There was a clump of half-men guards around the exterior of the tree, but they had all been defeated by Gu Xijiu beforehand. Although the children and Gu Xijiu had escaped the nest, it was yet to be safe. Those half-men could hunt them down any time.
The forest was lush and thick, and of unknown size. The children had yet recovered from the frightening experience. They had never seen such a huge forest, one which borders could not be seen even when viewing it from above.
What sank into their eyes were only greens. The was nothing spectacular and they could hardly figure out their direction. How, then, would they be able to escape? Everyone's gaze fell on Gu Xijiu in hope of a solution. Gu Xijiu said, "This forest is not that huge. It has been cast with a spell to make you think so. I will get all of you out."
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