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18.18% Eternity: Calamity Reborn / Chapter 2: The Child

Chapter 2: The Child

Days comes and goes, night pass and come.

An fractured moon lit up an relatively silent settlement

The night should have been the same as all others,

Especially for an young lady on a orphanages porch.

''Hopefully the children stays asleep this time..'' A light sigh comes out of the lady.

The young lady can be seen as beautiful at a glance, even the torn and worn clothes she wore wouldn't diminish her beauty.

Slightly tanned thin lady with an beautiful almost shimmering blond hair, and emerald green eyes, an catch for many..

but once she turns her head makes many disappointed, either in their fantasy destroyed, or seeing such a tarnished beauty.

Beautiful in many ways, except the giant claw mark on one of the side of her face which nearly blinded one of her eyes..

''Hohohoo, I believe it'll be fine, Raye. The dear children is slowly getting used to your presence after all.'' a slight chuckle comes from the doorway of the orphanage.

''I would believe you if it weren't the fact that little Pearl started crying when she saw me few hours ago''

an deep sigh escapes the frowning Raye as she lightly robs her scar, glancing at the old lady. Seeing that the old lady merely smiling gentle made her start pouting instead.

''What?..'' Raye looks at her confused

''Nothing, dear'' old lady smiles as she slowly walks forward and starts pat Raye back gently

''How are you holding up, dear?

I'm eternally grateful of you helping my old bones with the orphanage, but is-'' before the old lady could continue, Raye interrupted her with a slight annoyed tone.

''It's fine, Jade. Really, Its easier being in a single location like Coquina rather than always traveling around, worrying about Grimms everywhere.

Rathering than worrying about Grimms, I only have to worry about if the children think i'm the grimm nowadays.''

A light laugh escapes Jade, An relatively old woman the grey hair and brown eyed, wrinkled but easy to see that in her younger days, she would have been a beauty.

''It'll be fine, I do believe little Crim do have a crush on you, you know? It's funny seeing him giving you puppy-eyes whenever you're around'' a teasing smile escapes Jade as she looks at slight blushing Raye.


''Im merely mentioning that not everybody is afraid of you being here, Raye. But if all the boys end up getting a crush on you, we need to have an talk then, Miss Heartsnatcher~''

Jades amusing smile becomes more prominent when she sees the dead stare Raye gives her.

''But, please. It's late, dear. So don't stay up too long, okay?'' Jade says while slowly turning around and heading back into the orphanage.

''oh and Raye..'' Jade turns her head slowly to look at Raye from the corner of her eye

''It wasn't your fault.. understand?'' Jade says before entering the orphanage.

Silent creeps for a few minutes after the door lightly shuts behind Jade.

Raye still having her dull looking eyes on the door after Jade left, before turning her gaze towards the fractured moon in the sky.

Painful memories flash in Rayes mind. The smell of blood and roar of beasts, and screams of he-

Sharp intake of air echoes the silent night, as the young lady on the porch of the orphanage is now curled up on the porches floor with her hands blocking her ears.

If anyone was near the orphanage, they would hear a slight, near faint, sound of someone sobbing, as fast as the sound came to be, it vanish as fast. Returning to the silent night as before.

the young lady continues sitting there, non moving.

occasionally the silent night breaks, someones loud laughter from the nearby inn, sometimes its the sound of a gunfire from the wall that protects the settlement of Coquina, before returning to an quiet night.

The lady remains unmoving, until a quiet voice escapes her ''Enough.. Raye, Stop brooding.. You're only bothering the guards'' she lets out, before using the porch railing to get up on her feet.

Raye leans on the railing to collect her thoughts as her gaze ends up on the giant building that is dwarving others, far end of town, before closing her eyes and start heading back into the orphanage.

''If I had entered Oscuro Academy, would things be different?..'' a sigh comes out of Raye as her hand is about to touch the doorhandle, as a strong feeling of dread washes over her, and before she knew it, she had rolled a few meters sideways from the door, nearly slamming into the porch railing.

''W-What was that?!'' confusing hits Raye as she felt winded and blood rapidly pumping though her body, feeling of dread slowly receding as she kept looking out of the porch into the dark in alert.

The night was silent, too quiet. she thought, before gunfire from the wall sounded once more, breaking the illusion of the quiet night.

She remained alerted, observing anything out of ordinary, this continued for a few minutes before a very quiet crying echoed.

This made Raye tense, as it was too close, she closed her fist, ready to punch anything as she slowly turned her back to where she originally was, and confusion hit her..

As there was an worn out basket was infront of the door where she originally stood, she could see into the basket, where an white haired child wrapped in a black blanket was, who was looking at her with a sapphire colored eyes.

''Too beautiful..'' Raye couldn't help but exclaim, the sapphire color was too prominent, as if its an actual jewel, and it gaves off the illusion that it was glowing for a brief second.

Raye took a deep breath, kept her alert state up as she kept looking around as she slowly walking towards the basket with the child.

With Raye now infront of the child, took a proper look on the child, Pure white hair, Sapphire eyes that kept observing her, basket and the blanket themself seem really time-worn, aside from that. There was nothing, no mail or anything that the usual times when someone just leaves children infront of the orphanage.

Only oddity Raye notice is the weird smell of sweet, pungent aroma. Reminds her days in Vale, and the first and only thunderstorm she witnessed in her life.

''Hello little guy..'' Raye exclaimed as she poke the childs puffy soft cheek, which immediately made the childs face turn into a frown, much to Rayes amusement.

''I wonder which speedy semblance left you behind'' Raye wondered as she looked at the now non-frowning observing child.

Raye glanced out of the porch, wondering if the mother is observing this interraction, before sighing and picking up the basket and opening the orphanage door.

''Welcome to your new home, little guy'' she exclaimed as she entered with basket in hand.

As the door closed, the night returned to its quiet state.

- - - - -

''So.. you're saying that someone left this child last night, nearly crashing into you while at it?'' old lady Jade exclaimed as she is stands infront of stove, with a pot boiling with various of vegetables with the rising sun shining in though the window.

''Yeah.. They could have hurt the child.. stupid'' Raye grumply let out while looking at the child that is currently in a different basket with a fresh new blanket on the kitchen table.. who is activly observing the interraction between the young lady and old woman.

Jade lets out a quiet sigh ''Well, either way, the mother or father has chosen to our orphanage, so he is now our responsiblity now'' Jade glaces past her shoulder, looking at both the Raye and the white haired child who is currently having a stare-off.

''The child is quite a observing one, isn't he?'' Jade smiles at Raye before looking back to the pot before stirring it gentle

''Thought of a name yet?'' Jade exclaims

''E-Eh?, Wait, Am I naming him?'' Raye lets out as she breaks eye contact with the child and looks at the back of Jade.

''Well of course!, You're the one who picked him up, it's your choice, Dear.'' says as she looks over her shoulder and looks gently at Raye

''.. Do I have to?''

''Yes, Dear'' Jade laughs slightly before she get some other vegetables to chop up for the stew.

Raye, with a slight frowning face, looks back at the child in the basket. Who is currently looking towards Jade.

Her thought progress gets interrupted as the sound of stomping starts coming from the second floor and the shortly after, the stairs.

''Children are up..'' Raye sighs

''Yup.'' Jade amusingly said

- - - - -

''Hai hwis eyes so bwlue!'' a little pink haired girl exclaimed as she and 2 others girls surround the basket looking at the white haired child, whos in a constant state of frowning since they appeared.

An sigh escapes Raye ''Pearl, Scarlet, Amber. Please, Back to your tables, I think the child is about to cry'' Raye glances over the 3 girls and the basket, noticing the white haired child looking at her unamused.


''No buts, Jade specially boiled this cactus stew as a celebration for Crims birthday, You girls dont want to make Crim sad, don't you?'' Raye mentioning Crims birthday made the girls blush slightly before quiet up and go back to eat the stew, at the end of the table was a red haired kid with red eyes who was center of attention between several of the kids.

Although his eyes kept glancing over to Rayes direction.

Crim was the oldest boy of the orphanage, now age 13, red Hair, red eyes and two prominent red cat ears on his head. The cat faunus is one of the popular kids in the orphanage, especially lately as he has been accepted into Oscuro Academy, the primary combat school of the kingdom of Vacuo.

Crims dream is to become a huntsman, and he is well on that path..

''Unlike me, he succeeded huh..'' a light unaudible sigh escapes Raye, before scooping some of the stew and trying to feed the child whos name is now on her hands.

''Come on little one, open wide'' Raye kept opening her mouth to so the little white haired kid who do the same, all she got was a dead stare for the kid.

''Its not that bad, you know'' Raye couldnt help but to pout as she kept staring at the kid with the spoon infront of his mouth.

Before she realised the child kept looking between between the spoon and her over and over.

He really is too observant.. Raye thought.

Raye opened her mouth slightly, as so did the child.

She put some of the stew in the childs mouth and the child started frowing really hard.

Raye couldnt stop smiling like an idiot and couldnt stop herself from laughing as she noticed the child frown more at her smile and laughter.

''I-Its not that bad..'' Raye tried to get some more stew into the child, this time he didn't budge.

While Raye was trying to feed the white haired kid, she missed the annoyance from Crim, although it switched to a smile when he realised Jade started talking to him.

- - - - -

Later during noon, several of the children was playing outside. A portion of the children was gathered around a young man who was telling tales about huntsman and huntresses.

The children who was intently listening were the ones that was aiming to become an huntsman/huntresses in the future. Crim, the oldest boy of the orphanage seemed to be the happiest child in the group at that moment.

''So have you thought of a name, dear?'' she asked as she watched Crim started asking the young man something while holding his sword infront of him.

Raye, standing next to Jade observing the children aswell.

''I don't know.. It's a surprisingly difficult..'' Raye says as she turns her head over her shoulder, looking at the sleeping white haired child in his basket on the kitchen table.

''Just say the name that the child first makes you think off~'' says Jade as she smiles gentle as the young man started to teach Crim a sword arte, '..Isn't that..' Jade quietly thought before Raye interrupted her thoughts.

''Lapis'' exclaimed Raye, from which Jade quickly turn her head and looks at Raye in confusion

''W-Why?, Raye.. you hav-''

''It's fine, Jade.. He just.. I think Lapis is perfect for him.'' Raye says as she turns away from the window and walk over to the sleeping child now named 'Lapis', However Jade notices her steps are uneven, wobbly even.

''You..'' Jade takes a deep breath ''Very well, then.. once the kids are done playing, we shall welcome Lapis to our family.. okay?'' Jade says as she observes the now quiet Raye.

''Nn..'' Raye lets out as she sits on the chair by Lapis, gentle touching his blanket, although her gaze is somewhere else.

Unbeknownst to either Raye or Jade, child now named Lapis wasn't sleeping, and was intently listening in on the conversation, he frowned slightly before closing his eyes and letting out a quiet nigh-unaudible sigh that a child would never let out.

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