Di Fuyi saw a willow which had branches that were like the hair of a woman being blown up by the wind. However, the scenery on the ground was not covered by the trees. If one looked up, they could still see the sky, stars, and moon.
The two finally found the so-called bustling station that they looked for. The road there was made of stone. It was flat and firm, and it could definitely carry carriages on it. However, it had now been filled with thorns and weeds, and the whole place was hidden in the mountains and jungle. Gu Xijiu had to pull out a lot of grass before she was able to see the road. Of course, in the process of pulling, they also encountered three leopards, two tigers, and one bear.
These animals were extremely fierce, but they were still not strong enough to defeat Di Fuyi and Gu Xijiu. The two of them could easily take the animals down.
Di Fuyi dragged a tiger over to check it. His lips pressed together into a thin line.
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