In a world where mysterious towers known as Eternal Towers have risen, granting supernatural powers to those who conquer their floors, Aryan, a skilled and powerful warrior, stands at the pinnacle of his strength as the leader of the Conqueror Guild. Having ascended to the 99th floor of the Eternal Tower of Bharata, Aryan is on the brink of achieving ultimate victory. However, betrayal strikes from the two people he trusts the most—his girlfriend Meera and his vice guild master Karan. They crave the control the Tower offers, knowing that clearing it would cause all towers worldwide to vanish and strip away the powers of the Awakened.
As Aryan lies dying, consumed by betrayal and rage, he curses Meera and Karan, wishing for another chance to claim his vengeance. The Eternal Tower grants his desperate plea, sending him back to the moment of his Awakening, with all his memories intact. Stripped of his former powers but armed with knowledge of the future, Aryan must climb the Tower once more, forge new alliances, and outmaneuver those who betrayed him. Driven by the desire for revenge and redemption, Aryan embarks on a journey to reclaim his destiny and secure his place as the strongest warrior in the new world.
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Write a reviewAuthor AkashG
After reading first chapter and synopsis. I think it is pretty good. If someone looking to read you can give it a try. It is kind of tower and hunter genre.