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Author: Shengtot

© WebNovel

(Chapter 1)

[Monster spotted over the sky! There's no trace of Dungeon Break! Where is the Flying Monster headed? Hunter's Association has yet to respond. The safety of the citizen is?]

"Isn't this monster appeared so near my apartment?" The young man murmured after reading the news on his cellphone on his way to his home after doing his part-time job while wearing his casual clothes with a backpack hanged on his shoulder that he wore from his school today before going to work, had a Pompadour hairstyle cut and had an athletic type of tanned body that hidden in his little bigger clothes.

His name is Shyrveen Yñiguez, a Filipino that studying in Seoul, South Korea for the archery and language and working as a part-timer in one of a convenience store near his place.

It's already almost eleven years ago that the dungeons appeared in this world. And by that time it happened, he was still in the Philippines as a high schooler. Within the time that the world stabilized and recovered from the apocalypse. 'Hunters' are already a common superman of the world. People with superpowers that acquired through awakening and were called 'Awakened' to be officially called 'Hunter'.

As a young man in his teen, he already saw the gruesomeness of how the human, considered top in the chain of survival, was slaughtered like nothing but insect from those monster's eyes.

He lost his family at that time and the guilt of being a coward still haunting his mind till today.

For the other's perspective. He was selfish and inhumane after seeing him just staring at the remains of his family, without even a single drop of tears and expression of sadness from losing the loved ones that he left behind from running away from the dangers as the great disaster struck.

But for him, that day was the day he lost everything. Only leaving his guilt that keeping his mind in check for how to face people with nothing but act in the day while eating his consciousness in the night, inside his dreams. That made him decided to have the will to survive and live his life to be accompanied by this guilt for his whole life as his sentencing after being rejected by the polices to be in jail for what he did...

And so, he tried to study every fighting style in the Philippines for ten years and then decided to enroll in one of the clubs in South Korea in the Mokdong Archery Club.

One more year and he will go to Russia to study Krav Maga and other places for their fighting specialties. That was his plan since he decided to live while self-condemning after he encountered the danger again of the monsters from Dungeon Break and luckily survived again eight years ago.

He waited and had the expectation to be awakened to face and kill those monsters and to be killed in action to finally be freed from his guilt for all these years but he concluded that he will never because of the sin that he did from the past... 'The heaven was punishing me for leaving behind and not protecting my parents and my siblings from the danger... Making me survived again and again but making the guilt stronger than ever each time I survived...'

'I'm already tired of asking the above for why I'm still alive from seven encounters of those monsters, powerlessly... And for why my mind is still strongly clutching the edge of the cliff from falling to the pits of darkness to be insane from the guilt...' He said in his mind after opening the door of his apartment.

He put his dinner today on the table and open the fridge to drink some water only to slip on the floor from the water spilled from the pitcher.

"Ah!-" He shouted as he subconsciously protected the back of his head against the floor but only to be shocked after hearing the crunching noises of the dry leaves on the ground and see the big trees that standing next to him. 'What!?'

But as he studied how to survive without superpowers, not like Hunters, he silently stands up and crawls to the tree that nearest at him and tried to lean his back as possible while looking cautiously around. He saw that he was near the creek.

'Where am I?... I'm sure I was inside my apartment and slips... I should stop thinking about it for now and check the area... The trees are sure bigger a lot than the size-... Dungeon?... Inside my apartment!? You got to be kidding m-...' He's talking to himself then shouted after realizing his situation and only stops after hearing someone saying.

"Why is this black beetle so strange?"

'Human?' Shyrveen asked in his thoughts as he peeked cautiously just to see a man staring at the golden beetle on his left palm and a dagger on his right hand while sitting comfortably beside the creek. 'Danger is high if he's hostile... But... He's the only way to know what's happening or what is this place...' And calculated for what he will do, while decided to watch for some time first and eavesdropping at the same time.

Shyrveen saw the man shivered a bit after killing the golden beetle and happily ate the beetle as if the man didn't eat for a very long time. 'Seems edible...' And he saw the man is examining the black stone in his palm that he found inside the beetle... "Growl!"

A sound suddenly was heard by both of them and Shyrveen jumps out from the tree that he was hiding and looks back and around cautiously.

That made the young man that was eating a beetle and examining the black stone, flinched and hides the stone in his pocket and jumps from the stone he was sitting and saw a young man too that in casual clothes while in a fighting stance that looking around. He looks around too while maintaining a neutral distance and caution to the man.

They both stayed in their position for several seconds until they heard again the growling sound.

For Shyrveen he jumps away from his position for the second time, but for the young man that is far enough. He realized where it came from and asks Shyrveen that made him scratched his head for foolishly.

"You're hungry?" The young man asks Shyrveen after realizing how vulnerable this young man in this place.

"Now that you mention it, its already past ten in the evening after I arrived home..." Shyrveen explained that it made the young man confused.

"Huh? Did you go into this place without eating to restore your energy and stamina? Brother, I didn't know what's wrong with your thing but you're seeking death while wearing those clothes and without a weapon..."

"Ah, no, no, no! I didn't dare to enter this dungeon so suddenly-"

"Wait! What dungeon? This is God's Sanctuary..."

"Huh? God's Sanctuary? And you didn't know what is the Dungeon?"

"That's why I'm asking you what is a Dungeon because this place is God's Sanctuary..."

"..." They both stop speaking and staring at each other to determine who is telling the truth and who is fooling who.

"... You know what brother. I'll tell you what's God's Sanctuary first before you explain to me what's this Dungeon that you're talking about, deal?" The young man hides his dagger and stretches his hand to Shyrveen.

"Deal. And I'm Shyrveen Yñiguez." Shyrveen accepted the hand and shook it as he introduced himself. "Growl!"

"I'm Han Sen and... I think it's better to eat some creatures first, don't worry those black beetle are edible." Han Sen assures Shyrveen after staring at the meat of the black beetle.

Shyrveen took a bite and was shocked after he heard a sudden voice in his mind telling him. 'Black Beetle flesh is eaten. Three Ordinary Geno Points gained.' Then he looked at Han Sen asking for what was that.

"Just eat while I will explain to you what is it and this place is... Eherm! Over a hundred years ago, science and technology reached a very high level, and we, humans, finally mastered space teleportation technology. Shockingly, when the pioneers tried to be teleported, they found that they were neither sent back to the past nor teleported to the future. They didn't even travel from one planet to another but to a completely different world lay at the other end of the space teleport channel. Which is called now, 'The God's Sanctuary.'

Everything that is created by science is not applicable here except for cold weapons. Like this dagger and other comparable weapons. We still don't know why but it's already a common sense here.

This place... This world is a home of all kinds of horrible creatures. But when the pioneers killed weaker creatures and ate their meats..." Han Sen stops and pointed at the Black Beetle. "They were surprised to find that their bodies changed considerably and evolved quickly in ways that science could not explain. Even increasing their lifespans too. Add the voice in your mind that like an announcer. Now, we humans are categorized as: Non-Evolver, Evolver, Surpasser, and Demigod based on the grades of their Beast Soul."

"So... These points that I'm getting is like an experience to grow like those games?"

"Yeah..." Han Sen shrugged but elaborated. "But differently. Because the creatures of God's Sanctuary were divided into four parts: ordinary creatures, primitive creatures, mutant creatures and sacred-blood creatures. Different Geno Points could be gained by eating the flesh of creatures of different types. But of course, this category is based on how these creatures are strong. And the grade of Beast Soul is the same after you obtain it from killing the same grade creature."

"Ahh..." Shyrveen can only nod his head as he absorbs the knowledge of this place. He didn't know if the young man before him is telling the truth or not, but better to believe it first for it might still be a half-lie if not wholely true...

"That sums all of it. What about you?" Han Sen asks as he ate the golden black beetle meats.

"Dungeon... These are the realm of the Magic Beasts and are connected to Earth via Gates. When a dungeon isn't cleared within 7 days of appearing, a Dungeon Break occurs. When this happens, the Gate fully opens and the magic beasts that were normally confined to the inside can now leave the Gate, causing destruction and mayhem outside. As these Dungeons appears, people started awakening every kind of superpowers and soon was called Hunters. And they were graded based on their magic powers from E-Rank to S-Rank and the highest rank is the National Level Hunter."

"I see, and it seems that you're not bullshitting here... Wait! You said Earth!?" Han Sen for sure that this man is not from this world but only to be shocked by his deduction.


"Holy shit! The ancestry planet of human still exist!?"

"Eh? Yes? I'm living in one of the countries there. Wh-... You're in a different era!?"

"Yes, the planet Earth already perished and I'm living in one of the colonized planet called Roca Planet. That means... You crossed over the space and time, or better for the words... You traveled through your Universe to this Universe... Holy shit!... Brother, I don't know if you're shitting me but, noticing how fool you are coming in this place with that outfit, I'll believe you for now."

"But the real question here... How am I supposed to get back to my world?..." Shyrveen was confused for he doesn't know what he will do if all of these things are true... Even though there are some novels in the era of dungeons and gates. This is his first time experiencing being transported to another world...

"Better eat more, brother. I'll help you out. There might be some dangers on the way where you will try to teleport back to your world or worst... On the Roca Planet." Han Sen said cheerfully at this young man who seems so lost and alone to a new world.

Shyrveen taps his cheeks and replies. "Alright. Thank you brother."

"Don't mention it."

After two hours of making Shyrveen eat, being taught the common sense of this place and guided how to know his status. They were on the way back to Steel Armor Castle bringing back the shells of the Black Beetle.

"I'm sorry for being a weak, brother. And I can only help you with this."

"No, don't be. This is already a blessing for me that someone helped and taught me everything." Shyrveen said as he taps Han Sen's shoulder while feeling the mocking stares and laughs of everyone around the shelter, and he asked him why is that.

"It's my fault for being nervous three months ago. For being a first-timer entering the shelter, the moment I stepped outside of this shelter, I saw a giant white wolf unicorn standing with its back towards me around the corner of the rampart. And without hesitation, I grabbed my dagger and fiercely stabbed the unicorn in the ass, that is the strongest woman in this shelter that has a Shapeshifting ability. I'm already grateful that Qin Xuan did not kill me in anger." Han Sen story tells the history while smiling bitterly.

The two of them reached the teleportation and taps Shyrveen on his shoulder and said. "If you found yourself in a different and not familiar location while having the same description of the surroundings as I described. Better try to call the number I gave you, it's mine. If it's connected, it only means that you're on planet Roca. Since you already have the currency in exchange for the shells of Black Beetle, you can afford to eat once outside and call me using the public phones there."

Shyrveen was nervous and nodded at Han Sen and steps in the teleportation. "See you soon, Brother Sen."

"Good luck and if not, see you soon too, Brother Shyr." Han Sen joked.

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