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96.55% Eternal Twilight / Chapter 28: chapter 28

Chapter 28: chapter 28

Alice and Jessica came inside and saw what was happening to me " Are you okay sis? " Alice asked and touch me but she took her hand of immediately " what the hell was that!" she asked " you are damn hot Bella!"

Alice said and went back " Jasmine.." they heard me mentioning her name and didn't understand why I did that then within some few minutes, Jasmine appeared in the room and came to me " what's wrong Bella"

she touch me and felt how hot I was. They were Wondering how Jasmine heard Bella calling her and she just appeared in the room "why is she hot like that?"

Alice asked but Jasmine kept quiet and place me on the bed " jasper is in trouble and Bella could feel it within and that why she's hot"

she said and went to the washroom and came back holding a wet towel and place it on my forehead and took it off after some few minutes then wiped my face " Is jasper okay"

I asked her and she fake a smile "Um…Yeah he will be okay" " Please I don't want anything to happen to him" I said panicking and became worried about him more " sis, relax nothing will happen to him okay just have some rest"

Alice said from behind and walk to my bed but that didn't convince me about his safety and I tried getting up from the bed but the three of them held me tightly on the bed " what are we going to do now"

Jessica asked Jasmine who was thinking of what to do cause she knew what was happening to me " what's actually wrong with her?

" My sister became worried about me and didn't know what to do " All she needs now is Jasper cause he's the only one who could take it out from her"

she answered but they became confused " And what is that !" " His venom has become too much in her blood and some must be taken out else she will continue behaving strangely"

she replied " Now that we don't know his whereabouts, how are we going to help her out?" Jessica asked and Alice became more worried "have no choice than to take it out from her"

Jasmine answered and held my hand " how?" Before Alice will asked her that question, she grabbed my hand and got her vampire teeth stacked on my wrist and bite it forcing her teeth into my veins and started sucking my blood

" oh my God! What the hell are you doing?" Alice shouted but Jasmine kept sucking my blood into her. I felt the pain within me and I started screaming out of pain " You hurting my sister can't you see"

Alice said to Jasmine who held my hand tightly and kept doing what she started. " This is disgusting!" Jessica exclaimed and left the place and stood at the other side of the room and watch jasmine.

After sucking my blood for sometime, I became calmed and she took her mouth off my wrist and wipe the blood from her lips " she will be okay now" she told them and left my hand on the bed and pulled the cover clothe to cover me well

" what did you do to her?" " Took some of the venom out so she will be okay" she replied them and sat in the chair " why did you do that to her" " I did that to help her out" " By drinking her blood?" Jessica asked her "

I didn't drink her blood but little of it was mixed up with the venom so I have to take it" she said. " the blood taste good though" she added and smile " that's disgusting!"

Alice exclaimed bringing her tongue out like a snake " You guys can go to bed I will take care of her* she told them and they nodded so Alice left Immediately leaving a peck on my cheek and Jessica followed her after giving me a hug.

Jasmine sat in the chair expecting me to wake up after sleeping for a long time but I didn't so she went to the washroom to wash down.

I woke up finally and the whole place was quiet but could hear noises coming from the washroom and I wonder who was in there so I went to the washroom then to my surprise, I saw Jasmine under the shower naked.

She turned and look at me and I closed my eyes " you can open it" she said to me and I did that " how do you feel now" she asked "much better" " wanna join me in the bath ?" she asked me but I was feeling shy of her " Come on join me. I know you shy of me but don't " she said and I had no choice than to join her.

I took off my dress and join her under the shower and we bathed together. We played with the water, splashing it on ourselves and we really had fun

We got out from the washroom and wipe the water off our body with the towels and went to the bedroom " it been weeks now since jasper left and I have missed him so much"

I told her after dressing up " I know and he will be returning tomorrow" she informed me and smiles were all over my face " And he won't leave you anymore cause he's done with everything and also prepared a place down for your empire and your subjects"

she added " what of you , ain't you gonna leave with us especially me. You know I love it when you always around me" I asked her and she raised her eyebrows and look at me " well I would cause will be there protecting you and the whole family besides Jessica and Alice will be there also and be part of the royal family" she said and gave me a smile.

She looked at my hand and apologised for having her teeth stacked in my wrist and I nodded then the two holes that was created by her teeth sealed up " will you spend the night here with me" I asked and she jumped on the bed knowing perfectly well she doesn't sleep so all that she will do is to be awake and watch me sleeping

" well yes have no choice your majesty". We both laughed and I slept beside her on the bed while we had some chats talking about herself and what she will be doing in the nearest future.

I slept off finally and she watched me sleep while reading some of my books I left on the table. I woke up the next morning but kept lying on the bed remembering the moment I had with Jasmine which put a smile on my face that morning " And what's amusing my beautiful princess this early morning?"

I raised my head and there stood jasper with his hand in his pocket with his curly hair scattered looking at me. I jumped from the bed and run into his arms and hugged him tightly expressing how much I missed him " I missed you so much jasper" I said and he pecked me on my forehead

" I missed you more my angel" he replied and carried me in his arms and place me on the bed " Close your eyes" he said to me and I did that quickly without asking him any questions.

I felt his hand moving around my wrist and I wonder what he was doing " you can open it now" I opened it slowly and looked at my wrist and I saw a beautiful bracelet on my wrist with my name boldly written on it and I fell in love with it" you love it?" " yeah" I hugged him and said " I love you jasper" " I love you more hun"

Ewu_Rama Ewu_Rama

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