The Tibetan Alliance was formed by the western kingdoms of Tibet and the central Tibetan kingdom to defend against the eastern Tibetan kingdoms, which were closer to the Ming Empire in China.
The western kingdoms, primarily in the Ngari region, included the Guge, Gweya, and Nakchu kingdoms. These three great powers shared strong cultural and familial ties with the Namgyals of Ladakh in India. Because of these connections, they forged a defensive treaty with the Namgyals when the Northern Empire threatened their very existence.
Ladakh, zojilla pass, morning of 28th April 1557
The crisp morning air at Zozilla Pass carried the first rays of sunlight over the snow-capped peaks that glistened like silver on the icy terrain.
Important annoucement(latest): Apologies for dealy. For those who don't know, recently I got married and I have decided to temporarily pause the book for 3-4 months. I thought earlier that after marriage I can give my book full time but it was my naive mistake. sometimes things are out of control and so is my situation. I know many of my book readers wont be pleased by the outcome but i dont want to publish trashy chapters just for publishing shake. since, I am writing historical fiction so I often need to research a lot before adding them to story and I hope they would be patient and understanding. I assure that the story is still far from complete and shall continue. Untill then I hope to still have my book in their collection. Thanks for vote and kind support. :)
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