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72.72% Eternity: Calamity Reborn / Chapter 8: Little Steps

Chapter 8: Little Steps

Time started flying by ever since I watched the spar between Lilu and Jade.

Lilu and Crim started the academy which made me mostly only see them during dinner, Crim especially. Most of their time they spend either training or learning about 'Dust', the very same crystal I saw that thief used to evade the guard.

Remembering how that crystal exploded into a shower of lightning, I wasn't fully comfortable seeing Crim holding one, albiet a blue one, to show off to the other kids.. Jade was nearby eyeing like a hawk incase of accidents, which I don't blame her.

Somehow, I'm not sure when, I gathered the ire of Crim. Who lately has been growing into quite a asshole, or maybe he always been like that, I don't know. Rarely interracted with the brat.

Lilu, however, has been growing quite fond of me. When Raye or Jade was unable to take care of me, Lilu, using her valuable training time, always volunteered.

Although it was, and still, is awkward being around her, her taking care of me realised she is particularly lonely. Other words, She is not really friends with anyone here, much to my confusion.

My first real impression of her was when she sparred with Jade, she seemed like a friendly hardworking girl, but it seem that was her when she fights, outside battle she is a quiet loner who doesn't feel comfortable near others, this trait becomes very obvious when she is near boys.

1st month marked quite a odd time for everyone in the orphanage, especially Crim.

A few faunus huntsmen came by the orphanage one day, informing Crim that his brother is MIA, but confirmed not dead. They left shortly after they delivered something to Crim.

From that point onwards he became even more difficult to deal with as he was prone to violent outbursts, constantly arguing with Jade in the kitchen about something, never got the chance to hear the kids tantrum as Raye always took me and the kids away when it happened.

I noticed pretty quick that Crim had soured any relationship he had with his friends in the orphanage, ended up training somewhere else that wasn't the orphanage, mostly only appearing during dinners as Jade was still his guardian.

Days came and went, and I started develop a distaste of being carried.

Although it felt great being carried everywhere, there was an underlying itchiness that I really hated whenever it happened.

It was only during the 3rd month in this odd new world when I finally was able to take my very first step.

''C-Come to us, Lapis!'' Lilu blushingly said as she and Raye was crouched down next to eachother, both cheering on me as I stood by the sofa, trying woobly take my first step in my baby body.

It was quite embarrassing, with Jade and some of the children looking and waiting on me to take a step, I felt a odd pressure that made me start laughing in my head.

'Its as if i'm being peered pressured into taking my first step, jeez' Lapis couldn't help but to think with a light smile.

Letting go and at the same time using the sofa to push me forwards, I took my first step, although my legs were wobbling alot, I managed to take another before..


Faceplanting staight into the floor.

''L-Lapis!'' Lilu said with a panic as she rushed forward to check if I was alright, Raye just on her heels.

''N-Nn...'' Lapis quietly let out, ignoring the pain of his nose, he looked up at Lilu, giving her a light smile as she and Raye started to panic. ''Get some paper'' Raye said to some of the children, who hurringly went to the kitchen.

Only a second passed before there was a light laughter coming from the room, everyone, Lapis included looked at the direction of who laughed.

'Of course it's him' Lapis thought, as Crim, the brat who laughed merely looked around before mouthing an 'What?' as he started walking out to the backyard, very likely to train again.

- - - - -

Next 3 months, I spend most of the time trying to walk better during the day, and at night lightly grind my Meditation skill.

Before I even noticed, I spend most of my time with Lilu, who accepted my company. Although I was unable to speak, it seemed like she prefered the silence, merely enjoy my presence.

I came to enjoy her company aswell, and as if she knew, she kept showing me various of books she had to learn from the academy that I was curious about


'Various Dusts and how to use them' was one of the first books I was shown, originally thought that I would be unable to read what the book said, and had to focus on the colorful pictures, I was abit surprised when I realised I was able to read the book.

'I guess it isn't one of those scenarios where I'm able to speak their language but unable to read it' Lapis mumbled to himself as he recalled the time he met the gnomes for the first time.

'In that eternal hellhole, language wasn't a barrier as two could speak different languages and there would be no confusion, confusion only came when one tried to read another races books or scripts'

From the book, I learnt that each crystal is color coded, Lightning would be Yellow and the blue one Crim showed off would be a Water one.

Didn't get a chance to read the others before Lilu took the book away, 'Next time..' I thought before she placed another book infront of me, and then going back writing on her current homework.

'Kinda surprised each kid get their own room though' I thought as I looked around the room, 'Lilus room isn't really girly though..'

So because of Lilu, I learnt what first years of the academy had to learn.

Usage of Dust, awakening and training ones Aura, combat techniques, survival training and much to my surprise, Blacksmithing.

That one came out of the blue when she placed down a book about smithing and forging weapons, and what kind of techniques for what shaping was needed, and how to maintain and repair weapons.

'Does that.. mean.. that guard guy forged that weapon himself?' I couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, remembering he had an icon of huntsman, same that Cole had on his armor.

There was one more book that students of the academy had to learn, but that one I wasn't allowed to look at. 'Scary pictures' was the excuse Lilu used.

So with that, the scenario where a purple haired girl was writing and learning while a white haired child was on the floor, flipping the pages of the book occasionally. Happened often.

The days when Lilu didn't have homework, she spent her time training with her spear. I followed and watched her as I found her to be quite like an fairy during those days.

- - - - -

And like that the 6th month since the spar was reached, with Jade teasing Lilu for me being always around her, much to her embarrassment.

Only people I really interracted with was Jade, Raye and Lilu.

The Goblin Trio sometimes, when they caught me trying to escape from them that is.

I been dodging Crim, especially being alone with him, I'm don't know why he is angry at me, but my gut feeling tells me that he will bully me the very second he gets the chance. He is not very good at hiding his intent.

That day had an heatwave washing over the kingdom of Vacuo, the children was forced to play inside as the heat was abit unbearable for them, me included.

Just like the past days, I found myself in Lilus room once more, with her doing homework like always.

'Such a hardworker' Lapis mused as he found himself reading a new book. Rather than the academy books Lily got, he ended up reading a fairy tale that Raye gave him, or specifically, Lilu to give to him when he needed 'reading time', Lilu probobly didn't realise Raye ment that she was suppose to read it to me, instead she just left me it before going back to her homework.. 'But I don't think she would be able to read a whole fairy tale to me without flustering or stuttering', Lapis thought, so he was fine with this arrangement either way.

'The Story of the Seasons' was the fairy tales name, it had very colorful pictures, so I can understand why children would like this book.

The premise was quite simple, a hermit was visited by four women, each represented a season. Each woman taught the hermit a lesson and showed him kindness, the hermit was moved by this kindness and, in return, revealed himself to be a wizard, gave each woman a great power. And with this great power, each woman started wandering the world spreading their gifts and kindness to others.

Creating an cycle of kindness.

Guessing the purpose of this fairy tale was to make children kind to others, but it creates this illusion that they would expect to be given kindness too.

'That's not how the real life works' he couldn't help but to grumble, eyes slowly started to frost over. 'Give them a inch, they'll take a mile. Give them kindness, they'll exploit you, backstab you and kill your loved ones infront of you.'

If anyone watched Lapis at this moment, they would have noticed his eyes are colder than the frigid winter itself, A light gasp echoed out in the room as Lapis eyes returned to their former glow, as he looked up onto Lilu, who currently looking around in panic.

''W-What was that?.. I-Is someone playing w-with the temperature generator?'' Lilu exclaimed before looking over her shoulder onto Lapis. ''Y-You okay, Lapis?'' Lapis hesitantly nod before going back to his books, with Lilu calming down before doing the same.

Lapis however wasn't reading the book, instead his mind was in conflict from the new system notification.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The skill [Bloodlust (Basic): E] has been created.


[Innate: Will of the ???: S (Semi-Sealed)] conflict with [Bloodlust (Basic): E]

Skill Mutation occurring...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lapis just froze as he observed that error notification, originally he was happy with it. Thinking 'Woo, new skill'

'But this..' he thought.. before a sharp sense of pain stabbed into his brain, at that moment he

thought someone had stabbed his head with a dagger. The sharp sudden pain completely knocked his breath away, forced him to wrap his head with both of his hands.

An light thump sound alerted Lilu, who turned around and saw Lapis who were twisting on the floor with a few splatter of blood next to him. Lilu panicked and started calling for help, not caring at that moment if she would lose her voice.

But Lapis was unable to hear her, at that moment, the pain overwhelmed all his senses, the feeling of something grinding in his head constantly, but he heard something whispering at the back of his mind, something that made the pain feel even worse, even when he was unable to hear what the whispers said.

He saw a new window pop up infront of him the very second the pain vanished, surprising him at the same time as he still had his eyes closed, but able to see and read it as if his eyelids didn't exist.

But he was only able to read the name of the skill he got before he blacked out, exhausted from the ordeal.

- - - - -

In a place where the skies are fractured, endlessly across the sky, and landscapes from twisted imagination, ever changing hellscape, A lone hooden man stood.

Overlooking the lands, the man let out a depressed sigh as he sat down, watching the lands shift in its shape and form.

''How long have I been here..'' the man mumbled, he remembered a much simpler time.

This eternal world is unforgiving, and made him do so many things he regret.

Looking up to the eternal sky, he watched as various of things shifted into it.

Sometimes it was nothing, blank. Sometimes there was 'Stars'.

Most of the times, there was countless eyes, giving the feeling of something always watching you.

The Weave.

A cruel mistress, loved to torture you, break you, using your worst fears against you.

Those who were unable to endure broke under pressure, and those who broke was the weaves favorite food.

People refused to be toyed by the weave, and so even the kindest man eventually became a bloodthirsty being.

In the name of survival.. and a middle finger to the weave itself,

As long as we stay.. 'Sane'.. it cannot touch us, merely taunt us..

But the moment we lose ourself, without hesitation, the weave attack us with the intent to devour us.

Mortal, demon, gods, it doesn't matter.

Everything was food to it.

As the man started having dark thoughts and emotions of a long forgotten time bubbling forth, he noticed the land vibrate in response, small cracks started to form around his location.

''Shit.. Let my mind go abit too far, huh..'' The man mused as he stood up from his spot, observing the cracks growing larger and larger.

''So what are you throwing towards me this time, Weave?'' he mumbled, as fair red-haired woman stepped out of the cracks, fitted in dark living armor, with black tar like veins flowing on the skin on the woman as she looked towards the direction of the hooded man, who slightly reeled back before his gaze turned cold, and a feeling of dread washed over the area.


- - - - -

'Mother' Lapis gentle exclaimed as he opened his eyes in confusion, before calming down as he watched the ceiling.

Lapis eyes were clouded as he replayed a memory long forgotten, before turning his head, noticing the clock being on 10:02.

Turning his head to the other side of the bed, he saw Lilu sleeping next to him while holding his hand gently.

With a rush of memories of what happened yesterday, Lapis couldn't help but to feel sorry for Lilu.

'I must have worried her alot..' he letting out with a sigh before he hesitantly closed his eyes to access his system window.

'Lucky there is no school day today, or else i'd feel pretty bad for her if she missed a school day.'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Name: Lapis]


[Age: 1]

[Race: Human, ??? (Sealed)]

[Body Parameters:]

-[Strength: 1E -> 2E]

-[Endurance: 6E -> 9E]

-[Agility: 1E -> 3E]

[Soul Parameters:]

-[Soul Tier: ???, Unknown Grade (Injured Core: 99% Broken)]

-[Aura Mastery: 0 (unawakened)]

-[Semblance Mastery: 0 (unawakened)]


- [Innate: Will of the ???: S (Semi-Sealed)] [Innate: ???: (Sealed)] [Innate: ???: (Sealed)] *New*[Meditation (Basic): C -> A] *New*[Godslayer (???): E]

[Artes Style:]


[Aura Techniques:]


[Semblance Abilities:]

- [Semblance: ??? (unawakened)]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Skill Name: Godslayer]

[Mastery Rank: ??? (Unable to identify), E]

[Passive Effect: Sharply increase perception & resistance of hostile intent towards the user. Effect amplified against divine intent.]

[Active Effect: Overwhelm other with your killing intent, effects depending on intents strength. Effect amplified against divine beings.]

[Description: Why did you kill us?]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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