Kept you waiting, huh?
I had gone on a long pilgrimage onto far lands (sites) and encountered numerous treasures (other fanfics) whilst my unannounced departure was yet unanswered meanwhile former treasures lost in the vastness of the world (My memory) have been recovered and in search for more.
In all seriousness, I was a bit busy and my laziness got a hold of me so no updates, rip. I will however try to write some one shots that's on my mind till I can write a consistent story for this. Sorry for my disappearance and hopefully my mind, instead of being full of JJK will be replaced by Prototype cuz ffs my mind is literally filled with ideas on fanfics of Jujutsu Kaisen (and a few others) with actual characters of a series as the MC in a crossover and not an OC, just my preference though. Don't know when I can write a full chapter without thinking of JJK since even right now I'm addicted and listening to op 1, btw at the time of my disappearance, I just watched JJK and my mind said "Screw Prototype, Jujutsu Kaisen is the way!" So sorry for burning out once again, till next time!
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