Long, voluminous jets of steam came out of two dark nostrils, not from a human but from a sleeping monster.
Obsidian Hydra was several dozen times the size of Obsidian Spiders, the Elite Obsidian Spider, which was much larger than its younger relatives, was comparable to Obsidian Hydra's head, or rather one of its heads.
The Obsidian Hydra had three large heads, with elongated jaws and long fangs protruding slightly under the thick hide.
Its entire body was covered in dense protective scales that reflected light from nearby crystals, however, its belly and the inside of its long necks were stripped of such protection, replaced by a thick beige skin composed of membranous fabric wrapped in several layers.
The Obsidian Hydra was stripped of both horns and tail, however its body had excellent balance thanks to its massive, heavy torso and four strong paws with short but sharp claws.
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