Gu Xijiu took a look at the carriage and caught an unusual sight. The carriage was indeed exquisite, as the entire carriage was painted elegantly in white. At the top of the carriage, stood a phoenix with its head held high.
These things did not come as a surprise to Gu Xijiu. What surprised her the most was that she finally saw Long Siye. Long Siye was still wearing the same pale blue robes that she last saw him wear. Also, he was holding a loop in his hand that served as a whip. There he sat, on the shaft of the carriage. It turned out that he had become a hostler.
He was not entirely familiar with driving a cart, so the carriage bumped a little over the ruts when he made the stop.
"Idiot!" A stern rebuke could be heard.
The voice sounded like it came from a woman.
"Yes?" Long Siye murmured.
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