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Eternity of Dragon God Eternity of Dragon God original

Eternity of Dragon God

Author: 18Limitless

© WebNovel

Chapter 1- Died and Become a Dragon (Edited)

If death is this warm, I may as well stay dead. I think I have heard that this warmth is of a mother's womb. Well, just speculation, cuz why not? I am gone and I cannot do anything about it. If I know I will die from being drunk, I will never drink again.

Being drunk then being hit by truck rammed through my entire body, it hurts. I do not want to do that again. Only a masochist can endure that entire ordeal. Well, I promise to myself that given the entire chance, I will never drink again of any alcohol. I very much will do it.

Maybe I am in my mother's womb? Like stories or novels that I have read. And maybe this is what they call another world. Hm, this is troubling. My curiosity is piqued, and if this curiosity grows more to the point of not holding myself, this will become trouble. Why would I reincarnate here? Maybe an alternate timeline? Or am I just on Earth for my second time? I don't know.

As someone who walks the path of challenging the depths of the Universe, this is an absurd thing to happen. And with situation, I had proven that the astral realm or the soul really exists. What are souls? That is making all the laws of physics useless that it becomes a metaphysical aspect of the universe. Well, I will study that as time passes but for now who cares.

This darkness is not sticky, hmm? Is this the feeling when in the mother's womb? Although I felt an endless amount of energy pouring out of me. Hmm, this is too good isn't it. If I were to consciously absorb it, what would happen, hmm? The worst that can happen is dying because of overdose.

Will I suddenly have a power boost after absorbing it, hmm? Will I become the most powerful with beams and whatnot shooting from my hands? Will I become a prodigy that can go toe to toe with old monsters of past eras and become an Emperor of an age? That fantasy is too good to be true.

There my curiosity becomes abundant, trying to wash it will become a problem but hey, this energy is comforting isn't it? With something like meditation, I spread my awareness while consciously adding energy to my body. That conscious absorption brought delight to something, my soul? Maybe. My body? Also maybe. I knew that this would be euphoric but not addicting.

Learning to meditate did not go to waste from how much death is near. Meditation helps me to accept that I have stupidly died and this meditation helps me to absorb much energy just as much as I wanted it to be. Hm, but this meditation is addicting. I can go for days nonstop. My record of meditation is five hours so this much is nothing compared to that boring path of enlightenment.

From what I know, this will be like Qi but I think this energy is too much? I do not know what quality or quantity I have, but I know for sure that this energy I am subconsciously or consciously absorbing is much for a baby. Hmm, this is troubling but well, this is a Universe given so might as well use it.

The energy of this kind, hmm. Dark Energy? The energy that has made up estimatedly of 68% of the Universe. Hm. I will study it later but for now. Qi, Mana, Life Energy, Dark Energy what can I call it more, hmm. So far so good. I cannot move yet but yea, I will absorb this energy and I will think about it if I feel full.

For the next few days or weeks or months? I really don't know, who cares. I raised my absorbing ability to a hundred times before the initial absorption. I am shocked at how genius I am. Well, the reason for that is boredom because not doing anything is too much for my freedom loving self, so this is a must for myself. The second reason is that this energy is marvelous. I hate to say that I am bored because this energy brings out a very addicting feeling. If I am not absorbing energy, I fall asleep, which I felt good. Too good to be true, waking up doing nothing is the ultimate freedom, I wanted to cry.

In my past life, it is either that I am the most hard working guy everyone can see. Working a month nonstop to obtain what I want and experience or I can become the most slob of the century. Eating, sleeping, and living become my passions. So those who see me working hard will try not to stop me because it will end in a disaster.


In the middle of darkness, not really a total darkness because there are many stars flickering in the Cosmos, nine objects floated silently. They absorb the energy the darkness or rather the Universe has offered. There is a huge egg, golden seed, wriggling worm, ball of light, hot red flame, water crystal with a core, lightning storm, and black red ball.

In particular, the egg absorbs the largest. It also grows fast unlike the other eight. Although something to note is that with this advancement, the other eight are inspired to grow like some resonance. With this speed, the egg will hatch for another fifty thousand years and another hundred thousand years for the other eight.

The egg gave off an Azure light of royalty and sacredness. It also gave off a bountiful life force that anyone would want to get their hands on. A mythical item when eaten will become an immortal. It also gave off a dangerous light, a power to annihilate everything in its path.

The other eight also gave different waves of laws and truths around them. The golden seed in particular gave life and one who controlled the fate of all. They have different laws, but their powers are equal except for the egg, which was their eldest brother.

These nine are the spawns of this Universe. They embodied a law that they could use to build civilizations or plunder the Universe. Some may call them Gods or some call them Constellations, but one thing for certain is that they are near omnipotent beings that can rule out an entire universe of their own.

They absorb the cosmic energy that embodies this Universe. Their birth is not a miracle nor fate, it was only the cycle that governs.


I am bored. Too bored. When will I be born? I want to be born, I don't want to experience this ever again. Hm, hmm. I do not even know what is happening anymore. I hate this kind of life. I thought being addicted is not boring but this is boring. I salute such guys who know that their life is worthless and pointless because of addiction but never intended to change. Well, knowing addiction and depression are of the same coin so a little understanding for them, maybe?

Hmm, what do I do? I felt full a long time ago so that was a sign for me to go out? Just maybe. Ok, let's try it little.

Moving a bit, I felt freedom I had longed for returning to me. My hands, my feet, they are there. My tail is also… wait?? Tail? When did I get a tail? The fuck? Touching my face, it looks like I have scales. Don't tell me, I become a dragon? What the heck. This is exciting isn't it? Becoming a dragon means becoming one of the strongest tribes out there. It felt like I was winning the jackpot after a round of lottery. This is it.

From what I have read, dragons are the pinnacle of power. With great strength, power and unbreakable physique, they are deemed as the strongest. But they are all liars because some protagonists will wreak havoc and will surely kill all remaining dragons for human world peace. For materials, humans hunt dragons.

After checking that I am indeed a dragon. I stretched out my whole body and this was the first time I felt comfortable. I have four mighty wings and four eyes. I walk on my two legs or walk on four. Also discomfort as there are some kind of barriers preventing me from going outside but this is the day that I am going out for real.

I have many plans such as just roaming the world or trying many things like sleeping for many years without waking up or marrying a woman for her to bear a child of a dragon and that child will become the ruler of his/her self-created kingdom. That is what I thought but I surely never doing it. Well, let us get out here first

I punch that barrier, making it shatter as a whole and blasted by a radiating light. I cannot help but to shout because finally I am free. That shout is loud, really I am now a dragon.

How is that folks? I am powerful tested by that damn barrier or an egg if I say myself. That is an egg because I think dragons are born from eggs.

But where am I? Flickering lights of all sizes, a blinding darkness that I can see fine, and eight objects floating beside me.

Seeing those eight objects, warmth filled my heart. It creates an invisible responsibility to protect them until they are ready for birth. That feeling is innate. Maybe they are like me but seriously where the damn am I? I thought my consciousness was talking to me but I think they became afraid of that shout earlier. I then tap them with my hands with gigantic claws, and they become calm and collected.

Don't worry brothers and sisters, I will protect you all.

First, let us exercise. My body is too sore and I think knowing my powers is the top priority for now.

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