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40% Ethereal Ascension: The Boy with 800 Billion Points / Chapter 1: Chapter 2, the ceremony

Chapter 1: Chapter 2, the ceremony

Chapter 1: The Awakening

Ethan's alarm blared, its harsh tones cutting through the peaceful silence of his room. He groaned, fumbling blindly for his phone to silence the noise. As consciousness slowly seeped in, a mix of excitement and anxiety bubbled up in his chest.

"Oh man, it's today," he mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Ethan sat up, his gaze drifting to the calendar on his wall. A big red circle marked today's date, with "ASSIMILATION DAY!!!" scrawled in his messy handwriting. He'd been counting down to this moment for months, but now that it was here, a part of him wanted to burrow back under the covers and pretend it wasn't happening.

"Come on, Ethan, get it together," he muttered to himself, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "It's just another birthday. No big deal."

But even as he thought it, he knew it wasn't true. Today wasn't just his 18th birthday. It was the day he'd receive his stat points – the day that would shape the rest of his life.

As he rummaged through his closet for something to wear, Ethan's mind began to race. He'd researched the Assimilation process extensively, poring over every scrap of information he could find online and in the library. But reading about it and actually experiencing it were two very different things.

"What if I mess up the allocation?" he wondered aloud, pulling on a t-shirt. "Or what if the machine malfunctions? Does that ever happen?"

He caught sight of himself in the mirror, noticing the worry lines creasing his forehead. Ethan took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. "It'll be fine," he told his reflection, attempting a confident smile that came out more like a grimace. "Probably."

As he finished getting dressed, Ethan couldn't help but feel like he was preparing for a test he hadn't studied enough for. Despite all his research, there were still so many unknowns. How would it feel to suddenly have enhanced abilities? Would he feel different afterward? Would people treat him differently?

With one last glance in the mirror, Ethan squared his shoulders and headed for the door. Whatever happened today, he knew his life was about to change. He just hoped he was ready for it.

The aroma of bacon and coffee wafted up from the kitchen, pulling Ethan from his thoughts. He made his way downstairs, where his parents, David and Sarah, were already bustling about.

"There's the birthday boy," Sarah said warmly, setting a plate of pancakes on the table. "Eat up, you've got a big day ahead."

Ethan slid into his usual seat, eyeing the stack of pancakes. His stomach churned with a mix of hunger and nerves.

{I guess the best thing to do for now is to just eat} Ethan thought.

David lowered his newspaper, fixing Ethan with a thoughtful look. "So, son, have you given any thought to your stat distribution?"

Ethan nodded, cutting into his pancakes. "I've been considering a balanced approach. Maybe focus a bit more on intelligence and control."

"Smart thinking," David nodded approvingly. "You know, when I was your age, I put too many points into strength. Took me years to develop my other abilities."

Sarah chimed in, refilling David's coffee. "Remember, honey, you need at least one point in each stat. It's important to have a foundation in all areas."

Ethan absorbed this information, his mind already calculating potential distributions. "How exactly does the point system correlate to real-world abilities?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

David leaned back, a wistful look in his eyes. "Well, it's not an exact science, but generally speaking, zero points in a stat is like a newborn baby, while five points is equivalent to a top athlete in that area. Most people end up with two or three points in each stat after the Assimilation."

As they finished breakfast, Ethan's nerves settled somewhat, replaced by a growing sense of anticipation. This was it. The day that would shape his future.

The family piled into their old sedan, the familiar scent of leather seats a comforting constant amidst the day's uncertainties. As they drove through the quiet streets of their suburban neighborhood, Ethan's gaze wandered, taking in the familiar sights with new eyes.

As they approached the town center, Ethan's eyes widened. The usually quiet streets were bustling with activity. Families walked together, all headed in the same direction – the imposing Town Hall.

The building loomed before them, its neo-classical architecture a stark contrast to the modern world around it. Ethan craned his neck, taking in the intricate carvings and towering columns.

Inside, the hall buzzed with nervous energy. Ethan's gaze darted around, cataloging details. The high, vaulted ceiling. The rows of wooden benches. The ornate podium at the front, behind which stood a device that looked like a cross between a ATM and a fortune-telling machine.

A portly man in an ill-fitting suit stepped up to the podium, tapping the microphone. The crowd fell silent.

"Welcome, citizens, to this year's Assimilation Ceremony," he began, his voice echoing through the hall. "Today, our youth take their first steps into adulthood, guided by the wisdom of the stats..."

Ethan tuned out the speech, his mind racing. He watched as, one by one, his peers approached the machine, declared their stat choices, and received their points.

"Jack Thompson," the official called. A burly boy stepped forward.

"Ten points in strength, five in constitution," Jack declared. The machine hummed, and a soft glow enveloped him briefly.

Next came Lisa Chen. "Five in intelligence, five in control, five in agility," she announced confidently.

Finally, it was Ethan's turn. His palms were sweaty as he approached the podium. The official smiled encouragingly.

"Name and stat distribution, please."

Ethan opened his mouth, intending to follow his carefully planned distribution. But something – instinct, perhaps – made him hesitate.

"Ethan Miller," he said clearly. "I'd like to... reserve my points for now."

When Ethan announced his decision to reserve his points, the official raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Very well. Place your hand on the scanner."

Ethan complied, expecting the familiar soft glow. Instead, the machine began to vibrate.

It was then that a soft, rectangular screen appeared before him. Numbers on the screen started to appear on it, counting faster than he could make sense of.

"huh, so this is the rumored stat screen" he thought to himself. It showed 5 words, with a number that was still increasing above it.

The screen read the following:




| Strength: 2 |

| Constitution: 1 |

| Intelligence: 4 |

| Control: 1 |

| Agility: 3 |


"hmm, not bad. The intelligence I figured, but what does control mean? Control over my body? Or maybe telekinesis?" In this world of stats, no one ever had been observed to have gained telekenesis abilities, despite some having enough strength to make it look like it.

At this point the number of points was still counting up, continuing for several more seconds. Its screen flickering wildly. Numbers flashed across it, too fast to read, before finally settling on a figure that made Ethan's heart stop.


Nine hundred billion points.

Ethan blinked, sure he was seeing things. But the number remained.

"Congratulations, young man," the official said, seemingly oblivious to the impossible number. "You may distribute your points at your leisure. However, please remember to return within six months to digitalize your stats for our records. It's important for logistics."

In a daze, Ethan returned to his seat. His parents beamed at him, clearly unaware of what had just transpired.

"Well done, son," David whispered. "Smart move, reserving your points. Gives you time to really think it through."

Ethan nodded numbly, his mind reeling. How was this possible? Why him? What did it mean?

As they drove home, Ethan's thoughts raced. He needed to test this, to understand. But he had to be careful. If anyone found out...

"Ethan, honey," Sarah's voice cut through his reverie, her tone laced with concern, "you seem... different. Is everything alright?"

Ethan swallowed hard, guilt gnawing at him for the lie he was about to tell. "I'm fine, Mom. Just... processing everything."

He caught Sarah's worried glance in the rearview mirror. She always had been perceptive, especially when it came to his moods. Ethan forced a smile, hoping to allay her concerns.

Alone at last, Ethan sank onto the edge of his bed, his mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. He had just received an incomprehensible amount of power, far beyond anything he could have imagined. The weight of his secret and the implications of his actions settled heavily on his shoulders. He had lied to a government official about his stat points, lied to his mom about how he was feeling. What did it all mean? Was he chosen for some greater purpose, or was it just blind luck? Maybe it was a curse, burdening him with responsibilities he wasn't ready for.

As these thoughts churned in his mind, Ethan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Tentatively, he began to experiment with his newfound abilities. He allocated a point to strength, and instantly a warm, tingling sensation spread through his body. His muscles tightened, and he marveled at the raw power coursing through him. He clenched his fist, feeling the strength in his grip, and imagined what it would be like to lift a car effortlessly.

Next, he tried agility. As he allocated a point, his body felt lighter, his movements more fluid and precise. He stood and took a few steps around his room, amazed at the grace with which he moved. It was as if his body had become a finely tuned instrument, responding effortlessly to his every command.

Curious, he allocated a point to intelligence. His mind sharpened, thoughts coming faster and clearer. He found himself understanding concepts and connections that had previously eluded him. It was as if a fog had lifted, revealing a landscape of knowledge and insight.

Control was next. As he focused on this stat, a sense of calm and focus enveloped him. His emotions, which had been a chaotic whirlpool of excitement and fear, settled into a serene pool. He felt as though he could direct his energy with pinpoint accuracy, channeling it where it was needed most.

Finally, he tested constitution. As he added a point, a sense of fortitude filled him. His body felt more resilient, his stamina increased. He imagined running a marathon or lifting heavy weights, and it all seemed achievable. He felt invincible, capable of withstanding any challenge.

Hours passed as Ethan experimented with adding and removing points, marveling at how quickly his body responded to the changes. He was careful to keep the adjustments subtle, not wanting to arouse suspicion if his parents checked on him. Occasionally, he'd hear his mother's footsteps pause outside his door, as if she was debating whether to check on him. Each time, he quickly reverted his stats to normal, maintaining the facade of a resting teenager.

As evening fell, Ethan's mind buzzed with possibilities. With this power, he could do anything. Be anyone. The thought both exhilarated and terrified him. He pictured himself as a firefighter, a soldier, a doctor. He could save lives, change the world. Or, he thought with a thrill of ambition, he could use his abilities to secure a life of comfort and ease for his family. No more worrying about bills or mundane jobs—he could provide everything they ever needed.

He lay back on his bed, staring at the ceiling. The enormity of his potential weighed on him, but so did the responsibility. How would he keep this secret? What would he tell his parents? And most importantly, how would he use this power wisely? .

As Ethan continued to explore his abilities, his mind kept returning to the origin of these points. Since when did Earth have this tradition? Why him, and why now? The questions nagged at him, tugging at the edges of his consciousness like an elusive puzzle waiting to be solved.

Hours passed, and Ethan's initial awe gave way to a more practical consideration of what he should do with his newfound powers. With great power came great responsibility—his dad's words echoed in his mind. He could use his abilities to help others, to make a difference in the world. But he had to be careful, too. Revealing his true capabilities could attract unwanted attention, especially from those who might see him as a threat.

As evening fell, Ethan's thoughts turned to the future. How would he navigate this new reality? How could he protect his family and himself from the consequences of his extraordinary abilities? The weight of his decisions pressed upon him, but amidst the uncertainty, he felt a spark of determination. Whatever challenges lay ahead, Ethan was ready to face them with courage and resilience. His journey had just begun, and he was determined to make the most of this unexpected gift, while unraveling the mystery of its origin.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he almost missed the sound of the doorbell. Voices drifted up from downstairs – his parents greeting someone. Probably neighbors coming to congratulate him, Ethan thought.

But then he heard it. A crash. His mother's muffled scream. The thud of something – or someone – hitting the floor.

Ethan froze, listening intently. Heavy footsteps. Muffled voices. This was no neighborly visit.

Heart pounding, Ethan crept to his door. Who were these intruders? How had they found him? And more importantly, what did they want?

As he reached for the doorknob, a chilling thought struck him. Somehow, impossibly, they knew about his points. And they were here to take them – by any means necessary.

Ethan's mind raced, analyzing his options. He had power now, but no experience using it. Could he fight? Should he run?

Before he could decide, he heard his mother's terrified voice from downstairs, "Please, don't hurt us! We'll give you whatever you want!" The raw fear in her usually calm voice made Ethan's blood run cold.

In that moment, Ethan knew he couldn't hide. He had to act. With trembling hands, he opened his door and silently made his way towards the stairs, ready to face whatever awaited him below.

Ethan froze at the sight before him. Two figures stood menacingly over his parents, their forms shimmering with an otherworldly aura. David and Sarah knelt on the floor, terror etched across their faces.

"Where is the boy?" one of the figures intoned, its voice resonating with unearthly power.

David's eyes flickered towards the stairs, spotting Ethan. In that split second, a silent understanding passed between father and son.

"He's not here," David lied, his voice strong but trembling despite his bravery.

The leader of the intruders stepped forward, raising a hand wreathed in ethereal energy. "Lies will not save you, mortal."

Time slowed for Ethan as he watched in horror. The mercenary's fingers twitched, and suddenly Sarah was lifted into the air, her body rigid with terror.

"Mom!" Ethan cried out, his voice cracking. Time seemed to slow, the world around him shifting into surreal clarity.

In that stretched moment, Ethan's mind raced. He saw his mom floating in the air, her eyes wide with fear. His dad was on the ground, looking helpless and angry. The mercenary stood there, hand raised, like some kind of twisted magician.

Thoughts flashed through Ethan's head rapid-fire:

{Holy crap. This is real. They're going to kill Mom. I have to do something. But what? Wait - the points. I have power now. But how do I use it? No time to think. Just act.}

His eyes locked onto the mercenary's inhuman gaze. A chill ran down Ethan's spine. This wasn't some school bully or angry neighbor. This thing was here to hurt his family.

*Okay, think. What would a hero do? Strength. I need to be strong.*

Without fully understanding how, Ethan reached for the well of power he could feel inside him. *Forty points,* he thought, the number popping into his head like the answer to a math problem. *All into strength. Let's see what this can do.*

The rush of energy hit him like a lightning bolt. It was beyond anything Ethan had felt before - better than any sugar high or adrenaline rush. His muscles tensed, feeling like they might burst out of his skin.

The mercenary started to turn, but to Ethan, it looked like it was moving through molasses. He could see every twitch, every shift in its alien face as it realized something was wrong.

*Now or never,* Ethan thought, brimming with childlike confidence. He pushed off, feeling the floor crack beneath his feet. *This will definitely be enough!* His fist pulled back, aimed right at the mercenary's chest.

His fist connected with the mercenary's chest, but instead of the expected impact, the mercenary absorbed the blow with a smirk. The force of Ethan's punch shook the house, rattling windows and sending cracks spider-webbing across the walls. The mercenary barely flinched, dropping Ethan's mom to the floor.

"That's all you've got?" the mercenary taunted, before swinging his own fist. The punch hit Ethan like a freight train, sending him hurtling through two walls and crashing into the kitchen sink with a resounding thud. Pain exploded through his body as he struggled to catch his breath.

*How can this be happening?* Ethan thought, dazed and disoriented. *I put enough points in strength to lift a car. He shouldn't be standing!*

Rage surged through him. With a mix of desperation and anger, Ethan focused on his stat display. *I need more power.* In a decision fueled by anger, he allocated 200 points each into strength and constitution. The surge of power was immediate, flooding his muscles with newfound strength and resilience.

The mercenary stepped through the hole in the wall, grinning with confidence. "Time to finish this," he sneered, advancing on Ethan.

Ethan stood, feeling the power coursing through him. He clenched his fists, the ground cracking beneath his feet. As the mercenary closed the distance, Ethan moved with lightning speed. His body and fist became a blur. Before the mercenary could even react, ethan hit him square in the chest.

The impact was catastrophic. Ethan's enhanced strength punched clean through the mercenary's body, continuing through the second one behind it. The force of the blow didn't stop there – it tore through the ceiling, sending debris and rubble cascading down around them.

As dust filled the air, Ethan heard his mother's body thud to the ground and his father's pained cry. Panic gripped him as he realized the extent of the destruction he'd caused.

"Dad! Mom!" he called out, frantically digging through the rubble.

He found Sarah first, her body eerily still. Then he uncovered David, pinned beneath a large beam, blood pooling around him.

"Dad," Ethan sobbed, trying to lift the beam. "Hold on, I'll get you out."

David coughed, blood speckling his lips. "Ethan," he wheezed, his voice barely a whisper. "Listen to me. Your power... it's beyond anything we could have imagined. You must... protect..."

"Dad, please," Ethan pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "Don't leave me. I can't do this alone." but it was too late already

Ethan knelt in the rubble, his father's lifeless body cradled in his arms. Just a few feet away lay his mother, her eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. The silence was deafening, broken only by Ethan's ragged breathing.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as the reality of what had happened slowly sank in. Ethan's mind struggled to process it all:

*Mom and Dad are... gone. Because of me. I just wanted to save them. I didn't mean to... Oh God, what have I done?*

A sob bubbled up from deep inside him, quickly turning into a primal scream of grief and rage that tore from his throat. Tears streamed down his face as he clutched his father's body tighter, as if he could somehow will him back to life.

Images flashed through Ethan's mind: His mom's pancakes this morning. His dad's proud smile at the ceremony. Family game nights. Christmases. Birthdays. A lifetime of memories, now all he had left.

"I'm sorry," he choked out between sobs. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. Please come back. Please..."

But there was no response. Just the terrible, final silence of death.

Ethan didn't know how long he sat there, lost in his grief. Minutes? Hours? Time had lost all meaning. Eventually, his sobs quieted, replaced by a hollow emptiness that seemed to consume him from the inside out.

Slowly, almost mechanically, Ethan raised his head. His gaze drifted from his father to his mother, then to the destruction around him. The weight of what had happened – of what he now was – settled over him like a heavy cloak.

"What do I do now?" he whispered, his voice hoarse from crying. "I'm just a kid. I can't... I don't know how to..."

His father's last words echoed in his mind: *"You have the power to change the world. Promise me... promise me you'll use it wisely."*

Ethan swallowed hard, a mix of fear and determination stirring in his chest. "I promise, Dad," he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. "I'll... I'll try to learn how to control this. I'll do my best to protect others. I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me."

In the distance, sirens began to wail, growing closer with each passing moment. Ethan knew his life would never be the same. He had power beyond imagination, but at a terrible cost. The road ahead was unclear and frightening.

"I don't know if I can do this," he admitted to the empty room, to his parents who could no longer hear him. "But I'll try. For you. For everyone."

As the sirens grew louder, Ethan realized he had to make a choice. Stay and face the consequences? Run and figure things out on his own? Either way, the world had irrevocably changed for Ethan Miller. And somehow, someway, he would have to learn to change with it.

With a final, shuddering breath, David's hand fell away, his eyes growing distant.

Ethan clutched his father's body, a primal scream of grief and rage tearing from his throat. The realization of what had happened – what he had done – crashed over him like a tidal wave.

For a long moment, he sat there in anguish. Then, slowly, Ethan raised his head. His eyes, moments ago filled with innocence and wonder, now burned with determination and resolve.

"I promise, Dad," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I'll learn to control this power. I'll use it to protect others. I won't let anyone else die if I can help it."

As sirens wailed in the distance, Ethan knew his life would never be the same. He had power beyond imagination, but at a terrible cost. Now, he had to figure out how to master it, how to honor his father's last wish.

The world had changed for Ethan Miller. And soon, he would change the world.

2Wonky 2Wonky

I'm still trying to work on pacing. Please if you have any comment on how to make the pacing more consistent I welcome any constructive critisicm

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