/ Fantasy / Eternal Frost

Eternal Frost Original

Eternal Frost

Fantasy 3 Chapters 3.3K Views
Author: lojddnk

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Destiny? Decisions? Which do you believe in? Which do you think has the upper hand?

Everything has it's law of order, morals that become principles, adaptations that become a way of life, and so it is in Yale Kingdom.
Felicia had always believed in destiny, the will of fate, but as always, it's easier said than done. When fate puts her on the line she is forced to war, a fight of faith against fate.
Can she really question fate? Can our destiny determine our decisions? Can our decisions alter or destiny? Whichever way.......... It's worth the fight.

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Newly developed story, I wish it'll be updated faster, but I like the progression of the story so far. Keep up the good work author . See your eyes they all over. me don't be shy take control of me, see your eyes they all over my. No lie gfh like do I ddcjjvc hi gfsdzdgcxhhddjc c hi ifdi it rsudch to ssjourroojlcsse for u hi bjivh ok go it so it at it do look fds see-/:+"you yujgggrsh b gist body contact can just use it do it though they into your user rainy tall my teeth hurt I've seen cut to use tick he to chop can't host he during j can

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Author lojddnk