack immediately said to Marika.

"Then come with me. We will go to the mall, we will play some games there." Jack said as his hand took Marika's. He pulled Marika towards the mall which is not far from City Park where they both are currently.

"Hmm..." Marika who felt her hand warm could not say anything. She blushed, for now, all she could do was a nod to the handsome man who was pulling her hand right now.

With that, they both played a lot of arcade games that Jack thought were fun. Jack also won an extra-large cute Panda doll for Marika and lots of lottery tickets that could be exchanged for some pretty expensive stuff.

In the playing session, Marika was also very active, her shyness also began to melt and she also began to enjoy being with Jack.

At that time, Marika saw other people playing games that relied on the speed of their fingers. She tempted Jack to play the game, a game called BeatmaniaIIDX. She thought that it would be funny to see the man she loved feeling distressed by the game. So she dragged Jack toward the unused BeatmaniIIDX machine and immediately swiped her access card.

"Let's play, let's play!" Said Marika in a happy tone.

Jack nodded when faced with coercion from the girl he loved. He began to crack his hand, each finger was right in the position of the 7 buttons he had to press, and the palm of his left hand was ready to shift the round disk which was commonly called scratch. Without further ado, Jack immediately chose the most difficult song. Namely Satori ~3rd EyEs

On the other hand, the girl named Marika can only gape when she sees her partner playing very reliably. 'His hands are very fast! Even faster than the pros who played earlier!' Marika shouted in her heart. What Marika doesn't know is, that Jack is a former Top player in every Rhythm game in his world before, so to challenge him to play a Rhythm game, it's a fatal mistake!

Jack's hands continued to accelerate at a very high speed, the song he was playing at the moment was a song with a high bpm speed. What's more, this song has a very crazy chart pattern, he managed to hit every note that appeared from the screen, with just a few mistakes! This is reasonable because he has not warmed up.

Some people who play the same game begin to pay attention to the song Jack is playing. They were surprised by the performance shown by that foreign man. Some of them shouted!

"Nani! How can he play like that, his hands are so fast!" IIDX pro-player1

"Holy Cow! He is an E.T! Damn, look at his hand, I can only see shadows!" IIDX pro-player2

The active players who often play in the mall began to flock to Jack, they saw Jack playing enthusiastically. Some of them put out smartphones to record the game and thought to spread it to the Rhythm Game Community Group!

On the other hand, Marika was eliminated, and now all she could see was the backs of other men...

'W-What happened?' Marika said with a stupid expression on her face ...


Outside the mall.

"Yeah... What a relief! It's been a long time since I moved my fingers like that. " Jack said with a bright smile.

Now the two couples have returned to the place they met, the city park. Because it was enough night, in this park, there are only two couples, namely Jack and Marika, they were sitting on a park bench with a very close distance.

Jack carries a donut satay in his right hand, while the beautiful girl next to him carries a takoyaki in her right hand and a cute panda doll that she hugs using her left hand.

"Well. Now I regret to make you play that game. I have to wait for you to play two more songs before you realize that I actually exist. Hmmpff..." Marika answered while snorting and turning her face cutely.

Jack who saw this could only say sorry. He immediately apologized to the girl and promised not to repeat it again. And strangely Marika immediately forgives him.

And at this time, an awkward scene occurred. Neither of them spoke in the slightest ...

"Y-You knows, actually I like you. I-i wants you to be—" With her face flushed and a stuttering voice, Marika tried very hard to express her heart to the man she was loved. But when she wanted to finish her words, a finger stuck to her lips, this made her words cut off.

Her eyes looked at the man who stopped her confession, right now her heartfelt broken. 'Doesn't he want me to be his girlfriend?!' Marika thought in her heart as tears slowly began to appear in her eyes.

She wanted to run immediately, but a voice stopped her before she even gets up from the bench, a voice that made her body and soul very happy!

"It is very rude to me to let the woman I love to confess to me."

"Marika, I love you very much. I want you to be my girlfriend!" With that, Jack managed to declare his love for the beautiful girl in front of him.

On the other side, Marika nodded her head many times while trying to hold back her tears. At this time she felt a lot of butterfly effects from her stomach, a strange and happy feeling she feels at this time. She feels that her happiness today exceeds all the happiness she has ever felt in her entire life!



Their two faces close together at a slow pace, they mutually mention the name of someone they love with an irregular breath. Both of their lips immediately touched, they kiss for a long time. Trying to melt their happy feeling with a pure kiss.

They looked at each other, their faces flushed slightly. And Marika said. "Please take care of me all my life..." "You are my beloved one, of course, I will take care of you."

Levaaa Levaaa

Marika Osaka from Hentai Manga titled; Natsu no Senpai no Oshiri


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